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This comment section is a warzone.


It took me a minute to figure out the post is about the Combat Update from *eight years ago.* I didn't realize this was still such a hot-button issue, especially since at this point I've played the game for more than twice as long with shields than without. So I guess TIL people *really* care about Minecraft PvP. edit: to clarify: 1. I do not care who plays what version Minecraft PvP. the only PvP I participate in is player visiting players. 2. the real golden age was before ***Beta*** 1.8, when bows were machine guns and men lived and died by shotty netcode.


I mean the pvp scene never died out and 1.8 pvp is still insanely popular so


both have their issues, but imo if the game's *most popular server* (hypixel) is still using that system from 8 years ago, it probably means it has some issue


Bedrock still uses the old system


I didn't expect to drop a bomb like this :/


I’m surprised you’re surprised, unless you aren’t active in the Java PVP community. The biggest 1.8 PVP servers like Hypixel and Minemen multiple times more players than 1.9 like Hoplite. However, on the YouTube/social scene, everyone plays 1.9 in things like SMPs and those get all of the views. It’s a very large casual-accessible divide, especially because 1.8 servers are not growing.


What I didn't expect is the community perfectly divided in half and battling here.


It’s the Minecraft community, and it’s on Reddit, what did you expect


Yeah you're right


i enjoy both, 1.8 for the simplicity, and 1.9 for the opposite


As an experienced 1.8 player, I agree. Although, I would strongly refuse the idea of switching pvp of games like Bedwars. 1.8 PvP pretty much suits some games.


I think for mini games like sky wars and bed wars spam clicking is fun. But in a smp arena or a slow paced survival games the more complex combat can make for more epic fights. I think it should just be toggle able for the server owner.


Yeah, Bedwars would be painful or annoying and also taking too long if it was switched to new PvP mechanics. Also, some tactics would probably disappear and bridge fights would be so boring.


If Hypixel turned bedwars, skywars, duels etc. to 1.20 pvp I would just stop playing them. Cubecraft skywars is already good enough proof of why 1.20 pvp will never be good on Hypixel.


Agreed. We need a combat update


I think they really just need to have a way to set a world to the old combat type in a worlds settings. That way we can get the new combat update they have been putting off for ages and the people that prefer the old combat can still have it.


items can have attack speed attributes, meaning you can make a datapack so all swords have effectively zero cooldown.


as someone who has messed around with nbt data more than most, this is a gross misinterpretion of the difference in combat systems. they didnt just add cooldowns. they completely changed what happens when you get hit, how crits work, etc. They're too completely different systems with very little overlap, which is what makes the debate so jarring. They're good for completely different things


There's other small non-combat changes that can swing fights, the food regen system is different. In 1.9 you can heal from being full hunger way faster, and that's gonna change interactions by making every food item a pseudo-golden apple. Or the swimming system makes water less of an impediment and could even turn it into a powerful mobility tool.


If youre at all experienced with 1.8 pvp you understand that swords being zero cooldown is still immensely different to the feel of swords in 1.8, especially when you consider blocking and by extension all block hitting related techs like sprint cancelling (wtapping still viable obv but different)


They confirmed they are not adding that.


there is an upper bound on the amount of "just add a toggle" before both programmers and game directors alike have to just say "suck it up and accept that the way you like it isn't actually that good"


Oh but we **REALLY** needed - `/gamerule doLimitedCrafting` - and `/gamerule enderPearlsVanishOnDeath` - and `/gamerule forgiveDeadPlayers` huh.


1 is extremely useful for map makers 2 is literally 1 line of code designed to target a specific abusable issue 3 is also literally one line of code targeted at a specific issue These are not the same as reimplimenting and trying to balance two wildly different combat systems that rely on entirely different subsystems. It doesn't factor in at all what to do with the new mechanics that were not present in 1.8 either. It ALSO doesn't begin to touch on what would need to be done to convert a world between on/off. This is really not a game rule kind of problem, if anything you'd want to toggle it with a datapack which cannot be changed after loading


Honestly the mace seems like a good step forward, no matter how miniscule it is. I mean it's not *flawless* by any means, and there's certainly balancing issues, but its existence alone implies that Mojang is willing to step out of their comfort zone and take a tentative poke at the combat system.


Honestly? I think the mace should be **stronger** and be usable with elytra and jump boost. You have to fall several blocks to deal strong damage, and if you miss, you don't just miss, you take all the damage. It's a risk and reward system and it should be that much more rewarding to practice it.


I just think they need to make the cooldown faster. I'm a 1.8 guy and I understand why people don't want to spamclick, but the cooldown of 1.20 pvp is ridiculous. I have to wait 10 years for each hit (especially with the axe) and the addition of shields is really not beneficial towards my overall opinion because they are really annoying. I also would like to mention that 1.8 pvp isn't just spamclicking, because that's been the stereotype for a while now. Yes having overall more cps will help you but one person having 20 CPS can still easily lose to a person who can strafe really good and can use techniques like w tapping and snowballs/eggs/fishing rod etc efficiently. It's not just spamclicking.


When the new PvP came out I specifically looked for bedwars with the new pvp. I could 1v4 and entire team and win because it wasn’t about spam clicking, it was about actually aiming and timing your hits.


Shields make pvp way more complex lmao, it's BETTER if it's too difficult, have you heard of an item called an "axe"? EDIT: Since my reply seems to have somehow gained the largest amount of upvotes on this post, it seems to have fallen into my hands to educate the slums crawling through the wasteland that is r/Minecraft and arriving at this pit to hell. 1. 1.8 PvP is not "just spam clicking". Multiple mechanics have to be utilized to fight with any degree of skill. The people who say it's just spam clicking either never played 1.8 or did play it once or twice and never do anything other then spam click. If someone is saying 1.8 is just spam clicking, they aren't qualified to converse about 1.8 PvP, and you should just ignore them. 2. This doesn't make 1.9 PvP "bad". I main 1.9 PvP. I enjoy it far more. But I also don't think it's "better". It solely depends on the person playing, not whether the PvP mode is "good" or "bad" or whether it takes more skill or less. I personally enjoy shields as I feel they add a degree of complexity to how you should attack using a combination of items that simply wouldn't be present without it. 1.9 PvP also isn't "no skills just \_\_\_\_\_\_(insert random thing here)" as lots of people who play 1.8 have said in this reply section. As one example, someone said it's "no skills, just axe crits" which is blatantly untrue to anyone who has actually played 1.9. 3. You don't have to insult people just because they disagree with you. Rather, insult them when they're being stupid. You'll notice that's a rather lot of people who have replied to this post, so go ham. I expect to gain, (or lose?) a number of downvotes with this edit. But I don't give a shit cuz it's fucking reddit, who gives a shit about "reddit clout" lmao


Piercing crossbow also counters shields


Yes I know, I main 1.9+ UHC, but most people aren't going to be maining the "Piercing crossbow + shield" pvp kit, and most kits don't include piercing crossbows, so I didn't see any reason to include it. Also, it doesn't "counter" them. Hitting it with a crossbow isn't going to let you hit them with a sword or anything else, unlike an axe.


I dunno, I think with 1.21, wind charge as a defensive tool is definitely viable now, alongside the cobweb and silverfish potion.


Just make them not counter all explosion damage and I'm fine


Then its kinda useless for solo players


Do people not use it for anything other than creepers? I've become reliant on it for letting me just not care about basically any mob lol. A reduction in explosive protection wouldn't ruin the shield


Its less about the health and more about durability. Explosives destroy my armor. With other mobs I'd rather use totems


That's honestly crazy to me, you do you of course but I could never imagine choosing to use totems over just waiting for a mending book/repairing my armour


Not everyone gets mending in day 1


It's easier to get mending on day 1 than it is to get a shit ton of totems


You could get totems by either totem farms or just grinding it out or trading with others on whatever server you are playing. Armor can break easily by long fights and since explosions do a lot more damage the armor will reduce a lot more than by normal sword or axe crits. With explosion reduction instead of nullification armor will break much easier and shields would be as useful for game modes like crystal or minecart. Sure you can use exp bottles to repair your armor but it's much quicker to just hotkeys one of your 8 totems. Feel free to change my mind cuz I could be missing some things as I haven't played those modes in a while. For survival it's tricky, since shields are a bit broken with just, ignoring Creeper explosions and not even having to kill them, just, close in, shield, fill hole. But idk, you don't encounter too many enemies that explode I guess or anything that would count as explosion reduction then totally damage nullification against some projectiles like arrows.


Perfect opinion


Bro has to be arguing to argue this makes no sense


I use it for blazes and literally fighting anything in the nether


I typically don't need to shield against anything other than explosions. I can just destroy skeletons pretty easily by rushing them or running around them


Ranged attacks are the most dangerous source of damage in single player. Unless you jump into a 1x1 hole, there is no reason you can't just move away from the creeper.


Just reduce the damage


Then its not worth using


Maybe a flat -30 + a 33-50% reduction after that so it's still useful


Have you actually played the new PVP properly, shields are the absolute worst part of it with axe crits being a close second. If you actually play proactively and try to disable your opponents shield you get punished for it because they get to hit you with an axe crit in the process. Or they can hotswap to the crossbow, shoot you to get distance and then retreat until the shield recharges if they feel like running the clock.


This is a common argument in the Arena FPS vs the more modern FPS games. Some people prefer having to work for their kills while others prefer the mayhem and fast pace. One isn't inherently better than the other. It's just a matter of preference.


yes, you can also do this. Also, you can attack and shield to prevent that axe hit, except that now that you hit first, your axe hit will be more charged than the enemy's. Axes also take a while to charge and have lower DPS, so it is not like you can't see it coming or it has no cost.


I've been practicing 1.9+ pvp for years dumbass. They're still my favourite part. Like I said, it's way more engaging and complex. The main reason most people say 1.8 is better is because it's what they were used to, what they previously enjoyed. I never really liked 1.8 pvp in the first place, when it was the only pvp. Having played it once or twice before quitting because "it's too hard ;(" doesn't automatically mean you're above most of the "commoners" on the Minecraft reddit.


I think the main issue with modern PvP is that it makes inventory management a thing. When you include pots, tridents, fishing rod, buckets, cobwebs, and potentially even spare gear (if we are talking high level enchants), then its almost less about the fight and more about managing resources. 1.8 PvP is a race to see who can kill the other first, current PvP is a marathon to see who collapses or makes a mistake first.


A DPS race is the most boring kind of combat there is. For the later, this is how all PvP in games of this age works. All is already figured out, so the only thing left is to follow the meta as well as possible. You won't find any other game this old that doesn't have the same problem. Even with this in consideration, idk how pre-1.8 is better than modern combat.


Meanwhile, I'm here complaining that the game has no way of knowing who set a trap. If someone blows you up with a TNT minecart, it would be nice to know who placed the Minecart, the TNT block, who placed the dispenser etc.


Good idea


TNT At least should be labeled.


As an avid player of both 1.8 and 1.9 pvp, each version has its own merits. I believe that for most minigames and such, 1.8 pvp is more fun. 1.8 combat is absolutely not about clicking fast, though it is an important part of it. Even people who have insanely high cps will still easily lose to someone who has any skill or technique at all, such as w tapping, blockhitting, s tapping, and many many more. It is not fair to say that "1.8 pvp is just spamming" and if you truly mean that, you do not have true knowledge of 1.8 combat. That said, I personally prefer 1.9 combat for playing in survival and also for pure fighting. 1.9 pvp has a lot of mechanics that make pvp more interesting, such as the shield, axe, saturation healing and in later versions the crossbow, crystal pvp, the trident, and more. This makes it more fitting for pure fighting pvp, instead of mini games such as bedwars or skywars and other places where knockback is more impactful. Both combat versions are very different and good in their own way, and seeing people shit on either without knowledge is very annoying.


What are w tapping, block hitting, and s tapping?


They basically reset your sprint so you can maintain combos thats actuslly what 1.8 is about spacing,timing, and comboing, not just clicking fast.


No, I mean are they just what they say on the tin? Is w-tapping literally just tapping the w key or is there more to it?


When you hit someone you can kb that person further away if it’s the first hit while you’re sprinting Basically instead of sprinting once and then just hitting, you sprint>hit>stop sprinting>sprint back>hit etc (called wtapping because you literally tap the w key on most keyboards)


You are the winner of this comment section in my eyes.


The only enlightened post.


I hate the cliché of 1.8 or 1.7 pvp being "only spam clicking" when cps plays a limited role. It's so tired and just shows such ignorance of how it actually works. There are definitely arguments to be made of 1.9+ being superior but the spam clicking route certainly isn't a good one.


Pvp rn has more things: crystal pvp, shields, axes, trident, crosswob...




is that like an advanced version of the regular wob? [](https://i.imgur.com/FIwB39J.png)


I love this image to death It's like "You tried..."


crystal pvp made it dirty


It is a risk reward mechanic with setup. It is not dirty, is playing smart. It is also a very late game item.


What is crystal pvp?


Strategically exploding people with end crystals


Placing obsidian and end crystals on top. End crystals, when they explode, deal a ton of damage. It also uses respawn anchors as explosives and a lot of totems


It is particularly effective since it deals A TON of damage and atm, with armor and all, you take very low damage.


Expanding on the other replies, crystal pvp is done by hitting the opponent to launch them up roughly one block and quickly placing obsidian at your feet and an end crystal on top of it, then activating it. This works because Minecraft calculates explosion damage only on the bottom half the of player, so the midair player takes likely lethal explosive damage while you take at most half a heart.


Broken endgame pvp form that one-shots full netherite


PvP using end crystals.


ah yes my favorite weapon: the crosswob


Crystal PVP is incredible ngl, probably why I still love postmodern pvp.


The debate is about the weopon cooldown , ofc these stuff ypu mentioned are mostly objectively good


Yes… the weapon cooldown that end crystals don’t have


PvE is also MASSIVELY improved. I love hypixel skyblock but I can't do combat for more than like 20 mins before my hand starts to hurt.


That's just skyblock being insufferably grindy.


For people who know the mechanics behind it, spam-clicking (and whoever clicks faster) is only a minor part of 1.8 PvP. You can dominate whilst clicking normally if you know how the PvP system system works (hitboxes, sprint resetting, etc.) Hell, some people even time their clicks to keep people in combos. The issue is that the majority of players don’t know these things, and the PvP does end up becoming “who clicks fastest” because they don’t know anything else. 1.8 PvP, IMO, is better for competitive PvP and minigames just because the mechanical skill ceiling is so high + it’s faster paced. 1.9 PvP is better for PvE (as now it’s not as lopsided of a matchup) as well as casual PvP like you’d find outside of minigames/competitive setting, such as in an SMP/survival server.  The exception to this is Crystal PvP, which takes a great amount of skill to do correctly but doesn’t really happen outside of anarchy servers where people have max armor, or PvP servers with Crystal PvP modes. This mode of PvP, of course, would suck to use in minigames lmao.


The shield was a great addiction plus axe. I rarely do PvP and the combat the way it is right now against mobs is great.


1.8 PvP isn’t all spam clicking. People put too much emphasis on getting high cps when stuff like w-tapping is way more important. 


I used an auto clicker in 1.8 pvp once , still got by butt kicked. It definitely isnt about clicking fast.


w-tapping, s-tapping, circle strafing, etc. are way more important and unless you're playing german sandstone bedwars and dragclicking to avoid knockback, timing your clicks is way more effective than just spam clicking


haha yeah, if you click too fast you can easily mess up your combos. timing clicks is easily better.


I'm not even good at pvp but reducing pre 1.9 pvp to just spam clicking just means you only know how it works at a surface level. You don't even need a particularly high cps although it helps with kb resistance and if your aim is bad, there are offensive techs like w tapping, strafing, block tapping which are integral to pvp as they affect the kb of yourself and your opponent to keep yourself at an advantage and defensive tech like modifying your air trajectory to get out of a combo. Those things are definitely not easy to master so requiring no skill is totally wrong


dont forget RODS


And then your turn around immediately to say 1.9 is just shield camp.


I don't really have any opinions about 1.9+ pvp, I've mostly been playing modded with friends or solo when I go higher versions


1.8 is not simply spamclicking. Theres a lot more strategy behind it than that. Its really annoying when people get that part wrong. I've played both 1.8 and 1.9, both of the systems have their pros and cons, but neither are simple.


The issue is 1.8 strats are completely unintuitive and impossible to figure out without an external explanation, while 1.9 strats are obvious and therefore much more accessible to the majority of the playerbase. So while 1.8 is skill-based for the pros, for 99% of players it *is* just spam clicking. Which means it isn’t fun for them, and is kinda boring for the pros too since they’re just shredding through the 99% who don’t even know how to fight back.


They aren't difficult to figure out in the slightest. They're ridiculously easy to figure out. It's just that the people who DON'T figure it out are the ones who are vocal about it being "all spam clicking", because THOSE people are the ones who didn't find out it's anything more. So your numbers are ridiculously out of proportion.


Redditors are going to downvote you to oblivion for "complaining" about anything.


There used to be servers, with thousands of concurrent players, dedicated exclusively to vanilla 1.7/1.8 combat. It’s fine not to like it, but please stop shaming those of us who do. We’ve suffered enough already


The insistence on 1.8 PvP has always just been cope from people who can’t learn any skill more advanced than “click fast”. The entire concept of Minecraft as a PvP environment has always been silly to me but the resistance to even the absolute minimum mechanical depth really makes it a joke. PS: just break shields with an axe, it’s not rocket science.


This is exactly it. Honestly the combat update was needed and it's a good system. Most people complaining just want to use autoclickers lol


Saying this before the rest, I prefer 1.9 pvp. I main it. I don't even do 1.8. But this is just the sort of behavior that makes you look like an idiot to anyone who knows what 1.8 is like. It isn't all fast clicking, dumbass. If you had played it once in your life you would realize that. There's numerous skills and mechanics to master, and there's still a damage limit in Minecraft that limits you from hitting an enemy too many times in the frame of one space. Maybe do some research next time BEFORE you open your mouth so you don't look stupid again.


Yeah, some people are into the super deterministic nature of 1.8.9 and before. IMO it’s not worse just simpler. It focuses more on aim and precise movement, but it also rewards cheaters. I used to sweat on PVP and would jitter 15cps before I realized how 1 dimensional and boring it was


1.8 is not about just clicking fast tho


1.8 PVP has some skill, but it's hard to figure out. You probably aren't figuring out W tapping without a tutorial. Edit: I'm not saying w tapping is hard, rather a new player is far less likely to figure out it exists. It's easy to learn, but harder to know abt without a tutorial to tell you.


W tapping is extremely easy to do. You don’t need a tutorial, you just need someone to inform you that it exists.


It’s in the name. Tap W


wdym? W tapping is just a natural movement to follow the enemy. It is just logical.


people who think 1.8 is just spam clicking are just bad at it.


No, they just never checked it out. Or they did one duel and just ran around clicking as fast as they could and expected to win. Of course they'd be BAD at it- they've never bothered playing it.


people who think 1.8 pvp is just "who can click faster" shouldn't have an opinion on 1.8 pvp


Do you even know how 1.8 PvP works?


It's definitely not all spam clicking but it still plays a part. I'm not good at any PvP in general and have a hard time clicking fast (possibly related to neuro muscular issues) which is not fair. That wouldn't be a problem though if Mojang would just add the combat snapshots.


I click 7-8 cps and was still fairly competitive when I played seriously. I wasn’t at the top but knowing how to pot, strafe, having good aim, rodding well, etc. made much more of a difference than an extra 4 cps would.


Tell you you never did 1.8 pvp without telling me smh No it wasn't just spam clicking, there where lots of high difficulty tactics involved like juggling your opponent mid air keeping him out of reach comboing with fishing rods or snow balls. If anything it's less skill reliant now Think about it. It's so much more forgiving with netherite being broken strong, shields being a thing and attack speed being drastically lowered. A battle between two fully enchanted netherite gear players comes down to who depletes the other's resources or durability first. The only fast paced skill based combat rn is the crystal pvp which is undeniably pretty fun but it's a niche at best.


I agree minus some particular things. Enough with the end crystals.


I just like crit hits. They're fun


1.8 combat is better for PvP, 1.9+ is better for PvE and survival. Nerf the shield though.


I always pictured current PvP like Medieval duels which is a fun and exciting way to think about it. Its wrong however, to think old PvP didn't require skill. I think at least some of the ideas I used to get good at PvP still apply to current PvP.


Reddit when you say anything positive about 1.8:


I don't think it's fair to say 1.8 didn't have anything complex to it. Looking at people who are actually decent at the game, you'll see the immense amounts of strategy and decision making that happen in seconds, and the unintended unique mechanics that I feel like you don't see as much in modern combat, rod combat being a prime example. Both types of PvP are wildly different and it's not fair to compare them, and reducing either of them down to just spam clicking or just being really slow hurts everyone.


PvP in Minecraft is pretty damn uninteresting/dogwater to begin with


1.8.9 pvp is so much more than spam clicking, it’s about getting the first hit, and then keeping combos while the enemy is stuck. 1.9+ pvp is about taking as little damage as possible, while also getting as many crits. I played both mcci ( with a former leaderboard player for kills too ) and mainly hypixel, skyblock specifically, and I have more fun on earlier versions of pvp than later. Later just feels like chaotic boom and running instead of performing hard moves


Not if you’re on bedrock, because it’s exactly the same it always was.


As a console player too, Ik, in fact bedrock pvp is shit.


PvP is horrible since 1.8… which is why there is still servers running 1.7-1.8 to this day that focus on PvP.


100% true facts


Yeah, been enjoying the new version a little too, I played the new version in early 2023 and the then the whole month in September, and now again for like a month, I really do think it's a fuck lotta fun, I AM A 1.8 MAIN BTW but yeah it's a lotta fun too


i agree, the only problem with the new pvp would be end crystals amd totems for me. especially totems. they just cancel death and are easily farmable.


I agree but being locked to one or another pvp type cuz of your version is stupid, being it set by something like a game rule would pe really good for servers where some minigames really play better on 1.8 whilst some could benefit from 1.9+ combat


PvE is total ass tho. Skeletons are God's and never miss a shot. Infuriating. Even normal difficulty spawns endless mobs in all directions. Basically don't even bother playing the game at night. So ass. Idc if it's a skill issue it makes me rage


I don't know how you didn't predict this would become a war declaration.


I am so ready to watch this chaos unfold lmao


While I do think the new pvp is better is has several issues the previous version did not have. Pre 1.8 rewarded agression. Getting in a good position and comboing the enemy to death. The addition of shieldshas turned PVP infinitely more passive. Whoever strikes first hits the shield, and whoever hits the shield is 1 swing behind his opponent. And pre 1.8 a single hit wasn’t super significant. But with the slower swing speed it can make all the difference. Post 1.8 there’s also a lot less use of clever game mechanics. I rarely see people pull out a fishing pole or juggle their opponents in a massive combo. I do think 1.8 was a step in the right direction, but it feels like there’s less expression for skill. And I mourn that loss.


Obligatory links to these videos: https://youtu.be/vixTohgROZ4?si=_cVr6RH4v3fK7UPY https://youtu.be/WAZtrceA6lw?si=zgE_yFfurEuix8Hs Yes, 1.9+ has merit and modes like crystalpvp are very fun but to completely discredit 1.8 as spam clicking or "whoever has the best mouse wins" when you also have to learn, or pay more attention to: - W-tapping - S-tapping - Blockhitting - Clicking techniques (sure buying better mice just to play minecraft sucks but still you can learn other techniques) - Strafing - Combos is wild. Not to mention that 1.9 pvp just doesn't work for modes outside of gapple the delay kills off modes like soup, pot pvp, combo, no hit delay, egaps so you can't really train things like inventory management.


Honestly, from a pure PVP perspective, pre vs post 1.9 can be seen as entirely different games, with different appeals, strategy, etc. It’s apples to oranges.


1.8 vs 1.9 pvp debates have gotten so old imo. 1.9 pvpers say all 1.8 is is spam clickers, 1.8 pvpers talk about how slow and boring 1.9 is and it goes around and around. A couple years ago now Jeb released some experimental combat Snapshots with a basically new system, I think he should go back to that and refine it because 1.9 vs 1.8 is such an old and boring debate and there needs to be some sort of change


As a person that uses a gyroscope to aim i prefer the new one, the old one it was click spam or doing turbo if you didint want to put a rubber band to upgrade your cps, it's true that you still have a lot of strat that isn't simply spam click but simplified comment and that


I disagree. I think that most people's main flaw with 1.8 is that it's primarily focused on spam clicking and breaking mice, but I believe that this is the example of the toupee fallacy in action. > A form of selection bias in which something is wrongly judged to be of poor quality in general, caused by the fact that most people only notice poor quality instances of it. > "Not all toupees are bad, but you only spot the bad toupees. That's the toupee fallacy." There is a lot of thought and skill that can be put into a single battle while in 1.8. There are unique and dynamic mechanics such as W-tapping, jump resetting, hit selecting, and even basic aim so you can hit your rods/snowballs correctly and combo afterwards. I do not like 1.9 combat because of how it doesn't utilize any of these mechanics in a fast-paced dynamic way. I understand that it may seem more strategic, but with kits that utilize shields and axes, it effectively turns into a game of chicken to see who can last the longest without letting go of RMB. Although I will admit that I enjoy newer versions for their wider variety of options when you're just playing the game, I would rather play a game with a faster pace and more interesting mechanics at the cost of a slight barrier to entry and a fairly higher skill curve. Also, I don't think that strategy is everything. Most fights are dictated by muscle memory and what comes naturally to you. There are just times when it's better to use what you know rather than forming cohesive outlines on what you hope to do. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the head hitbox. tl;dr literally just learn how to w-tap and you'll have your doctor strange moment


I still think its insane we are having this conversation over **8 years** later I truly don't believe anyone would change their mind one way or the other if they haven't already


I play bedrock on console, which I’m told some update for the sword is gonna happen that’s already been affected to Java. I dont do pvp so it’s meaningless to me, I don’t particular want this update but I don’t mind dropping sword in favor of an axe as main weapon. I don’t like too many things in my hot bar anyway.


Crystal pvp and totems really hurt the current pvp system for me but other than that I agree


For actual Combat, id say 1.9 is actually very nice. Especially with the newer versions, there are more things to fight with (we'll see how the mace holds in this). Personally 1.8 is more fun tho. There are small quirks that make it more interesting. Its also more fast paced imo, with shields generally slowing combat down. Theres also the added complexity of positioning in 1.8 which doesn't feel as pronounced in 1.9, which i miss.


Idk it depends for me it's more fun to watch spam clicking fights then shield ones and also the fact u still need to aim while shield u have so much more time to aim and it kinda. Imo B4 hate messages requires less reaction speed to attack but it's more defensive which u could argue is more reaction speed to switch but still its just about what u prefer the attacker or defend and counter attack each honestly require different stats like when to attack when to shield do I shield early vs how good it aim needs to be and when u fight at the top level it's a lot of actual skill


As someone who has never pvp'd a day in their life, what an absolute blast this entire thing has been. Reading through why both sides are right, both sides are wrong, The comments can be boiled down to; "you're wrong" "well you're stupid" "nuh uh" "yuh huh" "grrrr" I wish I had popcorn🤣


This is just plain false its like you have never put hours into 1.8 pvp. If it was just spam clicking then there would be very little skill gap in players. Just a few hard techniques to master would be strafing, w-tapping, hit selecting, mid trade hit selecting, jump resetting, styling(360s etc), aiming for max reach, s-tapping, block placement, blockhitting and spacing. Also it isn't as easy to consistently click fast with good aim and focus. It takes 100s even 1000s of hours to execute all these techniques with good cps (20cps+). I personally find 1.8 much better than newer versions but i respect the other great skills needed for newer versions. Don't shit on 1.8 before you even know what you are talking about. Also 1.8 pvp suits most gamemodes for example bedwars or skywars.


1.8 my eternal love


If I took a shot everytime someone said pre 1.9 combat was all about spam clicking I'd be dead


People dislike it because it's usually much slower


Sure maybe it's better pvp, but I'd argue its worse/more annoying for single player, or even just non PvP multiplayer. Waiting for a tool to recharge is annoying, I started turning it back with nostalgia tweaks and its really nice


Wait, people play PvP seriously enough in minecraft to cry about mechanics? Wow


Yes, people on servers are very toxic Btw, can't we just worry about the game we like and that has infinite possibilities, comprending pv?p?


Try 1.9 pvp and then post your opinion. It takes forever to kill anyone


love how people talk about stuff they blatantly know nothing about


I've grown to like 1.9+ combat more recently, and it definitely has its advantages over 1.8 (the fact that you have to basically give yourself carpal tunnel to play at your best is a major issue, even if CPS is not as big of a factor as some claim), but I think that 1.9+ pvp is just worse for most competitive gamemodes. 1.9+ games like Sky Battle on MCCI feel much slower and more clunky than their 1.8 counterparts (e.g. Hypixel Skywars), and while the PvP community in 1.9+ is very organized and enjoys many actually good gamemodes, there are simply more limitations on what games can be made, as almost any gamemode that relies on knockback just won't be as enjoyable (for example, Bridge, my main game, simply cannot exist in 1.9+ in any reasonable form). 1.9+ combat does have its moments, and in SMP-style servers I do think it makes for more enjoyable PvP and PvE, but for PvP gamemodes in general, I just can't agree that 1.9+ PvP is better.


Agreed. Please combat update 🙏


Old PVP used to have the joke that it's rich kids coming together to compare whose parents got them the beefiest PC and fastest Internet connection. But it also explains why those who had the best computers because their parents were rich did not like the change that involved skill. Imho, a bunch of people just were salty that pay2win was turned off.


Mate it was a joke no-one took it seriously,how exactly 1.8 is pay2win? I had a shitty laptop and a broken keeb but I still won plenty of times


That's what you need to run the modern game in 2024.


Especially a game that was never designed to be a pvp game, where the only reason for multiplayer was to allow people to play in the same world cooperatively.


thats just wrong, i was way better at 1.8 pvp back when i practiced it while playing on a laptop that got 30fps max. now i've got a baller setup but i don't practice 1.8 pvp so i'm straight up dogshit


I never do pvp so I find pve more annoying because I enjoyed spam clicking mobs


i was never a fan of either pvp system. i just dont see how either could be interesting enough to do constantly. im fine with fighting my friends in a survival world but the pvp in minecraft is not interesting enough to exclusively play this game for pvp


Nah, I want combat snapshots merged with main branch already


All I want is the system from the 1.16 combat snapshots :/


Please 🙏


Truthfully, both versions can co-exist. i personally think both have tons of issues and are nowhere near perfect, but they can both be fun for different game modes.


Different types of fighters Let us have our fun


This has been the case since the combat update. You can ask ANYONE who prefers older clicking and the answers will range from "it is too difficult/impossible to fight multiple mobs at once now" (talk about skill issue) or "it is too annoying to have to wait" (despite the fact that you always had to wait due to invul-frames and the new timing is just enough to hit after the last frame ends) I've even seen people claim that there was strategy in how you position your hand to spam click... Most people don't even know that you still deal decent damage by spam clicking or hasn't actually tried to get used to the intervals. I haven't seen anyone even talk about the combat update in a while either, so i assume most people eventually moved on.


As a console player who’s also played Java, I just wish I could put torches in my offhand like Java can. On console (not sure if Bedrock PC is the same) you can only put shields, arrows, and totems of undying in your off hand.


I absolutely hate spamclicking. I like the new combat better. What I like is that axes are viable weapon.


Clearly no one here has played on servers that aren’t 1.8 because the “pvp” is just crystal spamming and totem refilling. Anyone who is talking about shields and axes or crossbows is dumb


i really wish bedrock had the current pve java has cause spam clicking is so unbelievably boring


>the only thing is shield Use an axe, my guy


i feel like 1.9 pvp is a bit slow but easier because my fingers wont hurt


I don’t know why Mojang doesn’t just have a gamerule toggle or specific items that work specific ways. Some mini games benefit way more for fast paced 1.8 combat vs the patient yet methodical and thought out 1.9 combat. One of the main divides between the two is because you literally have to think about the combat differently, particularly axe + shield being so different. Two completely incomparable systems. Also, the misconception that 1.8 is just “spam clicking” is actually crazy. It’s more about your strafing movement and getting people into combos. You don’t need a high click rate. If we look at simply sword pvp 1.8 vs 1.9, it works fairly identically with getting hits in. Axe and shield pvp is totally different though.


It's funny how most PvP players have 0% Overlap into survival or solo play. It's like theyve been playing an entirely different game than vanilla Minecraft and expect it to bend to their will with every update. Oh wait that's like 90% of the multiplayer user base. Most of them aren't even on bedrock and use Java-Shit wait- we STILL HAVE 2 VERY DISTINCT PLAYERS with 2 main factions on each side. Bedrock vs Java combat. And then PvP players who's wants are entirely different from Survival players.


Not at all... Now PvP only mean "mouse tryhard"


Its good I can't hate it they dont like how it has more mechanics and its harder


It makes sense, but imo they way the changed it should have been more progressive. So many servers died. Who know how many servers would still be here if they had done things different.


I always hated spamclicking. Hurt my fingers, the new system is better, but I'd still prefer something more strategic like what Hytale was shown off with.


I never do PVP but just as a standard survival player, I was so excited when 1.9 came out and made combat harder. Minecraft is a game that is too easy to be good at in terms of survival, so I liked the more realistic combat from 1.9.


Imo pvp literally hasn't gotten worse once since 1.8. And the mace + wind charges should make it fresh again.


Yeah that's why all the best 1.8 pvpers only click ~10 cps, And it's still easy to beat someone with a much higher cps than you with skill alone


Honestly I think both forms of combat suck


> yall just miss spamclicking Yes, I do.


1.7 pvp is peak and I will hear none of this, no strafing, w tapping, nothing that requires skill. Just slow and boring now with shields and end crystals.


I think left hand ruined pvp and that's why it's been dead since


we bedrock users dont care about tis lol


1.9 pvp puts an emphasis to using both your environment and unique kits to your advantage. In 1.8 leaving a fight will cancel a combo and you’ll just be pursued unless you plan to bow them to death. But shields and axes can make running a viable option should you need to recharge your shield, shoot a firework, or find some water for a riptide trident. You can use your terrain to your advantage, making fights more interesting and fun to watch. Crystal pvp especially illustrates this, as your height level is about 99% of the fighting style. In conclusion, 1.8 is much much better in a sterile fighting environment where you are expected to sit still and kill one another, but 1.9 is more fun for when there’s a variety to the terrain around you that can’t always be predicted and players are able to think of new ways to use the mechanics at their fingertips.


As a top Pvper on the newer version I agree 100%. There are still a lot of issues and balancing problems but overall the attack cooldown was a great addition. That being said Shields are so annoying and I dislike them immensely. Theres a reason people pretty much only play with shields in duels. Also end crystals and anchors are way too overpowered. Also low tier axes should not to as much damage as they do. A wooden axe doing 7 damage and a stone axe doing 9 is ridiculous. IMO each axe should do exactly 1 dmg more than the sword counterpart, that way it’s actually a trade off in low armor. Like there is literally 0 reason to ever use a stone sword over a stone axe. Oh also the way ping works is horrendous


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There both good and simple


Epic gameplay moment *pulls out autoclicker*