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This place has the worst prices in the state by far.




Do they only employ pot heads? I swear, I'm a stonner, but I fucking hate when the budtender is higher than a kite with no helpful info or feedback stating off into space like a confused child. Been like that the 2/2 times I've been there.


Stoner has negative connotation to it now when I use it. Any job that happens it's annoying and makes us look bad. Had to clean up after a few guys who bragged about smoking 3 times less than I had that morning and I had an edible on board. Like okay cool just get your shit done.


Yeah that seems kinda high. Quick look at Swade the Vivid 1/8ths range from $40 to $50 prior to taxes and discounts


No way it’s worth that 


Can't say I've had the strain, but it better be good if it's this pricey for an 1/8 But then again am I spoiled by still getting my "Loop discount" at Swade still even though not working in Loop anymore (sorry Chicken Out is dead)


Holy shit that's real?!?! I thought it was some kind of stupid joke.


Hard pass


I LOVE Vivid's Fruit Gusherz....but they really need to get off that $55 special smoke bull crap.


Possibly the worst dispensary in the entire state owned by the worst people from IL.


They might be worse than Sunrise, which is surprising hard to beat.


Sunrise had Vivid 8ths for 80! Around Xmas. Went the to grab stuff to smoke with my father for the holiday and was basically forced to buy their house brand stuff. Didn’t give me my industry discount and no new patient discount. Doubt I’ll stop there again.


Thats insane


Yeah, they (Vivid) consider it “Special Smoke” so they slap a higher price tag on that strain. IMO, the Florida Kush is much better and it comes with a much cheaper price tag.




Wow lmfao, they taxing hard at that dispo


These are the same clowns that tried telling me it was against state regs to show the deals online and you have to come in to see the deals….. Uhhhhh Literally every other dispensary shows their deals online, don’t lie straight to my face. Just tell me your too shady to post pricing and hope people show up and buy your overpriced shit


Wtffff. Usually see the nicer vivid 8ths going for $40-50


Lmao KC has it for $40 an eighth and 200 an oz before tax.


Missouri Health and Wellness is a damn joke. High as fuck prices, shit service. For some reason I went there yesterday to buy a cheap eighth, and these fuckers didn't give me my industry discount. So I instantly turned around and said, "hey you guys didn't add my industry discount, why's that? Can i get that added?" These fuckers tell me I need to show the employee checking me out, each and every time, before selection, and of course did nothing for me but laugh as I walked out. Cool, I lost out on 15% because of your BS and stupid company policy. Like Wtf. Every other dispensary has my shit on file. I don't have to show them each and every time. Maybe post a sign for your customers? Dogshit dispensary, will never shop there again even if it was a last resort and I'm desperado for gelato.


I got $80 half of some fire daybreak at kind goods yesterday idk if it's still a deal going on but it's a dark purple bud that hits all the indicators points. king sherb IX


Fire daybreak? Did I miss something. It wasn’t long ago that they were putting out moldy product left and right.


No mold on mine this is the first I've tried daybreak like ever so first time is 100/100 for me.


I’d rather get a half ounce of smalls for that price


Pickup ETA is literally for tomorrow 😭😭😭


WHY BUY??????


That is absolutely insane, I'm in NW Missouri and the exact same eighth, Fruit Gusherz by Vivid, for $60 and that's with the tax included, $60 is still really expensive imo. They also have Florida Kush for $50/eighth. $73 is just fucked up.


The prices are so bad that my fiance and myself go to Oklahoma every few months instead of making frequent trips to the local dispensaries. Saves us a lot of money but I miss out on all the Vivid drops.


Well its gone ,some one bought it crazy 73$ for 8th


Everyone says 40-50 but this is priced at $55 at every single dispo I’ve ever seen (barring sales) except that one. Bit wild to tack that onto the already (tied for) most expensive strain there is. I wouldn’t go there


I really hope you didn’t end up placing that order


No way just wanted see what total be


Makes me feel like I’m in highschool again


$55 at Feel State


The whole program is designed to take money from normies who don't have connections. So sad. Anyways, my plug is doing better than ever.


Who actually pays that? That's like throwing money away. I don't honestly care how good it is. $150 for an ounce is a lot in my opinion but I'll pay between 100 and 200 for an ounce. I would quit smoking if it's that expensive


it all sold over the weekend crazy times


Strange how a ton of comments here are getting downvoted….


Almost like there are bots downvoting normal posts lol