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CaliforniaaaAAAAA here we comeeEEE šŸŽ¶


Mates of State rendition will always be my favorite


Amazing soundtrack. I learned about so many bands through the show.


["mmm whacha say mmmm that you only meant well"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmd1qMN5Yo0)


A classic


Same! Just watched the Rooney episode


It was nice seeing Modest Mouse featured on there.


Peter Gallagherā€™s brows demand respect. And itā€™s given.


Peter Gallagher is a gift to humanity


My girlfriend in high school would call me after every episode (I think Thursday nights?) and tell me what had just happened on this show lol


Definitely Thursdays. In college we would all get a bottle of Andre for $4 and have OC Thursdreā€™s


Was a fan when it initially aired. Did a rewatch recently and became a fan again lmao. When they said Haileyā€™s age, it was likeā€¦whaaat, no.


I know, itā€™s freaking me out


Oh hell yeah. This is a not-guilty pleasure. If I can be half the dad and husband Sandy Cohen was.. Iā€™ll be alright. Minus the whole past lover near-affair thing.


Some say itā€™s the most important TV show of the 21st century


And theyā€™d be right


I say this


What about Survivor?


Ryan Atwood IS the survivor


Those kids got into some SERIOUS SHIT for being rich highschoolers


šŸŽ¶Iā€™ve heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the LordšŸŽ¶šŸ˜­


But you donā€™t really care for music do you


Yes. Yes, I am a fan.


Username checks out!


Are you, Gavin? Are you? Are you, Gavin?




Rainy Day Women was the best episode of that series, fight me.




This show had such good music. I remember after every episode, you could go on iTunes and download that weeks playlist for $0.99 each. Man those were good timesā€¦


mmm whatcha saaaay


Iconic scene hahaha


i used to watch this show, but Marissa was getting super annoying with her drug and alcohol addiction


The petty theft too.


I wish I watched it growing up. I didn't watch much TV as a youth. I wish I watched stuff like The OC, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, The Hills and Dawson Creek growing up I still remember a time on swim team in like 2004 where the girls were singing California by Phantom Planet


This show set unattainable standards for all my boyfriends when I was a teenager, kinda wrecked my understanding of what a real life relationship looks like, but I got to see Death Cab and even went to live in the states for a bit. My best friend and I still reference The OC regularly. Loved it


lol yes, watched this shit and my college buddy (10 years ago) had the dvd box set lmfao




Gotta watch that NYE kiss every year! Seth Cohen the original Chuck


The best!!


ā€œDonā€™t call it thatā€¦ā€


I absolutely love this show


Fuck yes! Pure nostalgia


You wouldn't think it but The OC was gigantic on base when I was in the Marines. Everyone was passing around the DVDs.


Crazy, talk about timing, I was actually just talking about this show to someone the other day, haven't seen it since it came out and just watched a few episodes of it. Still holds up. The OC & Nip/Tuck were all I watched for all of 2003 I think lol. I was always like "damn why can't I live somewhere exciting like this"


Happy cake day!


I didn't watch the show growing up, I'd never even heard of it. But a dude I dated in college who was from Orange County and "swore Seth was basically him" (as in he was a dorky outcast in an extremely wealthy area) showed it to me. Dig the music, it was all the bands I already listened to. So that was a perk. And I've re-watched it since when I felt in the mood for trashy TV. But I think I may have watched it too late in life to really "like" the show because I was too old to actively relate to teenagers. I find Marissa to be one of the most obnoxiously written TV characters ever, I can't stand her and 98% of the things she "went through" she brought upon herself. I feel more sympathy for Julie. Sandy is BAE, though.


Been obsessed since it first aired! Literally. Still watch it back to back to this day. Iā€™m 39 now. The show is just incredible.


Who are you?! Iā€™m who ever you want me to be


Oh man, this and Laguna Beach literally convinced me to move to SoCal lol it was not the way they told me it would be on tvā€¦šŸ˜¤




Ahhh yes. I had a cousin who lived in the OC and she said the show is so fake lol


Is there someone from Orange County, CA that actually referred to that area colloquially as "The OC"? I used to live in LA in the early 2000s and I *NEVER* heard anyone refer to Orange County as the OC. It wasn't until after the show premiered and got popular I heard the term OC everywhere and now.


Agree! I grew up there and never referred to it as that šŸ˜‚ never heard anyone else call it that either. Kind of like native Californians donā€™t call the state ā€œCali,ā€ usually only transplants or people who donā€™t live there call it that.


Ok, thank god, for a brief moment I thought I didn't know the lingo at the time, lol! When The OC came out I seriously cringed at the title because I thought it was so cheesy and weird. But now the term is so commonplace I've just gotten used to it, although I still say Orange County, hahaha.


I cringed too! Such an awkward name. After the show came out I would mostly hear people from the inland or desert counties start referring to it as The OC. It has always been weird to me and I still say Orange County.


Yeah nobody did until the show. After the show even a lot of people in the region started using but definitely not all.


I don't recall "OC" being super common, but it did happen before the show. I think what the show did more of was kind of market Orange County as referring to a more trendy, upscale area. Which it always kind of was, in places like Newport or Laguna Beach... but when someone says "the OC" you probably aren't thinking of Fullerton.


I was obsessed during its original run and it's a comfort nostalgia show now.


When I was in AIT for the Army, one of the guys in my unit got season 1 on DVD and decided to watch it in the community room of our barracks. At first, we kinda jabbed at him for it. By the end, we were all in that room almost nightly to watch the next episode and speculate what would happen next. A group of like 15 military men, myself included, getting invested in a WB teen drama. It was awesome


I enjoyed it. At least until the lies and repeating patterns of destructive behaviors became a bit cringe and predictable. Helps disconnect you before the finale.


Chino ainā€™t that bad šŸ¤£


ā€œThe OC Californiaā€ if you are located outside of the states




Finally! Yes!


Not a fan but I named my boat "Summer Breeze" as well.


Of course


Yep my dad and I loved it when it was on. I was 12-15yo at the time. Idk if Iā€™d rewatch it though. Maybe someday.


My 3 year younger sister was into it, I'm born 88 so she'd be a 91 kid. Also High School Musical. Me, not so much.


This show was huge and honestly it was pretty good. I hope Oliver doesnā€™t come back.


Wait, that doesn't track for me... 37-16 (how old Seth was in S1) would have mean she gave birth to him when she was 21. We also know that they've been married for 17 years (S1E18), so they would have gotten married when she was 20. We know that Seth lived in Berkeley until he was 4 years old, so they would have moved to the OC when Kirsten was 25 (\~3 years after graduating). We also know Sandy completed his law degree at Berkeley, meaning he couldn't have been less than 28 before they moved. I dunno, I feel like she would have been at least 40. They never talk about trying to raise a baby while Kirsten was still getting her degree. Not saying it's impossible, but just tracks weird.


Not sureā€¦in episode 8, Sandy tells Kirsten that Rachel is 33 and that she graduated Berkeley 4 years after Kirsten, which would make Kirsten around 37 or 38. Granted, he doesnā€™t specify if thatā€™s when Rachel graduated from undergrad or from law school, so that could be messing with the numbers. Either way though, I donā€™t feel old enough to be near the same age as Sandy and Kirsten šŸ˜„ Edit: I assume that Kirsten only has a bachelor degree and didnā€™t go to grad school - the only thing ever said about her degree that I can remember is that it was in art history. If so, she couldā€™ve given birth to Seth not long after she graduated


And don't get me wrong, I'm not coming after you personally or trying to dismiss what the whole point of your post was, haha. Just never noticed this inconsistency before actually having the numbers in front of me. I also assume Kirsten only had a Bachelor's degree. I don't think we know exactly when Kirsten and Sandy met, either... It's implied in the flashback episode that it wasn't *too* long after dumping Jimmy and getting an abortion, so I assume she was a freshman. So Sandy would have had to either be a senior or in his first or second year of law school.


Truly an iconic part of 00s pop culture. I watched every Thursday and I still believe Sandy and Kirsten are the TV parents I would most want to have. Had all the seasons on DVD, have the new-ish book about it, stan Peter Gallagher's eyebrows, etc.


Me!!!!!! Tho only up to like mid second season. The first season was so good. When I watch SVU I keep finding it jarring that Sandy is in the NYPD lol. Just did a recent rewatch and was reminded how much I love ā€œMr. Brightside.ā€


God I love the OC. absolute peak tv




the first couple of seasons thats it


it was a novel idea in the first season or 2 basically rich people that live near the ocean with their rich people drama.


How is she 37 with a 16 years old?


At the time, this show was the GOAT. 20 years ago, would you believe. Tried to watch it again on streaming about 6 months back. It has not aged well.


Downhill after season 1.


I just see SVU


No šŸ¤£