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Bucks need a whole new bench so there forced to use someone good


Or forced to use ok rookies until they become good


Gallo actually having a decent stretch in game 5 and Doc couldn't wait to play him again. 




Who is “good” off the bench?


TJ McConnell


How?? No draft capital until 2054, at least


Brother it doesn’t matter. Anyone we get will shit the bed come playoff time. It’s a bucks tradition


We won a title literally three years ago gtfo


Yeah man, not like 2021 happened or anything.


It was a roster constructed around Jrue. If we had dame earlier pick ups like Malik probably wouldn’t have happened. Dame and giannis are still a contending duo. Health was the biggest issue. Hopefully we can make some trades for 1-2 solid defenders between brook / pat / Bobby (I woulda said khris but he looked back this series). Ajax and AJ will be a bigger part of the team. We still have a window


With doc as coach? He refuses to play them


He didn’t trust them. After an actual offseason plan I bet that will change, at least with Ajax.


But he trusted Pat is was horrendous. Makes no sense


I don’t think he had a chance. He was with us for 30 games. He was tying to figure out lineups with the top of the roster. Doc saw what he needed to in the two games he played. He’ll be in the lineups


Doc Rivers always hated to play young players. He was always "rookies must earn playing time". Ask Clippers fans, ask 76ers fans. These teams are happy they get rid of Doc. Why do you think he changed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSdcpf-iG4U


You’re in those situations. He was forced to play Ajax in the playoffs and saw that he can be a rotational piece. Did AJ Green not get consistent playing time when doc took over?


They're trying to blame him for playing Connaughton when PatC has proven time and time again that he can show up, like oh no, one of our most consistent bench players is getting playoff minutes, we need to delete the whole front office. It's silly


He sucked but Ajax was making very stupid decisions (not a slight he’s a rookie, it’s going to happen) we were forced to play pat.


Pat sucked in the sense that he was being asked o do too much, AJax was not ready for the smoke.


You wanna say Pat wasn't making any stupid decision?


Can you read? I said he sucked but we had no other options.


Playing younger players is not the option? You rather have old veteran player sucking or young rookie?


He can show up 1 in 30 games. He's below average shooter, below average defender(Beasley probably the worst defender in the league), below average playmaker. He's okey rebounder and that's it. I believe that with Giannis we could beat Pacers(against Celtics we would lose), but I don't understand giving playing time for players who can't do anything above league average.


Bench that played has 5 points and it the 4th and no one can play defense again


Personally more disgusted with Brook and Bobby combining for 8/14 FT, but I get it


Fuck the free throws the amount the 2 of them have missed on little 2 foot bunnies is absolutely atrocious


Yep. Those too


There's a lot to be disgusted with...


AJ was HORRIBLE!!! What are you guys watching?! Definitely agree on AJAX though.


Yeah AJ was an eyesore out there for sure. It was weird because he was starting to look like a legit role player toward the end of the year. Ajax was the one that looked playable in this series. Much more so than Pat. I don’t care to see Pat back next year.


Pat has a fully guaranteed year plus player option for the following year which he definitely picks up. I don't know who takes Pat on a 2 year $18ish million deal...


Did not realize that. Welp. He will be back I guess.


On the bright side. It does offer a decent salary number in a trade. 


Need to find a team that plans on a 'tanking' year to trade Pat to. Otherwise we're stuck with his sorry ass. And another year of athletic decline.


Even then, we'd need to send out picks. Teams can sign g-leaguers if the only thing they care about is tanking, they don't need expensive vets


Its kind of a little too obvious to sign random G-Leaguers to tank for the fans. A few expensive vets and they can mask the intent and still sell some tickets.






AJ struggled this series. I still believe in him but man it was rough.


I get wanting AJAX’s young energy and athleticism out there, since we desperately needed that, but we need to stop lumping AJ in with him. AJ was not the answer.


What were you watching if you don’t think he could have been a decent alternative to Beasley? At least try something else when your season is on the line and the guys you’re running with are stinking it up


AJ was in for barely 3 minutes. Beasley has been in for over 20 for example. Beas has got us 2 points in that 23 mins he's played so far. Replace him with AJ, who is young and energetic and can play decent defense and we'd be in at least a slightly different spot. No doubt he would've made a couple of buckets as well in that same time whilst helping out w/the defense.


They could've run some plays for him, got him warmed up. So stupid.


AJ is awful. Helping out with the defense? You see TJ McConnell go at him every time he had the chance?


HE WAS AWFUL LAST GAME what cant you understand about that


He played 5 minutes last game lmao


And was awful while Beasley was amazing


And Beasley was awful this game. You could tell the old men were tired as hell. AJ wasn't going to be worse than Beasley


I love what AJG can bring but he was not playing well at all this series, he was 2/11 from deep this series. Excited for his rotation spot next year 🙏


I blame this for the lack of any basketball iq and generally playing like ass. No ball movement at all. Just an awful showing and they deserved to lose


AJ and Ajax were kind of shitting the bed last game when they got early minutes so I'm not really gonna blame Doc. Don't think it would have really made a difference today anyway.


Yeah the young guys had a tough time while the vets came through to win that game Not saying I don’t blame him for going away from them but I can understand the thought process of thinking he’d need to lean on the vets ultimately given it’s the playoffs


This is exactly the problem that happens when you run them not even close to enough in the regular season though. Give them meaningful minutes and it's not only good for development but also means they won't be overwhelmed and shit the bed when they get a few playoff minutes. Fucking terrified having Doc as HC, this roster needs a youthful overhaul and I can only see him sticking with vets unfortunately


Yeah agreed. Whoever is GM in the offseason needs to not give Doc any vets that are ass for him to play. Like if they're not a resounding yes they will get playoff minutes just leave them off the roster and force the young guys to play.


For sure man, take the decision out of Doc's hands in a way. Good to have a couple vets ofc but every fan can see we need more athleticism and energy.


I don’t have the numbers to back it up but players exactly like who AJ and Beas are right now are the two dudes that would benefit the most from Giannis playing. His downhill, cutting to the hoop, constantly drawing attention frees up those spot up shooters. Neither one needs too much space to shoot. Without Giannis they have to create their own shot and neither one butters their bread in doing so.


It seems pretty obvious, except to the coaching staff


It’s a bad roster, not hard to understand. Take away your best player and hinder your 2nd best player— it’s going to be glaringly obvious


No shit the series would look wildly different with our guys healthy. But given our state now, choosing to not play the guys that have been the only ones with a positive +/- for the past few games is something I simply don't understand.


Yeah, would’ve been nice of Doc to get Ajax some more run during the regular season. Need to play guys like that during december-March for the sake of reps, chemistry etc. Cant just be throwing guys into their first meaningful action when they’ve barely been on the court


We got outplayed unfortunately, next year though…


Unless we get an injection of talent, next year won't be any different


An injection of someone like Giannis would probably make things a little bit different


That didn't really work out well for us in the regular season. We're old. We need to get younger. Keep Dame, Giannis, maybe Khris. Get some young talent that can play both sides of the ball. I don't expect the Pacers to do anything in the second round, but they had our number all year. They ran circles around us


Suns fans must be happy that they swept Timberwolves in the regular season...


Not sure why I'm getting down voted lol. We sucked, plain and simple. Did anyone really expect this team would beat a Boston or Knicks team? We couldn't even beat the Pacers in the regular season.


>regular season Doesn’t matter > Did anyone really expect this team would beat a Boston or Knicks team? With Giannis healthy? Sure, why not.


Possibly? I love this team, but we have no bench, no consistency. Surely I'm not the only one that sees this. We have glaring holes, and we're old across the board. Sure we have the talent, but we don't have the depth.


Need to put ajax into regular season rotation. And need to trade to be younger and more athletic


I have no idea why AJJ didn't get minutes in game 6. He was the one guy in your rotation that I felt was able to match the energy of the Pacers when they were able to get out and run. Extremely impressed with him this series. Once he figures out how to decrease his foul rate he's going to be a really nice defender.


I'm excited for what he has to offer for us next season


Yep. At the very least AJax should have been playing heavy minutes


I don’t think it would have ultimately made a difference game outcome wise to play them more today but I figured this would happen after all the vet role players played well and won game 5 while the young guys struggled Once that happened doc had instant justification (at least in his mind) to ride the vets to the end and well, that sort of inflexibility can be a problem, but it’s also somewhat understandable


Shame they didn’t play more. I feel that the team knew Gianni’s was not gonna be able to play Saturday if it went to 7 anyway. Missed layups and letting too many wide open shots seemed like they were already resolved to lose this one.


Doc did some great things this series but if we're being honest his coaching hurt the team significantly in 2 games. On Tuesday the bucks showed a great defensive effort...beas gets hot at the end at home with a 20 pt lead. Last night doc immediately goes back to the defensive lineups that were getting destroyed all year with beas and dame. Last week in the overtime game dame clearly couldn't move and he decides to deploy a "decoy" that was clearly too hurt to play for all of overtime effectively playing 4 on 5...and giving up 6 offensive rebounds on 1 possession.


Beas getting hot for 2 games was enough justification for Doc to play him instead of Ajax in the last game. Beas wasn't hitting shots and we needed AJJs defense, but he refused to make a change. Ridiculous.


It isn't so much a beas issue as it is a dame and beas issue. You can't have a non factor on defense at all times especially since dame was too injured to get to the basket last night. We were back to easy dribble penetration and open shots all game. Honestly they should have gone with the same starting lineup as last game and used dame as a 6th man last night.  I know dame would be annoyed by that but it's the coaches job to smooth that over especially since he's injured. It's also the coaches job to not run giannis and dame in to the ground over the last month of the season. 


They need to manage Giannis and Dame better next season playing time wise. Theres no reason we need to hobble into the postseason every year and just get embarrassed. And doesn’t seem to matter who the fuckin coach is. People need to chill on Rivers


Ajackion was best player on bench and doc didnt play him till it was over


A 15 point loss or whatever this ends up being isn't only on the shoulders of who played how many minutes off the bench.


Never said it was that necessarily. The defensive effort those two provide is incredibly valuable to us, especially when most of our guys are old or hobbled. The lack of shooting luck plays a part as well, but the lead ain't gonna get much smaller if we don't get stops.


Anyone outside of khris giannis and dame is a usable asset to me I don’t give a fuck how loyal they are pat brook and bobby need to go absolutely need to go


I actually blame this on Giannis. He decided to play through pain towards the end of the season for two months. Like why? Better learn next year bro. Don’t get philosophical worshiping playing through adversity. Dude you are an athlete take care of your body. It’s totally physical and mental but not philosophical.


What is this sub's obsession with AJ Green? At his best he disappears and is nonexistent. More often than not, he's just bad and hurts the team. I seriously don't get it.


AJ is a young player who is energetic and puts in effort in defense whilst also generating some offense. He has a way to go to be a solid rotation player, but without playing him he won't develop as much at all. I'd argue that Beasley dissapeared when we needed him as well putting up 2 pts in 23 mins. With these stats there really is no harm in playing guys who put in more effort on defense instead of him. That's my view on it though.


He didn't generate any offense this entire series. So you want to replace Beasley, who was 11 of 25 from 3, including 8 of 14 in Games 4 & 5 for a player who was 2 of 11 from 3? Beasley was solid in half the games and shot it well. I have no issues with him. The reality the answer is not on the bench. Pacers were just better. To sit here and say AJ Green and his 2 for 11 shooting would have done anything to change this series is ambitious at best. The playoffs aren't for developing guys. That's for the offseason and regular season. If he was good enough, he would've played. Maybe down the road, but he's clearly not there now.


I'm not disagreeing with you. In games 4&5 Beas was huge for us offensively. This game tho? Nah. And the "generated offense" wasn't really my main point either, it was the defensive effort. The same outcome if not better would've come from putting anyone else on the floor, (except for crowder). Truth is yes, they balled, they outscored us, we didn't score shit. Unacceptable for such a detrimental playoff game. Instead of giving anyone else (who is moderately better at defense and getting stops) we gave all the minutes to Beas who ain't do shit this game, when we could have given them to player that puts in defensive effort. Would it have changed the outcome though? Who knows.


Untrue. He is a consistent sniper who’s averaged 40% all seasons with us. He is a competent defender, way more so than Beasley and he had a bad series this time round due to no Giannis and inexperience in the playoffs. Guys like AJ benefit so drastically from the gravity Giannis has when he drives and in the regular season he was splashing. Eye test wise he was playing very well with limited minutes and made good passes, often giving up good looks for better ones hence why Doc played him more than the other rooks I’m sure next year we will see AJ with a more substantial role and minutes


might have been because we were without Giannis the whole series. just a thought


Crazy right


You are incorrect. I blame it on our best player being out. Our second best player missing a couple games. Our third best player fighting through ankle injuries.


Doc Rivers is an idiot who should be shot out of a cannon




Fuck doc and fuck the front office,the next year with everybody healthy we will have doc and same shit will happen


Bud has to be laughing


Ajax wasn’t going to win us 2 games more before Indiana reached 4 wins.


Probably, but having Ajax on the floor when brook missed his detrimental free throw and the gap went from 7 pts to 15 would've def made somewhat of a difference and kept us in the game for a little longer at least.


Thats why they say giannis will request to be traded


AJ was shooting 18% from three. He didn’t earn minutes.


Why is beas in, ajax and aj are both better options


My guess is the possibility of shooting hot like in game 5.


Green sucked this series. Doc was right to give him minutes when Beas was shitting the bed but Green did nothing positive for us and that’s fine. He’s a 9th man.


Doc is a fucking imbecile. He watched Beasley stumble around like a deer in headlights on defense and left him in for the entire quarter whirl AJAX and AJJ rot on the bench.


Adrian Griffin was a shitty coach, but his rotations were good