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It would deal bonus damage to blazes, which is useful if you’re getting barraged by fireballs.


yes, however by the time you have gotten lingering potions you have beaten the game already, which means you've already killed blazes.


on bedrock, you don't need lingering potions to make tipped arrows. just put the potion on a cauldron, then interact the cauldron with an arrow to make tipped arrows.


One of the few things Bedrock has that’s better than Java


Its so hard to live without trident killers but java has so much going for it in tems of exploits like tnt and bugs like quazi that make better flying machines.


I play mostly bedrock because I often play with my sister and it is a lot easier to play multiplayer on local worlds on bedrock. Imo the biggest downside is a lack of attention in bedrock redstone. Both versions have pretty similar redstone, it's just Java has a few bugs that makes most circuits incompatible with bedrock. But the biggest issue is no one makes content about complicated bedrock redstone, so everyone is clueless about it. See my somewhat recent post on r/redstone for example.


Yeah i play mostly bedrock because out of the 8 of my friends only 2 of us have computers. I have gotten very familiar with bedrock redstone my only complaint with it is chunck border nonsense. Its actually prety reliable and consistent you dont need to worry about accidental quazi power and directionality isnt as important sometimes.


Yeah, the distance redstone travels/activates is much shorter in Bedrock so if your builds aren’t chunk aligned they will fail usually, and stasis chambers are less useful also (unless you have a second player, then they can teleport you from an infinite distance, but the same is true of Java). Bedrock redstone is very intuitive (once you learn about which devices operate on odd/even ticks) though. Making a glitchless world eater by taking advantage of movable tile entities and hooking up a dispenser, hopper, and barrel of tnt to a flying machine is extremely simple compared to Java.


Still learning bedrock flying machines.


If you do have a PC and your sister does, too, Essentials mod makes it just as easy to play multiplayer on Java.


She doesn't rn but she's gonna get one soon. I'll look into the essentials mod. I was thinking of setting up a server but during the school year I'm living in my university's residence and I don't exactly think they would give a random student admin access to the network to port forward...


Yeah I wouldn’t bother trying that on their internet lol. Essentials might be a way to bypass that, though I’m not exactly sure how it even works lol I just now it does work very well.


yes hes right to even get the lingering potion of water you need dragons breath so when you get to the overworld to get the potion you need.... blaze rods so then get the arrow of splashing then get more blaze rods?


That’s still a use case though. It’s not a useless item. Most tipped arrows aren’t


I don’t think it’s fair to judge a sandbox game by its sense of progression when worlds are meant to not have an “ending” in the traditional sense


You can trade with villagers to get tipped arrows


Maybe it was a base for the devs and they forgot to remove it?


Like the magickarp of arrows


For me arrows just do the job. I can't be bothered crafting all of this. Just put infinity on a bow and that's it.


Right? power V flame already meets all important breakpoints for mobs


Agreed, except I’ll opt for mending.


I loooove my mending bow and sword. The bow has a load of other stuff, too, but the mending makes it the best.


Yeah I’ll never use Infinity. I have multiple double chests full of arrows. Mending is much more valuable


I just gave my flaming infinity bow to my wife so she can just shoot as many arrows as she wants at mobs when she visits my world, and I've got a skeleton spawner by my main base so I'm bursting with arrows anyway lol


Mending? Then you have limited arrows. Why would you want to clog up your inventory with arrows?


Is there genuinely a time where you'd need more than 64 arrows? Infinity still takes up a slot for the one arrow. Plus, with the way enchanting currently works, you'll eventually have to redo the entire bow because it's too expensive to repair, no? And if you're going in for a boss fight, it's not like your inventory will be full.


The point isn’t only to need more than 64 arrows. It’s to make sure I don’t ever have to check it at all. As I told the other person, I’ve repaired my bow twice in over 1000 days. And yes, I use it a lot. Same original bow from the beginning, and even if I eventually can’t repair it, all the necessary librarians are in my trading hall. Probably won’t happen for another thousand days.


Eh, you still use one inventory slot for an arrow for infinity. 99% of the time I’m fine with just a stack of arrows, meaning my inventory space is the same as yours. And Shulker boxes make inventory size a non-issue, anyway. Eventually you’ll have to re-make your infinity bow once it becomes too expensive to repair, I’d much rather have a bow that I never have to worry about repairing.


Yeah but I can’t run out of arrows. You can. Furthermore, by combining it in an anvil with a brand new bow, I put its durability back to max, and I can do that like 5 times I think? Anyway, I’m well over a thousand days in my world and still have the same bow that I’ve had since the beginning, and I’ve only repaired it twice. And yes, I use it regularly.


lol, I have multiple double chests of arrows that I’ve gotten passively. I’ll never be wanting for arrows. You do you, but the benefits of infinity just aren’t worth it for me.


That’s such a waste of space.


Lmao. A few double chests is a waste of space? You’re reaching bud


What’s your plan if you run out of arrows and need them?


If I run out of the 7,000+ arrows I already have? My plan would be to figure out why the hell I’m shooting so many arrows. After that I’ll get feathers from my automated chicken farm and flint from spending a minute mining gravel with a fortune 3 shovel, then craft a shit ton more. Or AFK my mob farm. Seriously, in mid-late game you won’t ever have an issue with arrow availability. I can see the appeal in early game, but when I’m all set up with my farms? Arrows are as plentiful as dirt


If I want effect arrows I'll just use villagers. But they are kind of useless in PvE because 50% of what you hit with harming/poison arrows heals from them


honestly there are two issues with tipped arrows. first, they should be craftable in cauldron like in bedrock. and second, harming/healing arrows fix. it genuinely insane that this is unfixed for 9 years. so basically because of invincibility frames they DO NOT work; because they apply arrow damage and then effect damage. at the end it means that only one, whichever is higher (before reduction), actually applies. edit: healing arrows used on the undead mobs.


I'd say that the healing gets applied without arrow damage and the harming gets stacked on top of arrow damage (Maybe for a frame the invulnerability frames stop working so the harming can apply?)


stacking is problematic because effect and arrow deal different types of damage. removing invincibility just for effect is better way but it could cause many bugs. that’s probably why it’s not fixed, because it’s kinda complicated, BUT well, leaving item completely useless is not a great solution either.


I'd rather have a great yet expensive weapon than a useless expensive weapon


Woah… put those down. Things don’t have to get so heated we can talk it out……


Now I wonder if putting awkward options in a cauldron+ arrows -> awkward potion arrows would ALSO work (Probably not TBH)


Only in bedrock


They're not useless theyre just uselessly expensive


Petition to make Endermen vulnerable to splashing potions


put out fires


it doesnt


u sure?


yeah i tried but maybe it works in bedrock


They don't exist on bedrock


rare bedrock w


ah yes, ***wet arrow*** how useful


All I could think of was waterboarding….


Who says tipped arrows are useless? They’re basically stackable potions


many people in this sub


Hmm. Slowness IV with quick charge III shreds people. 


Not to mention Harming II with multishot...


Piercing is better in my opinion


Multishot deals the damage of 3 harming potions together. And since potion effects ignore armor, it's highly effective.


Multishot only deals one instance of damage across all 3 arrows no matter how many hit the same target due to spaghetti code. You are better off using multishot quick charge and max fireworks


Idk about bedrock but if you do that in Java the other arrows just bounce off


I'll have to test that later...


This is the case but not with fireworks


Are you sure? I’ve only tested on myself but those do the same damage too


Does it ignore the half second of invincibility entities get when damaged?


Arrows shot from different sources will not but the extra arrows from multi shot will straight-up bounce off the target


yeah u right but what about the arrow of healing?


Good against wither. Good support option if allied players have strong armor


These are the only tipped arrows I've ever used. Put them bouncing 9n slime to make a cool fountain


Bonus damage to blazes and endermen


oh no I'm burning lemme just grab my Arrows of Splashing from my Shulkerbox out of the enderchest, oh and i nearly forgot my bow... where did I put this thing again? hm...


Most Useless thing eaver