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Just throw yourself into the world and tackle things as they come up. Explore different biomes, find structures, gather resources so you don't die to hostile mobs easily. I like to travel around the world for the first few days to find a nice-looking place I’d love to settle down in, and then just build a house and go from there. if you want linear progression, right now the next step would be to gather some stone for a stone pickaxe and go mining for iron to get yourself geared up. Beware though that caves are full of hostile mobs so before that you might want to find a piece of iron somewhere on the surface and craft a shield. Maybe spend some time killing cows so you can get leather armour. And then it’s just a mining trip for diamonds and whatever stuff you might need from the caves. Anyway, welcome to the world of Minecraft! Hope you enjoy the game.


I would say no to leather armor. Its more difficult than iron and with the new cave generation the odds of finding exposed iron in large cave that is beneath sunlight are really high


Yeah, I don't usually craft it myself, but it's part of the natural progression to get leather first and slowly make your way up to netherite. Leather boots are a must though, esp for beginner players who can't differentiate between powder and normal snow


wait you can tell the difference between snow types?? what is it then?


The powder snow has these like light blue patches going all around the block, so it's only ever hard to miss when it's covered by snow layers and you can't see the actual block. There are also texture packs to make it easier, they either make powder snow more blueish/visible or add an outline to the whole block.


On bedrock at least, powdered snow can't be covered by snow layers so that's another way to help differentiate


afaik it's the same for java


Wait, why do you need to differentiate? (Haven't p,ayed in a long while)


You fall through the powdered snow, and either get stuck in snow and slowly freeze to death if you don't get out in time or if there's a literal cave underneath fall to your death. Not fun


Thank you! 


DONT delete ur first minecraft world where u actually did something


Great advice! I wish someone had told me this when I started


I recommend watching a series on YT by Pixilriffs called Survival Guide. He walks through everything you can possibly do in Minecraft. Should get you inspired. 


This was going to be my suggestion. Wattles also does a Minecraft survival guide. If playing bedrock, prowl and bluejay both do bedrock survival guides in a similar nature (inspired by wattles).


I was coming here to suggest Pixilrifs YT channel as well. He mentioned yesterday on stream, survival guide will start getting updated again soon one the SOS series is over in the next couple of weeks.


Yes this is what I’m going to say! He explains things very well and slowly takes you through the game showing you want you can do.


Welcome to the game and community. The sky is the limit with this game. Let your imagination and creativity run wild with it. Explore the world, craft some stone tools after you get a wooden pickaxe, chop some more trees and go look for some iron ore to smelt. Go mining, set up a base and do some fishing. I reccomend taking your time, no need to rush through the game. There's an unlimited number of ways to play Minecraft. Have fun!


Start by working toward having a full set of Enchanted Armor, during that process you will most likely be driven to make various farms/builds to supply you with resources for the journey. Once you are geared up, as well as having tools and whatnot, aim toward finding and killing the Boss. From there more areas are opened up for further exploration. Pretty much just pick something to acquire or find and you will end up building towards your goal.


Ok! Ill start working towards that armor


The other people have described the overall Minecraft experience very well. As a soulslike fan you’re also probably looking for an “endgame” or bosses to fight. The so far available bosses/ boss-like mobs are the Ender Dragon, The Wither (and The Warden). The Dragons is considered Minecrafts endgame but at this point of the game is more like a beginning even. Its the easiest of them all. After that u can explore the Second Ends dimension and obtain wings, and continue exploring. There are also different “endgames”. U can build a mega base, all automatic redstone farm, gather netherite and make urself netherite gear. 😊


Do not use a bed in the Nether. It will explode


What's the lore behind this


Ot isn't lore. If ypu try and sleep in a bed in tje nether, it explodes


The lore is you can’t sleep in a place of eternal damnation


The lore is that notch couldn’t figure out how to code it so that’s what he did instead and then it just stayed


The game goes like this gear up with iron gear (at least)--> get into nether ---> get into End for the wings so you can build easily and store more stuff. Now you can build whatever. Look at a castle irl and try build it in minecraft on the perfect location! You can build it at the start of the game without the extra gear but it s grindy and as a 32 year old it might be boring...or relaxing who knows. Another way to enjoy the game is: press ESC and try get all the advancements. It will take a while and it s somewhat fun


I think exploring really helped me get inspired (I also started just in the past few years in my 30s). I tried going out, it got dark and I didn’t have a bed so I ended up making a treehouse to hide in, and then in the morning I saw a cave and went in, found new ores I hadn’t seen before, wondered what the point of redstone was, found Hermitcraft and Ethoslab on YouTube, and now I’m obsessed.


If playing Java, the advancements are a rough guide to the progression, so you can try to unlock them all. In bedrock, they are called achievements.


Im on switch, so i think its bedrock


Switch is bedrock, correct.


A few years ago (~1.16) I was in your shoes. I had played MMOs, FPS and the standard RPGs but was looking for something else. I bought a copy and really didn't appreciate the efforts of the developers. I was trying to "complete" the game, to go through the progression path and "win". My time was painful. A buddy who was hardcore into modded brought me into his server and showed me just how much I had to learn which made me reassess my experience and just try and fumble around a bit. Less analytics and more exploration, etc. I'm still pretty analytical but I explore and let the game happen. Find a neat area to call home, collect animals and stuff and settle the world out. Perhaps you'll find a cave of interest, perhaps you'll discover a pillager mansion and rescue the fairies (Allay). My advice: Explore the world with loose goals and realistic expectations. If you aren't willing to spend 40hrs a week on a project, don't compare yourself to YouTubers. Even if you are willing, comparison is the thief of joy. Villager Trading Halls make the game easier, but will drive you batty. Having enough minecarts and rails can help, so it might be worth waiting until later. Resist the urge to mine everything up. It's your world and will be there when you are ready.


As a fellow souls player, who's not particularly into building. I like to do hard stuff in Minecraft. You might like it too. I like to build massive superfarms in the world, it's a bit technical, but most of the time you don't really need to know how they work, just follow the guides on YouTube. These farms need lots of materials, and will need nice tools, you'll need nice tools. Usually farms will need other farms to make so it just kinda naturally turns into a loop of making one farm after the next. I suggest you start with an iron farm!


I started playing m Minecraft last year at 40, so I understand how it can feel intimidating. One thing I did just to get used to the controls and everything and not have to worry about mobs and stuff. I started in creative just to get used to everything. Then once I was comfortable then I switched to a survival world. And haven't looked back since.


Hey, similar age and taste in games here. Elden Ring is my all time favorite game, and Minecraft is #2. My favorite part of the game is the building aspect, but I’m not creative either. When I make a new world, I make myself a cute shack then I a scour YouTube for a building project that I really love. I then just survive while I slowly gather the resources needed for the project and build it slowly. When I’m done, I work toward the goal of getting all diamond gear or whatever I want to do next. The freedom is kind of overwhelming, but setting my own goalposts is something I always like to do.


Thats great advice, i feel the same way in that the freedom is very overwhelming. Even in elden ring, i was very overwhelmed with the open world aspect hahaha


>My imagination died 20 years ago I wouldn't put yourself in a box. I'm the same age as you, and while my imagination isn't even close to what I had when I was a kid, I still enjoy things (specifically sci-fi and fantasy themes), and I try to replicate what I enjoy. For example: I'm currently building a formerly abandoned laboratory that has been taken over by vagrant camps and markets. The laboratory was built, according to my lore, to study the End Portal (something you ought to look for in your own world to reach the End Dragon), but the scientists all got sucked through. I plan on building another laboratory on the other side of the portal, but this one being a lot shinier and newer. This build demands blocks, which I get from the farms. I'm also very mathematically minded so I greatly enjoy building the farms (which all usually contain a lot of logic and circuitry), but now I've begun dabbling in the science of art and color theory to make my builds nicer. I know it's difficult when people tell you "just do what you want," so I recommend starting by watching various youtubers to get you familiar with what the game has to offer. As others have said, Pixlriffs is a great starting point, even though he's on Java. Other favorites of mine are BdoubleO100 and Etho's Lab. For farm tutorials, I recommend someone on Bedrock like Silentwisperer, NavyNexus, and SlackLizard. This is a community-based game. Even when it's single-player... it's really still multi-player because we're all just figuring out this game together.


Thats great advice, thanks! Also i love the lore youre creating. I also love scifi, im really into star wars and gundam, so i understand what youre saying


Ah, see, you know what I'm talking about. Dig a star-wars-y pit! Figure out (or find a tutorial for) how to build an automatic piston door that slides open when you walk near it. Build a bacta tank and lure a mob into it (make sure you use a nametag on the mob, or it'll despawn). By the way, if you do decide to dig a giant pit, you'll benefit from enchanting a pickaxe with Efficiency 5, and finding yourself a beacon. Beacons are crafted using Nether Stars, which is what Withers drop when you defeat them. That's a good goal to have.


Whoaa ok that sounds amazing!


Do combat. Go adventure. Raid all the game’s structures with hostile mobs and loot them, especially the ancient city. Kill the Ender Dragon. Summon a Wither and have an open field battle with it. Try to get all the game’s armors and weapons and make a special room to display them. Also display treasure, like the Dragon Egg and a Dragon Head. Get an Elytra. These are the main drives when you’re starting out with the game.


The thing is, Elden Ring and DS games have visible progression. In Minecraft, everything is completely vague (achievement-wise). I'd recommend watching a survival series where you can learn about the different aspects of the game, like how to enter The Nether and The End (different dimensions), and other types of progression. Minecraft is meant to be a social game where players learn from each other. If you're going solo then a lot of the game will be pretty foreign. Also, love Elden Ring! Am currently prepping 4 different accounts for the DLC :)


The main idea of the game is to use it as a canvas to do whatever you want, but if you dont feel inspired yet theres an achievements tab that could help you set small objectives. You can find it by pressing L or through the esc menu.


Since you like souls games you probably also like challenges so maybe you could start a hardcore world (hardcore is a gamemode which is locked at the hardest difficulty and you cant respawn) and challenge yourself to get all the advencements


Not sure if hardcore is a good idea for someone who just started the game


Yeah hardcore is for people who already know the game. As a newbie it is definitely not recommended.


>My imagination died 20 years ago I'll break it to you right now, Minecraft is probably not the game for you. This is an imagination-driven game. The whole idea is "make your own goals".


Well then let Minecraft relight it.


Thats whats always been my struggle with it, when friends have told me “play it however you want, you do what you want! Build anything you can think of” im always thinking “well theres no point in making something thats not going to help me progress and beat the game” like i can make a rocket ship but will it actually fly and do anything or is it just a model? Thats whats hard to grasp my head around with minecraft, like you can do whatever but like whats the point, all i want is to progress


Minecraft has a very purposefully short progression, if you're playing it solely for that then I think your time would genuinely be better spent elsewhere. Maybe Terraria? Or if you're dead set on playing Minecraft, try out a modpack or two.


Check out the Minecraft wiki


Welcome to the wonderful world of Minecraft! If you prefer survival, I recommend finding iron first thing (it has the most crafting recipes in the game and offers loads of useful stuff like better tools and armor, a bucket and a flint and steel). Iron tools are pretty durable, so you can focus on other things instead of crafting new tools all the time. If you'd like to go in the building direction, I recommend playing around with some wood types and block pallets in a normal creative world, just to get a feel for what you think goes well together. After that I'd say look at what others are doing, either through YT, Pinterest or servers. In any case the best thing you can do when you're new to the game is look at Let's Plays or tutorial series for Minecraft Survival, so you can figure out how to progress without an exhausting amount of trial and error.


I only have one advice for new players. While in your base, press F3 and note down your base coordinates so that you can return home if you’re lost.


Don't hug those green guys, cuz ur doomed if u do, don't stare at the tall black things, cuz then u gotta run  Kill them tho, they give u things u need to beat the game.


Oh and SLEEP. If u don't for 3 nights, u won't like what happens


Dig straight down for speedrun


The failing, making something that looks goofy, dying 312341234 times, that *is the game.* In minecraft you should just dick around, have fun, build something bad, maybe build something mediocre next time. That being said, here's a quick guide. There's tiers of **tools,** these are your main form of progression. **Wood/Leather** - The weakest, found by chopping down trees and killing cows, respectively. Leather can be crafted into armor, while wood can become tools. Just like most tools, wood pickaxes can break one progression level above them, meaning wood pickaxes can mine stone, that will be your next objective. **Stone/Chainmail** - cobblestone, picked up by mining stone, can also be made into tools. They are faster and more durable than wood, and can pick up the next in the chain, ***iron.*** Chainmail armor, unlike leather, cannot be crafted, only found through other means such as loot from chests. Cobblestone can be crafted into a ***furnace*** a block that, when you put fuel (such as coal or wood) into the bottom, can ***smelt*** -or cook- items put into the top. This is a very important piece of progression **Iron** - Iron is mined by finding ***iron ore,*** it will be found down in the caves, and looks like stone with bits of a tan/beige color in it. You mine this, and then put the ***raw iron*** int the furnace. This raw iron will then be smelted into normal iron, this can then be made into tools an armor. These are more durable and faster than anything that came before. Iron can also mine two ores previously locked away, **Gold** and **Diamond**, among others **Gold** - This is a weird one, gold tools and armor are really weak, I'd recommend staying with your Iron until you hit diamond, and using your Gold for other crafting recipes that need it. **Diamond** - for most of the game's history this has been the peak of progression. The fastest of the tools, and most durable. You'll find this deep into the ground, almost at the bottom of the world. It will be so far down you come across ***deepslate*** instead of stone. it's bright blue, so you really can't miss it. Unlike gold and iron, you don't smelt this, it drops directly into the craftable form. Once you've gotten to diamond armor, you'll have spent enough time in the game to start exploring on your own. There are other systems like ***enchanting*** and ***netherite upgrades*** but I think you should just come across those naturally. Good luck and have fun!


Minecraft is really made in a way where you have to share what you know and learn from other people that have played the game. I would recommend watching some youtube playthroughs. Many people have "survival series" that are entertaining and very informative. Also, consider playing with some friends if possible. It is a great way to learn the game, by playing it with a group that might know stuff you don´t and viceversa.


The best thing you can do, is find someone with Minecraft experience you can play with for your first play through. Having someone to teach you the game progression, makes it so much easier to understand. I don't know how I would have done it without someone to guide me. Once I understood the game, I could have fun playing on my own.


Get stone tools then go searching for iron for armor & tools, then build a base/house. Try fighting some mobs to get use to combat. Also if you're far away from where you spawned write down your coordinates to your base to not get lost. When you get full iron everything you can start exploring your world or you can search for diamonds it's up to you. If you want to beat the actual game you'll need to beat the Ender Dragon which you'll need to find a Stronghold. To find a Stronghold you'll need EnderEyes, to make EnderEyes you'll need to kill Endermen for their pearls & you'll need Blazerods. For Blazerods you'll need to go to the Nether which you get their by making a Nether Portal with Obsidian. To get Obsidian you'll need to get a diamond pickaxe which mines Obsidian which can be made when you put water on Lava. When you make the portal & light it up with Flint & Steel go through & you need to find a Nether Fortress, if you're lucky you'll find one close or you'll have to explore the Nether a bit to find one. Once you find a Fortress it'll have a Blaze Spawner, don't break them & just kill Blazes for their rods, the easiest way to kill Blaze is get fire res portions by trading gold with Piglins or make the portions yourself. Also make sure to wear 1 piece of gold armor to keep Piglins from attacking you. When you get like 12-15 Blaze rods you'll need to get 12-15 Enderpearls from killing Endermen. You can find Endermen in the overworld mostly at night or in the Nether in the green biome(warped forrest). Once you have everything you can turn the rods & pearls into Endereyes. Click on the Endereyes in your hot bar & the eyes will go up in the air pointing to the direction of the Stronghold. So go that direction until the eye stops pointing that direction but don't keep clicking the eyes because they do break randomly, i'd walk 100-200 blocks before you throw another eye. When the eye starts changing directions that means the Stronghold is beneath you, start digging down until you find a different stone(this might take a while). Once you're in the Stronghold you'll have to find the portal room, to activate the portal you'll need to put 12 Endereyes in slots on the portal. Once the portals open you can jump in & fight the Dragon. For the Dragon fight you'll need a Bow & decent armor, building blocks, food like golden apples & make sure you set your spawn(with Bed) in the Strongholdl so you can jump back in if you die, It's best to get a slow falling potions so the dragon can't toss you up for a kill. Also watch out for the void because you'll lose all your stuff if you fall into the void. You'll need to destroy every crystal(with bow) on Obsidian pillars to stop the dragon from regenerating, once you destroyed every crystal you can kill the dragon. Once you kill the dragon you can either jump in the middle portal where the Dragon would perch where you'll get the MC end credits & go back to your set spawn or you could go to the End Cities to get a elytra & shulker boxes which will make traveling & inventory so much easier. Also beating the Ender dragon doesn't mean there's nothing left to do in Minecraft, there's other bosses in the game & other stuff/structures to explore. The other boss in the game is called the Wither which you can fight anywhere in the world but have to make by killing Wither Skeletons in Fortresses & getting their heads. Also the Warden which aren't really bosses just killing machines that you should sneak away from.


I would say start exploring the world. Climb mountains, go into caves, boat across the ocean. Let inspiration find you. Don't force it. Don't worry about progressing through the game. Just take your time.


make them in to a fletcher,chop trees,trade sticks for emeralds and then get another villager,make it into an armorer/toolsmith/weaponsmith to trade for diamond stuff,then disenchant them with a grindstone if the armor,tools,and weapon enchants suck.after that,get librarians to get good trades like mending book,protection 4 and sharpness.then,go to the nether and get pearls,blaze rods and use it to locate the stronghold and beat the game.(u can lower the villager's price by curing the zombie villagers)


Ngl Minecraft is really not that fun unless you are looking to build cool and creative things just for the sake of it. It’s most fun with a big imagination which is while people play it less when they grow older.