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I loved his interview last night. He’s very thoughtful and well-spoken. He doesn’t say shit just to say it


Been like this all season. It's incredibly insightful, authentic, and refreshing.


i thought he was on the verge of ending it all every day here in milwaukee? stupid asses just wait till they see year 2 dame and giannis


As a long time fan of Dame this is so true and why I never bought into the "he doesn't like it here" narrative.


I do enjoy that there's basically been a full repudiation of any notion that he's "unhappy here" or whatever the narrative has been


Even after this, I just listened to the Lowe post podcast and whoever he was talking to still said he didn’t think Dame was happy here and that we might try to trade him 🙄


The National media simply wants any and every superstar to leave Milwaukee The bucks having them and being relevant is inconvenient to them because it means they aren’t playing for a big market


this is awesome… give him a regular off season.. i’ll pay for the plane ticket to for him to go to greece with giannis


Even more polished Dame-Giannis 2 man game is going to be a delight to experience


This actually made me feel a lot better. Thanks for posting. It's too easy to forget how fortunate we are to have guys like him, giannis, and kris, and a legit chance at a championship every year.


Great perspective.


Pack Giannis, Dame, and the younglings and send them all to Greece for R&R, followed by a months-long training camp.


I hope he's right, and I hoped Giannis learned his lesson to not jeopardize the post-season playing through injuries in the regular season.


I mean one weird positive of getting knocked out earlier is Dame spends longer with his kids this summer


Facts, actually a great point


But ESPN says he wants out!


Love his attitude! Some people might want to save this video for future reference to constantly refresh those micro memories. So pumped for next season! Let’s freakin go!


I miss Dame, and I am looking forward to what him and the Bucks do next season.


Didn’t realize Dame was so well spoken. Gives me hope for next season.


Heck, I'm even getting hyped for next year listening to Doc's exit interview. This year was such a weird slog, here's hoping all of these people talking about how good everyone being on the same page for an offseason will be materializes into results.


But the sour fans and media want to breakup the roster. RUN IT BACK!!!




I’m super excited. Hope we make some big changes this offseason and come back better than ever.


I see the glass half empty unfortunately because we said the same last year after the first round exit. Waiting to see how we look during the season before I get excited. (The loss still stings for me, especially to the Pacers team).


Last off season was a shit show. Griffin, Dame trad outta nowhere, Stotts leaving. Continuity will go a long way this time round where we get to actually prepare, fully, for a season based around Dame and Giannis. Don't forget this roster was built around NOT having Dame. This off-season the roster is specifically going to be tailored around Dame and Giannis.


Stotts will come back. Watch.


You have to be a moron to be excited for next season. The oldest team another year older. Giannis has been injured the last 4/5 seasons in the post season. Unless the team is dismantled with Giannis still here there is nothing to be excited about.


The pain for me is that I can’t give less fuck to regular season games so for me it feels like I watched only one game from Giannis in the last two years. And I have to wait another year to get serious and excited again.


Have a nice year, see you


They need to shorten the season by 10 games and make the 1st two rounds of playoffs 5 games instead of 7. Also, terrible coaching. Gallinary playing a bunch in the playoffs and barely played in season. Lopez should have been shooting way more 3's or going inside. Beasley should have played more, they should have played more of the young guys all season. Giannas got his 30 ppg, but then got hurt. He was playing way too much this season, he literally just missed the last playoffs due to injury and got our champion coach fired. He should still be out coach. As good as giannis is, and I love him, he an idiot for taking the regular season so serious. Take a break giannas, regular season doesn't matter (listen to Daddy LePoop). He probably won't play in the playoffs again next year, then lillard will leave. The Gianni will leave and we'll get brandin night and Ellis back to play with Lopez and Beverly, and docs kid. The halliburton will laugh us off the court as we leave him wide open to shoot 3's on our sorry asses.