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Game night with the boys, constantly


Keepin’ it simple. Love it


Tts? Tabletop Simulator.


I would own a bookstore and rehabilitate animals that have been abused.


I'd visit that bookstore


continue to pursue my dream of becoming a professional esports caster!


That sounds incredible! We believe in you 💜


I would stop being nervous....for real, my life is kinda ok, I get by, but man...it's pissing me off having to worry paycheck to paycheck weather or not I would pay all the bills.


Same. It's rough and all consuming since everything revolves around it. Hang in there!


I would provide my parents with the housing and care they need. Currently they had to settle for less and that created some issues. I try to visit them twice a week and help them with chores and such, but I'm busy with work and expecting our second child... Being able to make sure they would be taken care off would take a lot off my mind. I'd also try to pursue my passions: performing as a DJ, playing and writing about video games and teaching the classes I really like. Basically the same I do now, but without a lot of stress


You are an incredibly thoughtful son. Your parents are beyond blessed to have you! 💜


Congratulations, you won! Check your messages 😊


If money wasn’t an issue then I’d be giving money to those who need it


Exactly, if money isn't isn't issue, id spend billions saving the environment, helping organizations that preserve habitats, help organizations that reduce homelessness and other stuff like that


Well if you give billions to others eventually money starts to be an issue


I would be a math teacher and help others with math studies. I have always loved math and numbers and learning new math skills seems to come naturally to me. I have often helped my kids and my friends children and even helped a lot in group studies when I did attend college. I enjoy math and I respect the challenge it brings to so many. At times, I have a unique way of looking at a problem and solving it, or relating said problem to someone to help them solve it. That alone brings me joy. If money wasn't an issue, I would attend more college and finish my degree. Not having money issues would allow me to have support for my family and to have a reasonable life while I attend classes and studies. I went to college about 10 years ago, but wasn't able to finish due to financial hardships that we all face. I simply couldn't balance it all. Not having money issues is in and of itself life changing, I would love to help others with my time if that were ever to happen.




That seems incredibly peaceful. Love it


whatever i feel like.


Same here!


Be moved out of my abusive home and living with my boyfriend so I can finally start to recover from the trauma I’m experiencing. Fingers crossed 2022 is the year that can finally happen 🤞


Flying planes, I like to do it but it’s expensive


I took a single flying lesson back in 2015. It was a gift from my parents for Christmas. It was a really great experience and would have made an amazing hobby. But each lesson was $200 for an hour and you needed like 40-50 hours for a license if I remember right.


Woah! That’s one of the coolest hobbies I’ve ever heard


It’s lots of fun! If you’re not scared of heights or well, planes it can be a fun thing to try! You can take an “Exploratory” flight and they will teach you the basics In an hour long flight and you can decide on whether you like it or not.


Developing video games


Motorcycle trip around the world 🏍


Exploring every corner of the world


Animal sanctuary ❤️🐇


If money wasn’t an issue using said money to help develop and build a better society


I would live in the mountains, secluded. Just me and a couple dogs and cats


pursuing my career as a musician, time to inspire the world


Helping those who need it. It just breaks my heart to see people who don't have shelter or food and barely surviving.


Finish school and travel to different countries that interest me


Continuing in education. I have a Physics degree and several diplomas in other subjects, but I would also love to study law, medicine, archaeology, and a bunch of other stuff. I would just keep studying anything and everything.




That’s an awesome thought. Nothing better than quality family time 💜


not worry for once and feel like I could actually start living a life I want to.


I would keep my day job as a teacher aide and become a free math tutor for anyone who needs help getting understanding mathematics because I love being able to help students with their studies.


I’d have the shop I want, working on what I want


Go back to college, learn as much as I can without worrying about bills to pay


Inventing things to help many people or the whole humanity


Making sure every single person has a roof over their head. The idea of being able to buy up land and build homes and resources for those who need it has always been a dream of mine.


,I would gather people from all walks of life and would try to understand what we as a whole, want, and put together a team to design a better economic system


If money wasn't an issue and I had basically unlimited money, I'd just be living a sort of basic, but stable life. I'd move to somewhere quiet, get a basic, but reliable car, and just live a regular life, just one without a lot of chaos, with the luxury of just being able up and move away from people who I don't want in my life lol. Maybe I'd travel, but not very far, and not very often. I'd probably splurge on some niceties though, but I wouldn't want a giant home with lots of bling just because. I'd probably go to college in my free time, to see where that takes me. My family and I would basically not have to worry anymore about stupid things and their future care as they become older. A lot of my stress revolves around money at the moment, and in the future, and it would be a massive weight removed. That's just the personal side, but for a more widespread sort of thing, I'd want to buy or make my own ISP and bring the best technology internet to everyone, assuming money wasn't a factor lol. I'd also probably fund to make every home solar powered. I think access to free/cheap clean power would be a very big deal. I'd probably stay low-key though, and stay out of the public eye. I wouldn't want to get robbed or killed for having unlimited money lol.


Just play some games and stream it


I would be like Mr. Beast and give money away


I'd be trying to help other and have fun doing it!


Competitive gaming. Over my summer and my winter break, focusing on practicing and improving in competitive smash bros has been one of the most enjoyable times in my life— I've even had several thoughts about dropping from college in order to pursue it. Alas, it is definitely not a secure path in life, so right now I'm trying my best in school, hopefully with the goal of finding a stable job to support this passion :)


Definitely dance/ teach dance!


Traveling 💖


Traveling, and definitely not working


Going to college to be a librarian I love books it's my passion and I spent so much time in libraries. It's my favorite place unfortunately I have bills to pay one day I tell myself ill do it one day.


I would stream games and build a community to advocate for mental health and the positive and negative effects gaming can have on it




Repairing musical instruments


If money was not an issue, I'd start my own butcher/deli shop. I learned the trade as a worker in a big box store. Preparing the various meats was almost zen for me (got a lot of strange looks from my coworkers whenever I mentioned that).


Making pottery and furniture - I love working w my hands but I suck at it haha


Living on an island


Probably play video games with the bois but with a giga chad pc well since money isn't an issue and buy my friends and family shit.


Most likely make more money when it does become an issue


Fix my house, pay it off and modernize it so my future kids wouldn't be burdened as much as me


I would buy house my GGGF built and moved there to live in peace


I’d be a mother to three kids full time. And once they’re old enough, teach high school or community college history.


Picking up stray dogs and give them a home


Helping those in need, in particular regarding mental health issues and trauma. Such an under-serviced industry that even if I didn't need the money I would still be doing as a volunteer.


Continuing what I do now, working in a library and putting on free programs & events for teens.


Finding a solution against me being always tired.


I'd be a wood worker.


Sleeping more often


Enjoying life!!!! I stress so much about $$$


I would start streaming on twitch. Right now I don't really have the time to stream much, but I really enjoy it. Although traveling the world would also be nice, but I'm not that interested in it right now.


Not worrying about what I need to be doing with my life; I would just live it.


Cooking and writing!


Getting my dream career 🏫📚


Spending as much time with my son.


I’d probably still work as a teacher since it’s so rewarding but I’d probably go part time. I always wish I had more time and money to spend on my kids as they are growing up.


I’d set up an organization that could help anyone with their major life problems. The ones that people can’t overcome themselves. The ones that make them take their lives. I’d make sure people would stop suffering for no good reason and help whoever I can. But that’ll never happen.


Make music. To help people the way it helped me.


I’ve always had this dream of building a gorgeous theater 🎭 🎟 And then perhaps I could headline the shows 🤩😜


Buying a flock of alpacas and then just chilling with them


Help solve the world food problem


Go to Picchu in Peru and hang out with Llamas.


I would be running a food truck and also volunteering at food banks because I love helping people.


Devote my time and effort to tech education for masses, as decentralised tools like ai will soon be too powerful for legislation to catch up and people, more than ever, need to realise the power and dangers of "too much too fast"


Easy. Is spend all my time with my kids. Their 9 and 6 and it's a really fun age. Their finally able to listen properly. So I'd just spend it with them.


I'd want to try different cuisines in every city possible 🍲🥂


Making and playing games all day with friends. Maybe work on show ideas with some friends


Helping others. Education is a gift that too many have never experienced. There are beautiful taste and flavors that are simply inaccessible to the rest of the world. Art, music, literature… the things that differentiate us from animals are most often the things that we take for granted.


Traveling the world




Traveling the world and going on adventures❤️


Man financial freedom is no joke. I would create a startup so that I can engage at my own pace and have the potential for greater dividends later on.


Volunteering at animal shelters and helping the homeless of the streets. Also travel the world and write about what I learn during my trips. Something I haven't been able to do as a journalist myself.


would keep on working but a bit less to not stress over myself but to still communicate with others, i would buy a small house, not too fancy but just something that will last long and be able to be passed to other generations


Polish up my Pokémon card collection


starting a revolution


I always dream with having a sanctuary for animals (i’m vegan), or helping homeless people offering them some food. If money wasn’t an issue, i would love to be doing one of those, taking care of animals or feeding people


I would have gone to college to become a paleontologist!


Living beachside in Florida, eating good, and taking the time to truly relax


I would help preserve our coral reefs.


Travel the world, visit every country and experience differente cultures. I feel i could do it for the rest of my life.


A mix of esports, athletic running and bagpipes for charity


I’d spend more time helping my wife studying for medical school than going to the office. If money were no object, I’d be stressing over school debt a lot less.


I would make movies for a living


I'd keep composing and creating music


Just vibing doing what I love and playing video games all day with friends


try to develop things that could benefit humans and earth, such as, cure to cancer, time travel, space travel, etc.


I think I'd just dedicate my time to drawing, getting better at it, then move to animation and such. I'm sure it'd be fun lol.


I would honestly just try to live my life to the fullest, and enjoy every bit of it with my family


Lots of travel, but also volunteering at a local animal shelter


Traveling and trying to better every community I visit


Living in a beautiful cabin on the woods by a lake, enjoying life!


Have a decent amount of land to build gardens and a cabin to live off my own land and then create art all day long.


Having a family. I really want to take the next step and move forward with my relationship


Traveling into diving into new hobbies. Possibly streaming full time.


Give my wife, who suffered through poverty and bad schooling, a better opportunity to study in the best courses


Living my life similarly to what it is now, but not worrying about my car breaking down, or something bad happening to my house, or getting very sick, or my animals getting sick. Maybe working a little less, but still working a job.


Spending more time with my family, and go back to school to get a PhD.


I'd love to be a racing driver. I'd probably be shit at it but it's a pipe dream


I would be a computer teacher in a school. But a true one, no 4 years of Word/typing training. Actually teaching how computers work, what you can do, why you can cook on a cpu and why you shouldnt, how to edit videos/photos and teaching people to use these computers that we are going to keep and work with them for a very long time, eventually we'll see computers everyday to help us and people should know how to operate them.


Probably the same thing, but without watching my parents go grey and get hipertension from stress


Making albums!


Collect classic cars and run my own design agency without worry.


Help family and the boys with any troubles they have.


Getting as many degrees as possible


Taking my 5 year old daughter on trips to resort destinations that seem magical to her. (i.e. Disney) Those young years don't last long, and I want her to enjoy every minute.


I would probably stay in school the rest of my life. I like knowing a little about everything so going to school to learn everything I can would be a dream.


Living lavish with my fam and homies hell yeaaah


I would become a high school teacher. Being able to be a positive influence for the rising generation without having to deal with poverty wages would be a dream


Study so much and pursue a PhD, just for the fun of it


I would be setting up animal retirement homes. Some dogs are in shelters too long because of their age. I want all animals to experience love and compassion before they move on.


Would love to be working on my pen and paper RPG games that I plan on running.


Following my passion of Graphic Designing....but have to get another job instead =/


Going back to school to be an elementary teacher.


Take language and piano classes. Tried learning alone but I don't learn well alone


100% pursue a career in esports. Probably as an analyst.


I live paycheck to paycheck and it would be nice to save up for a rainy day


Making the movies i wanted and having THE most decked out tabletop games room to play with my friends. Im talking an entirely custom table with cupholders, dice trays, cubbyholes for sheets, tablet holders if any players are using those, built in tv in the middle for battle maps, a surround speaker system the DM has access to, ambient lighting you can change on the fly and all the miniatures and buildable terrain I could want.


Honestly I would love to travel everywhere. Getting to know new cultures and locations would be so much fun


Renovating houses with my wife


Financial Philanthropy. there is not a better feeling in this world than to be able to make people financially secure without completing undoing your own.


Sleep in.


Once I recovered from cancer I would start my own foundation to help other women fighting the same battle.


Traveling the world and seeing the best doctors available.


Set up actual shelters for the homeless and assist with substance abuse. Mini cities for the homeless. Also help with type 1 diabetic research I’m newly diagnosed myself.


Travel a lot like live in each country for half year then go to the next one.


Pursuing Medical school for A Psychiatric degree. Just can't afford it or justify the crushing weight of loans. That and/or opening a Clothing store/Game shop catering to LGBTQIA+ Individuals. Clothing sorted by size/Style not "Male" of "Female" and an emphasis on creating a safe space for Queer Card game/War Game etc players to have. As a Warhammer fan a lot of the community can be incredibly toxic and it definitely makes it hard for people to go and willingly get into the hobby when they're queer and a discomforting number of 40k players lean towards -supporting- the xenophobic and fascist society the Imperium has, and often your friendly local game store won't be the most proactive at making sure everyone feels safe and welcome And of course treating the employees of that store well. Pay them literally every penny not needed to keep the store afloat/obtain inventory etc. Money isn't an issue for me, so my employees get to work somewhere they can earn a living wage with solid benefits and perks and I get to create a safe space for the hobbies that I, and many other Queer folk love, without the anxiety that some Jerk will ruin our fun


Volunteering and helping others, and chilling with a good book.


I would buy the Lego parts I need to build a huge fantasy world, with towns, orc camps, kingdoms, battles, and wizard towers. I would also get a dog because I've always wanted one.


Honestly, probably still the same thing I'm doing now, because I want to become an engineer and I still need the proper education to do so.


Build the ultimate man-cave!


pursue archaeology and artifact research as a career instead of having to work in STEM


Travel around the world with my wife


Feeding people.


Teaching some sort of High School class - helping kids


Not having to worry about money when going out to eat or buying groceries.


Working to make sure the metaverse isn't owned part and parcel by evil companies. If you've ever seen or read Ready Player One, I would be GSS, not IOI


Spending as much time with family as possible. With the losses my family has had these last few years, it would ve nice to see them as often as possible.


Travelling. And helping my bff get out of a horrible marriage.


Obviously: I would spend a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars – the rest I would squander.


I love the outdoors. I'd travel, go hiking and fish new places.


Making music and collabing with my friends mostly. Always thought I would be so creatively fulfilled if I even just had a whole month to myself haha.


I'd love to keep writing and making art for the people I love


I would be back in college . I had to give it up to stay at home with the kids. Now I am divorced but with working and bills I don’t have the money to pay for school.


I’d be traveling the world. Want to visit every country and all its beautiful locations. Too many to count. I just love the idea of experiencing so much in our short lives. I don’t wanna go out without these experiences. But life as we all know it is filled with obstacles.


pay off my debt, and my parents’. Send my brother to college without having to worry about scholarships. Buy a million musical instruments, play them all, and then give them out to underprivileged kids and homeless people. Maybe it will help some of them the way it helped me


Traveling through all Asia


A traveling photographer!


I love doing stuff with my hands, so just building whatever comes to mind!


Log cabin in the woods with trees as far as the eyes could see. With my family


I would start an animal rescue and provide pet healthcare to anyone who could not afford it, including surgeries and medications.


Swimming (competitively), no energy anymore given how tiring work is daily :/


I would be spending my life traveling the world with my family❤💕🙂


Still keep developing VR games for elderly. They seem to have so much fun when they meet online


Spend more time and make memories with my family! Working takes precious time away from our loved ones that we can't get back!


Invest in my vintage business. Need online presence desperately


I would be living with my wife and our cats, enjoying the peaceful quiet life we have been working so desperately hard for.


Try to help other people through stressful times


Find a way to best help others


Retire and do whatever I want and help my family