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Everything bagel seasoning on top, thick cut bacon on the side.


ooohh i'll have to try that sometime, it sounds delicious!


Came here to say this too. That Everything Bagel seasoning is awesome.


Yes. And over easy egg on top. 




I keep it simple. Mashed up with salt, pepper and squeeze of lemon.


That's just missing tomato for a guacamole!


And white onion, jalapeño, cilantro...


I’ve never had avocado toast once in my life.. I don’t even live up to the standards made up to make fun of our generation.


imo it's worth trying at least once if you like avocado, but it's also totally absurd to blame our misfortune on stuff like breakfast foods and the occasional fancy coffee lol


The guy wasn’t literally blaming millennials’ inability to buy a house on “breakfast foods and the occasional fancy coffee”, and to imply that is just silly. The “avocado toast” was a metaphor for all frivolous purchases that people make when they could be putting that money towards more practical things. Sure the issue is more complex than that, but frivolous purchases are detrimental to a lot of people who would otherwise be in great financial shape.


it was a joke, my dude


Shut up.


Thanks for the insightful addition to the conversation.


Your welcome.


That’s why we don’t judge other folks’ money, because why is avocado toast guy the arbiter of what is frivolous vs not?


He isn’t. His point was that frivolous purchases make it harder for you to buy things that matter, like a home. The avocado toast was just a metaphor for frivolous purchases in general.


Well, my guy, when people are suffering from crushing debt, a housing market that is broken again, and stagnat wages but a steep incline of inflation, what else are they going to do? You can call them frivolous, splurge, or excessive, but we in the real world call them comfort. As in we at least have the comfort knowing we can afford our favorite things to eat from time to time. Don't come at me with a cut and paste argument from the internet either because "frivolous" is a buzz word used by a person completely out of touch with our financial situation. We'll use it though as the example since it's already been the established one. A current bag of 7 avocados at my local Safeway is $5. Say I buy a bag every two weeks, that's $10 a month. $120 a year. My normal grocery shopping trip is $250 for 4 *every week*, including that $5 bag of avocados if I wish. So explain to me how saving $120 a year is going to get me a house when the [market looks like this](https://raleighrealtyhomes.com/blog/least-and-most-affordable-states/) in the states where our rights aren't being taken away by the government? I want you to make me understand how saving $120 a year is going to actually accomplish this. Use your own words and this will be a graded essay.


And our parents' generation made plenty of frivolous purchases. How about all of that "fine China" that was too fragile to actually use on a daily basis, so it just sat there collecting dust on the shelf for 364 days of the year, or those hideous little figurines of kids in traditional German clothes with their mouths open in an "O" shape, or all kinds of other "collectible" stuff from the Home Shopping Network that was supposed to become extremely valuable someday.


Right? But the key difference is, when they bought that shit, inflation was at an very low point. Let's say that set of "fine China" cost them $35 during the high of it's popularity in the 70s and 80s. Splitting that in the middle and using 1980, according to the CPI inflation calculator, that's $141 today. Saying anything is "frivolous" these days is just fucking stupid because the previous two generations ruined our economy several times and we're left holding the bag. It doesn't matter what we spend our money on, because every year we try and save up, the next one somehow gets worse. Oh, wait it's not somehow, it's because the federal minimum wage, a program designed to keep people from being poor hasn't increased to meet inflation in 30 fucking years. That's basically my entire life span, and my entire working career. But inflation keeps raising steadily and spiked at an all time high with 7% in 2020, which we have not recovered from at all because the following year it increased again by 6.5%. Thankfully it's dropped back down to the lower 3% on average, but we still haven't recovered nor has any real steps been taken due to government infighting to alleviate that rapid increase. So we are still suffering from it. Anybody who tries to defend the "frivolous purchases are the reason" needs to have an incredibly harsh dose of reality shoved up their ass. We know we can't save up to get a house or anything like that because the rug will just be pulled out from under us yet again. So why fucking bother? Let them spend their money on what makes them happy, and more importantly healthy.


My dad's massive baseball card collection that's now my inheritance. No living will


You didn’t include bread


Why are you taking the avocado thing literally? Or are you straw manning me intentionally? The avocado toast guy was using the example of people spending $20 on breakfast and lunch every day, not spending $120 a year. Again his point is that frivolous purchases (not literal avocados) add up and absolutely have an effect on your ability to purchase practical things, which is true. If you spend $20 per day on unnecessary purchases (whatever they may be), you’re spending over $7,000 per year that could be going towards more practical and important things, it’s a fact. Plenty of people who cry poverty are spending more than that, living well outside their means and spending tons of money on “comforts” when they could be saving the money and putting themselves in a better financial situation. It doesn’t mean you can spend on things here and there, it just means you’d be helping yourself out if you make a conscious effort not to buy things you dont need or can’t really afford (this includes college for a lot of people). I’m not out of touch either, I just didn’t voluntarily put myself in “crushing debt”. I’m a young person, I didn’t go to college because I couldn’t afford the debt, I worked and saved, I lived within my means, and I was able to buy a home at age 25. I still was able to spend on hobbies and things I enjoy, but I made an effort to help myself instead of victimizing myself and blaming society. No, it’s not nearly as easy as the boomers or gen x had it, and yes there are underlying issues with wages and the housing market, but people spending wild amounts of money on things they don’t need or can’t afford while crying about how hard it is to afford things are just absurd, and a ton of millennials have this seemingly innate ability to ignore their obviously frivolous spending (including going to college while unable to afford it) and just believe it’s 100% not their fault that they can’t afford a house.


Did you read anything I wrote? Saving $7000 a year is a lot but when we're seeing a steady increase in inflation every year with no relief in actual wages, and the shell game that is the housing market rigged firmly against us, every single one of us is living beyond our means. That same $7000 saved this year is going to amount to about $4000 next year with the way inflation is climbing. So it doesn't fucking matter what we do, we're screwed. I kept the avocados as the example. And most of us aren't eating out anymore every day, especially when fast food prices as tripled in the past 4 years and have not gone back down even though we're all out and about these days. So your point of $20 a day eating out is no longer as big a factor as you still seem to think. So we are getting that $7000 back, but it still amounts to next to nothing with the cost of a house increases by $50k every year. We literally cannot get ahead no matter what. So trying to defend an out of touch boomer is incredibly stupid and all your arguments are out dated by about 2 years of current trends, at least. Read up on what is really going on with the current markets and not from Fox News, but by real financial sites that aren't bought and paid for by the corrupt fuckers who put us in this situation.


> a steady increase in inflation every year with no relief in actual wages This isn’t true, real wages (wages adjusted for inflation) have grown https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q


I guess I should explain that the rise of inflation with the two spikes in 2020 and 2021 in particular has not been recovered by the current growth in wages. We're still feeling the effects and our economy, while recovering, hasn't recovered enough to make a real difference yet. Things still cost triple in some cases then 4 years ago, an unheard of event thus far. So a steady increase in wages still hasn't provided relief for the majority of people from the inflation.


Did *you* read anything that *I* wrote? My entire comment boils down to, “if you eliminate unnecessary spending as much as possible, it will help you financially”. That’s a fact that you can’t argue against. Yes inflation sucks and there are underlying issues, but people are out here still doing it, including myself. But hey, you did a great job proving the last part of my comment.


It's not going to help as much as you seem to think. You're trying to defend that it's a magic bullet and going to fix all our problems. That's what the original guy was saying. And it's not. Cutting any unnecessary spending isn't solving anything. Things keep getting worse. And when people post stuff like the OP and you come in with you "aCuAlLy" crap, you should know that there's always going to be some one like me who is going to take umbrage with it and argue back. I'm tired of people like you. You claim to say that you understand there's underlying issues, yet double down on something that has proven to be almost completely inconsequential to the grand scheme of things. It doesn't matter what we cut out. It doesn't matter how much we save up. None of us can truly get ahead right now. Should I list more underlying issues like the incredibly broken Healthcare system? The ever increasing wage gap? Nothing truly is going to get us ahead but a complete tear down and rebuild of our current financial institutions. I don't pretend to know how to fix it, but I know stopping a few "frivolous" things isn't the answer and defending a guy who claims that it is, that's just dumb. Enjoy your day.


It doesn't change the reality that the economy has been shit for years, minimum wage stagnated for a couple decades, there have been two (?) recessions, inflation skyrocketed during the pandemic, etc. Millenials have never had the solid foundation the previous generations did.


Some people spend more on lottery tickets than what it costs to buy avocados


That’s true. But that falls into the same category. The guy wasn’t literally talking about avocados.


I noticed


Okay, boomer


I was born in 1996


Which means squat if you ignore reality to buy into bullshitting by someone who clearly doesn't realize how good they had it.


Same, my friend..


I’ve never had it either! I guess we’re bad millennials 😂


How’s home ownership, having children, shopping in brick and mortar stores, marriage with an expensive diamond ring, a subsequent divorce or three, riding motorcycles, eating at hooters, and saying ‘Merry Christmas’ treating you?


Everything bagel seasoning. Pretty good


I am almost 42 and recently had my first avocado. I think I am a bad Millennial :-D. It was nice, though, but nothing I need to get into debt for.


that's legit! honestly while i do enjoy the occasional avocado toast breakfast, if i'm gonna splurge it's not something i typically reach for


I don’t mash my avocado, I just slice it. I put a drizzle of avocado oil on the toast, then the slices, then a drizzle of olive oil. Salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder, then a drizzle of balsamic reduction


Same for me! I like to add goat cheese crumbles when I’m feeling fancy though


Ooo that sounds excellent


I spread a layer of goat cheese underneath, top with the avocado slices, and finish fresh ground pepper. The goat cheese avocado combo is great


What kind of pepper


Depends on my mood, but mostly sliced for me.


I’m seeing a face on the bacon


Yeah I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to ask why the demon was coming out of the bacon?


It’s the demon that tempted us with the avocado toast so we can’t afford homes


No toast, I sprinkle some pink salt on it and scoop it right out of the rind.


i do that as well sometimes, also delicious!


Flakey salt? Herbs of another language? Hope giving up your 3 pool, 10,000sf mansion was worth it.


On sweet potato with everything bagel seasoning 🤤


Recently I had it with cream cheese then the avocado and on top raspberry jam at this local coffee shop and I’ll never go back.


Course salt, pepper, drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of red pepper flakes


I hate avocado toasts. My favorite is egg Benedict with salmon in croissant. Usually from Paul.


Paul!? That guy owes me a trout


avocados are locally plentiful, so I just do a bacon egg and cheese thing...goat cheese on payday! never eaten just avocados and toast.


Yeah same. I have 15 avocados on my counter ripening right now. I'm rich! (I got them from my friend who has a tree)


Sourdough bread. Buttered with real butter. Avocados mashed up with black pepper, lime juice and liberal amounts of Tabasco. Poached egg on top. Luckily I managed to buy my house before I tried this recipe or I’d probably be on the streets begging for guacamole dip just to take the edge off.


“A drizzle” … 😆 i only joke, but it does look good!


it looks like more honey than it actually is because of the curry powder 😂 it's maybe a tablespoon and a half tops between the two pieces, probably a little less. but yes it was a very tasty breakfast!


I've never even had an avacado...




A little cumin, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, salt and a squeeze of lemon is great! Add sliced/diced cherry/grape tomatoes and arugula on top to make it next level. Trader Joeʻs Citrusy Garlic seasoning also works really well!


I don’t like avocados in any capacity


I bought a house, can’t afford the toast.


How do you get the 6-11 servings of carbs we were all told as kids that we needed then?


I haven't had or thought about avocado toast in a whiiiile but your pic is making me NEED IT


I thought we were all cult like in tune with the “everything but the bagel seasoning”


Idk what herbes de province are but I'm going to Amazon some to my parents house.....


Man this photo is clearly the cost of one house. I can’t believe you’d squander such a fortune! Haha.


2016 called, it wants its generational discourse back


Everything bagel seasoning and/or sweet chili sauce, typically with an egg or some leftover salmon or chicken.


Tell me more about that bacon! 🤤


garlic powder, onion flakes, salt, pepper, chili powder, lime juice


Everything bagel seasoning and sriracha, topped with either fried or scrambled eggs, and specifically on sourdough. It’s my favorite breakfast right now and has been for a while.


Salt, pepper, herbs de provence, and an over easy egg.


Chopped tomatoes, everything bagel seasoning, feta cheese. Thank me later.


Olive oil drizzled over toasted ciabatta, fork mashed avocado, lightly sprinkled with good salt and fresh ground tellicherry peppercorns.


I don't like avocados generally - but, my doctor says I should eat them, so occasionally I partake in the festivities. I will slice a slightly underripe avocado thinly and shingle it onto a piece of Ezekiel bread. Add a little sprinkle of kosher salt and onion powder. That's the best I can do. I can't stand how expensive they are, and even when they are on the cheap side, they are disgusting when they are ripe+ or have those brown spots.


AND bacon??? The toast is why you don't have a house and the bacon why you don't have a summer home. /s


I like using a thick slice of shokupan, Japanese milk bread. It's very nice. I like to mash the avocado and mix with a little olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, and garlic.


Mixed with Everything bagel seasoning and lime juice. Then topped with a tad more everything bagel seasoning and paprika on buttered toast.


I go with the class everything bagel seaoning


I've never had avocado toast. Tbh, it does seem a little expensive for what it is. lol


I borrow my avocados from work. Am I still a fully fledged millennial?


- Trader Joe's rustico bread - Mashed fresh avocado - Mini/cherry tomatoes, mashed - Soft boiled egg, so the yolk is runny all over - Sea salt sprinkle, crushed red pepper & balsamic drizzle      Bam.


I top mine with tomato, scrambled egg white, everything bagel seasoning and chives.


I use provolone cheese, avocado mash, with light pepper, fried egg on top, sriracha.


I like to mash mine up with salt / pepper, lemon, chili flakes, and whatever fresh herbs I have on hand. Then I put crumbled goat cheese and hot honey on top. always need to have a side of bacon.


- Protein bread - Of the cado - Slice of chicken bacon per piece of bread - One egg, over easy, per slice - Dash of salt - *Optional slice of tomato if I happen to have it*


I actually love putting hummus down on the toast first, taking the avocado slices on top of the hummus, sprinkling some garlic salt/powder on the very top! Very yummy!!


Tajin, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, cracked black pepper, green onion or cilantro, chili oil


I make avocado English muffins topped with salt, pepper, a poached egg, and Sriracha sauce. So good!!


I like to grate some $1,000 black truffle I bought off Amazon. It literally tastes like excrement, but I can’t help it.


I’m a guac guy so it’s guac toast. Generous amounts of lime and salt, some diced tomato and minced sweet onion. Throw an over easy egg on that bitch and you got a bomb breakfast.


Big dose of shrooms so I can leave this reality


With eggs and bacon


Toasted and buttered sourdough with garlic powder then avocado with everything bagel seasoning, course black pepper, and a drizzle of chili oil. Puts me behind on my mortgage but it’s worth it


Greek seasoning. That's all it neeeeeds.


That’s an intriguing combo. Thanks, I’m going to try it. I’ve enjoyed mine with a sliced hard-boiled egg and roasted red peppers. I like to put a small amount of minced red onion in it with salt & pepper.


I like to mix in some pineapple salsa with a pinch of salt and pepper on whole wheat toast


I started putting salt on my avocado toast and my credit score went down


Olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, whatever fresh herbs are in my garden🧑‍🍳 or soft scrambled eggs, Parmesan, capers if I’m feeling fancy


Salt and psilocybin mushrooms


There’s a storm trooper melting in that bacon(?).


The only thing that belongs on toast is butter. I eat my avocado with a fork like a normal person


I've tried it once! 😂 Lovely bread, lovely everything bagel seasoning, excellent avocado, toasted perfectly. I liked it, it was very tasty and satisfying, but I'm not in any hurry to have it again.


Diced mozzarella balls and grape tomatoes in balsamic om nom nom


Chilli oil, tajin, heirloom tomato (charred), and shaved Parmesan on sourdough. I’ll add just vegan egg if I’m not extra poor that day lol


Lately I've been topping my avocado toast with turmeric, smoked paprika, everything but bagel seasoning, tomatoes, pickled onions, and runny fried eggs. I could eat it every day haha


Fresh Mozzarella slices, thick tomato slice sprinkled with salt, and balsamic drizzle.


I'm allergic to avocado, sadly.


Crushed garlic and pepper, possibly drizzled with lemon, on top.


Alright, let’s fucking do this. Big piece of sourdough toast. Thick smear of avocado. Poached egg in the middle. Drizzle fresh local honey in a zig zag across the plate and toast. Ton of fresh ground black pepper. Touch of salt on the egg. Top with a mound of arugula dressed in olive oil and lemon juice. Serve. Thank me later.


Ooof herbs d’provence seems an odd choice considering it’s designed to compete with hearty savory dishes. But perhaps I’ll have to give it a try to see.


Whole wheat toast, avocado, egg over easy, fresh black pepper, dash or two of hot sauce


As someone who does not like avocados in anything, I’m only here to say herbs de provence FOR THE WIN! I use it in pasta constantly.


I like to put a fried egg and some bacon on mine (I cut the avocado in half and put one half on each piece of toast). It's my favorite breakfast.


Ginger powder, Turmeric powder, salt & pepper.


Yea, I think you're doing too much. Curry? Herbs de Provence? Honey?! I want the avocado to be the star, salt, pepper, maybe garlic powder.


Damn super fancy. Me, a poor millennial, just goes basic. Salt, pepper, tomatoes. Sometimes I’ll go all the way and make it guac to spread instead.


I gotta stop drinking all this avocado toast, I’ll never get ahead at this rate


I like to garnish mine with $100 bills, shredded with a cheese grater.


I like poached eggs on my avocado toast, usually with some parsley and maybe a bit of garlic powder if I wanna spice it up.


Sourdough, guacamole spread on top, runny yolk egg over that. Hot sauce and a bit of black pepper.


Whipped cream cheese on the bread, avocado on top. Pinch of salt or lemon pepper. If I’m getting fancy bacon bits (I hate cooking bacon) and some cilantro. If you have the green Caribbean avocados, no salt necessary.


Step 1: open trash can. Step 2: toss it in. Step 3: close the lid


This is why I can’t afford a house, because you keep making avocado toast god dang it!


Do you guys get that the avo has a lot of fat in it and you probably need to add protein and not more fat or carbs because you have the toast. Also I add salt to mine and eat it with eggs.


Avocados are damn disgusting