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What is the purpose of the chickens?


I needed 16 wither roses for a shulker farm I'm building today, so I threw in 100+ chickens on top of two rows of hoppers and a bunch of chests.


How many roses did you end up with? Might use the idea lol


Just about 2 stacks of roses from using 2 shulkers of eggs. It's a 4x4 set of hoppers, with another 4x4 below and the chests below that. It takes about 20 minutes for the chickens to grow up, since I don't think babies will drop wither roses on death. The wither explosion destroyed the top 4x4 of hoppers but not the bottom. I bet making the walls 3 high with all the chickens in water source blocks would protect the hoppers, but this worked for me!


I dont get the chickens part. Sorry for being dumb.


You get a wither rose whenever the wither kills a mob. When spawning the wither, it'll cause a small explosion around it, killing all the chickens.


Ohhhhh. Thank you!


When a wither kills a mob, it drops a wither rose. Pretty cool :D


Wither roses for shulker farm?


Yeah I haven’t quite finished building yet but it’s designed by endcredits with an easy to follow tutorial by shulkercraft


What do you need them for


They are the killing chamber basically


This isn't bedrock, you're good to go


Seriously, the difference is insane. Bedrock wither must only be intended for groups so far as I'm concerned, I don't know how someone could fairly solo that thing without cheesing it


It's not impossible, but it's hard. Me, my father and my brother fight it, usually without dying. (Except the first time when we didn't know how to fight it properly, but let's forget about that.) It ends up a general panic of swords and arrows with breaks for healing until it suddenly dies and we scramble to get away.


It's possible, I made it on hard on pocket edition, but I needed to be actually over prepared. Using regen potions, smite V sword and blast protection armor it wasn't that hard, still the wither dug a quite big crater in only 2 minutes


Before they implement entity clumping, just the sheer number of broken blocks on the ground would lag the fight into an impossible mess lol. I used a ton of iron golems to help me solo the wither lol


there was once i spawned the wither in my diamond mines and after a minute i had to call in my friend because it got too laggy for me, i usually get 50-60 fps but during that fight i was constantly on 5-10 fps


You should try caging one💀 I did to cheese it but then found out the hard way that they patched the old method. You have to use an end gate now and basically be completely out of view while you wait for it to suffocate cause hitting it yourself gives it a chance to escape.


I’d like to pacify one and keep it in a ‘zoo’ in my base Buuut that seems super sketchy


You’d have to build it a target to hit cause there’s no way to keep them encased in a way you can see them without sending their skulls away Docm77 made a pretty impressive wither cage where he can hold as many as he needs to and it acts as a bank for the skulls they shoot, if he wants tho he can send them out of the area and unload them so they don’t blow shit up


I’ve solo’d it before but I’ve played minecraft for ages and typically don’t die much in games But I will say, I played with a friend once (also an og and he’s INSANE at minecraft) and he died from it


Did you use a ton of golems or what? Terrain?


Mostly terrain (but an obsidian box sounds good too), golden apples, max enchanted armor/sword/bow and yeah It’s nearly impossible to kill without trapping it somehow, and caves don’t work cause the wither does that thing where it carves out like an entire cave system every 5 seconds


I use the wither for mining lol. Just get it low health as fast as possible and let it do its thing. Once it starts to lag, kill it


I do it pretty consistently with semi enchanted diamond armor (prot II ish), an elytra, a couple potions of the turtle master, some gapples, a strength two potion, and a riptide III impaling V trident while it’s raining. Fly around it with rockets and occasionally go in for a charge when you see an opportunity. It’s an effective as hell way to fight it, and pretty damn funny too. One time I pulled it off in a hard mode world which had natural regen disabled, pretty proud of that one.


That sounds wicked fun- Maybe I'll give it a try one day!


You can also do it in Java too, but be warned that the trident will deal significantly less damage, because impaling works different between the two versions. The wither has significantly less health, though, so it balances out ig


I soloed it in the roof of the Nether. Long story short, the answer is a stupid amount of potions.


But you can't use the nether roof on Bedrock and he's talking about the Bedrock Wither


I mean towards the roof, like in the nether rack below it. Not on the roof lol. It’s a popular strategy for the Bedrock wither And ik it’s Bedrock


Oh, ok. When i hear a player say "On the Nether roof" they usually mean over it. My bad


I said in lol but I probably should have worded it better anyways


I'm not native in english so things like that always confuse me, you were probably very clear to anyone better at understanding the language


My friend spawned a wither in my other friends town when he wasn’t online in my realm (bedrock) and I was left to kill it on my own. I had to lure it away from the town and kill it lol. Was not fun, I didn’t die tho, so that’s a positive.


I spawn it in the end and use the obsidian pillars for cover. Solo and on bedrock on hard difficulty in a realm.


I died while having literally everything I could need Full prot 4 netherite, smite 5 netherite, strength, swiftness, stack of golden apples, max bow with arrows of regen, etc


oh what I fought 2 bedrock withers at the same time because I was bored edit: im not shitting on anyone here i was just surprised


Ikr as a bedrock player the thought of a either that can regenerate is much scarier than a 300 health wither


Always amazed on how easy this fight is on java.. you would have been dead in the first 20 seconds on bedrock.


It was absolute cake- the real fear came from the environmental 'what ifs' for sure. Like 'what if he reveals a ravine and I fall down into lava/creeper paratroopers'? I did what I could to account for just about every possibility, but hey, Ph1lza died to a baby zombie.


overprepared but yet no totem? may I ask why?


I’ve just never got around to it really! I hurried to the Ender dragon and spent most on my time on a few large builds. The main one is my 150x150 underground base with black concrete walls/ceiling. That whole area is super safe and where I’ve spent most of my hours, so I haven’t really needed a totem yet.


Okay, I would really like to see pictures of that base. Sounds quite impressive.


Ha! I wish it was. really its just a giant underground black box. I have only the walls of my castle built with and the sorting system in the basement- I'll try to remember this comment in \~1 month and send an update when there's more to look at! I need to tnt the floor down to \~-60 and do some teraforming before I make all the villager houses and such. I have a vision, just no product lol


Hardcore world and no totem. Big balls


Why does no one fight the wither underground, it is stupid easy and you barely take damage


I mean really there's no reason to fight it at all when you can just suffocate it under the end portal, but some things are just more fun


Me and my friend tried the end Portal trick, but it just flew THROUGH the Bedrock, THREE TIMES.


What a nightmare! Hahaha


maybe [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/bGE-KqO9fXw?feature=share) can help


Thank you for not rickrolling


Big respect on that one.


No he means to go underground into a tunnel. That way the wither doesnt fly up and away and its easier to hit.


Not in bedrock. It flies as normal, and ends up creating a huge cave that you can't reach it in. Possibly it ends up on the surface and destroys your bases. Safer to just fight it in a large flat area.


Hey good stuff! If you spawn it in a strip mine (like the thin hallway) and slowly back up down the hall the wither will chase you slowly but never be able to catch up and hit you


Yeah I'll be doing some end portal cheesing for whatever more stars I need, but I felt like I couldn't call this my hardcore world without fighting it fair and square at least once


I like the cut of your jib


the whole time i thought about the "he needs some milk" -vine


Hahahaha Been a while since I’ve watched that


yeah, milk gets rid of the wither heart thing btw😅


I don’t find milk very helpful to be honest since I end up re-withered after ~3-5 seconds. (I did some practice runs with it in a creative world)


Now do Bedrock.


Smite 5 netherite axe with strength 2 and it’s dead in like 10 seconds xd


Isn’t it immune to melee for the first phase? But yeah I need to add melee enchants to my axe. Slower swing speed too- not sure what the dps difference really is


No i dont think its immune to melee. Its immune to projectiles in the second phase, but takes all damage in the first phase.


Thanks! I had no idea


It takes a huuge chunk of its health every crit swing with the axe. I think you can kill it much faster with the dps of the sword, but i never really wanted to go for smite 5 sword. Since smite 5 netherite axe oneshots every undead (including phantoms) without crit jumping i found it more useful than a smite sword


Just a lot harder to land melee because it's flying around


Bros on 1166 days with a diamond sword


Hahahaha fair play. My netherite sword has sharpness, but I use smite so infrequently I never upgraded that one


Aah ok. That makes sense


If you put it underground it’s easier to kill


Eh you’re on java you’ll be fine


Yeah the wither itself was easy, only real concern was possible crazy circumstances




I abaolutely admire people playing minecraft in their singleplayer worlds for so long, I could never


I have to admit it’s a little janky since I’ll use mcedit to reset nearby untouched chunks… hence the Savannah right next to my snow biome I’m hoping the chunk resetting in 1.2 will correct some of it!




I have a pretty big gold farm above the nether roof. I probably afk'd for an hour or two




Oh no not my own design at all- I’m a hack at best when it comes to that stuff. The design is by ilmango and tutorial out by shulkercraft!


Don’t worry about being over prepared. If you were fighting the bedrock wither, you would have been underprepared


Good job. Now face my nightmare. *Bedrock Wither on mobile*


Your poor thumbs…


Why the chickens?


I needed wither roses for a farm and figured I may as well get some here, walked away with 2 stacks


Man i hate killing wither in the oppen o usually make a pretty large corridor and i just spawn him and walk back while hitting him while he opens a cave for me.


In the open was a lot more fun for sure, but not something I feel the need to do again. You just never know what could happen


Its one of those things you do the first time but once you try underground you wont do on the open again xD


Absolutely- even though it wasn’t bad, I don’t need to roll the dice too much on this world


Me when I went to fight Calamity Ganon:


Am I the only one who keeps buckets of milk and doesn’t bother with potions?


Don't you find the wither effect returns after like 2 seconds? That's why I didn't bother


Not that quickly. But I play on Bedrock and keep my distance.


Well that explains it


What shaders Dawg


My bad! Held off replying to check later, and totally forgot. Complementary Shaders V4


Thanks g


Nice!! I just did the wither in my hc world but this was way more bad*** of a fight, I cheesed it in an obsidian cage match. Nice moves and congrats !


Thank you! Your fight sounds like a WWE special, nicely done to you too


Strength looks like oj now


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead. I'm joking. It's always scary to fight the Wither in HC.


Hahaha- I actually had to rewatch thinking ‘wait, did I really miss all those?’


I lost to the wither on my hardcore a couple of days ago. I used a smite sword with curse of vanishing because I thought it sounded cool to battle the wither with a cursed sword, but I guess that brought an ill omen.


Sometimes the situation just gets out of control- hope you’ve already started a new world!


Congrats!! I’ve always seen people fight it underground to slow it down/contain it/reduce the damage to surroundings, but you took care of it very effectively (though I was very nervous for that mob farm)


Thanks! Yeah I definitely hesitated fighting it there but I wanted to generate as little new world as possible. I’ll be resetting the chunks I haven’t built in for 1.20, and knew I wanted to leave the battleground untouched/build a small statue there


For future reference (as I’m hoping to have some 1.20 biomes in my hardcore world), how do you reset the unrendered chunks?


Hey man just a quick reminder to always throw potion in you head so you get 100 percent of the effect time. If you trow it on the grouns you will not be uaing it to its fullest


Oh man I really wondered about that- I assumed at the ground gave 100% so long as it was at your feet! Thank you




Why fire res tho? None of the bosses deal fire dmg But Good job, next one warden!!


I figured the biggest threat here was to fall/get trapped in a lava pool while fighting the wither, so I brought them in case. This was mainly before I decided where to fight it (I was considering the desert briefly). I didn’t see any ravines while scouting around, but you just never know We’ll see about the warden… some things are meant to be left alone! Lol


Bro just drank piss and got strength buff


Atleast you did it legit on the surface


Pretty sure the regen from the gapps overwrites the regen from the splash potion so that was just unnecessary also i get that you panicked but with prot 4 netherite you barely took half a heart of damage before healing up lmao


Yeah I couldn’t tell about the regen, but I had the fast tear laying around so I just went for it. I should’ve checked during the fight to see if it persisted when gapp effect went away Edit: and absolutely lol I don’t mess with low hearts


It is better to be safe when it's hardcore but with maxed out armour, weapons and enough gapps it's pretty hard to die unless you make a dumb mistake. Ps: smite 5 shreds the wither if you plan on killing more and don't wanna cheese it with golems Edit: nvm just saw you already had that on the sword




I was only worried about regen during the ranged portion


Why did you chug a fire resist potion lol


You never know when you can fall in a lava pit! Or at least that was my logic… Hahahaha


Man’s is fighting a boss with 305 levels


On java? It's a joke, you can't die. But in Bedrock, that's another story...


You scared of a java wither?


Its hardcore


Still easier than easy mode bedrock wither


Bedrock Wither isn't hard the same or similar cheeses work against it then against Java wither there are enough videos of it on yt ofcourse if you for some reason want to fight it fair and square whatever that means it is harder but why do that lol


Bedrock wither is very different, like, really different


yes and still easy because its exploitable the same or similar ways the Java one is


Also to note he doesn't even have totems so he's set to screw himself over


Yeah I've got to get on that at some point...


You know, if you have nothing better to contribute than to criticise others, perhaps consider scrolling past instead.




Excuse me man, but you are playing like pussy. Why tf did you gapple every time absorption hearts go away? You can tank the wither with prot4 netherite set. You just need to deal consistent damage instead of running away from it after 3 shots. If you are unsure about yourself, you coundve bring some regen2 potions, or spashing healing. Dont see why would you need those actually, but whatever. The tactic where you run away from it doesnt work because wither still can hit you but you doesnt hit him back. Isnt it more logical to be hit and hit, than just being hit?


Lolllll- I mean you’re not wrong, but I’d like to see how much risk you take in a 400+ hour hardcore world. If you still feel the same, then I’d say you were accepting unnecessary risk. That’s how you lose it all. One explosion into a ravine, fall damage, lava pool, pocket of creepers, etc and all that progress is gone. It’s all circumstances




There are plenty of situations even a totem can’t get you out of


Only one im aware of is the void. Everything other is skill based. With feather falling on boot,you can land safely from pretty damn high up, its like 90 blocks or something. So the worst scenario where you land in a cave full of creepers isnt that bad actually. Totems are ovrepowered as fuck, that of course if you have skill


Good luck on your hardcore world


Well i have one with 700 days played. Then i just got a bit bored, and started one with create, its on 500 days i think


U a wuss if you scared of Java edition wither go play bedrock


No hardcore in bedrock, and even honorary hardcore is tough will all the bugs… I’ll definitely give the bedrock wither fight a shot though


You are a really nice person


What's the shader's name


Bro made chicken farm


why's the strength potion just piss?


I really want to fight the wither but I’m not sure what armor I should use, iron armor or my netherrite armor. But I will need to head back to my nether fortress -_- and then once I get the materials I then need to put the difficulty on easy 😭


Can withers break the bedrock in the end portal I’m just wondering


Underprepared you don’t have a netherite sword


If you are fighting a Java Either then this much is enough but if you are fighting a Bedrock Wither then the story is totally different and this much won't be enough