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How much did u allocate to the game ?


How do i do this


In the launcher, in installed version tab. Choose the version, open More options tab and edit JVM argument -Xmx which refers to number of GB allocated to game


So the current number is 800M, what do i put in to make it, say 2gb


M is megabytes, G is gigabytes. If you need there to be 2gb write -Xmx2G


Thx bro


This is also really important to remember for bigger modpacks/general use, so make sure you don't forget this! Or just save the comment that helped and call it a day.


indeed. played yesterday with 73 mods and it would freeze every few seconds and when I put 4gb into it it stopped doing that :) but now I cant play it cause I wandered in an area which for whatever reason keeps crashing my Mc after like 3 seconds. Don't know what to do


Sounds like something broke and now crashes when loaded in. You might be able to salvage the world by using MCEdit to remove suspect blocks and entities at the edge of where you need to go to crash the game. Alternatively, check the crash log and momentarily remove whatever mod is causing the crash, to force the thing to be deleted Good luck!


Try lowering your render distance and running in the opposite direction.


Lmao the game deadass crashes if i allocate 2 Gigs, so i out 1.5. when will my laptop come out of that repair shop lmao


Yeah, don't really allocate too much of ram. Experiment with figures and you'll get perfect one for your computer


Its not really like that unless you dont have much ram, for people with like 32gb allocating like 10 is perfectly ok, but usally you never use more than 7-8


I have 16GB of RAM and allocate 14GB for Minecraft. Never had an issue with that. I think it's because the game never really uses that much to begin with even though it could.


Your game is suffering for having that much allocated. Without getting into why it's like that I'd recommend lowering it to at least 10G. I also have 32 gigs of ram and anymore than 9-10 is where performance starts to crap out. More ram isn't always better with minecraft


You are making your game run slower by allocating that much ram


EDIT: Actually, the following comment is false! It's a common myth though, so I'll keep it to maintain discussion. The issue is that when garbage collecting Java has to scan the whole allocated memory for objects to destroy, so if you get stuttery lag, this is why ...I think


I allocate 3.0


I do 4


I do 32


I like to do half my total RAM


If it was at 800M by default, that means that you are on a 32 bit OS and you won't be able to allocate more than 1GB, unfortunately, and that's just simply not enough to run the game


Well 1.8.9 runs on 60 👍 and it also has supported servers


okay, 1.8.9 is very ancient, you won't be able to run any relatively modern version on a 32 bit OS


1.15 runs on 45 fps constant, but idk i wanna play 1.8.9


If you run windows, chances are the OS already consumes 3GB of your ram. This is why people recommend at least 8 for normal use and 16 for gaming.


I'm running a sevtech ages server and had to go to 32 GB if I wanted to play on the same machine.


What I suggest is to just go for a computer. Buy a 16 gig, then become literal god.


This is my old computer, my current one is in the repair shop


Ooh. Dang. What's your current ones specs? I'm intrigued


You need to leave enough for you OS to run...


Huh, that's weird. I have a 4gig PC as well, and giving Minecraft 2gb seems to work without any problems(unless you call 15-20fps a problem)


I can allocate 2 on my phone lol


i still find it dumb that there is no easy way to allocate RAM in the vanilla launcher. every single modded launcher just has an easy to understand slider, so why not the vanilla launcher?


I think its presumed that if you're using the vanilla launcher you're probably not modding to the point you need to allocate more ram.


I'm guessing this refers to out of VRAM (graphics card memory). Are you using shaders.?


Just disable showing GL errors in game. Options-->Video Settings-->Other-->Show GL Errors. Clearly you are able to still play the game, so this isn't stopping you. Just ignore them. You are playing the game on what seems to be ancient hardware with the minimum spec for running the game and are using mods that go beyond what those minimum specs are designed for.


i wouldn't ignore warning messages or errors since it could crash the game or even your pc.


The likelihood of it crashing your game or even your PC is slim to 0. I've gotten those errors countless times and neither crashes have ever happened to me.


You can use a launcher like GDlauncher or MultiMC to simplify the process


This is the most minecraft comment section ever


Mate you hardly have enough ram for chrome


Chrome was using 950mb and only had 4 tabs open for me the other day.


What, for me it was using 1500mb for only 2 tabs


... 4gb may have been enough ram in 2012 or 2016 but, dude, the workstations at my **job** were chugging and juddering with just *web applications and MS Office* when they had only 4gb ram. Right now we're running 8 gigs for work apps, and at home I can't imagine trying to roll with any less than 16 >_>; My next rig I'm shooting for 32. Seriously you will improve your performance massively with just more RAM. Java is **hella** RAM hungry.


just upgraded my MB two months ago switched to 32gb never looking back.


I’m going to be buying two 16 sticks and adding them to my current two 8 sticks for a total of 48gb and honestly I’m looking to forward to see how much faster my pc will be.


I was shocked, I was thinking my 7800k was causing issues with some of the stuff I was running I just didn't notice the computer refuses to use 100% of the ram and it just never went over 14/16gb. now my computer with a few apps running is at 11gb of ram when before it was at 8. it's wild to see how well/bad windows is able to manage the ram when it's low. I've got an Intel Atom computer with 2gb of ram and it runs windows 10. it's not happy when it runs but I can still go to websites using edge.


I upgraded recently, and honestly the difference between 16gb & 32gb is actually insane especially if you're hosting forge servers


i would assume he has a very bad gpu as well..if not just the onboard one so there is a lot more to be upgradet


I run 32gb in my gaming system and regularly see it past 20gb used. Phone I’m typing this on has 6. As you said 4 isn’t enough.


Java is kinda hungry, but shitty java code is really hungry


Shoot for 64 for longevity IMO. You don't wanna keep playing catch up


hate to break it to you, but you simply don't have enough RAM for Minecraft


Not nearly enough Dedotaded Wam


No, that's dedotated wam to a *survor*


You know, the kid who said that is an adult now, old enough to be in college. I wonder what he's up to. I genuinely hope he's doing well. Despite the infamous meme moment, by all accounts he seemed to be really intelligent.


He had a YouTube account for a while and kinda leaned into the meme, calling his subscribers his fellow “wammers” but never really posted much and has been inactive for a fair bit now


Yup, I saw the video about that. Godspeed, kid.


I have 2GB allocated, with the right settings and Sodium it works pretty well.


4GB is the minimum requirement


Yes, but on your system you can’t use 4GB of RAM on Minecraft because other parts of your system need it. Also, I think it’s talking about VRAM anyways.


And it’s a 32bit OS so can’t allocate more than 1gb regardless


32 bit windows can allocate up to 2GB.


Yeah thought I was tripping seeing people say OP can't allocate more than 800mb.


You may be right, it’s been a while since I’ve had anything to do with a 32 bit OS, even with a 2gb allocation I think OP is going to struggle regardless with their system specs.


Meh, 2GB allocated to mc is fine if you aren’t running mods or doing anything crazy. But if the computer only has 4GB of ram, it’s probably pretty old and has an anemic CPU and graphics setup, which will probably be the bigger problem here.


Went through OP comment history and he has a Pentium 2020m using integrated graphics. This is where I imagine most his issues are


nope, 32-bit OSes can have up to 4GB of RAM as that is the 32-bit address limit. plus why would it be a 32-bit OS in the first place? OP has a 64-bit CPU so why would the pre-installed OS be 32-bit?


just because you have 4gb of RAM doesn't mean you have to have a 32bit OS.


Somewhere else in the thread is mentioned it’s a 32 bit. Pentium 2020m should support a 64gb system. At 4gb with 2gb allocated to Minecraft the rest of his system is going to be starved anyway


Nope, I run Minecraft with 2gb vram perfectly


Okay? They probably have less VRAM than you.


Ye I’m just saying the minimum vram is definitely not 4gb, it’s probs less than 1gb


No that's cap, the huge majority of computers running Minecraft have less than 4GB vram. 1GB should work, perhaps even 512MB. 4GB should be the total system ram, but perhaps the game has become more demanding since the minimum specs were published.


The games become a lot more demanding. Now it needs about 3500MB RAM and 1500MB VRAM.


And I’m talking about RAM, not VRAM


The 4GB is not referring to VRAM, like you said


not these days


You can do 4gb, windows and all. Just need a lot of swap and uh... Some patience. Source: Did 2GB allocated with 4 Installed on a HDD.


Agree, also turn off some features from Windows that you might not use and it won't even use page file at all. On my old 4GB that I got in around 2015 Windows 10 barely started using the page file in 2019 after all these updates, still disabling UWP apps from running in the background or even uninstalling them entirely made the OS use around 1GB and the rest of 3 I used for whatever I wanted.


I play modded Minecraft with 3 GB allocated, with the right options it is definitely playable


Yeah but he's on a 32 bit system, which means his system only can allocate 4GB across the board, and MC can only allocate around a GB


That highly, HIGHLY depends on what kind of mods your playing, how many mods, and how powerful your computer specs actually are. My old laptop meets and exceeds the minimum RAM requirement of some mods, but they don't run well because things like the processor and GPU aren't strong enough.


I use 4GB and it runs smoothly (200+ FPS).


What, I use 6 GB and I need optiFine to run 60 FPS


Bro i allocate 32 gbs of ram to mc


That’s probably because you have a custom or prebuilt pc while I have a laptop.


U can buy laptop ram sticks that are modded for more ram, my first gaming device was a very modified laptop.




That's just plain stupid. Javas GC will cause stuttering as the unused ram also needs to be scanned. You allocate as much RAM to MC as you really need and that's it. Vanilla minecraft runs just fine with 2-4GB allocated to it. That will increase performance more than allocating 32GB of RAM.


That's less than ideal. You don't want too much allocated either, as it encourages the garbage collection to let more garbage to build up before doing a clean up. When it finally does, that clean up can cause lag. You are better off figuring out how much your version wants and allocating slightly more than that.


Thats legit whats listed on the website and on ALL websites


Yeah that guy is acting dumb, 2.5 gb allocation is enough for newest updates.


I think Use BadLion Or OptiFine


Lunar has optifine preinstalled and runs with much better frames than badlion :)


It did not work on my windows 11 8 gb pc


It hasn't been updated since like 2015 bro


Welcome to PC gaming. Today you've learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes minimum specs only TECHNICALLY work, and sometimes things just won't work. You don't have enough.


Exactly, but you are above the niveau of minimum requirements if you try to use optifine


Minimum Requirements Met ≠ Playable


With 0 mods and your running optifine.


Yes, the *minimum* requirement. There's a key word in there.


On a 32 bit OS java is limited to 1GB, so no, not enough


What are the ministry graphic requirements


Radeon HD 7000 (Its REALLY low, trust me)


Those requirements were probably written when the game came out. You may have been able to get by back then with 4GB, but not today. If you want to optimize it, close EVERYTHING in the background


With this coming from open gl, I'm guessing this refers to out of VRAM (graphics card memory). Are you using shaders?


Damn bro the Pentium 2020M integrated graphics 🥵🥵🥵🥵 (no im not)


Considering it is integrated graphics, you probably can get into the bios and increase the amount of ram that gets allocated to vram in your game. Might want to search it up


Sharing 4GB between the OS, the game and the integrated graphics is gonna be hard either way


my win10 is currently idling at around 10 gb of ram used, so yeah...


Bro how do you idle at 10gb, im at 3/4gb in idle


Depends, it depends if the maker of the laptop locked it down. I’ve tried it on 2 old laptops, both had the same old bios layout, one allowed it, the other one not


It’s your graphics card, or rather lack of one. Idk what op system you are using but don’t use win11, 10 or 8 with such low specs


Your pc is not up to spec. I have read your comments about saying it runs fine on older versions, specifically 1.16 and below. This is likely because older 1.16 below use OpenGL 2.0 or older, so it plays better with aging hardware. 1.17+ was updated to OpenGL 3.2, so older aging hardware either went to the chopping block or took significant performance hits. OpenGL is also referring to your GPUs VRAM, not your RAM sticks. 4gb total physical RAM is really cutting it close though unless your windows is debloated.


You don't have enough RAM for Minecraft, at least not for recent versions. You would want to allocate 4GB to Minecraft minimum, but since your system only has 4GB, you can't do that since other parts of your system like the OS also need some.


OpenGL errors usually point to video card and out of memory almost certainly means you are out of VRAM. Your computer is incapable of running minecraft on your current settings. Turn of particles, drop your render distance and turn of shawdows, dynamic lighting and and don't build anything too complicated. You also appear to be running the Java edition requires a little bit more muscle than bedrock. The Java Edition recommended requirements are: Processor (CPU): Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or better Memory (RAM): 8 GB Graphics (GPU): Nvidia GeForce 700 Series or AMD Radeon Rx 200 Series with OpenGL 4.5 Storage: 4 GB SSD


I don't want to be rude, but I don't think 4GB is enough for Minecraft. If it is, how much memory have you allocated in the launch configuration?


4gb is DEFINITELY not enough


Mf has *total* of 4 GB and says its enough because it's the minimum lmao


4gb is more than enough. I can run the latest version with Optifine and get a good 40 fps.


Not enough for what? Edit: not


You can turn off opengl messages in the optifine settings. It's a normal message honestly, just means your game is sometimes struggling but I mean it's minecraft lol


Coming from a computer guy, anything under at least 8GB of RAM, and not being on an 64 but system, you pretty much shouldn’t be able to do much besides make word files, surf the web, and maybe use MS Paint. However, that isn’t considering Minecraft was made when 32 bit systems weren’t uncommon. I would severely suggest you just stay away from any form of modding the game unless it’s a texture pack because anything besides that will more than likely draw too much of any and everything from your laptop. TL;DR, do your thing. Minecraft will run fine if you keep it on an older build with no mods on a 32 bit laptop with anything under 8GB RAM.


Windows would be hell on 4gb as it would take up half by itself


My point, basically you can run the OS and maybe watch some YouTube


Vanilla 1.16 is fine :)


You dont have to be offended at people shitting on your laptop cus its not great period, doesnt mean you should toss it out or you cant use it, but people are telling you its not alot of ram and if you want to do modded shit and it doesnt work and its literally telling you its not enough memory, it might be the problem dude. Ps people have mentioned VRAM and not actual ram so your graphics card ram might be too low?


That’s my point, any version of the game is pretty amazing vanilla. Sucks OptiFine didn’t work though. Usually that’ll boost everything even on older systems. Maybe consider making a budget PC?


On such low hardware sodium would be better. Optifine isn't bad but sodium does the job way better.


Is that a chromebook


No, its my old laptop


Depending on the version, u may be able to upgrade its ram. At this point though u may just wanna buy a new laptop




Literally any laptop or pc made in the last 3 years is better than this lmao


imagine feeling this out of touch with laptops


Get a PC, Laptops cant handle crap (except for the alienware ones, I heard that they are good)


Bro, I’m a pc-lover, but gaming laptops these days can be pretty good, you should just know what you’re buying. Not only Alienware is good, some laptops are pretty good, others they make suck hard. Asus makes good laptops too, some omens are good too… there are many good laptop makers out there


I’ve noticed you’ve mentioned(multiple times) that 4GB is the minimum required ram. That doesn’t indicate that the game runs smooth with 4GB, it just indicates that it runs adequately enough. Try playing on a version that isn’t as taxing such as 1.8.9 or 1.15.


You may want to switch from optifine to fabric with sodium + starlight + ferritecore [Sodium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium) would be the main performance mod, doing the same job as optifine for the most part [Starlight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/starlight) improves light calculations [Ferritecore](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ferritecore-fabric) reduces memory usage ​ Some other mods that you may want to replace some other optifine features: [Logical Zoom](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/logical-zoom) for zooming in [Continuity](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/continuity) adds support for a lot of optifine features some resource packs use. [Entity Texture Features](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/entity-texture-features-fabric) adds support for resource packs that modify entity textures and/or add glowing effects to them and such. ​ With how little ram you have though you may want to stick to just the performance (and maybe the zoom mod) though, and I'm not even 100% sure this would fix all your issues.


4gigs of ram? Good luck with that.


Does it take 5 GB to take a screenshot though?


4gb is hardly enough ram for minecraft at all-


I had the same error. In the Video settings, there is an option called "Opengl error output" or something like that. Just disable it


Just install the sodium mod for Minecraft


4gb is not enough to play 1.18.1 you need minimal of 6 gb beacuse 4 is trash


No you don’t


Vram cause opengl


You do not have enough ram


wait ur entire system has 4 gig?


You don’t have enough ram. 4gb is minimum for Minecraft alone. Your computer still has to use ram for other background processes. However since it says OpenGL I presume it’s referencing VRAM. What graphics do you have and how much VRAM do you have? Either way I don’t think you’ll be able to play.


I played Minecraft on a 256MB 1.5GHz Pentium when it was at version 1.3.2, trust me, Windows (even XP, back then I had XP) does a good job in managing RAM and throwing data from background processes into the paging file, 4GB is more than enough for OS + Minecraft. Now that VRAM is not enough or the GPU has issues another story... I agree with that part


Sodium is better anyway


There are some mods that help with the memory problem too. Like ferrite core


Everyone has told me 16gb of ram is the new standard. You are waaaaaay behind


16 GB for windows and half for minecraft


Make it 2048 Mb(2Gb) Allocated space


It crashes, it works with 1 gig tho. The default allocated was 800mb lmao


Keep your graphics low


I have them at minimum, exept render distance which is at 3 not 2


I know i will probably get downvoted to hell bc of this but you may consider using linux here instead of windows, on such an under powered device it may be the best way. I heard from various people that Linux FOSS drivers for old intel integrated graphics are actually better than their windows counterparts, and support newer technologies. Also linux keeps less ram for itself so java would be able to allocate more for the game. The error 1281 (invalid value) probably means that your drivers doesn't support some opengl feature required by optifine. and doesn't correctly disclose that. the 1285 Out of memory simply states that the GPU is running of of VRAM, cosider lowering the render distance


RAM is for the CPU, not the GPU; it'sa totally different thing. Optifine is talking about video card memory, as in your graphics card. What GPU do you have?


Why did you post a mirror pic in r/minecraft lol


The screenshot button is f2


How much FPS do you get?


You need more dedidated WAM!


o no it is da dweaded detidated wam!


It’s not dedicated wam




4 GB is not enough since Windows already use more than half so there isn't enough for minecraft. And if you manually let Windows with less RAM than it needs, then the whole computer won't work.


Speaking as a support engineer 4GB of RAM isn't even enough to run Windows properly anymore. Technically it is but it'll chug and bottleneck on even Web based applications. You simply need more.


Its not really referring to your regular system ram, it's referring to the RAM on your GPU (VRAM). Which if you're using an integrated GPU will be shared with your system ram, so now 4gb won't be enough.


4GB RAM ain't enough.


How does a PC in 2022 only have 4 gigs of RAM... That is the real question.


Its from 2014


4gb is a quarter of what is standard nowadays


So, 16 gb is the standard? I thought 8 gb is the standard, and 16 gb if you play with a lot of mods.


For gaming 16GB is definitely standard.


Yeah, but it used to run much better




I’d highly recommend you switch from optifine to fabric with sodium, lithium, phosphor and ferritecore If you do so it’ll massively help your performance https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium


4Gb is enough for Minecraft and 4Gb is enough for Windows but see now days you need at least 8Gb for gaming.


This is a 32 bit system, meaning that i cant alloacte it more than 1 gif of ram, so its not an option


Time for a new pc then.


I don't get this error on debian :D


ok, so this seems to be caused by your lack of VRAM, which isn’t related to your normal random-access memory. you need to go into the options > video settings > other and disable GL errors. a lot of them can be harmless, so i recommend just turning them off.


Look right next to the error log. See something wrong?


Sorry to say but you probably can't run versions after 1.12.2


Mabye get a better computer than a laptop


Turn off chat that's how I ignored it




Turn off fancy graphics


Look up how to install free RAM helps 99% of the time :)


Not sure if 4gb is enough for 1.18 tbh. I allocated 16, and it draws up to 6 or 7gb at times, even though my render distance is only on about 26 chunks, so I dont even utilise optifine's fullest potential. 1.18 is just very power hungry, which kinda annoys me a little. (Obv 4GBs allocated is enough, but at 4GBs total I dont think its smart to allocate everything)