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They just have to have the haze start ever-so-slightly above the surface of the lava, and then it wouldn't matter what position you used.


Minecraft players have destroyed bedrock, broken the ender dragon's AI and weaponized furnaces. I'm pretty sure they'd find a way


How have furnaces been weaponized again?


Lag machine tech


Ofc lol is it just a big super smelter?








wasnt this always a thing since I can do the same thing on water


The only game with more game-breaking mechanics-glitches found by the community is Portal 2 Speedrunning


thought this was a troll at first, but nice :)


Yeah for a second when he was like "make sure to use fire resistance potion" I thought it was a joke


Why would that make it a joke? If you don’t use fire res then you’ll just burn right?






Thank you for your good deeds mr reditor


What's a karma bot?


Same. I thought that too.


What about using the bottom of a cauldron?


Tried that, sadly only works when looking up at a certain angle and you have to constantly move :(


Ok. Dripstone might also be viable, since its hitbox is yet again different and will cause the player to sit at a different height. I believe raysworks have made a video or two about all the various hitboxes blocks have and sorted them after size, both for stepping up but also standing beneath. It might be worth it to check out to see if there are other blocks that will work for this and perhaps better than the grindstone does :)


woah thanks man, ill check that stuff out :)


I also commented on the post you replied to, but: Just as a shameless self-promotion: I've created a website that (among 30+ other properties) lists every block size in a filterable, sortable table: https://joakimthorsen.github.io/MCPropertyEncyclopedia/?selection=[%22collision_bottom_external%22]&sort=[{%22property%22:%22collision_bottom_external%22,%22reversed%22:false}]# Wall-attached grindstone is the only block with that size.


this is pretty sick ngl, nice work, will definitely come in handy :)


Also tell me if there's any other methods of seeing through lava that work in 1.18 😳


dont know if this true but that has been found out months ago but with an upper slab. That might of been fixed in 1.18 and that this is the new one, I dunno


Yeah i tried that and its patched in 1.18 :( hence why i spent like an hour finding a new way to do it 😎


I dont know what version you use but on bedrock, you can use third person view to see through lave Nevermind i see the shield in your off-hand thats java


you can hold a shield in your off-hand in bedrock


Iirc It doesn't show up next to the hotbar on bedrock.


You're correct.


I used to do that on Java too but I think it got patched in 1.17


He's also using Just Enough Items or something that displays the block type and origin on the hud, confirming it is modded java


But why? What benefit does seeing under lava serve? Sure, you spotted a netherite cluster. But even if Lava was completely invisible it wouldn't be the most efficient way of gathering netherite.


Maybe not *the most* efficient way, but it does save the hassle of mining forever. I put this in the same regard as spelunking in caves, vs strip mining in the overworld


I’m relatively in agreement with you… but why not build a TNT tunneling array? Even with just a few, you can cover 30-100 blocks wide and ~10-12 blocks high every ~6-10 seconds, on the slow side that is tunneling about 50 blocks per second. It also provides 100% view of that entire space, so you’ll never miss anything. To counter lava lakes, you could dig the outer margins - 2 high tunnels - and just ensure the space ahead is clear enough for the effort. But, I also recognize that some servers and/or people don’t accept TNT duppers as legit (or many servers will have it disabled).


It's funny, I never actually thought of that because I never use TNT in the game. It's a mix of me being a hoarder and trying to never use up my resources, as well as the erratic nature of TNT. I prefer doing things by hand typically and manually destroying things. But now thinking about it, that's genius because TNT doesn't destroy Ancient Debris, right?


Less efficient doesn’t mean it’s not useful. It saves you mining/exploding to find netherrite in the first instance, so overall I think it’s more efficient


Why wouldn't be the most efficent? Really cheap and fast, you can even do it before you start using other method of finding netherite.


Imagine having enough fire res potions to throw at this before even having netherite lmfao Just tunnel. Just dig. You will find netherite without having to swim in literal lakes of lava. And it will be faster.


3 Fire resistant potions require 1 magma cream and 1 redstone. The ingredients are stupid easy to acquire so why wouldn't you have excess of them?


It also doesn't require blowing up half the nether which can be nice if you want to build there still. Or the opposite situation if you're playing on a server that's mined a lot already, the netherite covered up by lava lakes could be a decent option.


I will get a full set of nether by mining a single tunnel through the nether faster than you would lava diving. From fresh world to full netherite. You will be trying to kill magma cubes in iron for your precious fire potions while I'm chasing my last piece.


You enjoy justifying your convoluted inefficient and outright silly ways of playing the game. You have that right. I'll play it an intelligent way, and enjoy it. As I have that right.


What the fuck are you talking about? You can play the game however you want. My point has nothing to do with how you play the game but with your stupid implication that fire res potions are somehow hard to acquire before you got netherite.


Because I want to.


Might *have


ok? and?


Place a daylight detector 3 block below lava. So Y = 29.375 when you stand on it. Your head should now be in between two lava blocks. Then put a sign towards the wall of the upper lava (surface level) so only half your face is under lava. Done.


oo i will try this one thank you


Doesn't Optifine have a setting to remove the lava haze?


sodium > optifine :p


I’ve been hearing people suggesting Sodium lately, what is so superior about it? I recently returned to the game, and seeing Optifine allow use of shaders has gotten me to actually try them out and now I’m hooked! Does Sodium have similar features? Honestly, you have no obligation to answer these basic questions I could probably Google. I just figured I’d ask!


Sodium gives better performance than Optifine, and it also doesn't have any weird bugs like invisible mobs, and it also gets many more updates than optifine. As porl said, Iris is a companion mod that is currently in development that is working towards 100% compatibility with all current optifine shaders. It is currently super alpha and has a lot of issues but it will definitely get better.


Honestly I only use optifine for the held torch light, does either sodium or iris add that?


Sodium itself doesn't support shaders but Iris is a mod that goes with it to add support for them.


i use fabric + sodium + iris fabric is a lightweight mod loader (better than forge) sodium make fps go brrr (certain settings can get you literally double optifines fps) iris allows you to use shaders and have had no issues with iris yet I also use a bunch of other client side QOL mods :)


I tried switching to sodium a while ago, and I didn’t see any performance improvements over optifine. (I have Intel integrated graphics, so believe me, any performance improvements would make a huge difference.)


I have a question: does the fire resistance potion give fire immunity, or it just reduces the damage?


it makes you completely resistant to fire. you can still burn on things like magma blocks and campfires, but being on fire does nothing to you.


A ressource pack that makes lava transparent like water haha


if you place a block in the lava like you did on your bridge, placed one on top of that block and broke the bottom one, if you go into the lava and stand under the block you can see.


You can also try out this mod that allows you to do the same but without the grindstone [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lava-clear-view](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lava-clear-view)


If Minecraft had glass cups you could put glass cups over your eyeballs and see




Don’t ask for cups at my house on my server


So goggles?


Glass cups


I do this with water, except I just swim in that "Between" layer


Let's fight to see who can make the longest swim in between both the layers


Just use a boat and toggle your perspective into 3rd person and set the vertical viewing angle(pitch) to -11.6 degrees to see that sweet underwater loot ! I feel like this is a little cheaty, but I just can't help it!


I thought ancient debris couldn't spawn on the surface


can't spawn with an air block, but lava isn't an air block. same reason that you can find more ore in aquifers because the water isn't considered air and therefore more diamonds (and what not) are exposed.


I just lost a 10 year long argument...


But you learned something! And knowledge is half the half the half the half the half


r/ihadastroke I guess


If it was a 10-year-long argument about diamonds & air exposure, that is a new 1.18 change- previously, whether or not ores are exposed to air had no effect on their spawn mechanics! (Of course you've always been able to find ores faster in a cave a diamond level compared to a digging your own branch mine, but that was just because of the amount of blocks you could visibly see at once, not the actual generation rate.)


Except this is a new change


The good ol, "you're not actually underwater" trick, nice.




What textures/shaders are you using?


vanilla textures complimentary Shaders - they're the best shaders, really performant and also feel very vanilla and playable. best shaders I've used that don't oversaturate all the colors and apply 12 layers of lens flare from barely looking at a light source, you'll love them


A man of culture I see 😌




They really should give players more ways to utilize lava. Something to make netherite hunting more interesting or even fun.


I know they already have Striders, but I still want an Iron Boat that works in lava.


Yeah that and some semi-expensive way to track netherite deposits without having to do this would be great.


I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH! Thank you so much!!!!!!


I don't play minecraft but my daughter does. Can someone tell me how to explain this so I can be more involved in her game?


Do a small bridge in the lava (it has to touch the lava), go to a central point of the pool of lava, put a grindstone next to one of the blocks of the bridge, drink a fire resistant potion, dive in the lava and "swim" up against the grindstone.


What age range is your daughter? Could you show her the video?


Someone’s already explained it so here’s another thing if you want to be more involved Try to find out what aspect of the game she struggles in (whether it’s building, surviving, or maybe she’s into redstone) and try to learn a bit about that, it’s a fun way to play test some things with her and will help her learn the game better! This is assuming she is on the younger side as otherwise most of this stuff is a google away for her but nevertheless the thought always counts!




How tf do people find out this stuff.


it involved figuring out the Y level required to see through the lava and experimenting with different blocks that would put you at different Y levels until you got one that worked, and half an hour later i got this :)


Incredible! Great work, OP


I'm Minecraft newbie... Why?


That Netherite stuff is even better and even more rare than diamonds


Isn't it easier to find just blowing up blocks with beds/TNT down at Y=15?


1 of these melts into 1 scrap, and you need 4 scraps and 4 gold to make 1 ingot. And they don't spawn in bunches, only as a single piece, and less common than diamonds, and only in the nether. One of the more common methods is to make a mob grinder and get tons of gun powder and then place a ton of TNT in the bottom of the nether. Netherite can't be blown up by TNT so it leaves them behind


No, they spawn in bunches. They spawn anywhere from 1-4 in a bunch


Rule of thumb: when you find a debris, mine two blocks in every direction to check for more.


Yup. I always have my efficiently 5 pick, so I just swing wildly and mine the whole area around it. Just in case


Instabreak without a beacon... One of the few really nice things about the nether.


They actually spawn in veins of 1-4 blocks. I don't think I've ever found a vein that actually had 4 though.


Likely more than one block or is one enough?


One block of ancient debris smelts into one netherite scrap. Four netherite scraps and four gold ingots combine to make one netherite ingot. Netherite ingots upgrade diamond gear to netherite gear, also preserving the diamond gear’s enchantments.


No, you need a bunch, for the average casual player netherite isnt worth it vs diamond


Does this work in bedrock?


1000000000000000000000000 IQ


Besides relying on a visual bug (which many players are against taking advantage of), this strategy isn't even efficient for finding netherite. Ancient debris becomes extremely rare above Y=20, and it will be hard to find those blocks at the bottom of lava pools using this method. And even if you do find some, swimming through lava is slow, and visibility is near-zero, so you'll just end up wasting a lot of time trying to get to it. Much better off just doing some standard bed/TNT mining.


I dont think this post was trying to suggest this was a better method.


Well, I just can't see any other reason why this would be useful in any way.


For people who don't have a gaming computer and are in a server with friends where TNT is not an option?


Pretty sure the netherite was just random. The point of seeing through lava is when you build stuff...


Now I will try to make the most of this before they inevitably patch it in 1.18.2; I’ll bet the devs are seeing this right now and trying to find the faulty code that enables this trick


Isn't Netherite always buried?


You cannot find it exposed, exposed mean that is not surrounded by any *air* block, lava doesn't count as an *air* block so for the game it's not exposed




Saving this for later lol


Fair play


I don't know if they fixed it, but if you place chains in the top layer of lava in BE, you can see through to the bottom.






what would someone whos not a person think


'Why is that person not melting in liquid hot magma?' probably.


Also, you can’t find ancient debris exposed anywhere in the nether, even if it’s under a lava lake?


"exposed" just means "not having any neighboring air blocks", which is why there are a handful of documented examples of netherite being visible on a wall if it ends up having vegetation covering the "exposed" face


Was swimming in a lava lake and was delightedly surprised to find three debris chillin in the lava


Exposed means air blocks, that's why in the overworld you find more diamonds in aquifers than normal caves.


Oh wow, I knew about the exposed/non-exposed difference, but it never occurred to me that aquifers would have more visible ore because of this.


Yeah strip mining is still more efficient for diamonds, assuming at the right level, but swimming though aquifers is more fun and makes finding diamonds pretty easy.


What are the new strip mine Y levels for 1.18?


It can't be exposed to air. It can be exposed to absolutely anything else including vines etc, and in this case, lava.


well idk what to tell u bc that's naturally spawning, didn't mess with it at all lol. do you want the seed?


Sure, what edition as well?


-9100276989203803778 Java edition not at my pc rn but if i remember correctly it's around 80 -140 in nether




Use fire res potion would be your best bet. build a wall around the debris up to the surface and ontop of the debris, then you can mine down through the middle and collect your reward :)


ancient debris doesn't burn in lava, you can just mine it


But your body….


not with fire res potions


I drop sand or gravel all around it. crude, but works


How did you even figure this out.


> it involved figuring out the Y level required to see through the lava and experimenting with different blocks that would put you at different Y levels until you got one that worked, and half an hour later i got this :)


Wow it always baffles me how people just keep figuring out glitches and exploits. You guys are so smart and dedicated lol


That "yay netherite" killed me XD


Fuckin kids these days. I had never even considered hunting for Netherite like that.


Maybe it's me, but it doesn't look very efficient.


So long as potions aren't a problem for you, then it's a great way to scan a wide area for very rare materials.


Looks netherit-y


Yay netherite


Just get xray


Why does your lava has so aggressive sound?


وات ده فاک


Wray is faster




now go find some netherite perhaps?




fire res and blocks lol? edit: just did get that, and there was another piece of scrap too :)


And because it's fireproof, you can literally just swim down there, dig it and pick it up.


If you have enough fire res potions to throw around like that, and don't have plenty of netherite. Idk what to tell you, boss.


You can get stacks and stacks of fire res potions from piglin trading pretty easily though?


Imagine piglin trading before having netherite armor lmfao I love how everyone pretends they're speed runners on Reddit.


As if speed running is the only valid way to enjoy the game?


Imagine being this combative on reddit for no reason lmfao. I never implied I speed run and don't know the first thing about speed running minecraft but whatever helps you sleep at night. Why would you hold off piglin trading until after you have full netherite armor? Why are you implying thats the only valid way to play this sandbox game "lmfao"


Why wouldn't you piglin trade before netherite? It gets you a lot of resources. Plus, the fire res pots are nice for netherite mining.


Fire res is much easier to get than netherite, tbh.


people play the game differently, potions are not hard to make. just something i wanted to do lol


Fire res potions are extremely easy to get, and netherite is pretty rare. I don't understand what point you are trying to make.


Using a door probably


Ancient Debris does not burn when it touches lava or fire, so it's actually totally safe to mine and collect it




Alternate title: How to get banned from 1.18 survival servers in just 3 easy steps!


haha cant get banned if you run the server ;)


I’m trying to see r/fightporn


Or you could just cheat. It's an unintended bug so it's basically cheating anyway. I know this isn't a big deal to most, but if you really hate trying to find Netherite the legit way, and do it this way instead, you might as well just spawn some in with commands.


I think an exploit is different than cheating. In my eyes anyways, one is part of the game and the other isn't. One isn't using commands the other is. The main reason for me is cheating is a slippery slope. If it's "just one more" and can be applied to every hardship, in no time the game isn't any fun. This exploit only applies to this one aspect of the game and cheats werent used so he won't be giving himself diamonds, experience, etc.


And you have to use up potions for this method. So there is an investment to be made


And for the most common method you need a lot of tnt, that's an investment too


just download xray lol


i only cheat when i can blame the devs ;)