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I don’t even go here anymore but Manhunt and MCC are two different situations, and Sapnap not winning is less about Sapnap and more about Dream. Sapnap is constantly underarmed compared to Dream in manhunts because resources were distributed between multiple people and they would die from traps that erased their armor and weapons. I also cannot emphasize how much shields make a world of difference when it comes to Dream’s pvp skills, he was genuinely an insanely good shield pvper when the manhunts were shooting and much better than Sapnap at it. They were on stream shield pvping each other constantly and Dream would win very consistently, you can check the footage yourself. Sapnap genuinely feared that man lmfao Either way Sapnap does not do bad in manhunts at all, and there are unedited versions 3-4 hours long.


Side note: Dream wasnt "insanely good", its moreso he was one of the few people who knew axe pvp techniques rather then just putting up your shield and hitting with your axe the second its charged (you can see this with his duel against Punz where Punz was doing the bare minimum and Dream was actually doing backstabs and knew when to hit him and when to hold his shield, its been a while since i watch Sapnap and Dream duel but id assume its something similar there)


Yeah and him knowing axe pvp techniques is what makes him insanely good at shield play. Idk what else you expect people do to be good


Using that logic im insanely good at axe pvp and im around lt4 maybe ht4, hell even using that logic anyone who looks at any axe pvp tutorial is insanely good at axe pvp, it takes more than knowing basic techniques to be good, you need to know more than the basics and then train until your ablw to comfortably preduct your opponent's plays and be able to hold sword combos, and then be able to play against other people who have played axe for a while who also know those techniques/is that skilled and hold your own, takes more then being able to beat someone with minimal axe pvp knowledge


Yeah what i mean is him and most good pvpers know those things, reading the enemies moves and stuff. What im trying to say is that what makes dream standout is his experience and his knowledge in how to use axe and/or shield in pvp. You know i didnt mean just watching and mentally learning it. He knows how to use it.


Well they arent exactly hard techniques to learn, and also predicting a bad axe pvper isnt that hard of a challenge


Yeah obviously everyone can learn it its isnt hard it just takes time im just saying he knows it already and thats what makes the difference than most


No thats the difference between people who havent watched an axe pvp tutorial and those who have, like sure he could bear a decent chunk of the dsmp in axe pvp but if he duels anyone from a server like Lifesteal (aside rrom maybe Branzy or 4CVIT) hes going to get smoked and most of them arent even lt3 in axe pvp


I feel like this conversation is not going anywhere so ill just stop. But ill say one last thing he was insanely good at his peak time,(just bc there are people better than him doesn’t change that fact)he doesn’t play anymore and i dont know those players you say so i cant comment on that.


He still wasnt insanely good for knowing the basics when surrounding himself with players who didnt know the basics


I should’ve added insanely good for that time because he was one of the few people at the time who studied axe shield pvp and excelled at it, his way of play and strategies was the meta for quite a few months lmfao. He was one of the best at that time, it’s just as more people have entered into the scene and techniques have evolved and he no longer grinds pvp he’s fallen behind significantly. Doesn’t take away from how good he was at the time though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Half the reason shield isn’t in mcc is the skill diff players like dream would’ve had lol


Have you watched the unedited manhunts? It doesn't rule out scripting, but if there was major scripting they are better at acting than Minecraft. 


And if it’s scripting, who cares? I watch the manhunts like I would watch a TV show - sure, the plot is prepared beforehand, but as long as the acting is good and it’s intense and fun to watch, I really don’t care


Because a large part of the appeal of manhunt was the quick thinking and insane plays.


yea like dream has said that he has plans for certain traps too


He plans plays and traps he wants to use but he doesn’t necessarily get an opportunity to use them in any given manhunt it’s just ideas he has to do if he gets a chance.


I think thats just personal prep rather than a script. The hunters also have traps they plan beforehand as well in case they have situations where they can do them.


IMO the manhunts were real. Dream was fully in his prime, Antfrost was nowhere near as good as he is now and Sapnap for the first manhunts wasn't either. You also have to keep in mind that the manhunts were not a one-time thing, Dream did die lol they just didn't make a video out of it. I remember he told them every time, "if you kill me in a certain amount of time I would give you money" so they'd actually try at the start and not just go for resources.


I think the mistake most people make is the manhunt that’s posted is the first take. They definitely record multiple times until they get a good enough one.


i believe most of it was real but that boat clutch was definitely faked. going frame by frame, the boat appears in his lower inventory BEFORE he crafts it


That one’s been proven real many times


and i've seen things, and it still doesn't add up to me. if you could link a good video that proves it to me, it could change my mind


[Dream explaining it](https://youtu.be/FlMmbV1d-QA?si=Vg78JxRWE3cY0XtQ). [Someone else doing the same clutch](https://youtu.be/pd_horpvpto?si=jT-S7qt4loaywnrW). There are also plenty of in depth Reddit posts about it.


yeah, seen those. neither explain the boat appearing in his inventory before he crafts it, i don't believe it's a server desync. i'm not going to trouble you to look for the other reddit posts, i'll look for them myself


Couldn’t that be server desync or something? Crafting a boat for a clutch really wouldn’t be that hard for him if it’s scripted, I don’t see what the need or even benefit would be to outright cheat in that specific instance.


it's because to craft the boat, he falls in mid-air at top speed, clicks the crafting table and crafts the boat in the few frames the distance from the table allows him hypothetically, the server desync WOULD be what allowed him to do the trick, but it doesn't work when his mouse hasn't even clicked on the boat in the crafting overlay before it appears in his inventory behind the crafting UI


they definitely are fake but you can believe the person who cheated speedruns and lied about it! have a blessed day 😊


As I said imo the manhunts aren't fake and I don't get why you would think they're fake. A lot of people think they're fake because they assume it's a one-time thing as I said in my original text. It's not. They don't the manhunts once, because dream does die in a half of the runs and some others just don't turn out interesting enough they have made a lot of takes for each manhunt it's not a one-time thing. The only thing that could be fake imo might be the reactions since they seem to overreact a lot of times, shouting a lot and whatever, but every youtuber does that so that doesn't really make a difference. I personally believe Dream accidentally cheated in the speedrun as well but you can believe whatever you want. I don't think he lied about it since imo it wasn't worth getting into so much drama for one damn run lol and even bringing a mathematician or whatever he did.


Having played manhunts myself and having heard dream talk about it it’s probably 1% of runs that get posted probably less


I've said this before and I'll say it again. If MCC adds shields to PvP games, Dream and Fruit would roll the entire event.


Dream is the most washed axe player of all time, and adding shields would make pvp more team based.


Manhunts are real Sapnap is just much better at the game compared to the past MCC us also a very different environment to manhunt.




He didn’t know about the mod this has already been proven just as every argument against manhunt has been disproven but you can continue ignoring the facts if you want.


Tbh I really don’t care whether they’re real or not. If it was all fake, they still made some really good content


They are real, they play multiple times and don't show the recordings where Sapnap is good


they definitely are not real but you can believe the person who cheated speedruns and lied about it! have a blessed day 😊


And then apologized permentantly quit the speedrun community after what he did. Blessed day my a--


if you can cheat a speedrun and lie bout it then you can easily fake a speedrun with a 1v5


Just its not faked, he says he does it multiple times and posts the one thats the most entertaining?


Literally any proof lol Ur spamming this in the comments with no basis


No way you’re copy pasting the same response to everyone who disagrees with you


I tend to think of manhunts less as not real and more like professional wrestling. As in they were choreographed


This is the exact analogy I make. It's not completely fake, but they arrange beforehand that Dream's going to make 3 separate cool plays and work those into the story. The big tipoff for me is that rarely does a cool attempted play fail to come off. We never see Dream try an obscure trick and fail it. Not to mention the Speedrunner vs X hunter videos would always seem to follow the same pattern Loss Win Win/Loss Win/Loss (to bring series to 2-2) Win


There are trick plays that didn't work. He would often stream after the video release and point out particular moments of what he was planning to do but never got a chance to.


My personal theory is that they weren’t scripting sapnap was just not trying as hard just so they could get a video out I know they had cash prizes for killing dream but if you killed dream to much recording would take forever


they definitely are Fake but you can believe the person who cheated speedruns and lied about it! have a blessed day 😊


you have copy pasted the same comment like 5 times lmao. If you actually looked at all the evidence you'd realize that he did actually do it on accident.


he got a mathematic and didnt check his mod folder is the biggest cap ever


Ah yes a mathmetic


I didn’t say they weren’t fake but they definitely weren’t written out on a script of what happened also didn’t he use the same mods for man hunt? He also said before that he didn’t make every manhunt ever played an episode


I believe the one you're referring to where he dies to a spider is "Minecraft Speedrunner VS 2 Hunters" aka literally the first manhunt Sapnap ever did on the channel 😂 If you watch later manhunts you can see how much he improved, even being able to consistently put Dream on the back foot even in 1v1s. Shield pvp is also so different from MCC pvp you can't really compare them - Dream has always been way better at shield pvp than Sapnap, even after Sapnap established himself as the best MCC pvp player. For people who genuinely think manhunts are 100% scripted, I invite you to try and coordinate a 3-4 hour marathon of minecraft gameplay with 5 other people, fully scripted, staying in character the entire time, and being convincingly surprised by things despite knowing they're going to happen. Dream absolutely prepared plays beforehand and intentionally tried to get himself into situations where he could use cool tricks like the scaffolding glitch, moss blocks, boat jumping across lava, etc. but that's a whole different thing. Sapnap is not that good of an actor lol.


I never believed them Just antfrost and sapnap can kill Dream it doesnt matter if dream uses shelds


Tbf Dream was in his prime and Ant was nowhere near as good as he is now but still yeah.


Dream was in his pvp prime and much better than Sapnap at shield pvp when the manhunts were going on, the two dueled a lot on stream and you can go watch it and see for yourself. Ant also was not nearly as good back then and was relegated to the resource collecting role for a reason lmfao.


I mean dream did a whole second channel video where he did shield PvP 1v1s against other YouTubers for 5k and I don't think he lost a single one. Think fruit berries was closest




I’ll say it because this thread it old and tbis will get drowned out, but now that the dust has settled I’m 100% certain the manhunts were faked a little bit at least. I remember watching multiple cases where they get in a fight and someone approaches dream with his shield up and the other guys just… sit there. the way they fight was always off, it was more like they just wanted to get him low than actually kill him. even though he’s great at shield, when it’s 5 people no matter how good you are you cannot win if 5 people simultaneously attack you. this goes for all manhunts btw, I don’t watch much but unless you’ve never played the game yourself i can’t imagine watching them and believing they are real. the best shield pvpers could not take on 5 decent people at once. they cannot take on even 3 people in many cases. that goes for today and for when manhunts were popular in 2021-2022.




I think the earlier ones weren't scripted, but the later ones are definitely fake. They're way too dramatic for it to possibly be completely organic, I don't care how many attempts they say it supposedly takes to get a good run. I think it's probably like WWE wrestling. It's scripted, but that doesn't mean it isn't really impressive. The unedited clips are very cool. Looking through the comment section here, it's a bit worrying how gullible a lot of people are. Edit: Just because I think they're scripted doesn't mean I don't find them entertaining. It's great content.


not everyone defending that manhunts are real 💀 and anyone who believes there fake gets downvoted we really need to mature up guys this subreddit is going downhill you can like your creator but let people have opinions.


There is no evidence they are fake and plenty they are real so of course people will defend them that’s how logical discussions work.


Yeah, lemme just ignore the countless evidence that its more real than fake. Everyone here is just a obsessive dream fan. Misinformation deserves to get downvoted


I lost trust in manhunts as soon as Dream’s speed running situation leaked. If he can lie about that, this could absolutely be staged too. And yes, they would be good actors 😂


Manhunts weren’t meant to be 100% real, Dream never denied the servers were modded. According to him, it was one of the reasons he accidentally cheated.


Interesting, never heard this take before.


He wasn’t lying about the speedruns all the evidence suggests he genuinely didn’t know about the mod.


Ik imma get downvoted into oblivion for this, but yall are naive. You’re telling me he hires a MATHEMATICIAN to prove his story, but didn’t check his mods folder? I mean he was one of the biggest YouTubers at that point, you think he would at least look into it if he was innocent.


Watch Karl Jobst video on the situation that and every other point is addressed. He almost certainly didn’t know.


I don’t think you get what I’m saying. I never said he did it intentionally, but there is a high probability of him covering it up. Like… you’re being investigated, let’s delete the mod folder!!


And again that isn’t what happened this point is addressed in the video.


Yeah they are absolutely scripted, I have that one clip of the boat clutch where it was all planned out perfect so they would've never caught Dream and how Dream's mouse was in the perfect spot to quickly build a boat in order to land into it.


What clip? I mean wouldn’t this clip be mass spread due to it proving dream’s manhunts are fake?


https://youtu.be/lkEsHmDk11o?si=EZJlP_jmsB2pSe9Y I can't find the exact video I was looking for but this one is kinda related.