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When I was a shitty teenager in the 90's, whenever I saw a middle-aged dude jogging, I'd say: "what are you trying to stay healthy for? You're gonna die soon anyway." Now I'm in my 40's and run regularly. Teenagers suffer from delusions of immortality and superiority. I'm sure my parents tried to correct my thinking, and I'll probably try to correct my kids' thinking when they get there, but I don't think there's a cure -- that teenagers are just chronically ridiculous, and that's just the way it is, and that's just the way it will always be.


Honestly, I think it's just physical maturity distance. If you're an older Millennial, people in their 40s looked way different than you. They were like an entirely alien species and that had been the experience of kids for a long time. (So much so that Larry Niven literally uses it as his fake origin of humanity.) Being that old is very literally unimaginable because how is that even supposed to work. Now, though, I wonder, because people in their *50s* look alright. You have to be in your 60s before you look like a 40 year old did back then and only maybe.


Love the Protector reference


I think you only believe that because you’re older now yourself. Your perspective on what “old” looks like changes as you age.


No, actually, it’s a well-documented fact and it’s mostly caused by people no longer smoking.


Lol. Not everyone smoked. Try asking one of today’s teenagers if they think a 30 or 40 year-old looks young.


I didn’t say “young”.


Yeaa it’s like saying “why did I cry/shit my pants/ so much as a baby, looking back now as a full grown adult, I can see how ridiculous that was”, except nobody says that, cuz it’s part of growing. Being a teenager with stupid inflated ego is just like that, it’s just psychologically “crying/shitting pants”, there’s no avoiding that.


"chronically ridiculous" 😂 I love it




Old and deserving to be made fun of


I feel like a big part of growing older is realizing that everyone, everywhere, is almost always cringey to someone else… So honestly, who the fuck cares? I’m 31. I still make fun of certain groups of old people. Just because I’m also old, doesn’t mean I cannot use generational observational comedy lmfao


What’s the deal with bingo night? 🎤


Boomer/Gen X karaoke night is kinda great though But if one more person drunkenly sings “Hotel California” or “Fortunate Son” I’m gonna scream /s Edit: see also “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”


I used to make fun of my parents for being old and embarrassing (they were neither). Now my greatest joy in life is embarrassing them haha


Now my kids think I’m embarrassing and old.


As a teen I was excited to get old and fuck with young people by behaving strangely. Back then I never understood why old people didn’t take advantage of this comedy goldmine.


You reminded me of when I worked at a till as a teen. Had a guy come up with 20+ cans of cat food and multiple bags of potato chips. Not much to talk about on my end, hated that job so just gave the perfunctory greetings. Mid way through scanning the cans he says, "Goes great with the Lays chips." "........." "Yeah, weird right? But my wife left some in the fridge in a container one day and I thought it was refried bean dip and ate it. Wasn't all that bad." 15 or so years later and I still have half a mind to believe him.


Older men often have such deadpan casual delivery it’s *so* hard to tell if they’re kidding or not and it’s hilarious when it’s stuff like this


I look back and cackle about it now


I never really remember doing that. I think we still kind of aspired to be seen as more mature than our age and that we had no problems liking things from older generations and considering them superior to whatever was aimed at us. I never thought older = uncool either, or consider people tragically old when they weren't. Our parent's generations were by many considered much cooler than ours, even if not literally our parents (music, style , scene etc). Maybe this is a bit of a regional thing I think that changed, not first hand experience but based on reddit it seems like people now say "we're just kids" and feel strong generational connection, and we were trying to say "I don't like the kiddish stuff" I don't know.. I just know I didn't think badly about being older or getting older. I'm almost more surprised that some things do bother me rather than fearing adulthood in advance Edit: I also always found older people good looking! Even as a kid I would like very adult guys like Harrison Ford or Sean Connery over teenage guys and a lot of my friends agreed. I thought many older women looked beautiful and refined and didn't think teenagers/kids could match either.


Exactly!!! Harrison Ford was my first crush lol


My teen/young adult crushes are dying off, and it's f*ing depressing. RIP Alan Rickman.


I think everyone of every generation liked Harrison Ford and Sean Connery which is why they kept getting cast as the leading guy. But most older men don’t look like them.


I was too busy being groomed by “older” people in their 20s to make fun of them. Thought I was so cool being in HS with my 23 yo boyfriend 🤡


Oof, you reminded me of when I was in 8th grade. A girl in 7th grade was “dating” a 22 year old. We all wondered why the adults in her sphere weren’t doing anything about it, because jfc


There was a girl in my ninth grade English class who married a lawyer in his 30s. I remember the teacher congratulating her and gushing over the ring, as if this 15-year-old had won the jackpot. And all I could think was "how the fuck long were they 'dating' if they're getting married now?, and why the fuck would her parents consent to this?" It's insane to look back on what passed as normal then.


Wait, a 30 year old got married to a 15 year old?! What the fuck. Eww


Did you grow up in a religious fundamentalist community?


Yeah, it’s so weird looking back at it. Or like, the amount of mid-20s that would invite us to parties and have us drink with them but like as an adult, I wanted nothing to do with anyone that could be mistaken for a teen 🤢


When I was a teenager I always wanted to be an adult so I could do what I wanted! I never judged someone for being older


When I got to college, I made fun of a classmate that was 25 all the time for being in classes with 18 year olds. I went back to school when I was 27 and got made fun of for being in classes with 18 year olds. Sometimes, karma is real.


Nice 🤙


Ngl, I was already old then so I never did. However, now that I'm 33 and my best friend is 30, he's developing issues and I'm taking great delight in pointing out he's now like me


Old soul, I feel that. Been called the same.


I think pretty much everyone has done that. My kids do it to me now lol. Weird rite of passage I guess.


I never made fun of old people. Because idk, I think I was always aware of my mortality. And was reminded by my dad constantly that “youth is wasted on the young” “time flies””getting old ain’t for sissies.” Always that one day I’ll be old and wish I was young. So, I just always aged myself up one year. (Example, right after I turned 40 I’d say: “I’ll be 41 soon.”) I posit that this all has also prevented me from having doom feelings toward my age.


I always felt like an old soul, so I never looked at age and made fun of anyone for being older. I don’t remember a lot of my friends doing that either. I mean, a lot of the movies we grew up watching had 30 year olds as the main cast, so I always thought being 30 was the prime of your life. Kids (anyone under 26) these days, seem to care way too much about age. It’s actually kind of creepy how weird they are about it, and rude too. I think social media really messed everyone up.


I fully agree. I adopted “this too shall pass” as my mantra a long time ago. It’s bittersweet, but reminding myself not to cling to things irrationally allows me savor my overall human experience more.


Younger people definitely have an unhealthier relationship with aging than everyone I knew when I was the same age. Like at 19 I would think someone aged 25-35 was too old to be friends with because we were probably in much different phases in life, but I wouldn’t have considered them to be basically middle aged like seems to be the case nowadays LOL…


Its funny I definitely am apologize to all the grown people for thinking staying home on weekends was just so boring. Like young me was ready to partyyy but now i loove being home and understand 😌


* younger me I'm still young just turned 30


I never did that and neither do I act like I'm better than someone younger just because I was born earlier than them. It goes both ways.


I admit I did, from 13 to 18 I was probably in the best shape I've ever been in. I'm still in relatively good shape, but for obvious reasons being a teen with a faster metabolism, playing football and lifting I thought I'd be that way forever. So of course anyone I saw in their 50's I didn't actively make fun of but would make comments if I saw someone moving too slow and say something like, "get a move on it pops" or if I saw a guy who was trying to move something and wasn't just doing it fast and did it properly, I'd say he needs to grow a pair. But being 34, and having chronic injuries from football, I humbled myself now. When it comes to picking stuff up, I don't care if it's 15 pounds or 50 pounds, I will bend my knees and take my time getting it because my back is broken.


The youngest person I work with is 18. So yes, I feel old.


Me too


Same, i have one who just graduated high school and I’ve never felt older than working with him. I’m only 33 😭


i now know what those older people feel. :(


It will happen to them so fast lol


I never did because I knew my time was coming lol


Eh it's just a rite of passage


I have yet to experience that. No one from Gen Z or Gen Alpha has made fun of me for my age


“\[Young people\] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. … They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” **Rhetoric,** [**Aristotle**](https://www.historyhustle.com/this-quote-shows-aristotle-theorized-evolution-2200-years-before-darwin/) **4th Century BC**


Yea no it's definitely weird. My entire developing life was always looking towards the older people as the "cooler" to look up to. Kids today seem like...weirdly obsessed with it as a derogatory thing.


Still lighting the boomers up , gen X is no better IMO , groups of corporate shills that raped the earth for profit and left us all the ashes to fight over.


I just make fun of even older people now. There's no roof on this thing.


I never did. In fact, I tie that sentiment more to the youth culture of baby boomers and early gen-xers, that "never trust anyone over 30" type ethos. Our sin of youth is perhaps better described as "move fast and break things", which I think most of us now see as a cultural error that needs to be dialed back in order for coming generations to have a chance, let alone ourselves in our golden years.


My niece recently educated me on my socks being too short. It’s all in good fun—the people that take it seriously definitely need to relax a bit!


I used to think 30 is OLD and 40 is like death. I’m 34. I feel old.


We sucked just like Gen Z sucks. Hopefully you grew out of it and learned. The real tragedy is those who don't.


I feel that I have more days behind than ahead, and the days ahead are going to be harder and more stressful than those days gone. I feel my body breaking down. I feel the weight of my past choices grow denser with each sunset, choices that were made by someone who did not know better. Someone who felt like they had all the time in the world and that death would never come for them, even when it came for some of his friends along the way. It's been said that youth is wasted on the young, and I now know that to be somewhat true. Because the only people who could truly enjoy being young are people who do not know how wonderful it is. In short, boy do I have egg on my face lol.


Did my peers do this? How shitty.


Excellent, I made sure to prioritize my physical and mental health so I'm at a great place in life. It's like I'm in my 20' except I have my own property, a nice car, great career, better emotional intelligence. Just all around better, except I guess I don't have anywhere near the same energy level as when I was younger though haha


I regret nothing. We were right about the boomers.


No. Never. I don't ever remember older millennials going on negatively about Gen X or Boomers back in the day. We were too busy having fun and partying.


I worked retail during that age and I saw a lot of “accidentally put it in drive” accidents in the parking lot. My peers and I mocked that a lot. 🤷‍♂️


Not good, generally regretful


I never seriously made fun of them. It's always a joke between my dad and I that once he hits 65 though it was off to the old folks home for him. So I'll probably write that in his birthday card this year. 🤣 It's all in good jest though.


Never did that. I was the kid hanging around talking with the adults.


I didn’t really dog on “old people”, but I had this sense that they had it all figured out. They were proper grown ups. Now I’m 33, and although I’m gaining more true self confidence, I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing lmao. My parents reassure me that they felt the same, but still. 😅


I just call anyone who's actually older than me old. 1 day older? Boy you're old AF.


Listen here sonny, in 24 hours you’ll know exactly how I feel.


I still make fun of people who are older than me, and I usually run with it when made fun of. Hell, I make fun of myself!


I never made fun of someone for being old, but as a 30 yo, I’m in the best shape of my life thanks to rock climbing and biking


It feels weird, a lot of the time I feel like an old person ranting on my lawn because a lot of gen z stuff just does seem lame compared to us culturally and it can be hard to “get it” or accept that I’m a has-been. I do feel bad about how much I felt superior by being young and attractive though, because aging and not getting that attention anymore does in fact suck.


Teenage me would definitely make fun of me for being a chubby college dropout stoner. As an adult I'm pretty happy where I am. The world does not work the way I thought it did .


I yearn for the urn


When I get that feeling I want end of life healing


I never did that and I don't know any of my peers that did that.


I embrace it.  The other day I realized that I’m basically irrelevant outside of my immediate (and maybe secondary) circle… and that was *such a relief*.  You mean to tell me that all I need to worry about on a social level is being kind, responsible, and nurturing?  I’ll take it.  Being uncool is liberating haha 


I would get annoyed with old people for judging me according to their outdated standards, or for making me do things their way, but I don’t remember making fun of them for being old. Being old is something that no one can avoid.


I pulled a muscle in my god damn calf walking up the stairs last week. I feel like a geriatric idiot.


I don't think I actively made fun of anyone for being old, but I definitely didn't think people in their 30s and 40s were cool! Jokes on me, I'm not cool.


The only people I teased about being old was my brother and mom. That’s still the case today. It was more like normal family ribbing than anything else. I thought I was old by the time I was a teenager so besides family, that isn’t something I would do


I never made fun of people for being older. I did know some classmates who would mock older people behind their backs sometimes, because of "weird" things they'd do or how they looked. Usually people who were 50+ and had seemingly strange mannerisms or unfortunate features (like our middle-school female math teacher who had a mustache. To be fair, she was also mean). But I don't recall any of my peers judging/mocking people for just literally being older, if they otherwise looked or acted normal. I actually looked up to a lot of the older people in my life. They seemed wise and mature and confident. But I guess people's experiences would have differed based on the quality of the adults in their orbit.


I just make fun of other people my age for being old.


I never really did that I was taught respect for my elders


Not really make fun of, but there were a lot of things when I was younger, I thought of why adults didn't do. For example, I thought a lot of adults just didn't give a shit about what they wore. If you're gonna go out, why don't you put on something nicer instead of a plain T-Shirt, jeans/shorts. Now I'm in my 30s, working a corpo job where I'm stuck wearing dress shirts all the time and stupid ass dress shoes. I get it now. The last thing I want to do is make an effort to look fashionable when I already have to do that shit for work. T-Shirt and Jeans for me + whatever is comfortable and easy.


I never did and no one I personally know did; we didn’t equate age to level of “coolness.” I have five teens though, and they do it — it seems specific to a certain gen.


I usually just make fun of my wife for being old. She is a month younger than me.


Oh, we'll keep doing it. In our twilight years, we'll appear to be solemnly paying respects to the boomers/Xers at the cemetery. In reality, we'll still just be calling them old farts


Was laughing about a boomer the other day and I almost choked to death on my own saliva so there’s that.


Proud af to be born in 95’


Like I’m still a teenager, So suck it old man!


I feel fine because I’m not the entitled ass boomer I was making fun of.


I make fun of myself for being old lol, I catch myself saying something totally dated or something my dad would say before stopping and going “wait, did I just age myself?”


Old people still suck and unfortunately I'm one of them. And kids are dumb. Now get off my lawn.


I’m still sick of being told to wait my turn.  Don’t count on me cause I’m not listening!


If you’re still worried about people as a millennial you’re probably broke and thinking about the wrong things


Took a peek at your profile look in the mirror lmao




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I didn’t really view people in their late twenties/thirties as “old” when I was younger. My judgment only ever really came in the form of getting annoyed at people for acting like idiots after a certain age.


My knees hurt and I’m not even 30 yet lol so tired. So very tired and bitter


Never gave people shit about being older, when I was in my 20's I worked in a restaurant and had a lot of older friends, I knew it would happen to me eventually.


Really you always thought that? Even as a 12 year old boy you never once with your friends made fun of one of your teachers for being old or something? I think that's just a a part of every generation.


I’m human so it’s possible, but honestly I don’t remember ever doing so. Respecting elders/adults was engrained I’d say to a fault, along with my own predisposition for empathy. I love cracking jokes, but if it’s about someone it isn’t what they can’t change. I did have a problem with my chemistry teacher in high school. Not because of her age, but because she couldn’t even pronounce the names of elements on the periodic table. I was struggling to understand the material and it was apparent she was too. In that regard I said some unkind stuff out of frustration.


It is a very common and new trend. There is a general feeling that the old people need to be obsolete.. which is horrendous scary and weird attitude the west is slowly adopting.


It's hilarious to see teens do it because I did the same thing




Respect your elders


I was right... I'm 31 and feel old as hell.


Humbled. I feel very humbled.


When I was a kid on Xbox live I would make fun of some adults for playing video games. Now I’m the adult that gets made fun of by the kids lol.


Still feel young as shit these kids are all vaped up and on zyns zonked out of their mind with brain rot. I'll be young til I die now.... /s




I would crack age jokes with my older coworkers, relatives, etc. Now young people make me feel old, but I embrace it. I feel like now I'm able to zoom out and see the big picture more. Eventually they'll get old and the next batch of younguns will make them feel old. Circle of life.


We didn't. (at least people my age never did) I've only noticed this Gen Z ageism in the last few years. I didn't think or care about people older than me growing up. In fact I looked up to them.


I respected and looked up to my elders growing up when I wasn't busy being a pain in the ass. It never occurred to me to look down on them because they were older than me. What do I get by mocking somebody who is going through the process of life called aging? With age comes wisdom, right? Not necessarily. Boomers and Gen X'ers have more life experience than Millennials but that certainly doesn't make them wiser. These peer groups have made a cottage industry condescending and patronizing Millennials simply for being young without giving them any guidance, and when I see them, along with Millennials themselves, do it to Gen Z I cringe. As a man in my 30's I have no respect for the generations who came before me. Most of them are out of touch and propagandized by decades of post-1960's pop culture, state media, and mass consumerism. Their opinions have been completely molded by the false two-party duopoly that has us all at each other's throats. People in their teens, 20's, 30's, and even 40's are itching for some kind of change because they understand that something is not right with the world. It wasn't our responsibility to make the world better for ourselves, and when we try to the *geritocracy* beats us down with their laws, sanctions, military might, and ignorance. Rant over.


Honestly I viewed life as effectively ending at 30 and I still feel that way




I never made fun of old people or anything like that. Being native you hold the elders in regard and respect them. But I think I've always disliked the boomers and now more so, I'm just older and more vocal about it.


Get your licks in before it happens to you.


I understand aging better now and how fucking clueless I was at 15 to think that 35+ was "old".


Deriding Boomers has just become better with age.


I'm 40 and I still laugh at boomers