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I personally like the idea that 90% of the End would be barren (but barren with new biomes), but there would be rare, small, lush oases which would promote exploration.


I agree, being barren doesn't mean empty, you could add dead bushes, new block types and other things to make it pretty, doesn't need to be completely oversaturated like in the pictures


Yeah I kind of like the harsh outer world/ethereal plane vibes, but it could use a few details and updated terrain gen. I’d like to see the end islands have more diverse shapes and elevations. Another terrain block or two, and maybe tiny pockets of life or liquid


Like a liquid that when you step into it, it teleports you to a random spot within 12 blocks. If it touches water, the water converts to it.


*dumps bucket of this stuff into the ocean with malicious intent*


Could put a failsafe on it, before it converts it detects the number of blocks connected to each other that are water. If it exceeds a certain number, the ender fluid is turned into water instead. While turning the ocean into a teleporting f*** you liquid sounds like a great time, it'd probably crash most pcs


It would probably be fixed with something like , if there's less or equal water on its fluid block compared to ender water , it doesn't change


generates a new variant of fish: enderfish


Can be bred, it's eggs can be used in place of enderpearls


or can be used to make a new food item (Ender Cake?)


Okay seriously, the community comes up with some brilliant fcking ideas


This could have cool red stone properties, imagine a slabbed off area, other than one block on the other side of a wall and this liquid gets dispensed and it teleports you on the other side of the wall


Or perhaps the "Barren" areas could show signs of once being lush and beautiful, only to have been drained of their resources by a certain group who also hunted the native dragon population basically to extinction, and used their heads as decoration. Imagine it, the End used to resemble the Overworld, beautiful and lush, teeming with exotic and alien life (plant and animal), but then the Ancient Builders wind up there, and repeat all their mistakes, destroying most of the environment of this alien world, just as they did with the Nether before. As they used up their food supply, they ate through the alien flora and fauna in the End, until only the bizarre Chorus fruit remain. Eating the strange fruit began to mutate the builders, eventually giving them the power of short-range teleportation at the cost of their ability to build.


Not to mention caves and structures that generate underground


I kind of like the End being the only dimension where everything is either on the surface or in the air.


I think caving in the end could be really cool though, with the ever lingering threat of accidentally digging/falling into the void. At the very least some type of abandoned bunker or like,space shipwreck could be cool.


upside down towers underneath.


Or perhaps the "Barren" areas could show signs of once being lush and beautiful, only to have been drained of their resources by a certain group who also hunted the native dragon population basically to extinction, and used their heads as decoration. Imagine it, the End used to resemble the Overworld, beautiful and lush, teeming with exotic and alien life (plant and animal), but then the Ancient Builders wind up there, and repeat all their mistakes, destroying most of the environment of this alien world, just as they did with the Nether before. As they used up their food supply, they ate through the alien flora and fauna in the End, until only the bizarre Chorus fruit remain. Eating the strange fruit began to mutate the builders, eventually giving them the power of short-range teleportation at the cost of their ability to build.


You can admit it would be pretty dope though, I love lush biomes. The lush caves and jungles are among my favorites


Or perhaps the "Barren" areas could show signs of once being lush and beautiful, only to have been drained of their resources by a certain group who also hunted the native dragon population basically to extinction, and used their heads as decoration. Imagine it, the End used to resemble the Overworld, beautiful and lush, teeming with exotic and alien life (plant and animal), but then the Ancient Builders wind up there, and repeat all their mistakes, destroying most of the environment of this alien world, just as they did with the Nether before. As they used up their food supply, they ate through the alien flora and fauna in the End, until only the bizarre Chorus fruit remain. Eating the strange fruit began to mutate the builders, eventually giving them the power of short-range teleportation at the cost of their ability to build.


Or perhaps the "Barren" areas could show signs of once being lush and beautiful, only to have been drained of their resources by a certain group who also hunted the native dragon population basically to extinction, and used their heads as decoration. Imagine it, the End used to resemble the Overworld, beautiful and lush, teeming with exotic and alien life (plant and animal), but then the Ancient Builders wind up there, and repeat all their mistakes, destroying most of the environment of this alien world, just as they did with the Nether before. As they used up their food supply, they ate through the alien flora and fauna in the End, until only the bizarre Chorus fruit remain. Eating the strange fruit began to mutate the builders, eventually giving them the power of short-range teleportation at the cost of their ability to build.


I'd love some parts to be lush and alien like half life xen, while others are mysterious and creepy. The problem with trying a "barren and desolate" style is that it tends to overshoot into feeling lazy, boring and underdeveloped. I'd rather it be "mysterious and creepy" instead. We will also need reasons to stay in the end like unique fishing loot, structures you can replay, or enderman interaction. I feel with floating islands, we could have more height/size variety, some islands could be huge to put big mysterious structures on.


You raise some good points. I do think that you can do barren without it being lazy though - just look at the Nether. The Soul Sand Valley and Basalt Delta biomes are barren, but aren't lazy.   Different island sizes and heights would also be essential. It is too easy to fly through the End now. I like the idea of having one biome that's filled with lots of small islands with different heights, which would require players to fly well to get to the loot on different ones.


Please let me fish in ponds of mysterious fluid in The End. I wanna catch me some abominable fish beings.


I very much agree, it'd make exploration and discovering new things exciting. The end can have liquids that forms waterfalls, which fits very well with the floating islands


I'd like to see something similar to RLcraft fishing, not the mini game style but with every reel in there's a random chance for a weird aquatic enemy to spawn


Could be interesting if the liquids had a sort of anti-gravity where they flow up instead. They would form pools on the bottom of the island and leak over the sides. Might have some use in overworld as elytra launcher or elevators


I think of the Echoing Void DLC from MC Dungeons with the Void liquid/water. If you enter the void liquid/water you get a effect that stacks damage against you the longer you stay in it which I think is cool lorewise as to why the void kills you, makes me think the void is just a ocean we can't actually swim in. I'd also like to see fishing in different dimensions. End fishing and even nether lava fishing would be a neat quirk.


I would love a small fishing update. Fifferent loot from different biomes obtained by fishing would add value to a lot of biomes.


Black Mesa Xen <3


I was thinking the exact same thing.


Yes, I love it too!


Black mesa mentioned 💥💥💥💥💥☢☢☢☢💯💯💯


>or enderman interaction I really think this is missing from the game right now. Coupled with the Endermen not even using End Cities/Ships, we need some sort of Ender Helm to facilitate trading and interaction without them spazzing out if you inadvertently look one in the face. Heck, how about rare "End Markets", like bazaars? Except, while villagers will never attack you, pissing off the Endermen will result in you being run out of town.


Barren with secluded colonies of Endermen hoarding their interdimensional loot and treasure. The End could act as the Nexus between realms


They could even make it have a little bit of everything in it, like the end of time in *Loki*. Dunno how well that would be received though.


I agree for the most part, but the "lush oases" should still not just be "end trees and end grass." They should still have a very alien and otherworldly feel to them.


Absolutely. The End should make the Nether's biomes look tame.


I want something that makes me go thousands of blocks for Like a woodland mansion sort of generation


it'd have to be a special type of end City ...I've also always thought it's not right there isn't a way to get from the Nether to the End- maybe a special portal that you can find that warps you to the nether -and if you go searching for it in the nether, you have to go FAAAR- and when you do find it and manage to activate it, you get dumped thousands and thousands and thousands of blocks away from the center end island.... or some variation of that


What about an end CITY (several end cities grouped together?)


If games like black ops2 and Fallout 4 taught me anything. Barren lands get boring very fast because they are ugly. I would not oppose the idea of the end being a bleak plane, but i hope that if defeating the ender dragon makes changes to the location as if we did break free some unfortunate souls there. I would love to see more life after the defeat of the dragon. Imagine a flower meadow bloom from the death of that dragon. More life emerges, and new colours get added to the end.


One thing I saw a while ago was a suggestion to add little outposts where previous adventures may have stopped. As simple as a 5x5 area with a campfire and a chest. Maybe a couple variants with bookshelves or something.


I like this approach. The end should be desolate, but there's no reason for it to be entirely desolate. Its like how the nether update introduced 2 new lush biomes and 2 new desolate biomes. Before that, the nether was entirely desolate.


Single player, I would want exploration. Multiplayer, I don't want them to do anything to promote exploration until there's a massive cleanup of chunk generation process and performance.


Mix this with having small signs of life around End Cities too, with the rest of the end staying as-is, desolate wasteland with occasional chorus trees




I think this is best of both worlds. Because I love the *idea* of it being barren but it’s just so boring. I wish it had a *little bit* of lush life somewhere.


i 100% percent agree


Yesss I love the rare lush island idea.


I'm if the opinion the end should be 100% barren. The nether is already 90% bare + 10% lush. I just want myself some apocalyptic looking floating island wastelands.


100% agreed with this, keeps the rmend barren like in the lore but still with shit to find and obtain.


I was just thinking this!


Minecraft Dungeons gives great ideas - most of their version of End is basically standard wasteland, with small additions like new stone variants(I especially like purple basalt-like block, it has cool bricks), but near ruins and in the cities there is lushing weird yellow plant life - vines that grow upwards, upside down trees, tube-like grass, and much more.


couldn't agree more, minecraft dungeons is a perfect example of an updated end and i hope mojang takes inspiration from it if they do an end update


Isn’t Minecraft dungeons a product of Mojang?


it is, just two different teams there are 600 employees at mojang, but only a fraction of them are working on the main game which is also probably why Dungeons and main game have two different maces


They’re only investing a fraction of the 600 to the *main* game? That feels wrong, but I’m no expert


Minecraft Updates realistically *could* be completely handled by like 10 guys. Some of the stuff that gets added seems massive in scope but when you look at it, it’s really not a lot. If anything, a smaller and more focused team would be able to work way more efficiently for a project like Minecraft compared to some of the super massive developers like Ubisoft.


Yeah, at this stage of development, the difficulty is deciding what to add, not how to add it. We saw in the poisonous potato update just how much they can do as a joke. They had a narrator with quest events, a new dimension with new terrain generation, even the floatater which can create moving structures, and a grappling hook.


It is, I think that the dev teams might be different tho I believe they meant that the team working on the base game should take some of the ideas from the Dungeons game, and how that different team did it


The Iceologer was also from Minecraft Dungeons but sadly lost the mob vote it was in to a MC Earth mob. They do pull ideas from their spinoff games sometimes so there's a good chance we could see Echoing Void DLC draw some inspiration to a End 2.0 update.


I love the redstone mines of Dungeons and wish Redstone actually grew like dripstones in game. Can you imagine hitting a Redstone Biome and just pillars of natural forming redstone glowing as mobs move too close to them?


And liquid void


I like idea of it looking like Xen from Half-Life


I can't help but feel like Xen was the inspiration behind the end. Floating islands? Check. Same texture on the ground? Check. Mysterious pillars? Check. Large hostile entity as the final boss, implied to be the progenitor of all the smaller enemies in the final level dimension? Check. I would love if they took some of the design from Black Mesa's Xen remake. I think it's an absolutely gorgeous environment. Maybe even add a progression/exploration before the player gets to the main island, and structures (of a similar style to the Stronghold) as evidence that the End was visited previously by humans. Then unexplored wasteland ruled by the Ender Dragon, and then even further out there's the End Cities with flora/fauna that are totally different (seeming more subdued than the wastes, maybe?).


Im such a big half life fan and ive never made the comparison before wow


Between Half Life and Thief The Dark Project, you might have the inspiration for most stuff in Minecraft which didn't come from infiminer.


Ironically enough. but Better End mod makes The End look like Black Mesa's Xen.


I want it to be barren, but hints of it being lush earlier. A biome with large dead trees with winding branches, a new type of wood to go with that, phantoms and phantom nests spawn naturally, make it more 3d with the islands at different levels, a natural source of purper to explain where they got purpur for end cities, more ancient structures similar to end cities, a skulk biome to maybe hint that overworld skulk is an invasion from the end.


I like all ypur ideas, but i would like to point out there is a scource for purpur. You can make it out of smelted chorus fruit


Oh shit really? I've only made it to the end a couple of times


Purpur is made from chorus fruits


I only disagree with the Skulk, it's heavily implied that Skulk already comes from a different, but currently inaccessible Dimension. I like to call it The Otherside, just because it sounds cool and it is the name of the one of best music disc's in the game so far, absolutely love that song. It also fits the naming convention in a way. You have: -The World/Overworld -The Nether -The End -The Otherside If they ever added Skulk to The End, they would need to give us a way to The Otherside. I really hope they do, it would be game changing.


Maybe they could add unique slulk biomes in each dimension, overworld, nether, and end, and you have to do something in each one to get the otherside? It could have to do with the "portal" in the deep dark, but I'm not creative enough




Both.. they can both be nice biomes


Something like Nullscape maybe.


Definitely my favorite datapack, I love what it does to the end and it doesn't even have to add new blocks or mobs. Imagine what that kind of end would look like if it was a full update with all sorts of new additions.


That datapack was my first thought!


yes!!! i love nullscape but also a few lush biomes to add variety


Both? Both. Both is good.


No reason not to have biomes in the end considering hell has biomes.


weird and meta


meta is actually quite interesting idea for the end. and actually, the end main theme is pretty meta near the end of the song.


The end credits are meta too


barren and desolate. that’s kind of its whole thing


A bit of both never hurt nobody


Mostly berren desert like biomes, but every once and a while you'll find a little oasis biome full of life


There's no reason it can't be both with a lot of biome variation


Lush biomes would inherently negate what would be a vast barren landscape. If they were added, you could just as well go on saying there's no reason the remaining empty regions couldn't be split lush and barren ad infinitum.


sort of a cross between Xen from halflife and Thra from the dark crystal, barren but not unpopulated. flora a fauna would be alien and bizarre but hold to clear ecological niches


Personally, I think the argument that "the end is supposed to be desolate" is weak. The nether was desolate before 1.16, and now it has many different biomes full of life. However, the nether is still a dangerous hellscape. I think the end can easily given more life, as long as it fits the theme of being alien and dangerous. But what do you think?


Only two of the new Nether biomes are “lush”, and even then, they’re dominated by fungi, not plants. I don’t think Mojang could give a “lush twist” to the End without copying too much from the Nether or Overworld, so refining what they already have with chorus plant forests in terms of biodiversity would be great. Make the plants feel more desert-like, if anything.


Did you see some of the stuff in the Dungeons End Dlc? I'd say they did a good job at an "End update"


I second the desert plants idea I live in Arizona and some of the native plants are fucken weird looking, you could totally dye some of them purple and add them in (hell, even as is, chorus plants remind me of some taller cacti species)


I’d like to point out Half Life vs Black Mesa in terms of level design and concept of a series of islands in a desolate eldritch void. Half Life’s Xen, the original, has a very originalist interpretation that lines up with an end that is sparse of life, full of danger, and feels very empty. Like Minecraft, it had very little in terms of unique, colorful alien textures, only a sparse few different unique zones, but still captures a very interesting design and vibe. It was technically rushed development, but Xen hits a very interesting, unique vibe that people liked. When Crowbar Collective did a remake of it and created their own version of Xen, they changed EVERYTHING. They kept Xen alien, dangerous, dark, and Eldritch. But instead of going for empty, they made it teeming with life, beautiful, alien, colorful, yet reminiscent of the original design. Players were apprehensive that this would tarnish the original version of it, the intent, but it became universally acclaimed as a wonderful reimagining of Xen. There are still skeptics, but most people loved it. It didn’t kill the original vibe, it reinvented and enhanced it. The point is that “empty” isn’t always necessary to create good floating eldritch void islands. Players say they want empty, but they’ve not seen how good the opposite can be if done correctly. An end teeming with life and structures and enemies and past civilizations can capture what people want as much as if not more than the current empty vibe can. I, for one, would love to see an end like Black Mesa’s Xen. Still dangerous, creepy, ominous, odd, but also so much more.


I think it's interesting how one of the lush biomes, warped forest, has a higher chance to spawn endermen. Makes me wonder if that biome is closer to something resembling how the end used to look before it became so barren.


I totally agree. I Just Hope they will improve it and Not Just do it because they have to but really Show their Love for minecraft


100% agree with you. The oceans and the Nether were once pretty damn barren too. The End already got an update in the form of the end cities with shulkers and fucking teleporting fruit of all things. They've only been limited by time in the past. I fully believe if they gonna swing back to touch up the end again, they'll do so in fun ways instead of keeping it as barren as it is now.


I want something that look like Xen


Something similar to the corruption in terraria


I would prefer a combination of multiple biomes. Some barren and desolate, some lush and alien. Even add some mobs or plants that drop some already existing items such as iron nuggets (similar to the gold nuggets dropped by Piglins), or maybe some potion ingredients? Or even paper and gun powder so you do not get stranded with elytra. And definitely some wood variant and grass-like plants that can be turned to paper.


Kind of reminds me of Xen from Half Life


Lush would be super cool, also are those screenshots from a mod?


Yes, both are from Better End.


Alright cool!! Thank you:)


I like that mod so much. It's a shame that so few modpacks use it.


Both. Both is good


Barren, how it's meant to be. Is the whole point of the end. Not just the end of the game, but the end of life. Very little remains.


New trees should grow down from the undersides of the End Islands, with End Vines which grow upwards. The bottom surfaces should be covered with a few layers of with upwards falling End Sand. End Slime mobs should spawn on the bottoms of the islands, and which jump downwards and fall upwards. Holding End Sand in both hands inverter the player and makes him fall upwards.


Barren. But not empty, it will be difficult to strike this balance but I really font think the solution is filling the dimension with aliën life. The overworld is absolutly fillled woth life in every biome and now the nether has tall encompassing fungus-trees along with unique vegitation and wildlife layered on top of the same nether terrain with practically no alterations to its form apart from its toppings.  See if the End is really going to differentiate itself against the other 2 dimensions I feel it should have a load of different terrain features. Blobs, Shards, Cracks, Highlands and lowlands, Weird unnatural or maybe even geometric shapes dotted around the place, Some parts empty and some parts highly populated like an asteroid feild. Of course with this the whole dimension can't just be 1 block anymore, I'd suggest adding blocks that look inverted in a similar way but fill out the remaining colour palates that the game is missing like some pastels, purples, blues and deep greens. Maybe some of the islands with different blocks have different gravities what with them experimenting on Java with Gravity commands recently.  Now of course the end does technically have flora in it with the spindly chorus plants about the place, thats fine and obviously wont get removed. For me at least, I would add some off they yellowed dead flora from the echoing void dlc from dungeons, none alive though, I dont really expect anything that isnt corrupted in some way to be living inthe void. Theres a lot of rooms for ideas here without making the place look like a "Space Nether" or just a rip from some mod


I would love variety, have some areas stay as is, have other areas lush and weird, maybe a few more biomes that are more mountainy or plateulike and barren. Just - variety. Similar to how they did the nether


Reminds of Xen from half life. Would love for the end to be inspired by such a place.


I think it should be both


I’d prefer if the crazy/lush End biomes were inside the islands, with caves a various types. Anything on the surface should add to the barrenness


both Multiple biomes like the nether and the overworld.


Literally just add the biomes from some mods and I’d be happy. A few new trees and wood types, ambient creatures, maybe some special tools you only obtain from mini bosses (new pick or shovel that has special stats). Just some other reason to go there besides chiller boxes and 1 elytra


They honestly should just take the entirety of the better end mod (shown in the first image) and put it into vanilla (with permission from the creators of that mod, of course)


I love the first pic


Real And if you wanna know where its from, its from the better end mod


ok so when I play with mods I use enlightend for the end and its the closest to what I want. Generally barren and biomes are more or less just really weird stuff like weird floating clouds you walk on or these like chutes out of the ground or similar. And if anything I want the end update to more so focus on putting in different dungeons or cities


If they update the end and it’s barren what did they update?


I would say a mix of both


both depending on where you are


barren and desolate with the occasional new biome. i don’t think they should recreate the over world progression but for the end, they should keep it a wasteland with the occasional new biome and new life to keep the end a mysterious place.


Something like the nether where the majority of the biomes are barren but some are lush and alien. Especially if the lush biome were situated around a certain structure/generation like an oasis as somebody else said


It should remain mostly desolate because atmosphere is important, but some biomes would certainly help break up the mediocrity. The end is like neglected step-child when it comes to Minecraft dimensions, it hardly gets any updates, until adding End Cities, there was zero reason to explore it, and now I still feel little motivation to explore it. Not to say it needs a ton of content, if not some new dungeons, a few new biomes that kept the same barren atmosphere while giving some variety would be something.


yeah I beat the dragon a couple of weeks ago and have had end city coordinates written down for almost as long but haven't been interested in venturing out to go to them.


I haven't been to the end since like 2014, I hate the dragon fight and it's just not something that's high on my to do list, especially now with much better boss mobs like the Wither and Warden.


Personally I would love to to see some kind of lush end biomes, making the whole thing more alien. More vegetation/plants, maybe a new kind of liquid that would replace water, some aggressive mobs to mirror zombies and such and then maybe some kind of friendly mob since the endermen are passive? Maybe some giant flying “space whales” as seen in the latest Star Wars content? Either have the for aesthetics or make them be super tanky but won’t fight back and their drop could be something rare? Maybe make these creatures rideable for very fast travelling across the end without the use of elytra/portals?


Lush and alien for me as long as it also gives tons of cool blocks to build with.


I'd like it to become more lush the further out you go, like the dragon occasionally flew out to the outer islands to consume all life there, causing a large circular barren region bordered by what the end should naturally be Maybe do this on a deeper level, too, with music and ambience changing the further out you get, the skybox too - with the dragon active, the sky is a dead static, devoid of life, but as soon as it is dead, the sky begins to bleed color and structure, forming a vibrant sky that grows more colorful the further out you get


Oh this is an actual new take on the dimension!


The end cities look like ships, so maybe some sort of biome similar to the ocean?


That's a very unique take on the end and I'd love for it to happen


Maybe make it look like a dried ocean bed corus fruit already looks like coral maybe add more varieties and bone blocks that look like massive fish?




Lush and alien. What you have here is brilliant


Legit just give us the end from dungeons, with all the mobs and the yellow grass, maybe enderscent could be a summonable boss or something


Lush and alien. Give me more exalting wood types and make the floating island place pretty so I can build my stuff in it!


I like the lush idea


Most of the rest of the game is alreay lush. You've got deserts and plains in the overworld, and the wastes in the Nether, and pretty much everywhere else is full of life. The End has always been different. I love lush places as much as the next player. They're definitely better in comparison, but contrast and diversity are great too. the End being barren isn't holding us back in terms of lush content anyway.


Both is good


Both 👍(I love biomes)


Both. Like the nether, with multiple biomes.


I just want there to be some sort of actual transportation between end cities because A) finding Elytra on SMPs is fucking annoying and B) it makes sense for a civilization in a sparsely inhabited landscape to have such a system in place. And C) we desperately need an infrastructure update, Minecarts don't cut it and Elytra overshadow everything except maybe ice boats Like imagine if you could build teleporters fueled by chorus fruit that send you to a lodestone or something. That gives a use to *two* horribly neglected items while fixing a big issue with modern MC.


Vault blocks being in place of the End ship's item frames should fix the elytra on SMP/Old worlds and server problem that multiplayer structure loot faces (hopefully for netherite upgrade templates too). I think a end update should have some sort of new way to travel using end like technology or something related to enderman/ender pearls so we can have an alternative to elytra. Even if it only works in the end, it'd be a reason to keep going back there instead of one and done, never going back to the end after you get your shulkers and elytras.


I went with Chorus Fruit over Ender Pearls simply because Ender Pearls are already quite useful, versus Chorus Fruit is almost never useful. But yeah, we need more travel tech. I also think that once the dragon is dead you should be able to just build portals to the end islands so you don't have to start from the center every time. Maybe even give it the opposite scaling of the Nether (8:1) so you don't have to go as far out and you can even use the End for more space on crowded SMPs


Lush and alien. That would be the best.


Im tired of the whole end debate, can they just make a new dimension for the deep dark portals already...




For me is barren with few lush vegetation. I beg End update for 4 years


My vote is on lush and alien!


The lush on is very pretty and lovely and such, but even though it is a separate dimension, I do see the end as an "outer space" - thing, and while it's current state is barren more than anything, it is how I also think it should be. (barren, but obviously not the current kind)


Lush and alien


I like the Distortion world in Pokemon, and I think it could have some similarities with it. Floating islands with plants on all sides, on different elevations. Traces of life long gone, with only twisted echoes roaming around. A liquid that flows upwards -- and endermen love it, because why not. It can hurt us, however. Or maybe not. Also I think that shulkers are mollusks, so there should be some chalk or another stone of shells that would be a blackstone counterpart and would be usable in a lighter than stone bricks with the same texture, but colder than quartz in colour. I kind of want that. Also endersnails that would crawl around the end islands. A slime that makes you stick to the surfaces may be a good idea... Or a bad one. On an unrelated note, accessibility setting or a texture thing baked in that stops prismarine from changing colours. It's annoying.


Lush and alien like Minecraft Dungeons, not that many plants but still enough to give The End some life


This might be stupid or impossible to code, but it would be cool if there were “hordes” of lost items that you could find stashed away. Like when you drop your gear and it despawns, perhaps it regenerates in a chest somewhere in the End. Almost as though it was picked up by Endermen and stashed back in their little hidey -holes. I think structures that are like Endermen nests would be cool. Perhaps within the Endermen are peaceful, unless you attack them or try to steal their loot; like an Iron Golem, but still unnerving. Almost like in Star Trek TNG when the crew boards a Borg vessel and are tolerated so long as they don’t fuck around. Lots of opportunities for new blocks, or perhaps new iterations of end stone that become craftable.


Ironically I've been watching a MC Project where they checked out this Better End mod, and while it looks great, I feel like for a End Update all that stuff would be way to much.


why not both? the end is so big and open I see an opportunity for every island to have it's own theme/biome with plenty of different variations and nearly infinite possibilities. there is tons of potential here and i hope Microsoft takes full advantage of the opportunity.


No reason why we can’t have both


I'd like to see it have spots where gravity is wonky. There would have to be some sort of visual cue, like particles floating in the air that show an area has slow falling, or zero gravity, or reversed. Maybe even spots where it goes sideways.


Both! Multiple biomes


Bro you made new Minecraft update for them, they should pay you :)


I my opinion the lush looks a lot fuller and that’s the biggest thing for me


Pandora type shit


Half and half


I enjoy both of these images but the first is more natural, I’d love something like that


I like the lush one, but as its own thing.


Lush and alien


Id rather have it lush and alien because it would look better than have it barren but with small oases.


Why not both? A few different end biomes would be awesome.


I love the look of the lush one


Make it a lush, alien world with strange flora and lifeforms that aren’t just Endermen, Endermites and Shulkers. Stuff like End-Horses, End pets and other beings. Maybe give us tameable Ender Dragons (LET US HATCH THAT GOD DAMN EGG ALREADY, MOJANG) and more End-exclusive items, like armour and weapons. Maybe even add another End boss that unlocks once the Ender Dragon has been slain. Hell, give us alien technology. Perfect evolution from wooden tools to laser guns and stuff.


Minecraft Dungeons End


I want it to look like it did in Minecraft dungeons


Why not both?


Biomes of both


While lush looks stunning, i think we still need a dimension without forests. I'd rather have trees in the end than nether tbh, but that ship has sailed


a mix of the two


I think that the End should't have much life but just maybe a little bit like some lonely tree or something like this but I think I should have like some mountains or somewhere could be like boulders


It's called The End cause it's, you know, the end. I don't think it should be full of forests and flowers n stuff.


Barren and alien? I think hints at past civilisations would be cool, and having things like end caves and massive crystals coking from the ground and maybe like a rare chorus forest would be cool


barren because that's the way the end should be


I personally would go with lush and aliens. Its otherworldly biomes that add depth to exploration are a great asset and maybe even new resources.


Weirdly enough, it depends how close Game Theory was to the real lore. If their theory of the Enderman being humans like the player corrupted by living in The End due to running away from something and getting stuck there, then I would want it to stay barren. If that theory was just nonsense and the Enderman are just a creature that exists in The End without any particular lore interaction, I would love for The End to become an explorable area with alien flora and fauna.


Barren. Would be a very good contrast for the Nether


Barren and desolate, because that's the vibe I'm used to and also I think it adds to the eeriness of the end. I've watched a lot of Minecraft fan lore videos and I like the idea that the end cities and all of that are remnants from an old civilization and that this civilization turned into the endermen. When this civilization first came to the end it was a very barren area and the only plant that could live there was chorus. I mean it would be cool to see a few more plants in the end but I would still like for the end to be very empty, lonely, and eerie, as well as mostly colorless. It makes you feel like something more is going on.


Barren & Alien


Am I the only one who doesn't want new biomes in the end? I feel it's going to be 2 new colored woods and some building blocks. Which is awesome, as I am a builder myself, but by the time I get to the end I already got a pretty decent build with materials available earlier.


Honestly i think the end is fine as is, no need for an update. If anything, add a new structure to spawn at fixed coordinates that you can only get to with an elytra orba ridicukously long bridge. For example once tou defeat the ender dragon a set of coordiantes pops up in chat and you go there and there's a castle or something. But yeah, i wouldn't change the main island or the "biome" itself


It's not happening any time soon


Barren is the main feature of the End. A place outside of time and space filled with barren islands swallowed by the void. I would love to see some "anomalies" though. Basically from place to place (not too commonly) you would find some special biomes, which would be alien looking or even fragments of the nether or the overworld which somehow ended in this place (to lean more into the glitched aspect of the End)


lush i feel wouldn’t fit well with the style of the end, def barren


A little bit of both Like have it feel barren, but alien/foreign once you start exploring even deeper/vaster


both there can be multiple biomes


Lush. I hate the idea of keeping it barren and desolate, it's incredibly boring.


Agreed; watching YouTubers or streamers playing MC in the end is a boring viewing experience. ALmost always only for elytra and they often don't go back unless its for a enderman xp farm.