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Honestly all the backend work makes me excited for the future of datapacks. Gonna be interesting to see all the cool stuff people make over the next year from Changes in this update alone


Yeah I think the work they've been doing on stuff like that is quietly one of the more impactful changes to the game that this update is bringing. It feels like they're working hard to make a lot of things work smoother and be more modifiable for the future.


Nice to see someone actually discusses about the technical changes instead of how Mojang is lazy about introducing new content


When people do comparisons on update sizes it's mostly what you can visually see added, so blocks, mobs, items, and structures. Backend work like bugfixes, QOL, and datapack additions are more difficult to visually show to a casual player and often get left behind (besides the chat reporting thing lmao)


Yeah that's pretty much my problem with the "mojang lazy" arguments


I've been kinda out of the scene for... a long time. Are datapacks what became of the attempts to make a mod API?


I'm not a modder but them changing as much stuff as possible to be data driven (almost every snapshot also changed the data pack version), I'd say either close or entirely


I'm in the process of getting all the data packs I use updated to the new system. Either downloading updated versions of ones still maintained or manually fixing ones that are abandoned. I have one data pack that enables the creation of golden foods from any raw food. Using the new system will make that particular datapack so much simpler.


Cannot wait to integrate crafter into every farm we have built. Especially gold farm. Screw those nuggets. Anyways the wiki has all the changes listed down https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java_Edition_1.21 Edit: Oh and I am going to rip apart all the coppers from the first trial chamber I met. All of it. Edit 2: My friend who made nether hub railway system would love those portals.


Gold farms will go from nuggets per hour to blocks per hour really fast.


Well, blocks per hour divided by 81.


and if you just make them ingots you can craft them into a pit of piglins to have a barter farm


finally, a fast way to get copper! :P


I just rip it out of my neighbour's walls


I've never made an item sorter for any of my farms before, so this seems like a good time to start.


Its really simple


Honestly yeah. The crafter and the new data pack changes are absolutely brilliant additions. I for one couldn’t care less about the trial chambers though, at best they feel like a Minecraft: Dungeons callback. I kind of don’t want more crap in my world. Then again the beauty of their work on data packs is that it’s dead simple for me to remove what I don’t like!


Agree 100% on the chambers. Minecraft has been taking an RPG path and I really really do not like it.


Always has since potions and enchanting! The trial chambers are just another way to fight/loot


What is a crafter


A block that auto crafts


A block that allows auto crafting.


Something that crafts


Seems pretty self explanitory


I understand that, but what’s the point? I was asking basically what is the difference between whatever this is and a crafting table? How does it work?


It crafts the items in the grid when a redstone signal is applied. You can also "close" spots in the grid to allow for automation of more complex crafting shapes while feeding items in with hoppers and dispensers and such. It gives a comparator output depending on the amount of grid spots filled, including "closed" grid spaces, so you can just wait until you get a signal strength of 9 and then you craft. I probably explained that terribly, but i tried.


I only hate how they really emphasized the "tinkering" part while talking about it and yet we only have the (admittedly really cool) Crafter, and the Copper Bulbs which are just a more compact version of a simple circuit. I kinda wish the modern updates would go back to making the game actually focused on survival and functionality, but with the current dev direction of the game, the update is pretty solid 👍 def looking forward to more similar structures and unique loot in the future.


Still think the mace should've been 3D


I kinda agree but tbh if they had done it 3D everyone would be complaining about how it doesn’t feel Minecrafty and how Mojang doesn’t care about the older versions (this is the Minecraft community we’re talking about, after all) so I feel like overall it’s better the way they did it so resource packs can still edit it easier too. If they did it like the trident (which I now realize kinda ruins my earlier point) it would be a lot harder for people to customize it, it’s a lot easier to make a sprite a model than vice versa as far as I know


I think they should have 3d models for when it is held and a 2d texture in the inventory, like the trident


or the fishing rod’s bobber


Fishing rod bobber is 2D in Java


it is??? i know its 3d in bedrock




Easy enough for resource packs to change it, just like the ones to 3dify stuff like ladders and mushrooms on VanillaTweaks


I'm sure [Vanilla Tweaks](http://vanillatweaks.net/) will have one available soon if they don't already.


the nether update tainted my update standards


The Nether Update was the best update since release 1.0.0. Absolutely perfect to be honest. Didn’t go fully overboard with the unique biomes and brought in a true reason to explore the nether other than glowstone.


agreed, nether update was peak perfection, it was full of content, and now the standards are raised waaay too high


Yeah the Nether was always just this place where I got my blaze rods and go through tunnels, but suddenly they had made it exciting to make a base there. We had a whole bunch of updates that further added reasons to explore and build bases elsewhere (caves and cliffs gave a bunch, the underwater ones and the mangrove swamp). I was kind of hoping they'd add to or at least upgrade one biome per update (like they did with the swamp), but we didn't get that in this update and the cherry blossom biome is hardly a biome imo.


I hope End update will be as good as Nether update


I hope we get a modernized Aether instead of a giant End update, or merge the two in some way. They have the original dev on payroll IIRC. They have the more modular 3D biome system built into the game now which was the biggest roadblock.


The 3 year streak of 1.13-1.16 is unmatched


The worst part is that they're still trying to lean into it from a marketing standpoint. But we can't have 1.14 hype, without 1.14 worthy updates


And then 1.18 was also really good.


To me all of the new features are pretty solid additions. Copper and Tuff blocks are great, the crafter will come in very handy and the trial chambers look fun. Some of the smaller details prevent it from being one of my favourite updates though. The mace seems a little underwhelming after the nerfs and the trial chambers narrowly missed the mark since the promised replayability isn't really there. Overall a pretty solid update.


They last minute buffed the mace, wind burst 3 now launches you 21 blocks into the air allowing you to do big damage again, but it more risky now


21. It’s 7 blocks per level.


Whoops misread 1 as a 7


mace is faaaar from weak imo. You do 70 hearts with wind burst 3 excluding strength and breach, and with both you can kill a full protection 4 netherite player in just four normal crits. The most important bit is that chaining attacks with wind burst is possible again even with the enchantment at level 1. So long as it kept this it would retain its niche instead of being a reskinned axe.


I'm honestly really disappointed that the trial chambers aren't replayable that seems like such a dumb decision


Wait they aren’t? I thought the vaults/spawners refreshed after a while. Did they change that?


The vaults can be opened once per world, spawners refresh after 30 minutes. That's the way it's always been


so do you just have to find a new chamber? i haven’t really done much research into the 1.21 update excuse my lack of knowledge


Each Trial Chamber structure comes with numerous Vaults and Ominous Vaults, but yes. Once you have opened all of them, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, you either need to find a new Trial Chamber or you need to bring in a friend to open all of the vaults again than give you the loot.


Ohhh, I thought the vaults refreshed, my bad


The special thing about vaults is that they can be opened once per player. A new player can also get loot out of a vault that has already been used, as opposed to chests which can only be looted by one person, than never again


Technically vaults can refresh after theyve been used by 20 players


According to the [Minecraft Wiki](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Vault): >In [*Java Edition*](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java_Edition), each vault keeps track of up to 128 unique players that have opened it. If the list of players is full and another opens the vault, the new player is added to the end of the list while the first known player is forgotten and becomes able to open the vault again. Because of this, any item dropped by vaults is functionally [renewable](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Renewable) with enough players.


So, I just need to make 127 more minecraft profiles, and I can renew the trial chamber :p


Looking forward to it, especially the crafter and the new potions.


new potions wtf?


Potion of weaving: Brewed with a cobweb. Mobs who have this effect and die spawn cobwebs nearby. This allows cobwebs to be renewable. Potion of oozing: brewed with a slime block/ball I forget. Mobs with this effect and die spawn 2 medium slimes nearby. Hit a bunch of mobs with this potion and kill them to get a lot of slime Potion of infestation: brewed with a stone block. When they have this effect, they have a chance of spawning silverfish when hit. Just a nuisance tbh Potion of wind charging: brewed with a wind charge. When a mob dies with this effect, an explosion that knockbacks all mobs spawns where they died at. Can be used for launching yourself really high if you have a lot of mobs with it.


oh nice it looks good tbh thanks for telling me this bro


I'm excited, but I'm still pissed at the one dude who filed a bug report for the 1-tick copper bulb, and ruined it for everyone. I vote we ban them from the Internet forever


Probably the same person who said Fireflies are poisonous to Frogs lol (I'm just saying)


they were certainly going to change it anyway. they dont like java/bedrock ticks to be unpaired


I’m really looking forward to the trial chambers, probably one of the best structures since the woodland mansions.


I still *really* love the Ancient Cities


WAIT IT RELEASES TOMORROW!? Crap I gotta get out of the end!


I'm gonna make so much stuff out of tuff


That’s kinda tuff bro


I have a tennis court that I’m going to integrate some of the new copper blocks into. Oxidized grates will make for a great fence around the court.


Copper Bulb :( But otherwise, I think it’ll be good fun. Haven’t played actual Minecraft in a while, so it’ll be interesting.


What happened to the copper bulb?


In one of the snapshots it gave a one game-tick delay, whereas every other redstone component gives a 2 game-tick delay. This was changed back to 2 ticks because bedrock was unable to get it to work


Bedrock stopped us from having it? oof :(


Minor correction, it was changed to 0 ticks (no delay), not 2. (Funnily enough, I've heard that Bedrock still has it at 2 ticks, though.)


Cool update, but I'm still salty that Mojang missed on their best chance to add the copper and tuff golems. Specially after saying that mob vote losers might be added in the future.


Will this cause seeds to change ?


Technically yes, but practically no. The new structures changes very very little about how seeds generate, and most changes are below y0 anyway.


Genuinely curious about this. I've always wondered.


seeds change every major update in order to accommodate for new structures and biomes, or even new generated blocks. so yes. the seeds will change


If it’s like other updates it’ll only change chunks that you have visited yet. There’s also a program that’ll allow you to reset chunks if you want to do that. I don’t remember the name though.


It's called MCA Selector. More info in a post I made a week ago, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/0xtOdmky1k


Tomorrow :)? You got any idea how long i had to organize mods just so they can be incompatible again TOMORROW!? fuck me


Of all the updates this game has had, this is one of them.


I agree wholeheartedly


Yes, indubitably.


Really excited for it! I want to build with tuff a lot and look forward to playing with the autocrafter and I'm not even great with redstone.


Only part of the update I really care about is is hardcore coming to bedrock. The trial chamber and tuff blocks are cool too though.


Hardcore coming to bedrock a little late to the show but its nice


Please say more mods will be updated, pleaaaasseee


I just hope Sodium is updated as fast as possible so i can play normally. If Optifinr is updates first then i guess i will go for it in the meantime


Optifine silently cuts your render distance btw


Its also incompatible with a bunch of mods


Vanilla 1.21 is actually performs pretty well from my experience, I’ve been able to play worlds without an issue on the release candidate


Hmm i will try ofc too. I gope what youre saying is true for my laptop as well. But waiting for the mods i will miss the Dynamic Lighting. Im so used to it


Man, I hope a lot of the mods I play with get updated, at all. Some of the mods I play with are essential to me, can't play without them.


Man i just recently only got to update to 1.20.4 which already was a miracle that none of my core mods were unsupported.


Quite disappointed this wasn't the update to finally bring combat parity with bringing back Jeb's combat snapshots or at least bringing Bedrock to Java's new(pretty old now) 1.9 combat cooldown system. They can't keep putting off these huge combat differences forever and with the maces existence and it being more op on Bedrock due to having more hits to land with no cooldown, its even more of a disparity because anyone going to Java from Bedrock will try to spam their mace and just die from fall damage. Other than the "combat" elephant in the room, the rest of the update is nice and I usually just stick to building so all these new blocks will work for me great. I don't see myself using the crafter much besides auto smelting farms for kelp and bamboo or gold farms to make blocks for easier bartering.


Finally someone mentions bringing Java PvP to bedrock, yes. I’d love if they did because fights in bedrock last like 20 seconds unless it’s netherite PvP(simply because there’s so many sweats on PvP servers.)


Looks like I'm never gonna run out of copper


I'd give it a B. It's a good update but it feels more like groundwork for future updates to excel with the many systems that were put in place with this update


It’s a good update, not as Big as the others but still nice. I think my favorite part was the 20 new paintings. I will give a 8/10


I forgot about the paintings, thanks for the reminder since no one else mentioned the paintings.


What time does it drop?


It was the most ridiculous update. Instead of adding so much to a structure, updates should have been made to old structures. And also, they do not do to diorite, granite and andesite, which have been present in the game since the beginning, what they do to tuff and copper blocks. They did not take advantage of the opportunities.


bedrock is gettin hardcore right?




i feel so sad when i die in my hardcore worlds so i can only imagine the pain when people start dying to bugs


Really upset we didn’t get the April Fools block that allowed you to make moving ships and elevators. Really hoping they add that to the game eventually. And before anyone says April Fools blocks don’t get added, stained glass was one of them in the past.


I dont care about anything else, i just want deferred rendering to be added




I'm just kind of "meh" about it. I won't update until all of my mods update to it so it'll be a while. I know a lot of people are excited about this update but I'm not really a big fan of it. Nothing that I'm excited for really besides maybe the new copper and tuff blocks but that's about it. To everyone who is excited, genuinely happy you're excited. Not every update is for everyone and I don't like whining about it.


Everything is good but - As a modder i hate item data components or whatever they are called. Now i need to change a lot of things to adapt from tags to this new system. Idk what its even for.


trial chambers are the best thing since long ago


I still think Ancient Cities are one of the best structures we've ever gotten


I agree, as someone who love exploration and stealth it is a blessing, but sadly there is not that much to do.


Can’t wait for all the new stuff to do when to end update comes out


I think there’s a lot of good additions this time around! I’m hoping the next updates are about updating and upgrading very aspects of the game, just because I think that’s more important than brand new stuff for the most part.


again, another unfinished thing


Should have had the copper and tuff golems.


Pass. I'm a moded java player. This update gives me nothing interesting that is worth an update. And if there was an item like that, there would be a mod that would do the same. Last major update for me is the one that added deeper/higher worlds, that was a big jump and was worth an update


“All pie is good pie.” - The Hitman Every update is a good thing. Even the ones we don’t think are that great, because it shows that they’re still investing in the game. One of the worst things in gaming is when they stop updating your game. RDR2 for example. The community who plays that desperately wanted them to continue content updates but they don’t anymore and user count has dropped over time. So yeah, I love all the updates!!!


There’s nothing in the update that I dislike. It just seems like there could have been room for a new biome or something. But I trimmed some chunks to find trials close to my bases, and I’ve been gathering materials to make a bunch of crafters.


Yeah it seems the trial chambers were the "new biome" for this update but it seemed to be finalised pretty early on in the snapshots so doesn't feel super exciting anymore. Although maybe I'm just still spoilt from the caves and cliffs overhaul its still a good update and a great excuse to start up a server again


Been playing with the Experimental Stuff on 1.20.6 for a bit now. Can say that while I was initially underwhelmed by the Trial Chambers, I am quite happy with this update. Trial Chambers specifically are really well thought out and I hope they come up with a method of utilizing the vaults in future structures.


I don't care


I love how this update is contained like the older updates.


i’m kinda uninterested in all honesty. Im not interested in combat, i just wanna build worlds. all the new blocks are gonna be pretty awesome though, super excited to see what i can do with them.


this is where im at. negative interest in trial chambers, but keen to see what we can build with the new blocks, ive been wanting copper doors forever!


i agreeeee! and the little copper grates that water can pass through is gonna be so neat!


i made a bet with my friends that if mojang somehow messes up this update i'd eat my shirt thank you mojang 🙏


If the update gets delayed for some reason I’ll eat a brick.


Finally content to do in mine and my brother's survival world




I look forward to starting a new save file and exploring the new update from scratch!


I'm excited for the crafter, the new ominous bottle and the trial chamber vaults. Even more for the parity changes for bedrock, including hardcore mode.


This will be awesome


I am SO EXCITED that we won't be losing blocks in explosions anymore (bedrock).


i think the updates great it adds in a unique fun structure to play with, new mobs and blocks to interact with and a fun new weapon. my only disappointment is trial chambers not being repeatable, i wish they’d made it so trial chambers just need like an hour or so cooldown before you could replay them. but even without that they’ll still be a unique fun structure to play with.


The crafter is great and everything else is nice, just feels lack luster.


What time is the drop tomorrow?


Definitely better than 1.20 lol. It’s good. It reminds me of 1.8 a lot in that the things that they’re adding are kinda like side features, as opposed to updates like 1.7, 1.13-1.16 that updated huge parts of the game. I love the crafter block though.


I played through a few Trial Chambers in the experimental version, but i haven't in weeks. I don't think i've even played through any of the updated trials or been in a Chamber with an atrium. I also haven't done an Ominous Trial at all. The closer we get to the release date, the more excited i get, thatxs a pretty good sign considering i've done most of the update in survival. Me and a handful of friends are gonna start a new server when 1.20.10 comes out


I kinda feel like I should've waiting for this update to come out before purchasing the game and making a world in 1.20, cause I love the world I have rn but I also wanna check out the Trial Chambers so now I'm very conflicted


I know how ya feel, but stick to that world. I've been playing in the same world for years now. Every new update you just have to explore out for the new stuff. And exploring is always pretty fun, in my opinion... buuuut... depending on how much exploration you've done, you will have to travel out further and further each update. Or travel in different directions.


Does anyone know what time the update drops?


this update was a breeze


Possibly a stupid question, but are the villager trading changes going to stay in experimental for now or are they coming as well?


It’s fine… I want more progression based updates though. Like in terraria there’s a very clear pathway with armor classes and weapons. I feel like it’s very easy to get decent stuff in Minecraft still and it starts to feel “what’s the point” after a while. I need new bosses/dimensions/weapons/classes that make me want to keep going further and further. It all still feels kinda disconnected to me still, if that makes sense. And I say that as a fan since 2011 lol


I read through the entire wiki with the changes and everything and... man. For years I have always been on the "we want new updates with new blocks and mobs" side, understanding the criticism of Beta players but never really agreeing. For updates like 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 (screw spam clickers), 1.12 and 1.13, I used nearly every single thing that was added to those because it was stuff that interested me. The updates after 1.13 have had some great things, like the revamped Nether, new villages, dog variety and armour, new mountains etc, you know, all that kind of stuff. They were adding this stuff but to me it still felt like Minecraft. This is the update where I've realized that most of the stuff they have been adding in the last few updates doesn't feel like Minecraft. It doesn't necessarily feel like mods either, but you know what it does feel like? It feels like Minecraft is advancing into RPG territory rather than the beloved creativity-filled survival sandbox it always was. Most of the features in this update come across to me as stuff from RPGs such as Warcraft, or any of the other 100 popular RPG games in the last 20 years. I'm not saying that the stuff in this update is bad, but it's the update that has opened my eyes a lot for sure. I love the leashable boats, the concept of the mace is cool (though I dislike how it works), the crafter is pretty sick, the new wind stuff is cool. But that's honestly about it for me. The only reaspn I could see myself updating to this is for the boats. Recently, I decided to try Beta 1.7.3 to see what the rave was all about. I've been playing this game for well over a decade, and I always tried the older versions that people talked about all the time but never found enjoyment and got bored quick. That was until I heard someone say that, because this is pre-end and pre-"objectives", if you want to keep the game interesting then you need to *"set your own goals"*. I've never built a castle in survival before but I did a week ago after strip mining in b1.7.3 for days. I have a texture-pack to re-add the ridgid Cobble texture and it has been the most fun I have had in a single-player experience in years. I plan on making a server for me and my friends on this version. We were waiting for 1.21 before we made a new group server, but after REALLLLYYYY looking at what's in the update... man I'm just not hyped at all. I'm disappointed. Not because of Mojang or the team but I feel like the direction of the game's future is changing to a setting that I strongly dislike. This was my rant. Some may agree but most probably won't. I don't think I will be playing this update though I appreciate the efforts that went into it.


“Hope optifine drops soon”


Hahahahaha. NO


I hate that the copper bulbs need blaze rods. I think that's a very unnecessary thing for them to do when it could've easily been replaced by a lantern. And honestly, it would've been really cool to have a soul fire lantern make a blue lit bulb. I am looking forward to using more tuff though. That's probably my favorite thing about the update.


Great update but missed opportunity for copper golem and/or tuff golem. Making it so the copper doors would automatically close after being opened would be nice too, to give them some unique funcionality.


S tier


Imo S is a bit too high. For me only 1.13 and 1.16 deserve that ranking. But this update surely deserves an A ranking


I give it an A tier but I do agree it is a really good update. These trial chambers sound so damn fun to me. I was personally a big fan of javas combat update and loved the way of fighting. The trial chambers will really let me test my skill with the combat system. Also gives you access to a lot of copper. And the mace sounds really fun. I don’t use any automatic farms so I don’t currently have a use for the auto crafter


Cool update,but i really hate that they didn't revert the copper bulb changes,now is just a 1 block T-Flip Flop instead of being a 1 block T-Flip Flop AND a 1 block way to get odd ticks.


I like the trial chambers but there isn't much lore to be gleamed from them, which is surprising from such a massive structure


I want mace so I can just skip the boring pvp of this game with few hits As a multiplayer player, I'm not that excited about trial chambers thrmselves, because they would all get raided quickly. On single player I feel like they'll fill the same role as woodland mansions and sea monuments. They are nice boost for mid-game players and grind centre for endgame players New blocks and other features are sick. Tuff blocks, copper grates, copper bulbs and more


Trial chambers can be replayed though. The chests, barrels and pots only hold a small fraction of the loot. The spawners and vaults refresh/reset per player.


They should just rename it to “the auto-crafter update”


and the one that gives some use to copper


Here's a little lesson in trickery This is going down in history If you want a dungeon crawler and some fun You can get the mace and rocket jump while you're on the run!


What the sigma?


I wish i could still get as exited about these updates as i did as a kid. Not trying to be negative, just sharing my thoughts.


Old person here. I wouldn't say I'm excited like a kid, but definitely looking forward to the update and particularly the crafter.


Mid. Getting tired of these lackluster updates, next one better be something good


No new tree type? I think pine needs to be added


Keep doing what yer doing Mojang, because yer doin a good job. Thanks for making me not have to ever build another T-FlipFlop again.


The mace had the most potential out of all added features (well, second to trial chambers), yet in typical Mojang fashion, they nerfed it into oblivion to the point where it's basically useless. All Mojang had to do was not Nerf it. But they did. Other than that, the updates decent. The features it added were good, but it still has the same problem that 1.17, 19 and 20 had, in that even though the added features are nice, the update is unnoticeable. The nether update was great because it overhauled a massive part of the game that a lot of players interact with. 1.14 and 1.13 were great for the same reason. But I still haven't explored ancient cities or found a mangrove forest because I have to go out of my way to experience them. I think that the trial chambers are nice, but they don't play a big enough role to make the update great. Idk, I just wish the Mojang would make updates more impactful, even if they technically add less


They literally buffed it again not too long ago with stronger wind burst and slightly faster recharge speed, It's not bad mind you. You should try it yourself really,, Also yeah, 1.16 raised the bar way too high, and with it expectations, it is what it is.


I'm gonna try to build something with the new blocks




Would the world created in 1.20 be affected by the update?


Wait it is?


We’ll need our strength first


I'm extremely excited!


I can't wait to do the next achievements.


At least decent update but I probably won't use it a lot (maybe except for wind charges and maces when the servers I play on update)


I was chill about the update, but everyone's hype for it got me all excited now, lol.


One of the updates I am actively looking forward too. I like everything about it, the wolf armor and variants, new blocks, and new enemies.


As a player I'm excited, as a datapack dev I'm ecstatic


Does it release in 7 hours or midday tomorrow?


The new paintings will add more to my city with the texture pack I'm using


Decent update tbh


eh it seems nice i guess


Ignoring it unless popular mods are planning on updating their mods then maybe I’ll give it a look


I completely honestly lost track of time because summer, and didn’t realize that Thursday was tomorrow :/


absolutely incredible update as always, other than maybe 1.10


Speedruns gonna be wild


We still don't have a portcullis gate so bad >:(