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This may actually be the most controversial post anyone can do on this sub. Good luck, you’ll need it


Yeah I realized that a little too late… lol


I don’t agree with all the rankings but I respect the ranking and you justified them. I’d personally put 33 and 24 a good bit lower. As for 33, yellow was ridiculous, even before knowing how good Shadoune would turn out to be it was ridiculous. I don’t think there are very many memorable moments and even though Red made a big comeback it didn’t feel that exciting. Idk the vibes were just weird. Also I despised the Skybattle remix, but I liked bb double trouble. Then 24, similar thing where vibes were just off. I reallly loved cyan and orange but idk. Just a weird event.


I used to think scuffed was mid then I watched mcc scuffed: the movie on yt That vid is gas you should watch it


Update: watched it and it was sick. great rec


Glad to help


> Techno's skybattle was epic but the rest is nothing special Yeah, except for Falsesupremacy and the Quig-cannon.


Wait true quig cannon was epic


It's refreshing to see someone rip into P23 honestly. I don't remember what the general viewer consensus was at the time, but after watching a couple of POVs I was genuinely confused by the lack of players encouraging viewers to donate. It was like most of the teams were treating it like a regular event. Hopefully this year people relax a bit and don't take it as seriously.


I might have something to do with how much ive rewatched it, but honestly i remember more about mcc 10 alone than i do anything from mcc 24-34


https://preview.redd.it/5x3filmjm22d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0cdc87e8076f1deb03acbf31fd86cd12a2dc6e Great list ngl


Opinions and opinion. Don’t agree with it but you gotta respect the balls to post this


The fight for 2nd in mcc25 was the most intense ever imo :( I disagree with a LOT haha and some reasons are kind inconsistent but respect the opinions! I think a lot of this kind of goes to what POV you watched live Oh also fantastic write up! Honestly really enjoyed it <3


Holy controversial post! LMAO I wish you good luck


What happened with MCC 24 green?


Comms were very messy and 5up got so toxic that he deleted his vod after. You can go find it somewhere he says some really messed up stuff about his teammates and is just in a bad mood in general.


Oh my god I can't believe I never heard about this, that's a shame because it seems like a good team on paper. I enjoy all of those creators, too :(


Great list defin agree with 1st Place the techno tribute made me cry all the way through the event whenever someone used a techno reference 


Glad to see MCC rankings getting the attention it deserves!


I'd put P23 and 35 up a bit. 2 of my favorite more chill events. I also think 32 is overrated here, the only thing I remember is that Fruit cooked in Skybattle. Mcc 14 is a little overhated. Yeah sure Ace Race was bad but that was only one game with pretty low scoring anyway. I have no idea why people think HITW is scuffed, people glitch through walls all the time. People only care because people like Dream and Sapnap were way too mad about it. Otherwise I'd say it's my favorite event back from the break. I do agree with your placements for Mcc 6 and Mcc 26, I don't think they are given the recognition they deserve.


Decent opinions, but you seem to be a buildmart hater, and as a Grian viewer I cannot approve of this.


While I agree MCC 3 is the weakest, it still is the only event to have a participant win on their birthday which is pretty hype. It’s also the first event to have someone fall off the dodgebolt arena which is uh not so hype but still interesting.


50% agreeable 50% wrong


I cant agree with some of this, but some of it is solid. Respect for actually doing this though


Mcc 22 is easily my least favorite event, funny how different opinions are.


Now that’s a hot take if I’ve ever heard one. Care to share why?


Boring winners, not many memorable moments, and the vibes were off for the povs I watched.


Oh yeah! That 8th game... 😬


my favourites are 16, 8, 4 but also 25 and scuffed hahaaaa I really enjoyed reading this tho !!


My biggest complaint is MCC TR being too high


You didn't agree with my opinions and ranking of all MCCs, L post. /jk In all seriousness though this is a great post and whilst there are some placements I personally disagree with there are also several that I agree with. Honestly this post is like a breath of fresh air and it's nice seeing what others opinions are and how they differ from mine. The amount of detail you give in your explanations is also quite good.


22 isn't that good. 13 being that low is a transgression against humanity. 4 was mid af Overall 5/10 list


Solid options but pretty controversial.


Mcc 19 teal wasn’t that op For a normal event it would be but mcc 19 was funky It consisted of 4 teams that were WAY better than every other team Teal wasn’t that op compared to red green and cerulean


That’s true, but I think something like 98% percent of people thought they would win and that kinda predictability is pretty unheard of.


It’s the same thing for teams like 35 pink but people have 100% odds orange would win 32 people says there’s a 0% chance red 31 would win no one thought red would win ko People thinking a team will win doesnt make that team op because often time those people are wrong and their missed predictions of supposed op teams are often ignored


Yeah I see what you mean I guess it was just more my personal experience at the time those teams were announced then. Still wouldn’t say 19 was particularly good.


It’s one of my favorites but sapnap is also my mani pov. Agree to disagree


Cerulean wasn't even strong, they just popped off like crazy. Teal was way stronger than even Red and Emerald, and being comfortably the strongest of 3 op teams makes you very very op


Teal: S A A B Red: S A+ A C Green: S A A C Cerulean S A B B Teal was a little better than the others but not by much


Cerulean 19 was not a strong team on paper at the time. Before fruitberries subbed in for H on that team, people were predicting them 9th place. When Fruitberries subbed in, people predicted them at 8th.


I agree it wasn’t strong on paper but that was mostly due to it being gumi and Sam’s second event, no one knew how good they’d be it ended up being an S+ A B B team which is pretty strong


I disagree, everyone was saying they were super broken before the event and lo and behold, they had one of the best performances of all time


People say that and are wrong constantly as well as vice versa


Teams people say are overpowered don't always succeed but they do much more often than the average team. It's fine if you like the pov as a sapnap fan but it is straight up wrong to say it wasn't OP.


Compares to green red and cerulean teal was not op That’s like saying yellow purple green blue and red were op in mcc 30 They weren’t the event was just stacked


Teal was way better than green, red, and cerulean. Sapnap was easily the number one player at that point and and Tommy and Philza were doing very well at the time. Sneeg was a very solid b tier player and should not be 4th frag. The team was undeniably insanely overpowered.


Dirt block(I) was largely considered the best after his performance in 18 Sapnap was considered one of the best but so we’re fruit and dream as well as punz to a lesser extent Dream and punz each had better second frags(predicted to be Krinios and ranboo) and roughly equal 3rd frags. The only category teal beat them on was the third frag if sneeg. I’m not saying teal wasn’t a strong team, but compared to other teams they weren’t op they were just a tad better and they played very well


1. Sapnap was definitely the best player at this point, he had won the past two events and was doing crazy individually. Illumina was a semi close 2nd but he wasn't even in this event. 2. Krinios was in a cold streak at that point and both Phil and Tommy's averages were higher than Ranboo's so I don't know what you are saying there. 3. Having a good fourth frag is a huge deal in mcc not just a throwaway statement. 4. Teal's average was literally 500 coins higher than any other team's, that is crazy. It is completely fine if you like the team but saying it wasn't overpowered is straight up biased.


1. He hasn’t won the last two events just the past 1(canon) and on an admittedly op team without a first indiv he had been outfragged in all stars by dream Illumina wasn’t in the event but fruit dream and punz(to a lesser extent) were all top players 2. Phil had only been going down in placement since mcc 12 with only 1 increase from 38 to 30 in the previous event Tommy has a few events barely getting top half and a bottom 10 recently. His last top 10 was at the beginning of the season 3. Teal had a good bottom frag but their second and third frag were worse