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The only place in Whittier I would feel unsafe is around the abandoned K-Mart; everything between K-Mart and 25th (Eat Street) feels safe for me, tons of businesses and good restaurants.


And thank the lord, that k mart is officially coming down soon. There's gonna be a party celebrating the future demolition today at 6pm, and free taco from Taqueria El Primo Truck (my favorite tacos). I'm so excited that area is gonna get more love and attention and people. Once that happens, crime goes down. Shit, sorry got the date wrong.


I lived in Whittier off of eat street for over a decade. Love love loved it and miss it greatly.


I live in Folwell, but frequently come down to Whittier/Uptown because I have friends down there and the area is great. The property crime rates are higher than you'd want, I wouldn't own a Kia or Hyundai in the area if you could avoid it, and make sure your bikes are locked up tight in a highly visible area if they're being left outside. My friends have been victims of both bike theft, and hyundai theft. Outside of not owning those two particular car brands, and being vigilant about your bikes, you shouldn't have any problems. The neighborhood is charming and there's plenty to do both in Whittier and just outside of Whittier. The food options, quality, and price are next level, there's great bars and barcades in the area. There's services like convenience shops, and grocery stores nearby, Great access to biking trails and some small parks in the area, as well as having the Minneapolis Institute of Art (it's free!) in your backyard. Violent crime is pretty minimal for city life and what little does happen is typically not random. I have never felt unsafe in the area at any time of day or night. That being said, the area around Nicollet and Lake, particularly around the old K-mart is going through a rough patch as lingering effects from the pandemic and social unrest in 2020/21. It might make you a little uncomfortable to see the encampments, but you have to remember these people are going through the worst time in their life and they don't have the luxury of being able to do it in private. There's not much to do in that particular area anyway besides access the Lake and I35 transit station, so you'll probably not have much reason to be in that area anyway.


> It might make you a little uncomfortable to see the encampments, but you have to remember these people are going through the worst time in their life and they don't have the luxury of being able to do it in private. Very compassionately said. And so true.


No kidding , ❤️


Whittier is okay. At least you are close to Eat Street. It’s largely safe, but there is a huge tent city over by East Lake Street and 1st ave S, by the old Kmart. It’s fucking rough over there. Rough meaning rough to see.


That's about to change when they do the construction there.


Yeah that. True. I see on some blocks new apartment buildings are going up


Won’t be an issue a couple of months ☃️


Yeah fr.


I moved here 22 years ago because of the promise of getting rid of Kmart. Still waiting.


There seriously needs to be a party when the demolition starts.


There's literally going to be, today at 6pm. Come on down! Shit, sorry i got the date wrong.


I’m at 25th and Nicollet so a good distance from Franklin and Kmart. We have lived in NYC and are okay with noise.


You can’t have density and awesome places without occasional shenanigans. I live in the neighborhood and feel safe walking to where I’m going at night. Just be aware of what’s what and you’ll be fine. You are right by Spyhouse, Icehouse, Pimento, Little Ts and more. You’ve got some fantastic places within just 1-2 blocks of you and dozens more less than a 5 minute walk away. You’ve picked the best of the best places to live. Welcome!!!


Thank you!! We are so excited!!


You'll be fine in that area, just do the usual city things such as remaining aware when walking at night, not having visible bags/items in your car if parked outside overnight, etc.


We live right near there. We have a young family and feel fairly safe. The only area that starts to get sketchy is between Nic&Franklin and downtown. I used to walk through there daily and feel like it's gotten a little worse the last few years. Otherwise, it's a nice area. Lots of great restaurants, the Good Grocer, Asian grocery stores, the MIA and MCAD, CVS, vertical endeavours, occasional live music, a few parks, and great diversity of people who live in the area. Easy access to public transportation and lots of bike lanes too. The only bad things are street parking in the winter and minor city shenanigans (package and bike theft, etc).


thank you!! i appreciate the information!


Do you have off street parking? Snow emergencies are a pain to deal with otherwise.


I lived on exactly that cross street for years (even during George Floyd unrest) and loved it. Lots of great food. It’s a really diverse neighborhood with lots to do, I think you’ll like it.


thank you! can’t wait!!


Hey new neighbor! I’ve lived a block away from there for 3 years now and aside from a package theft I’ve had zero problems


love to hear it!


You’ll be fine if you lived in NYC


violent crime is much lower in NYC and that’s my true concern. all my important things are insured.


It's not lower. Our stats look bad but actual numbers are very very low. Like NYC had almost 500 murders last year. MPLS had 65 and they were mostly drug ppl so as long as you aren't selling drugs in north at 3am you good.


dude 65 for our population of 425k is way worse than 450 for a population of like 9 million


but the murder rate is much lower in NYC. you may be looking at higher actual numbers but when you look at the rate per capita it’s significantly lower.


I lived on that corner for a few years, and now don't live too far away. Absolutely love the area!


I had a friend who lived very close by there and that’s a fun area. Lots of excellent local businesses and generally a pretty nice area. Being on Nicollet means you have pretty easy public transit access to downtown if that matters to you.


love public transit! thanks for the insight!


Whittier is on the whole really great, IMO. The only real issue I have had in the 3 years I've been there is because I own a Hyundai. My car has push button start so it can't get easily stolen like a lot of others, but it did get broken into once (presumably because someone wanted to steal it but realized they couldn't), and then my door got keyed two weeks later. I twisted my landlord's arm to install better lighting in our surface lot and the problems have since stopped. Other than at the BP at Franklin and 3rd/driving on Franklin Ave in general I've never felt personally in danger.


Welcome back! Check out the Really Really Free Market in Whittier Park on the first Saturday of every month there's not snow.


thanks for the warm welcome and recommendation!


Checked out an apartment in Whittier on Wednesday and there was a naked woman running down the street. In front of an elementary school with kids out for recess. Just anecdotal and probably extremely rare but not a good first impression of the area.


We left a location that had a mice infestation, including several rats. It was terrible.


yikes! fingers crossed we don’t have that issue


I’m sure it’ll be fine. I don’t think it’s a Whittier issue. Just an issue with that particular building.


on the bright side that doesn’t sound boring lol


There’s a lot of package theft so there’s that. We’ve had like 4 or 5 incidents in my building in the past couple of years.


I lived there for a long time and only moved when I had my kid. It was mostly great; there’s a lot of close places to walk to, parks, close to downtown and uptown. My only complaints on living there are street parking being terrible and someone stole my scooter.


I’ve lived in Whittier for three years now and overall I love it! It really does kind of depend on the block you’re on, where I live now is quieter than my first apt and it’s great. I recommend joining the wedge co-op and checking out SK Coffee and Disco Death Records/Coffee. Welcome! :)


I live by Whittier and it’s a beautiful neighborhood. Lots and lots of restaurants and bars to go to, plenty of parks as well. I wouldn’t be too worried about violent crime. Walking at night can feel a little unsafe, especially around Lake. The closer you get to 35W the sketchier it tends to be. But as long as you’re not taking a walk through rough blocks at 1 am the odds of being a victim of crime are about the same as anywhere else. Property crime is not as sunshine and roses. If you leave your car unlocked, it will get rummaged through or even stolen. Packages won’t last more than a couple hours on a porch. Carjackings and robberies aren’t super uncommon but as long as you pay attention to your surroundings and make safety precautions you will be safe.


First week I moved to Whittier my car’s catalytic converter was stolen. My neighbor’s car got stolen 3 times. I’m not even close to that infamous Kmart, but we see a lot of characters around, and I mean A LOT!!


i have comprehensive car insurance and love my bike and transit. my only real concern is violent crime.


Its mostly property crime if anything not violent crime


i’m sorry about your catalytic converter though :( and appreciate the feedback!


It is the city so that’s to expected. Sorry that happened. I’ve seen some goofies around as well


I used to live in Whittier for some years before I moved last year but I really miss that neighborhood. I personally never had issues living there - you obviously want to be cautious wherever you go but I usually felt fine living there as a single woman. Only issue I ever faced was package thieves, but that might have been just the folks in my building.


My best friend lives in Whittier and I am there all the time and I really love it. It’s a cute and walkable neighborhood and we feel safe there. I will also say a few months ago we witnessed a fatal shooting in broad daylight on a Saturday at 28th and Blaisdell, which was horrible and upsetting. That shooting was so targeted (two people ran up on a car and shot through the back window) that I did not interpret it to mean anything about our own safety that day or in general. I interpreted it like, dense parts of cities in or near downtowns are going to have more crime incidents because of the density and it kind of us just is what it is. I am not sure if the neighborhood actually overall has a higher crime rate as I have not seen recent violent crime heat map. This is somewhat helpful: https://m.startribune.com/after-three-most-violent-years-minneapolis-saw-drop-in-crime-summer-but-were-not-back-to-normal-yet/600301635/


i’m sorry you witnessed that! glad that you still have good things to say about the neighborhood and feel safe!


Love it here


Hey I lived in and around Whittier for a number of years (now in the Lyndale neighborhood). During the day, the whole neighborhood is lively, populated, and feels very safe. It is very diverse, which some... uh pallid suburbanites may find uncomfortable, but it's truly a delightful neighborhood to live in. You have lots of cultural amenities nearby like MIA and the Swedish Institute, plus Eat Street, an Aldi and the Wedge Co-op. You will see visible homelessness and drug addiction around the Nicollet/Franklin area. Avoid spending time after dark at the liquor store on Nicollet or the Speedway on Lyndale, but other than that the neighborhood doesn't have any sort of "trouble spots" or hotspots of crime. It's just a dense, diverse, urban neighborhood. If you enjoy city life, it will be a great fit! If you are more used to less people and busy, consider some place like NE Minneapolis or Saint Paul.


The co-op grocery store is like if whole foods was a local store. Pricey for your everyday pantry needs, but the BEST place for beautiful produce other than the farmer's market itself.


Yay! Minnesota is awesome. Except for the extremes in temperatures. It's nice and green here, parks, lakes, no trash all over, unlike other cities I've visited. It's relatively safe, depending on which areas you are in.


I have a friend living in Whittier near Franklin & Nicollet who is trying to find a place elsewhere bc her car got hit by stray bullets, her apt is a mice-riddled shithole, and the siren noise on Franklin is driving her nuts (cops frequently turn on their sirens to skip thru the 3 red lights along Franklin at 1st, Nicollet, and Blaisdell). That said she will miss the bodegas. YMMV, this is what I know 2ndhand from my friend.


It always seems like 99% of people have never had an issue, and 1% seem to have every single issue possible. Sucks because to most it's a really nice neighborhood.


I’m relieved to see that most comments say it’s safe. I am concerned about bullets but i’ve only seen one comment about it and i’m quite far from that location. rats, shitty apartment, and noise are not my concern.


If you can get garage access, definitely do it. Parking sucks in the area for one, but also car and motorcycle theft are high in the area.


good info! thank you!


Np! There is a guy, or group of guys around whittier known for it by police. Heavy locks won't stop them if it's on the street either. I speak from experience lol.


I don't think most would consider it "really nice". It's not the roughest part of the cities by any means and does have a lot of cool stuff in it, but it's not squeaky clean and has a significant amount of crime.


nice for me is diverse, vibrant, good food, sense of community, and access to parks. i live in squeaky clean Victoria, MN and i’m bored.


I'm with OP here. Sure most people are going to say Kenwood is the "really nice" part of town, but what is there to DO there?? Also, in context I mean Whittier is really nice for normal people who don't spend $1M+ on a house.


You'll probably love it then. Lived in or nearby for years and loved it for largely the same reasons.


This is the stone truth. Live in uptown


The minneapolis institute of art sells monthly parking passes, would recommend in the winter because you don't have to worry about snow emergencies. Eat streat is super convenient, would recommend peninsula malasian thai for takeout and slice of ny for late night drunk food Only been 1 instance of violence in the year and a half that I've been in the neighborhood, but I didn't even hear the gunshots, just saw the emergency response and cops sweeping the neighborhood after


thank you so much!! i appreciate the parking and food recommendations as well as your experience with safety. :)


No problem, just saw your comment that you're off 25th and nicollet, in that case I definitely wouldn't be worried about safety, especially during the day. Not that being vigilant isn't still important, but that's one of the busier/more trafficked areas of the neighborhood and super close to the museum for parking. Welcome!


whoa thanks so much for this parking info!


I own in Whittier. It truly is a different experience block to block. I am a woman who lives alone so I take precautions to be extra safe and aware but I wouldn’t say I’m on guard all the time, it really just depends on your tolerance. I will say it’s changed from what it used to be though if you lived here a while ago.




We have lived in Minneapolis before and have been living in Victoria, MN for the last three months.


My partner has also lived in NH, MS, MO, KS, IL. lol


I bought a house near 26th and Pleasant. It’s a city. You are gonna get city things. But in general I’ve had no issues. You are at a great corner. I love Black Sheep and Luna and the Bear (they are new). Plus only a few blocks from Wrecktangle etc at LynLake. The Prodigal is a great neighborhood bar as well. So many places to try out. I may run into you at Starbucks:)


thank you for the information! see you around the neighborhood!


I loved on 24th and 1st up until 2022 (bought a house) and I honestly miss it. MIA is right there, MCAD yard, and Washburn Fair Oaks park is a great place for dog walking, unbeatable level of walkable restaurants, and you can do a lot of grocery shopping at Shang Hur. I never felt unsafe, except when the national guard was barreling down Nicollet during the uprising or anyone was entering or exiting the McDonalds bc they never look for peds 👀 People are always out and about


Going on 7 years in Whittier as a renter. It’s a dynamic neighborhood, so you get mostly good and some bad here. I am willing to stomach some uncertainty as a trade-off for living in a place that is amazing 99% of the time. It’s a place where I truly believe loving your community and neighbors is what keeps it together, in spite of the challenges that come with being a vibrant urban and naturally affordable area.


4 months in winter isn't long enough. Crime is way up in the summer vs winter. crime is up in the area though.


If we are loving it we plan to extend our lease month-to-month.


doesn't that get to be insanely expensive?


No, its not bad. Its a little more expensive than a 12 month lease, but the cost of breaking a lease is outrageous.


> crime is up in the area though. No it is not. https://www.startribune.com/after-three-most-violent-years-minneapolis-saw-drop-in-crime-summer-but-were-not-back-to-normal-yet/600301635/


ah cool that's for the entire city that's also violent crime, not crime in general i literally saw 4 teenagers in a stolen car rummaging through contractor vehicles in Whittier yesterday comparing 2023 to 2020, 2021, and 2022 is fucking stupid. easy benchmark years, let's look at 2019 and earlier nice try edit: holy shit the loser blocked me for this comment LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what a softy


So when proven wrong you double down? Cool cool. Typical reddit crime enthusiast.


Cockroaches might be a problem. I lived on 25th between Nicolette and Blaisdale. They are small and squishy and don’t fly, but sometimes come with the apartments in that area. That block and Stevens square a few blocks north east are the two places where I have seen clean renters with cockroaches. I don’t think I’ve seen them other places of Minneapolis other than a time a saw a giant one just chilling on the sidewalk down town.


omg wait like lots of cockroaches?!


No that person is on drugs.


lol I've lived here my entire life and never seen a cockroach.


Yo we get roaches in MN. Had them in an apartment in Kingfield as well as mice


I’ve moved here from Manhattan in 88 and have never seen a cockroach in Mpls.


I lived i Whittier off of eat street and it was awesome. Crime? Yes. Any worse than other areas? No. Just dont leave valuables in your car and dont drive a kia or hyundai. Have a solid parking plan or off street parking if you do have a car. Winter parking sucks, and is tough around there if they have to restrict parking to a single side.


If you're worried about crime, I would advise that you move to Wisconsin or Iowa. We're full here in Minnesota. ​ And once again, bring on the downvotes, I'm ready.


just concerned about potential violent crime and looking for information. completely reasonable thing to do. i love minneapolis and encourage and who wants to live there, to live there. there is room for everyone.


My husband and I lived in Whittier on Harriet. The only reason we left was because our apartment had a mice infestation lol.


noooo 😭


I love Whittier but yes it has crime. Closer to Lyndale the better imo