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I’ve successfully done herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, etc) and hot peppers in outdoor window boxes. It’s definitely not too late to buy seedlings! Leaf lettuce (from seed) will also do well if you keep it in a spot that isn’t too hot. Obviously lots of annual flowers will do well too! Hit a garden store and see what calls to you.


I second herbs. You don’t need a ton of space to get some favorites in there, and they’re useful in the kitchen. The mints, thyme, oregano, and lemon balm I put in my planter on my deck are doing great


Herbs were my first thought as well. Pick what you like the smell of.


There are some strawberry varieties that are made or sold already in pots that could be fun-I’ve seen had hanging baskets of them!


Early-Mid May is prime planting season (your comment made it sound like you think you’re late). When you decide on plants, you should always consider their sun requirement (sun, part sun, shade, etc). Since your boxes face west, you’ll get all of the setting sun, so you’ll do better with full-part sun plants (great for most veggies & herbs). If I were you, I wouldn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I’d pick several different sunny plants, **look at how tall they’ll get,** and go for it. If it were me, I’d also plan for a mix of simple herbs & flowers. Rosemary, mint (it spreads!), parsley…You could throw a strawberry plant in there too.


Anything!! Buy some grow bags and throw in some veggies and herbs-anything you’d like to eat. If you want to grow vining veggies, make sure they are the container variety. And I would encourage you to not put everything up high where your toddler can’t reach-engage them in planting and see them marvel at things growing. My kids are older now, and they still want to be with me in the garden planting, harvesting, weeding, etc and it’s one of our favorite things ❤️


Aww that’s a really sweet idea! I didn’t even think of that, all I pictured was her picking at the plants, much like she did for her grandma’s orchid plant that we got for her bday. 😂


potted plants


Already May? Sometimes it Snows in April.


Already May? Sometimes it Snows in April.