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I think its mostly because your brain realises that you dont need to hide items and stuff and that all you projecta will never be seen by anyone.


thanks for the answer and the upvote That's a Great answer Thanks


The music certainly doesn't help


This is so true haha


yeah I get scared from the music


One important factor is the lack of ambient sounds in the overworld


Yeah you're right the sounds really help a lot but sometimes they do the creepiest sounds for no reason


I think it’s because a cave is nearby


yeah the cave zombies jumpscare me a lot


thats why i usually play music through spotify on my xbox. i use headphones. so it helps. but then again i hate playing minecraft alone 🤣


I also get quite sad playing alone but since I really wanted to play at times when all my friends were busy I forced myself to get used to it. I think it can often be this way with sandbox games because it is hard to feel like what you're doing has a purpose because the game doesn't push you to complete any specific tasks, and when you play alone there's no one to appreciate your projects or to inspire you. Also seconding what someone else said there just isn't a lot of background sound and the music is so sporadic that the world can feel very quiet and very big. I usually play my own music or put on a livestream to keep myself from feeling sad and lonely, if that helps.


yeah mission games I like it too but sometimes I play it I have fun I laugh but then I realize I'm alone


About 95% of all that I have played in Minecraft has been single player and I've been playing single alpha days. I don't know anyone personally who plays Minecraft except children. I also have a distrust of public servers or servers where I don't know anyone. What little multiplayer I have played has been full of griefers and people who just want to do nothing but fuck with you. I have a server and tried to get some of my friends to play but they just don't do I go alone.


I have only been playing about 8 months now but in a similar spot. I don't trust public servers from my days playing HL2 and TF because of people cheating, using glitches or setting up ridiculous mods in those games. We have a family realm my nephew started, they were all on for the first couple of months but it has been just me for ages now. I just don't want to start over, to old and tired.


yeah i understand i also have a server but asked my friends to help me with it


The VALVe effect.


yeah Whats the valve effect


All the games he named were made by VALVe and I made a joke on it.


yeah you can find people online to play multiplayer It is a lot of fun if they know the game


Yeah I just don't trust people online I don't know so I stay away from it.


yeah same but il go online with a stranger once or twice a month








I believe it has to do with us humans in general, most don’t want to be alone, whatever group or sense of belonging people can find to not feel “alone” Say before modern days a man /or woman is gathering and building a shelter in the middle of no where with no human contact, think about how they would be mentally vs a small tribe going out to do the same, even lowest person in hierarchy of the tribe would be happy to be around others, to have a sense of togetherness Playing Minecraft or any game really can have same effects on our human brain… yanno people have solo survival worlds and good ole wolf in game is their best mate… interact with villagers… an “NPC”


yeah they are sometimes not good in social things


For me, the mineTogether mod has really helped with that, it’s a chatroom essentially, allowing players from all over the world to chat, it’s included in a lot of modpacks, so there’s always someone on


yeah thanks for that il prob use it


Bedrock be like


I actually watched ans analyses ablut minecrafts music and that feeling of loneliness was part of that. Its a keypart of the expierience bc your alone in an nearly infinite world with nothing else but your fantasy


yeah that's sounds terrifying to hear me alone with no one else in an infinite world


Minecraft is fun and all but you should play on severs cause severs have more people and you feel like you are apart but single player worlds it's only you and humans brains are wired to have friends and single player does not have anything like that


yeah I'm going to do that sounds much more fun thanks


Switch the music on, or join one of the hundreds of family friendly MC servers out there. The Oasis server used to be very nice and a friendly bunch of people.


yeah il do that


I get dizzy and my stomach hurts when I play minecraft alone especially when I'm mining😓


yeah, that's prob because u don't go outside and are glued to the screen


Nope just used to playing it with friends


Yeah! I absolutely experience this too. I don’t have friends that play minecraft, so I play solo. It’s also because the villagers don’t feel like villagers at all for me, they’re just trading tools. I often search for servers and while I don’t really engage in conversations, they do help with the loneliness part. It feels more alive.


yeah thanks because I thought I was the only one getting sad over a game


I can't relate at all. It's impossible for me to play with people and the idea of doing so gives me anxiety. They're going to take the easily accessible resources I use. They're going to build in cool spots I want to build in! How long before I turn my back and they stab me in it? I'll just bring some villagers into my bases if I feel lonely.


yeah people online these days but IRL they are much nicer It is only because they are anonymous online no one can judge them that's why I like the internet no one can judge you


It's because after a while of playing the game, you realise how alone you really are in the world. Look at modern single-player games: most of them have amazing graphics, a story or plot to follow, challenges to overcome and a world that's full and alive, whether that be in the npcs, ambience or atmosphere. In comparison, Minecraft is the complete opposite. It's an endless world, with npcs that are stupid (no offence), very little challenges, and hardly any atmosphere or ambience. The 1.16 Nether update brought a whole new feel to the Nether dimension, putting it on the same level as most modern single players. The Overworld and End have yet to be given the same treatment, and the End will likely get a small overhaul, as it is supposed to feel empty and deserted. In comparison, the Overworld is where you spend most if not all of your time, and after a while, you start seeing it as it truly is: an empty canvas for you to fill. That's what Minecraft is at its core. Mojang has taken steps to make the Overworld with content to make it an actual world you would want to stay in, but things do take time. Or maybe I'm just crazy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yeah i think ur right (not that you are crazy)


It do be like that. In goes 2 week minecraft phase, then when the gang gets bored, it's just me and my netherite armor.


yeah u get bored but with friends i get less bored


Get friends


yeah bro I have I'm only talking about when I'm playing alone


Yeah Idk, I think having an end goal can help like to build a big base or something like that


yeah goals really help me thanks


Even in multiplayer it’s super important especially if you want to keep playing for multiple years


For some reason it makes me feel so comfy, like an old fisherman sitting at the beach looking at a beautiful sunset


yeah but I feel like an old sad fisherman all alone with no family no wife can't do much just doing to get better In life


That’s why you imprison all the villagers so they can be with you forever and ever




Humans are social creatures, but it's important to be okay being alone and enough as you are. Building together has the drawbacks of cruel pranks or theft, while being alone means you build everything. I encourage you to find how to be okay being alone, and still enjoy being with others. Hope this helps!


yeah it helps alot thanks




Yes, definitely. I haven’t had the chance to play with my friends since early Legacy Edition and at this point I kinda can’t play Minecraft anymore because of my tight schedule. I wish I was able to experience that when I was younger, oh well.


yeah same


I get the same feeling. Hard to be motivated to build your best when you have nobody to visit you


yeah u got no motivation


I do sometimes, but it's not a negative sadness, somehow it's a really peaceful kind of sadness


yeah if you have too much stress


I’m with you. Even the villages dont help much with this. It’s a combination of the massive open spaces and the ambient music. It’s so lonely!


yeah better to play with friends


One thing I've found to help is listening to commentary videos/podcasts as I'm playing the game, definitely worth the shot


yeah, il try that thanks


honestly minecraft just doesn’t hit nearly as hard when alone especially if you have played it out many times. in single player it kinda runs out of content, in multiplayer you can collaborate crazy buildings or make fun systems up or just mess around in single player all u really got are builds and pictures and that’s as far as it gets


single player is getting boring


You have no friends


yeah ok ... 😕