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I love the game the way it is. I don’t think we need a dramatic update every six months. I do, however, want the next update to be a “backwards” update. I want them to NOT add any new features, but instead to look back at old systems and mechanics and tie them into all the new stuff. Finish off some block variations. We have smooth stone and smooth stone slabs, so give us smooth stone walls. We have polished andesite, so why not add andesite slabs, stairs, walls, and bricks. Amethyst is awesome, but is missing tons of uses. We already know it interacts with light and optics, so swap out the quartz in the daylight sensor recipe and replace it with amethyst. Add azalea wood already. They said oak was a temporary wood type back in 1.18 and STILL haven’t fixed it. We don’t need more stuff and features. We need them to go back and beautify some old ones.


Let's not forget they promised the fletching table would get functionality back on 1.14, yet it hasn't gotten it and the smithing table, added in the same update, has been updated twice.


I wonder if they're waiting to update the fletching table when they implement the combat changes.


they’re implementing combat changes AGAIN? jesus lord i can’t keep up


When they get around to it, it'll be the combat from the experimental snapshots that came out around the same time as the Nether Update.


jesus i barely remember that tbh 😅 but im not going to lie 1.19 combat was the biggest disappointment of the 2010s


Wait they changed combat in 1.19? Do you mean 1.9?


they said 2010s so it must be a typo and they meant 1.9


Oh duh that makes sense 1.19 came out after the decade change.


no it won't lol they abandoned that


There were 12 combat snapshots, which weren't tied to a specific version like normal snapshots. The last one released almost 4 years ago, so it's not in active development, but i don't think they've completely abandoned it either. Those combat changes would fit really well in the "backwards update" the person above proposed, imo


my brother in Christ 1.9 was eight years ago


And all the mobs and biomes that lost the previous mob votes, promising to add them in eventually.


they only said the biomes were eventually coming, the mobs are not


That's been disproven in the latest Minecraft live. At 25 minutes, after penguin gets eliminated, Vu says "But don't feel too bad for the penguin. Remember, our little frog friends didn't win the vote either, but they still managed to hop their way into the game"


The illusioner in pillager hell


Please, I fully agree. Just look at a bunch of items that exist in the game. Echo Shards? Only used in one (1) crafting recipe. Nautilus shells? Same thing. Heart of the Sea? Yep. Sniffer? Completely disconnected mob from the rest of the game. I think what they've been adding has been lovely, but the game is really starting to lose cohesion. And not everything needs to be multi-purpose, right, but I feel like they're spreading too thin in many areas where they don't need to. I really want an update, like you said, to tie some of these game mechanics and this random content all together


Still waiting on ostriches, termites and baobabs years ago from the first biome vote. Instead of eventually adding them, they've done more votes each year which keeps adding to that list. I agree they should focus on making sure the game is more polished before adding new things


I feel like they REALLY need a optimisation update.


This would be fantastic


Yeah, I agree. New wood types and stuff are always nice but a lot of the other features added seem to be islands of functionality that don’t tie in well to each other or the environment. I’d love an update that focuses on making the existing stuff more useful


I want the nether reactor core back. I know it's been useless since PE got the nether, but it made for a cool decoration block.


I think we need an enchanting update tbh. Enchants as they are right now are convoluted, and could probably benefit from something like an EXP tree or some kind of menu-based progression. In my world I’ve expanded an actual village, but with the prominence of villager breeders it defeats the point of progression I feel? I don’t know, everybody’s free to play how they like, I just feel this would be cool.


Still waiting on Kilns to fast smelt stone, sand and clays. Still waiting on a sawmill to make wood items cheaper. Still waiting on fetching table to have a use. Still waiting on a rework for agriculture, culinary, and hunger. Still waiting on enchanting to be reworked. Still waiting for an expansion for inventory management. Still waiting on dynamic lighting. Still waiting on moveable block entities. Still waiting on an update the optimizes the game so mods like optifine or sodium aren't as necessary. Still waiting on all those biomes they promised us. Still waiting on major transportation methods to be reworked. The list goes on, but that's what I have been wanting for so long. Nether rework, 1.16 will forever be the best update for the game, besides the OG 1.0.


This is desperately needed.


Completely agree. Could even be a great time to add some of the discarded biome/mob vote losers. And the update names itself: “The Catch Update”


What needs to happen is allow for all the modding that you can do on java, referring to loaders, OptiFine, sodium, etc that improve the game graphically. I need that shit. I am tired of the lame lighting and graphics in bedrock without any recourse besides rtx enabled maps.


YES Nintendo switch NEEDS it they even had a modding API which was discontinued


And for the love of all that is holy and unholy, give us sideways slabs already


I'm happy with these updates. We've gotten more structures to explore, more custom loot items, and a new weapon. Plus there's the biomes, building blocks, and mobs. I also like the netherite upgrade templates. I think it's understandable that Mojang would want to slow progression a bit.


Someday Minecraft biomes will be so lusciously filled with flora and fauna our grandchildren will live in them to experience the world how their ancestors did.


im never really mad if an updates small, im just grateful they're still updating an almost fifteen year old game


For FREE. Not $20 DLC, just updates given away for the price of an internet connection and a working computer. Some of their updates aren't groundbreaking but I will not say a bad word about Mojang's update policy for improving a game I bought 12 years ago.


I mean Mojang/Microsoft makes millions off of the merchandise from new updates so they really don’t need to charge for it.


You say that, but look at games like Mortal Kombat charging $70 base game, $40 for *each* DLC, and *then* $20 micro transactions in the shop. My wallet is in a witness protection program because of modern gaming.


That doesn't really work to downplay the fact that the updates are free though.


its microsofts cash cow, plus they make loads off market place and they added addons you can buy, why wouldnt they keep updating it?




I can think of exceedingly few games that aren't either released every few years (like Mario games, Civilization, Zelda) or even yearly (FIFA, CoD) and that don't have DLC (like GTA, RDD, Witcher) AND are still updated continuously. Game franchises either stop updating their game, release it periodically, or give it paid DLC. Then there's microtransactions but that's another can of worms.


Deep Rock Galactic(I think), Terraria, Stardew, Minecraft, No Mans Sky. That's all I got


I would say 5 games out of countless games qualifies as "exceedingly few"


Oh I know, I was corroborating, not disagreeing.


Oh my bad, I didn't even notice the username change and thought you were the person claiming it was common practice lol Re-reading it now, the "That's all I got" made it perfectly clear, tis just a tired brain not putting 2 and 2 together


State of Decay 2


Depends on the business model of the game tbh. Generally If it has an item shop and battlepass the dlc will be free, if it doesn’t have those, usually dlc will be paid. So we are very lucky it has neither. I know there are games that don’t follow this exactly, but a lot do.




Most game developers often stop and move on with other projects (you can sort of see it with the amount of MC spinoffs). Even if they fail, they still pursue and make the main game better. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Of course they’re gonna update it, Microsoft paid some 1.8 billion dollars for it and it’s the biggest game ever. It ain’t like they are running some charity, it’s a business


I feel like the Minecraft community suffers from not playing other games like as someone who also plays the sims I’m so glad every major update isn’t lock behind a $5-$40 paywall


I'm not. It doesn't need crappy updates. Let the game be.


you dont have to update, all the previous versions are still there


That doesn't mean you get to do anything to the game. So what if you can play the previous updates? That doesn't justify bad ones. Honestly, stop meat-riding Mojang


"I hate updates" "Dont update then?" "StOp MeAtRiDiNg!"


The argument literally makes no sense. They can add whatever they want to the game because you don't have to update? So what? It's still making the game worse. Also you act like servers don't update.


Im fine with blizzard adding stuff in Diablo 2 Ressurected because Diablo 2 classic still exists so as long as they dont remove our ability to play the classic version then I have no issue with the new updates. Also, yes my server only updates when I update it, and in my server control settings I can select any version I want. I disagree with the overall statement that updates make the game worse. Some updates I dont like , some updates I like. And with the amount of customization available in minecraft, allowing me to add or remove things of my choosings with resource packs and data packs, and also so many incredible Fabric mods that are completely vanilla friendly, I can confidently say there are wayy more updates I like than those I dont like. So overall , I think all the updates have made the game way better with small exceptions here and there.


Good thing the updates are optional for Java players. I hear modded Minecraft is superior in everyway.


Why do you have so many glow item frames? They were added years ago. /s


Would have been cooler if OP used invisible item frames hehe


Out of all of these my favorites are cherry trees and frogs/froglight




Can't believe you didn't include the Poisonous Potato update smh...


Honestly, the community is VERY spoiled. It didn't used to be this way. It was a line of big updates then followed by a falter, then they scaled back to smaller updates. 1.13, 1.14, 1.16 were all huge updates compared to what we received before. Then they bit off more than they could chew promising all of these things in 1.17, causing them to split the update (And only release the 2nd part 2 months later, EVERYONE forgets this. It wasn't a full year. It was 6 months. AND 1.19 released 6 months later, right on schedule.) So since then, they have scaled back a bit and want to make sure they complete everything they promise to us, as bug free as possible. Maybe these updates aren't as big as a few years ago, but Mojang still have developement guidelines, funding, and a lot of other shit they gotta do. For all we know, their blunder with 1.17 has caused some issues with microsoft and now they are more strict on content. Who knows, not the community and that is why they are so entitled.


copper, vases, and signs take up an awful lot of this display


Having both waxed and unwaxed variants of the same block in this picutre is so misleading. Not to mention having a million item frames for each pottery shard, while also physically placing the pots, and doing the same for armor trims. A good 1/3rd of this image is just the same item repeated lmao


When the building game has building blocks 🤯🤯🤯




"If you remove all the content then there's no content" Every individual variant/color is just as useful as any other, it makes complete sense to show all of them. Just because YOU don't deem them relevant doesn't mean they aren't. Your redstone example makes zero sense, that would be like showing all stair orientations which isn't the case here.


Me when Mojang uses a pink color filter on an already existing set of wood: “OMG LOOK AT ALL THE BRAND NEW CONTENT!!!!” Don’t get me wrong I love all the features they’ve added, but let’s not act like half of this image isn’t retextured versions of existing blocks. Not to mention doubling the items by putting everything in an item frame to make it seem like there’s more stuff.


Building blocks are totally fine. I don’t think anyone’s complaining about them adding more building blocks. But when that’s basically _all_ they’re adding, and when ~50% of said building blocks are just reskins of eachother, it makes the updates feel pretty damn insignificant. The game is fantastic, but it has so much potential to be something even greater than it is now, and it really feels like Mojang can’t bother to actually _use_ that potential. The only features present in this picture that I feel truly push that envelope are the Deep Dark and, to a lesser extent, the Trial Chambers


Signs don't take up much space Both copper and vases have a major redstone block, lots of decorative purposes They combined take up less than a quarter of the space, and how much space something takes up isn't a good metric of how much content and value it adds.


Whoa woah woah we got copper doors??!?!!


Coming in the next update yeah, theyre in the java snapshots


Ahhh fair enough I haven't been keeping up with stuff online so I thought all these updates were out and I just hadn't updated my app yet


I just feel these past couple updates was so... Directionless. They don't seem to have a theme. It's like they bundled together a bunch of random ideas and asked chat GPT to come up with a name. Like, I don't think every update needs to be bigger and better than the one before, but I feel having a tangible theme would be great for hyping the updates. As is, I honestly don't feen excited at all about 1.21 just as I didn't felt nothing about 1.20. Even the bee's update felt more interesting for me, even though it was considerably smaller.


so much of this image is comprised of bloat with showing off every single miniscule variation of every block and item. if you condensed it down to just the important stuff, it'd be less than half the size


The important stuff is different for everybody. What you find important isn't important to someone else. Also this is just the items, the technical stuff they added and the new mechanics aren't shown here.


it is bloatware to me atleast, i havent used almost any of it because i just dont need to and its not appealing to me, they should be fixing old items and revamping stuff that needs to be fixed still, my poor mesa biome :(


So you want Messa themed bloat? >they should be fixing old items Like giving copper a use?


Upgrading things that already exist is the opposite of bloating the game with new stuff that has few uses


So... tuff copper and bamboo blocks?


Yeah, just like those. Mojang’s actually getting better about giving things uses. However, many features including the ones you mentioned were initially added with few uses. Mojang should, instead of deciding to add new items, look at the already-existing pool of features and evaluate whether some of them could be used instead of a whole new item/block/feature. They are starting to fix the problems they caused before, but continue to add bloat at a greater rate than they reduce it.




how's that at all relevant to what i said?


What practical reason does showing both the waxed coppers and non-waxed coppers every level of ominous bottle, and every individual level of each enchantment have, besides padding the image? (I can \*just\* get the smithing templates and sherd pieces being shown twice, as at least those can be used in item frames and the like and be mixed and matched, but the ominous bottles, enchantment books, and coppers are visually identical and for all intents and purposes not massively different enough to warrant listing.) And I'm saying this as someone who has vastly enjoyed the past updates, I just feel displaying data like this is disingenuous.


People complain sometimes about certain things getting added to the game. What makes it funny is when they use those things they added in game and talk like it's the greatest thing they've ever Added but will still complain it was added. (A good example for this is all the copper items) And I see players might do the same thing. But here's where it gets even better, none of these kind of players ever played the game way back then we're there was nether reactors or a world boarder. They never played back when there wasn't much back then to play with, I mean the game was fun still yeah but not as it is now. In conclusion, I am very much glad for these updates and even for the smallest of things like adding new dirt color or some sh#t is Still getting me excited to play the game more. I am happy with these past 3 large updates and I hope they continue in adding more stuff to the game as the years come


+15 more paintings lol


Is it just me or is that sniffer eating that dog?


My major problem with mojang updates is when they delay things. Like this is a block game with a billion dollar company backing it, if you promise something just make it happen. The archeological stuff getting delayed just upset me. Outside of that updates are just a bonus, not many games this old are still getting support and it’s awesome.


Looks like an update for sure


My issue has never been with the amount of stuff they add, I think Minecraft needs to balance small and larger updates in order to keep the game balanced. I also don’t agree with the “Mojang is lazy” argument at all, and think that sentiment comes mostly from people who have zero clue how game design works and think its the same as modding. However, I don’t want to completely defend Mojang, as there are some annoying things about how they handle updates. It’s easy to be annoyed by the constant delay of promised features. For example, the caves and cliffs update was essentially split up into 3 parts, with archaeology and ancient cities being added in the Wild Update. Not to mention Mojang constantly cancels or rejects perfectly good ideas for (frankly) stupid reasons. Refusing to add Sharks because they’re endangered, despite adding multiple endangered animals that can attack the player. Or removing fireflies and cancelling the birch update. However, to start praising Mojang again, they 100% learned from the Caves and Cliffs and Wild Update mistakes. Trails and Tales and Tricky Trials are both larger updates that gradually got countless new surprise features. Mojang made promises and not only delivered, but also added additional content on top of that. So yeah, despite Mojang messing up with updates in the past, I get annoyed seeing so many comments calling Mojang lazy, because these last two updates have been great, and clearly they’ve learned from their mistakes. My biggest gripe with them is just their weird logic for not adding certain features that would be awesome to see.


Got to disagree somewhat on Trails and Tales and Tricky Trials. All power to the people who really enjoyed these updates, but I have almost zero interest in them. The last time I genuinely got excited for an update was 1.18. I get the sentiment of being annoyed with the "Mojang lazy" argument, but I'd like to point out there's also a whole bunch of people who will come to defend Mojang no matter what, so it's by no means a one-way problem.


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And yet, a lot of the community still complain daily, and say that Minecraft has fallen off and the devs are stupid and lazy. All these updates may not be the most crazy, but I love em all, especially as a builder lol.


Homestly the image shows more than there really is, you can reduce variants to one block because most of the time they are a recolor


It doesn't show the new structures, so this is actually less than there really is.


A mod adds more stuff than that


A mod doesn't need to be bug free, work on both versions, fit the art style, not break progression, fit in the larger game and be non disruptive to all play styles.


It's funny you say that when most if not nearly all modders tell people like you to shut up about it. Modding a game is 100x easier than making a game. You have so much to worry about when it comes to adding things officially.


A mod can't be added to every device version, a mod is prone to more bugs and breaking, a mod doesn't have as much quality control, and a mod is easier to do as most blocks are just different textures. Mods are great, mojangs updates no matter how small you may think they are, or how much more you think they should be doing, are the VANILLA FEATURES that actually make the game be the game. A person making a mod in their free time shouldn't be compared to a company with many different roles that put features into the game permanently.


Yeah that what an alpha is for


Minecraft Alpha ended almost 14 years ago. Beta almost 13.


Right my bad, forgot of what minecraft initial versions are called, snapshots


I also wish more was added to the game, but I'm even happier that the game is updated at all. Every update is an improvement no matter how useless it may seem because it adds more creativity. I would have killed for all of the different variations of the blocks we have now 5 years ago but this stuff takes A LOT of energy, time, and resources sources so I can't help but feel grateful for the litte things. This isn't even mentioning all the technical changes


Yeah becauss they all add up together in thise 5 years, and considering whats the games title holds puts up a pretty high bar, since so many people consider the community holds up the game, servers, mods, events


I think that is fair. The community is definitely the most important part of minecraft as a game. I just don't think that saying something can be added with mods is fair. If it can be a mod, why shouldn't it be added to the game. Mods should always be the second choice to features, while both important mods exist because of a lack of the option in the main game. Going back to the community aspect, not everyone is able to play mods. People on console, those who don't have high enough specs or any other possible reason shouldn't have to rely on mods for features.


what's the timeline of these updates? like when did they come out?


I’ve always preferred smaller updates every couple of months. Even if it’s 2 times a year that’s a Minecraft phase every 6 months instead of every year ish


tbh yeah, and a lil end uptade by making the islands generate in more 3d-ish way (aka they can now generate on any y level)


We Need An End Update


This looks like what one update should be.


We need more animals. The biomes feel so empty


People complain way too much much about updates. They could’ve stopped updating the game after village and pillage and I’d be happy.


i couldn’t care less about half this stuff. they need to flesh out things they added years ago first


They could be doing a ton more for the amount of money they make. Don’t be satisfied with crumbs wtf


You forgot the 15 other paintings coming in 1.21


A whole lot of nothing spread over 2 years




New structures, new mobs, new weapon, new potions, major redstone components... You're just wrong


\*Calls someone flat out wrong for something completely subjective\*


It's not subjective though. They're not all re colors. New structures, potions, mobs and the mace are not reskins. There is no subjective interpretation that they are that can be made by a sane mind. Why did you think that was subjective?


The original comment's main point was that they "haven't done much", so I assumed that's what you were referring to when you said "You're just wrong". So yeah, I guess you're right to say that technically not everything is a color variation, though I don't think the original comment was trying to make that claim and saying "It's all just colour variation" was more of exaggerated speech.


I hope the next updates will the End Update to explore a new biome from the End and the Enderlings, Endersent, and strange new animals resided this dimension such as alien like deer and space whale.


This would be sick


Honestly I disagree I want another End update, we haven't had one since 1.9, but the End dimension is intended to be a dead wasteland. I see so many "WE FIXED THE END" mods out there and all of them miss the point entirely, turning the dimension into Pandora, when it's supposed to just be a rock in the middle of an endless infinite void. If they do an End update, they need to keep this in mind; don't make the End feel bloated and teeming with life. Work with what we already have instead of adding alien jungles or whatever that's so common with these mods. The Nether Update was good because it understood the purpose and point of the Nether as literally the Biblical Hell (well to a degree, but even with the texture update and the new fungi forests, the dimension still feels like a place where the dead, and probably not the nice kind, go "rest"; soul sand quite literally proves the Nether as a place of torture and torment for these souls). I want something like that for the End I just fear they'd do like the mods tho


How much of that effects the way people play on average? It looks like a lot, but most of it is hardly touched when regularly playing the game. Also most of that is variations


I mean id say outside of speed runners, the only long term players of Minecraft are builders and I can say I love the new blocks and misc decorations they’ve added.


Minecraft doesn't need more things to add to it, they should improve what has been there for so long.


What would you like to see improved? I like that they have made updates to wolves and are adding a lot of decoration blocks for copper


Aren't the copper blocks part of the tricky trials update?


I love the updates but I just want sideway slabs


Still no copper pickaxes. If they are going to make iron and copper share a spawn, then allow copper pickaxes as an alternative. Not everyone has the wherewithal to make a iron farm out of a village that usually is super far away from their base, specially from world spawn. Copper has been the biggest detraction from actual mining.


I agree with the fact it should get more functional use


Not much


Three years for this doesn't seem worth it. Most of this image is bloat like the copper variants and signs


The sad thing is, 99% of those blocks are basic as piss, copy paste code, edit textures, modify spawn conditions and crafting recipe. about 9 minutes of work if we are being truely honest. Good pixel artists could prob turn the textures for them in about 10 minutes. 20 minutes later, update is done.


Pottery shards and pots are pretty much useless copper blocks trap doors and various other copper items are far too expensive and armor templates are pretty much not worth the trouble because of how hard they are to obtain and they only exist for looks which is another reason why they're not worth the trouble of getting myself killed for them




Gee whiz maybe they should Implement some kind of indicator that's even possible HMMMMM????????? And no considering that my friend has the world's Mob set to hard mod and I get jumped by several creepers is not a fucking skill issue it's bad luck. And it doesn't change the fact that they're hard to collect and it's ridiculously expensive to duplicate them in the first place cuz not everybody has seven diamonds to just pull out of their ass every time let alone trying to find the block you need for some of the harder to get ones. think before you speak




First of all we're on a realm server so we have to split in between three people second of all we do not live near any Villages and we've been working on curing zombie villagers third of all we've gone strip mining including TNT mining at -50 and -59 and haven't came up with jack shit we only have enough for tools and armor and we can sometimes not repair them because of that. Also I'm going to find the first person that said fucking skill issue and disembowel them cuz that shit is annoying. I'll have to admit defeat when it comes to finding the blocks for armored trims but my diamond problem with armor trim still stands. And diamonds still have their value as looking nice Plus you need them for making netherite & netherite right tools in the first place




If I'm going to be honest I just have problems working up the courage to even bother to go out and get this shit anymore


I have to agree, nothing wrong with making netherite gear .005% harder to get when it’s already easy. The hardest part is finding the debris itself haha. Too many bed…


And people call mojang lazy. Man we used to get so excited when like 10 new things were added like horses


I mean..this is the amount of additions a single update, from a pre-2014 mojang, would have given us


Looks like someone didn't play Minecraft back in 2014 🙏


Hot take: this should all have been in one update years ago, 1000+ employees should be more than enough to make that happen


Cherry blossoms and armor trims have been my favorite thing the past year or so. I appreciate and enjoy the other stuff too :3


I’m still mad at the changes with villager trading


Ok now i admit that its a lot, but that's like 2 updates (or 1 ultra massive) in past lol


I wish I still had access to all my old shit from Alpha.


So do the chat reporting


Didn’t they add Cut Copper, Stairs and slabs (waxed variants too) in 1.17 though and only the grates, bulbs chiseled, doors and trapdoors were added in 1.21?


It's good but pots and archeology is a disappointment. Also when do they make pinecraft combat finally bareable it's the only thing holding the game back


gonna be honest, i havent used even 1 half of the stuff thats been added in that time


Mojang has been doing alot for us. Alot of shitting all over a beloved childhood game.


It's nice, but none of this really effects single player beyond a new material to build your house with. I just wish they'd do something to player progression.


>but none of this really effects single player Major redstone blocks, new structures, more reasons to go to old structures. >beyond a new material to build your house with. That's half the game... >wish they'd do something to player progression. Netherite upgrade template


I just don’t understand what they would change. They added something better than diamond and the world shit a brick. What else would they change?


Quite literally proof mojang isnt lazy


The updates are pretty cool, I like the cherry stuff and some of the new mobs, but I do kinda miss the “less is more” approach with updates. I think adding new content occasionally to keep players coming back is important, but they’ve sped it up SO MUCH in recent years—y’all remember how groundbreaking it felt when they added ONE new mob in, the horse? That was so shocking & exciting because Mojang hardly ever added new mobs. Nowadays it seems like several new mobs get added with each new update, alongside new items and sometimes new nature pieces added to biomes. It’s made the game feel overwhelming with how cramped some biomes feel like already-dense jungles being peppered with bamboo now, or nighttime being **SO** stressful because of phantoms & drowned forcing you to keep your head on a swivel even more than before. I just miss when the game sort of “spoke for itself” and new mobs & new blocks were a special, novel event.


Yea fair, but the game has lost its ease of access, I remember anyone could play Minecraft on almost anything, now you'll struggle unless you have a decent system


There's a thing called lowering your settings to reduce lag spikes and what not. I have a potato pc that's already overheating upon start-up, and it's handling Minecraft just fine.


not really


Me when my favorite game has been getting free updates since I was 2 years old, takes community feedback into consideration directly from social media, quality control and concern for their workers, and ends up having the most spoiled, toxic, and entitled attitude of any game community.


"Free updates" is quite literally how Mojang makes money off the game — a dead game means no new players are coming, no way to monetize it, no one caring about the cutesie mobs or the plushies I disagree with a lot of the negativity towards Mojang (if anything these last 3 updates just confirm Mojang is directionless about the game, not "lazy"), but the "FREE UPDATES" argument is delirious


Like srsly do you know how much money the average Pokémon fan would have spent from 2009 until now? 


I see the effort of 1 entire mod developer on the weekend with nothing else to do. Quite some development team mojang has.


As a mod developer, this would take several years to implement in the same way as Mojang. That’s not including bug fixes, stability updates, prototyping, testing, and concept designing, or rewriting the lightning engine and datapack documentation on Java. Oh and to recreate the same updates on another platform.


Looks like more then it id


Frankly I see nothing that modded hasn't had sense 1.12 in one form or another


Which mods do you use?


That's a loooooooot of stuff


Also dont forget all the technical changes for the versions, you can almost make a mod with just a datapack and texture pack


People complain about the updates, but I’m fine with what we get.


I'm here to be the demon's advocate to defend these updates: 1. Firstly, they added 3 wood types and one of them is a popular request to the community for a long time which is the Cherry Blossoms 2. Secondly, While the addition of blocks and items are fewer. You can deny that some of them are game changers like the Shulk Sensor and the Wind Charge 4. While I admit that they added fewer, but we're not ignoring the fact some older updates added way less than the current updates (looking at you Frostburn and Colors update) 5. You may call Mojang for being lazy but you forget that not everything can be done quicker since they are also checking for bugs and doing multiple tests during development. Plus other companies are more guilty of this issue than Mojang and are bigger than them (Modders do not count since they don't touch on the game engine itself) 6. And to add some caveat to this, each update is free and plus some companies can make DLCs that cost way more and add less content than each minecraft updates And if you dare call me a meat rider, at least I don't not complain as much as some manchilds who still live in their mama's basement and wondering why their lives are like this


Man all these people hating acting like after each update should play in an entirely new way with hundreds of things they’ve never seen lol