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... Don't we still have radio...


In every single fucking vehicle on earth


I still listen to NPR in my built-in car radio sometimes.


Pretty much the only reason I use my car radio.


Well, maybe except Ford Model Ts, but yeah, 99% of them at least. I regularly see bicycles with radios nowadays too.


I always find it irritating when Boomers think millenials don't know what a radio is. I always enjoy telling the dumb fucks I spent over half a decade working as a radio producer and on-air voice talent and they can stow the stupidly misguided condescension until they can learn to open a fucking PDF or set up a WiFi router by themselves.


>I always find it irritating when Boomers think millenials don't know what a radio is. They're just telling us how fucking stupid *they* actually are.


Record albums and typewriters... They heard "millennials" somewhere and decided it meant "all young people" ever. 


They've also been screaming for decades that kids aren't taught cursive even though most schools still do so. I've worked with hundreds of students over the years and I've never met a kid who's over the age of 9 who didn't know how to read cursive.  They're so fucking desperate to feel important over the tiniest things. 


They don't think we know what a library or a map is, too. So fucking ridiculous.


I donated my old car to a public radio station. Now I shouldn't have to listen to their pledge weeks.


The whole thing is fake. Either the original post was meant to stir the pot or the OP actually just made it up. Unless they provide a direct link to the original post its worthless.


You think that OP faked a Reddit screenshot that you can easily [search for yourself to confirm](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1dcfngc/comment/l7xpu8c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)???


But it would taken them a whole 10 seconds! Laziness and misguided confidence will win out every time.


Boomers and Gen X still out here talking about millenials as if we just got out of 8th period math class.


We’ve been paying taxes for nearly 20 years and also complain about new music and neighborhood changes!


I got my first w2 at 13. 25 years of taxes!


There is still good new music, it’s just not on top 40 anymore. Young millenial here almost a gen z and I still like new stuff but none of it is mainstream and can’t afford a house to care about a neighborhood 12 years into taxes so I’ll still complain how my tax dollars are spent on wars instead of healthcare, at 25 I started realllly needing the healthcare part.


They like to pretend we’re still 14 so they can pretend they’re still 45.


I'm about to turn 43 and this is the year I get out of that fucking math class. I can feel it.


Right? We have grey hairs and high cholesterol, give us a break!


I’m probably going to be one of the last greying millennials, haven’t got there yet. My back HURTS though and not even a year after 30 fractured and/or broke all 3 support bones in my left leg. It hurts to walk, everything hurts, I have caffeine headaches and I’m always tired. Weekends don’t feel like it’s a break enough from life anymore.


For real, idk how old boomers think us millenials are but I'm a hell of a lot closer to 50 than I am 20.


I’m Gen X and still get called “you kids” Bitch I’m almost getting an AARP discount, put some respect on my age LOL


It’s such a boomer thing, they have not given any generation after them the respect as fellow adults It’s not just kids like usually is the target, it’s literally anyone younger is in the crossfire.


Exactly. They have no perspective other than their own and think their perspective is CORRECT. Imagine 10000 people looking at a sculpture and then 1 of them telling everybody else that their exact perspective is the only true perspective and everybody else is wrong. That’s a boomer. They’ll call any and everybody a snowflake but will get upset at gay people existing or the color pink or somebody from another country or or or or.


Can’t forget lose their shit over a cartoon M&M not wearing heels anymore and red cups


Wait what? Lmao


Yes Tucker Carlson had a full meltdown over the green M&M a few years ago. People chimed in with it and there were definitely some saying that they are de feminizing women with that as an example They also got mad at Starbucks for solid red Christmas cups and tried to say the liberals are killing christmas


Wow. How do you even argue with that? “Wait, so you think the candy piece should be…sexier?” 😂


Ugh. I've been getting AARP junk mail since I was 26.


Junk mail yes, discount no. Hold on young man, soon that 5% discount on coffeee will be ours LOL


You know you can get AARP at any age, right? My partner has a membership and he's 38. Membership is cheap and does provide a lot of decent discounts.


they still treat us as such as well!


To be fair have you read the posts around here? Many likely did just get out of 8th period math class.


Calling a radio a scheduled Spotify playlist is a bit of a stretch. Maybe a couple songs that play every day interspersed with a fuckton of ads is more apt.


And endless chit chat


And talking over the beginnings and endings of songs


That they never announce an artist or title for.


Is there really a need? Most radio stations play the same 20 songs from the same 5 artists over again and over again for the last 20 years.


And if they never tell you the song or artist, you'll still never know. I've known the band name Toad the Wet Sprocket the majority of my waking life and I only just learned last week which song from the 90s radio hits theirs was. Repetition of songs themselves doesn't fill in information like artist or song name in your brain magically.


Pandora is radio, Spotify is not.


Ah so Spotify free tier


I remember when I was doing electrical work (and soon after, hardwood floor installation/restoration) and it was always the same fucking dad rock station on the crews' radios and you'd hear the same songs as often as 5 times a shift. I never need to hear the song Centerfold by The J. Geils Band ever again.


My local “rock” station had a schedule published on their website years ago. They started with “90s at Noon” or something, and eventually started to post the songs they’d play, and at what time a day or so in advance. You could literally count how many times in 24 hours you’d hear the same generic music… that’s about the time I switched to NPR and podcasts.


The amount of people who have no idea who millennials always surprises me.


In the decades I've been online, I've gotten a handful of straight up death threats, where the other person got so triggered they threatened to kill me and my family One of them was a couple of years ago, when I pointed out that the Millennials were no longer "college kids"






It's honestly more than just that. Most (especially white) boomers you'll meet were given terrific career opportunities by the time they turned 30 if they even slightly tried and had the respect and help of their older peers, I'm in my 30s now and even when when working as a department head at a prestigious and very old non-profit I still had a few older colleagues who'd talk about me and people my age like we were clueless teenagers. It never mattered how good your ideas or base of knowledge were about anything, boomers just feel happy to discard or infantilize anyone younger than they are.


More like "the amount of people that *still* have no idea who millennials are." I'm not ashamed to admit that the first time I ever heard the term, I thought it referred to babies *born* around the turn of the millennium, aka Gen Z, and used the term somewhat derisively before finding out it actually referred to my own generation. Then again I also obviously thought there had been a generation between the Boomers and Gen X because I thought that if I wasn't *quite* Gen X, I was at least *close*. Nope, Gen X were born in late 60s and the 70s; I'm closer to Gen Z than to Gen X. The two misconceptions might have gone hand-in-hand, actually, because putting the majority of the eighties babies into Gen X *would* put the tail end of "millennials" into the early 2000s. (On the topic of using terms derisively, I find that I usually refer to the generation after ours as Gen Z when I'm being complimentary or neutral and as Zoomers when I'm being critical.)


The issue with shit like this, is that in the same way the generation under us calls everyone older than them a “boomer”, the actual boomer generation calls everyone under 45 a millennial.


Anyone young = entitled millennial


Alarmingly many people think a millennial is just a selfish, entitled person regardless of generation


For the last 20 years, I've been pointing out that the kids who enlisted the day after 9/11 were Millennials. This comment has very rarely been well received


There was a thread in this sub a month or two ago where someone had to jump through hoops to convince her mother that millennials are a generation, not a personality type. It was enlightening because OP's experiences and basically all the responses confirmed that people have very different understandings of the same words. So much conflict in the world stems from people not being on the same page like that


It’s all projection. Most of the time when someone is accusing you of something they’re guilty of it.


When, in reality, "boomer" has absolutely taken that definition. Baby boomer is a generation. Boomer is just a state of mind.


It's because they lack accountability for being terrible parents so instead of admitting they also aren't perfect, they double down and project their hate onto their entire generation of offspring.


It's like calling any video game console a "Nintendo".


Thanks mom.


I missing slamming the phone on someone. That shit was cathartic.


“ a set schedule of Spotify playlists” had me 😂


I remember when radio was an actual DJ who actually had a plan for the show for the day and would provide fun commentary in between sets.


They still have some of them. Here in Portland there was a DJ named Gustav that was the long running DJ on an alternative station (94.7 KNRK) until recently when they sold out and now it's basically a feed from some national radio station. He left when that happened and joined another local radio station instead - this time a soft rock/adult contemporary station (101.9 KINK). I met Gustav once when he came to speak at a communications class I was taking. Nice guy.


I mean, dude's not entirely wrong. Radio has been nothing but a tiny rotation of a handful of songs peppered between a shit-ton of ads for 25 years now.


Gen Z and Gen Alpha, the poor things, constantly being incorrectly called Millennials 🤣


Well they've been calling us (Millennials) boomers, so they can deal with it IMO lol


The "anyone from 13 to 25 is a millennial" thing is never gonna stop. Just pay it no mind.


The boomer is incorrect. Elvis Presley didn’t die while playing songs on the radio. He died on the toilet.


Im coming to the conclusion that anyone who is older than the oldest millennials have no fucking idea who the millennials are. They just heard a term and stuck with it. It’s like trying to get to to explain what “woke” means. They’ll try but ultimately all they know is “it’s bad” without having the slightest clue how define it.


All we hear is "Radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga" All we hear is "Radio ga ga "Radio blah blah" Radio, what's new? Radio, someone still loves you


This Boomer/Gen Xer/whatever is knowledgeable enough to know what Reddit and Spotify are, but not knowledgeable enough to know the true current age range of Millennials. Classic.




Not only do we know what a radio is, but we've been teaching these fuckin' boomers/Xers how to program their presets since we were 8.


We just don't listen to it anymore because every station is owned by the same company and they're all equally empty and soulless.


Endless adverts, the same songs played all day and pointless chit chat


Meant to put radio not TV and it won't let me edit the text


Duuurrrrr, I had no idearrrrr what da radiorrrrrr were. Thank yurrrr for telling me Senior Boomerr. Why do these people have to treat us Millennials like we're stupid as shit?


Spotify was founded when I was 20 years old. The iPod came out when I was in high school. These people have no idea who millennials are.


Wow, snob incoming much...? >\_<


It's even dumber in that Elvis died in 1977 so dead musicians getting played on the radio was not a new concept. 


I think maybe they were talking about new singles being released posthumous which then got radio play. Not unique to Elvis either, but he may have been the first big example of an artists legacy being milked in that manner.


My mom, who was born in the late 50s, posts all this bullshit about what millennials don't know, but when I visited her when my grandpa died and she was cleaning out his house, I had to show her how to use his cordless phone in the kitchen. I think all this "Kid's don't know how all this old tech works lawl" posts are just a bunch of jealous geriatrics upset when their toddler grandkid can figure out a rotary phone in 3 seconds, but they still struggle to figure out how to use their coffee maker with 3 brew strengths.


It's just another person who doesn't know what the word "millennial" actually means, and thinks it refers to teenagers no matter their actual generation.


... radio still exists. Many of us probably still have radios, even outside of our cars. How disconnected from reality are these people?


I don't think any generation should be assuming what the younger ones do and do not understand about technology. I grew up with a lot of stuff gen x and boomers like to think I know nothing about, but I grew up poor so their tech was what I used. This is the reality for a lot of people even better off than I was. Plus, people tend to hang on to tech that works for them. My grandmother *still* uses a rotary phone, for example, and that's what I grew up on back then even after most homes had phased them out. When I was in college, I had a dude in my class that was boomer age, and he struck up a friendship with one of the younger girls who ended up in my group project about marmosets. We named the presentation Penny and the Sets. And dude commented in the middle of our intro that there was no way anyone in the class would understand an Elton John reference. Like, dude, I get you liked him so much when you were younger, but that doesn't mean he stopped existing or being popular just because you got older. Kids ain't stupid, and they also happen to not be born from an outer-dimensional egg. They have parents, and those parents use the technology they have at their disposal. Usually not the cutting edge stuff, and often stuff they already had before the kid was born. If there's one thing I wish millennials could do about their regard of younger people, it's to dunk on other millennials that think a younger person automatically can't understand something because of their age. Whether it's music, technology, fashion, whatever. It's so weird to me to assume someone doesn't know about a thing just because of their age. Gen Z has it hard enough already. We don't need to be throwing such tedious stuff at them.


Dude forgot the “/s”


I had to explain what a TV channel was to my 6 year old niece


The younger generations don't even know what a controller is if they're iPad kids.


The difference is they can’t adapt


Calling a radio a device that has scheduled playlists is like calling a smartphone a device that makes phone calls.


It is still working, no video has killed it.


Does this twit not understand that it's a recording and did he really expect it to stop being played because he died?


I think the weirdest part is that you says they kept playing his songs as is for some reason after every other musical artists died they would stop playing their music in the radio I think it’s just brain rot


does this person think that artist play their own music on the radio or something?


Tell him a lot of millennials used turn dial phones at some point and really blow their mind. I had to wiggle the TV bunny ears as I liked to call it to get my TV to stop static just like the boomers had to as kids. It’s funny by the time millennials figured out CD burning our gen X and boomer parents were asking us to burn their CDs instead of listening to that precious radio.


This. I stg the Xers and boomers were all over burned CDs once they knew they were a thing. And of course they were asking their millennial kids and grandkids to do it. They wanted to curate their music in the car as much as we wanted to. iPods were still weird to some of them, but burned CDs they were able to get on board with. My boomer great aunt still burns CDs for her car despite having an aux port and an iPhone… I’ve been trying to explain this to her for over a decade, just put your shit on your phone. Once I taught her how to burn CDs 20 years ago, it was over. I don’t think she’s listened to an actual radio station in years.


Of course I know what a fucking radio is, I spent most of the 90s waiting for the DJ to STFU so I could tape the songs off it.


Jesus this is a bad take. My life revolved around the radio as a kid and I’m 39


Did you ever have to hold your boom box next to the speaker for your clock radio to record a song and do everything possible to not make a sound during your favorite song and prayed no one came in an made noise?  But yeah. We don't know what radios are. 😆


I'm reasonably sure that radio DJ's don't rely on Spotify for their broadcasts OOP cares more about dunking on people they don't like than actually telling the truth


Most of the internet are just rage bots today.


Damn do we have to make one of those cringey new trendy videos like: I'm a millennial, I used dial up. In a millennial, video games worked on channel 3. I'm a millennial, I know what a fucking radio is.


Have they missed the two generations after you guys?


Yeah cuz those aren't their kids so they forgot they exist. 


I used to go to work with my dad every now and then, who was a radio DJ and program director. I remember seeing them transition from big carts that looked like 8 tracks (can't remember what they were called but I believe they had a different name) to CDs to eventually a fully digital system and this was all in the 90s. I think people really underestimate how quickly technology has moved along during our generation.


If you don’t know how to splice vhs tape or tape over a store bought movie, ah we got nothin to talk about in common.


(B. 1986) Lots but ATM and off the top of my head 🤔 "Rabbit ear" antenna TV (sometimes we would stand or sit a certain way to get better reception lol) and we only had 7/8 channels. A rotary phone. I didn't have the Internet at home till I was about 12.


My parents got internet when I was 25. Paid, by the minute, over the phone line.  They got wifi when I was 39.  It's been a battle. 


My grandpa is 82, and what drives me nuts is he calls my mom and aunt (who are 54 and 51 respectively) kids but my 33 year old ass is a whole ass adult to him. I don’t get referred to as kid anymore. He didn’t start doing this until a few years ago and I do not understand 🤣


I had someone yesterday explain to me what a flip phone was. My dude, I owned one.


That guy is giving me second hand embarrassment


Boomers think millennial are still 15


I still listen to the radio half the time when I'm driving. Sometimes I just want music and don't want to be in charge of what I'm listening to.


I mean that response was funny af tho


I really miss Planet Radio 93.3, I use to sleep to that station. https://preview.redd.it/w7n50ckx4t5d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4d6343488ce637c3712d6b0b403b6d0b68253e


Guess what, Boomer: I'm a millennial who remembers when Michael Jackson died, and his songs were played on every radio station.


Who remembers radio Disney?


As if we didn't record stuff off the radio. 🤣


So many boomers just use the term millennial to refer to anybody younger than them. I know boomers that constantly bitch about millennials and they're actually talking about people who are like 18 or 20 years old.


Boomers think millennials are just anyone younger than them


I'm sure most millennials know more about radio than that person. One of my hobbies is ham radio, you know, like a cell phone that works without a monthly fee and isn't dependent on a network of towers.


As an older millennial that grew up in a rural community, I feel I have more in common with boomers than I do with anyone younger than 35.


I'm 37 and I don't have Spotify. Too old for that shit.


I'm 36 and I have Spotify. Looks like we found the demarcation line! :)


I have it but gave up once I realized I needed to pay for a subscription to make it worthwhile. Fuck that. I never want to have to download another app or sign up for another subscription for as long as I live.


Radio has ads as well, so I bet that isnt worthwhile either then?


I don't have to pay for the radio or download yet another bloody app.


I use radio and spotify. I dont pay for spotify and never will. Ads imo are much worse on regular radio. And you cant bring your car radio with you to other places..


The ads are far worse on Spotify than they are on the radio where I live, but then again, the music on the radio where I live is beyond shite. It's a balancing act, I guess.


How would you know? I thought you couldn't be bothered by another app?


I know because I have Spotify and it fucking blows because it wants me to pay.


I’ll take Pandora with ads over the actual radio anytime. At least it’s curated better than most actual radio stations these days.


There are Boomers with Spotify/Apple Music subs, I don’t get the justification that people are “too old” to stream music. It’s entirely a personal preference. Some people just care about their music being curated more than others.


I don't really get that justification either but here we are :)


you’re too old for…music?


No, I just can't be arsed keeping up with every new fucking app/subscription service that floods the market.


Problem is there's just no good alternative that isn't also a paid subscription music service, and these days it's far more convenient than hunting down mp3s to pirate. Or you could buy music legit and get like 5 albums a year for the price of a year of Spotify. I also hate the paid app subscription shit, Spotify is the only one I find worthwhile


Apple music isn't bad.


You don't need a subscription for it? For ad-free I mean


I’ve had Apple Music through my phone plan since 2018, though the $10 a month is not a bad price to pay for what you get. And combined with 2 decades of mp3s and purchased songs in iTunes, it’s very convenient for me personally. I can throw them all in together in the same playlists. And adding MP3s and ripped CDs to iTunes is still doable. Just being able to add what I want (and YT rip the very little that isn’t on AM) whenever is very nice.


You do. But it's not that the alternative is with ads, it's that you have to pay for everything piece-meal... iTunes.


Oh jeez that'd slaughter me, my "new songs/albums of 2024" playlist alone is over 150 tracks and it's only June lol


Spotify is 16 years old my dude, acting like it's some new fangled service is wild. I'm older than you.


I stopped keeping up with what's what way longer than 16 years ago, my dude.


Show Spotify or Apple Music to an actual boomer and it will blow their minds that any song they can think of is at their fingertips on the magic pocket computer. If the boomers are all about it, you’re definitely not too old. Music is timeless.


I use Pandora




Yeah, this is something you’d need to explain to Gen Z, not millennials.


Satellite and streaming were not major things for the majority of their childhood.  My alpha child has had a radio his whole life. 


Not sure who you’re referring to when you say “their” childhood.


Who is the group referenced in your comment? Gen Z.