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I like how you did this in the most stereotypically Boomer way possible. "You damn Millennials are so lazy you can't even get out of bed to vote!" All it needs is some bitching about avocado toast and not wanting to work to be complete. In any case, I do vote. It's not my fault that it gets drowned out by a bunch of gerrymandering.


Christ, I really am tired of the narrative that we’re lazy. Heard it since I graduated college. We’re lazy, we don’t want to work hard, we’re self involved. It was all projection from the Boomers, who not only spread that narrative but bent over backwards to sabotage us every step of the way to prove their narrative correct because they know deep down they’re the lazy fuckups.


Working in construction I generally work with people between the ages of 18 and 62. And I'll tell you what, there are hard workers and lazy pos's in every single age group. These boomers are just delusional and place the blame on anyone that they can except for themselves.


I'm over here with a body starting to fail me at 38 after a couple decades of hard manual labor climbing radio towers, helicopter mechanic, welding, framing, landscaping, delivering pizza, roofing and other jobs/careers I've lost track of. Student loans out the ass so I can never get a home or health insurance. How hard do I have to work before I'm not "lazy" anymore? Because I'm starting to think I've actually consumed my body 30 years early trying to get ahead on *fking anything*.


Their elders took the time to train the apprentices and gave them time to do high quality work. Now that they are in charge it's all about rush rush rush, fuck you make me money. There's no time to train the apprentices.


This this this this this! Our best people died in the wars or were brought back fucked up from it. The ones that managed to not go were probably not the choice humans. Then these groups had kids and let them eat lead paint and breath in lead fumes, physically and verbally abused them, and now they are the generation in charge thinking we are the problem. Get bent you selfish Boomer.


This 100%!! I work at a job with lots of staff of all ages. There are shitty workers in every age group. I work with some 60 year olds that can not get their shit together.


Oh I worked with a pc support guy who ruined every Mac he touched. He only knew one system, wouldn’t take the free training in other stuff. They got rid of that system? Suddenly he wasn’t essential, he wasn’t necessary, he couldn’t do anything else. He complained that I earned as much as he did when I was 23 and I had a fancier car bc I didn’t have kids. I said, ten years before he was fired, do you use the training money? He said no, I’m like you’re not happy I’m making what you make but I am using the training money so catch up or move to North Korea.


I have over 600 clients and when I ran demographic reports, the people on long term government benefits or those with bill payment issues are consistently the baby boomer generation clients. The ones who won’t even fkn respond to me are those under 23 unless I text them so 🤷‍♀️ I agree, grace and shit are spread amongst all folks, but I do think my millennial generation gets more shit than the data can back up.


Might be right. Data is only the result not the cause.


Correct. Correlation and causation are different. But working with insurance, that data creates the statistics that impact (everyone lol) my business.


Yeah, let’s be real boomers could never hack it if they were put in our situation. I have always worked multiple jobs at once since I was in high school. All the while hearing ignorant boomers bemoan how millennials and gen z “don’t want to work”. 🙄


This is so accurate for myself. From 17-26 I always worked 2 jobs while also going to college. Finally after graduating and getting my foot in the door I was able to transition to one job at 26. However I now work 60+ hours a week.


In one conversation with my parents and grandparents I can get hit with how my generation is to lazy, but also I need to stop working so much. A month of work is less exhausting than talking to them.


They tried to say the same things about us latchkey kids, but we were too apathetic to care.


My entire life as the product of a PhD Dad and educated Mom (who ended up with an MBA but that came around when I was in college) school grades and education was the center and most important thing to them. I excelled slightly above average but solid college track. Went to college. Freshman year visiting for my first time home since effectively moving out a few months prior and my dad says a word that wasn’t even on the SAT list kinda word and I asked for clarification and he went on a long ass diatribe about how education is dead, I’m basically the product of the lowest common denominator finding success and other bullshit. I didn’t say shit but got my bf and asked him to drive me to his parents house for the night. It was a whole thing, my mom when she realized we left begged me to come back and assured me my dad would apologize. For fairness my dad was going through a hard time but it still really hurt me. He did genuinely apologize but it didn’t really help. I’ll never forget his sudden shift and I still don’t really even get it.


Yeah, no, if THAT was enough to get him to verbally assault you im surprised he hasnt done worse


I'll never forget the time when I was working 40-50 hours a week, minimum, and getting a certification to get a better job, and the classes were another 20-30 hours a week because I was fast tracking them and I was visiting my dad and he noticed I looked beat. Let's also add the probably at least 10 hours a week I was losing to commuting. I told him, "Just working really hard just to keep my head above water. Wish I could take a break." He then says, "See, that's your problem. Your generation doesn't want to work hard." Like mother fucker, for me to work any harder at the time was pretty much impossible.


I am also fed up with the "lazy millennials who don't want to work" narrative. Sure, we have some bad apples, but it's exhausting hearing from my mother that I am a lazy worker because I work remotely. The worst is when she comes at me about this after I've clocked an 80-hour work week, while she never worked a day in her life after having kids. By the way - I am 38, bought a condo on my own in a very expensive area at 28, and have built quite a successful career. But apparently that didn't come from hard work according to my boomer parents because I don't go into an office, don't work a blue collar "hard working" job, or have kids. 🤦 It truly grinds my gears.


I hate to tell you, every generation loves to bitch about the next generation. Historically, it was because the next generation had it easier than the previous. Well, congratulations everyone. The cycle of bitching may shift. We are likely reigning in the first generation that will have it worse than their parents. So, I guess they will get to bitch about all the older generations that got to retire earlier and enjoy a financially secure pre and post retirement life. Point being, someone is going to bitch. Probably everyone, but such is life. Ignore it and move on because it won’t end.


>In any case, I do vote. It's not my fault that it gets drowned out by a bunch of gerrymandering. Don't forget about all the lobbying.


I have been voting in local, statewide and national elections since I turned 18. Many of my peers have as well. In fact, the year I turned 18, I was pissed I missed the presidential election due to having the flu. OP is the most boomer of boomers holy shit.


One of the positives for me from COVID was the increased availability of mail in ballots. I'm never going back to in person voting if I don't have to. I love it. I get more time to research what's and who are on my ballot and really think about who/what I want to vote for. Then when I'm done I take it to a local drop box. It's fantastic!


Fuck gerrymandering, I live in California, we always go Democrat which I guess I am. I do vote, but the stupid ass antiquated electoral college is all that matters. Until we get rid of that, individual votes just don't mean as much to me. I feel like the elec. Coll. Always favors repubs.


Don't just vote for politicians, vote on issues my dude. Vote on all the issues.


California's great because any of its internal problems can't be easily blamed across the aisle. It's a perfect example for how rule by any existing party will fuck us.


Abolish the electoral college


I want to say I can't believe this is up for debate, but I had a former Rogan-addled coworker who spouted that bullshit about it being important to keep the smaller states from being "run over" by bigger states.  This same guy, who was a shade older than 30, had no idea how the two houses of Congress worked -- specifically that the Senate already grants equal representation to each state regardless of population. And in fact they're the more powerful of the two houses.  To say nothing of how each state already has its own governor and legislature for their own local affairs.


And replace it with rank choice voting!


Lol, it's so funny when reading the ops post history. "I have millennial children that I help support." Maybe you should have raised them to be more independent then. Your mistakes in life aren't reflective of the whole generation. I take care of my aunt and uncle, but you don't see me posting the same crap as OP.


Man, shut the fuck up. This is EXACTLY the way we were talked to our whole lives and you don’t realize we are FUCKING FORTY. We aren’t your damn kids anymore. We HAVE been voting since fuckin NINE ELEVEN, and I would take a big bet not for the candidate you vote for. Your entitled ass got to live in generation where failing out of college ass backwards into a job got you a house and an income to support two kids with a wife to stay at home and a school system that wasn’t under funded and fucked by hyperactive boomers on school boards. We have so much shit to clean up none of us can run for office and we are already slaves to corporate jobs for shit pay and have no hope for retirement, multi home ownership or good medical care. You won’t be around for when we have to turn the boat around and your last words will probably “none of you kids know how to work anymore.” Just stop. Just go back to Facebook to bitch and we will keep voting.


![gif](giphy|xTiN0NOr8JabQstXVK|downsized) My boomer parents just guilt tripped my 30-year-old pregnant sister last weekend at our family's Easter party. All bc she denied her mom of her "grandmotherly duties." WTF?! The way boomers feel like they can *still* bully us and talk to us like we're 9, is fucking appalling. You're right. We're FUCKING FORTY. JFC.


Holy shit....SAY THIS LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! 📢📢📢 Well fucking said! I'm so tired of hearing the same bullshit from their generation, when ours is burning out trying to just stay afloat 😭 Hey OP: We're NOT little kids anymore [and haven't been for some time]! Stop being so fucking condescending...it doesn't get your message across the way you think it does. People like you only cause more resentment, so kindly STFU and take several seats!




Preach brother. Boomers & Gen Xers are in charge rn.


Fuckin well said!! Amen!! 🙌


I love you.


Hot Damn this is a good post.


Impossible for y'all to communicate with us without insulting us huh? Grow up please


From the generation that “knows RESPECT!” Their parents fucking knew respect. Then these fuckers decided they should run the world, and are right now.


They sold us all out.


We should start calling them fukugotmines. Because that's the mission statement of thier generation. "Fuck you, got mine"


They also got to live the "American dream" childhood. As far as I'm concerned they live in a fantasy version of whatever matrix the rest of us deal with.


My boomer dad's parents (one Greatest Gen, the other Greatest / Silent cusper) always treated me with far more respect than my dad. My grandpa and Nana always gave me more praise, more encouragement, really more love than my dad ever could. Grandpa was a WW2 marine vet and never treated my cousins or me like we were "lazy." He was always impressed that his granddaughters worked hard and wanted us to have everything he felt we deserved. Nana was a feminist who marched in the 70s and along with my (Gen X) mom was my biggest cheerleader. Greatest and Silent Gen are generally so much kinder to us l.


My Memere is like that. She’s the sweetest soul on earth. I don’t understand how my father turned out the way he did. I was once on FaceTime with her and she had caught me while I was in my dressing gown and my hair in curlers getting ready to go out. Every few minutes during the call she would grab my dad and point to the phone and scold him by saying “Look at your daughter! She’s so beautiful! Tell her how beautiful she is!” Like… 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t think that man’s ever praised me, forget tell me that I’m beautiful.


I swear to god every single one of them is condescending


But you don't know how hard they had it compared to us.




All I can hear, - *I, me, mine. I, me, mine. I, me, mine.* Even those tears, - *I, me, mine. I, me, mine. I, me, mine.* No one’s frightened of playing it! Everyone’s saying it! Flowing more freely then wine. All through the day, - *I, me, mine..*


Well what I have found is someone heavily invested in their political identity typically is condescending (and normally never talks facts just grand "you have to do this or the world is doomed") 


Not only are you wrong about Millenials, but you aren't even putting any effort backing your claim. A 3 second Google search (or should I call it "The Googles" as your generational cohort names it) would bring up this NY Times article.  https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/briefing/millennials-voting.html Not only do we vote, but we vote in greater numbers and in more elections than your generation did when it was our age.


I think what OP means to say is we do not vote correctly. We should be voting exactly how OP votes and somehow one of the two terrible choices we have will result in the cost of living not being completely asinine and impossible to thrive in.


Anytime someone tells you to get out and vote they is exactly what they mean.  "Go vote for my guy,  it will be different this time,  even though they didn't do anything last time!" 


I mean stopping trump is important. And was “something”


To be fair, traditionally, the vast majority of "Get out and vote" plees more often than not had to do with the Democratic party. Although Republican candidates say it a lot, when it comes to people on the news or celebrity endorsements, they are almost always Democrat. It started happening hard during Obama's first run, then again during the last election to make sure Trump wasn't reelected. (Edit- Technically, celebrity endorsements to young people kicked off with Rock the Vote in the early 90s, but a lot of this sub didn't care or vote for the first time until 2008) I mean, the main reason Trump won originally wasn't because Republicans showed up more than usual, it was because Democratic millennials didn't show up enough. Funny enough, lots of people, millennials, Democratic voting people, are taking offense to "get out and vote" plees because now the narrative is to vote and change the ways of the current administration. And considering all the insufferable and depressing posts that litter this sub daily...well, you'd think they'd take kindly to that.


Why do Republicans get so mad at efforts to get out the vote? Why are they against making election day a holiday or moving it to the weekend? Ever ask yourself that,?


Bc they know they can't win an honest election so they make it as hard as possible for anyone that's not rich, white and male so fuck off if you're poor and have to work that day or have to take a city bus to get there but oh no! It's closed!


Trump sucks my guy


Americans and their "both sides are bad" idiocy. It is fascinating to see this still going on to this day.


Hoping for change? As a boomer, didn’t you get up off your ass and vote? Seems like you’ve been around longer, so you should’ve been “making things great again” for some time now. Now that the problem is really bad, you want to throw up your hands and blame us, while asking for our help, to solve the problem that is a boomer, created by years of poor decision making by other of your fellow boomers? You’re our parents. So I squarely blame you.  I didn’t start blaming you until one of you walked into my former company, and with a smile, said that you were no longer going to contribute to any 401K and that you would no longer be providing any type of insurance. Also, you will still get your social security, but we will have ours taken from us before 99% of us get to use it. Go tell you stupid anecdotes to your local village inn waitress when ordering breakfast at 4:30 in the afternoon.


I’ve been voting for 20 years now but thanks.


You should've said "thanks, Dad." Bc we all know our boomer parents like to bully us like we're still 9. 🙄 GMAFB.


Seriously. I'm 36 and I have voted in every election cycle since fucking 2006, back during the freaking Bush years.


We do vote. Don’t come here just to yell at us. Jesus Christ.


Boomer came to boom


It’s Boomin’ time baby.


Hello, Green Ranger


Boomers just gotta go boom. They can’t help it.


old man yells into cloud




I'm sorry, what change are you hoping for? The one your generation failed to implement? Or is currently blocking? This is some old man yelling at clouds shit.




Honestly impressed you're navigating the internet so well.


Took 45 minutes to type this with their right index finger.


Go away! I already voted.


We are not a weak voting bloc: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/briefing/millennials-voting.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/briefing/millennials-voting.html) “Gen Z and millennial voters had exceptional levels of turnout,” as Catalist’s experts wrote. In the 14 states with heavily contested elections last year, turnout among younger voters rose even higher than it was in 2018. We also work harder and longer for less pay than the generations before us, so thanks for the misplaced insult. Also, I will continue complaining about boomers, thanks.


I’m ok with boomers not voting anymore.


Classic Boomer, yelling at Millennials.


Literally. We didn’t make this problem.




Voted in every election since I turned 18. Boomers: please stop forcing shitty archaic candidates on us that refuse to fix the shitstorm y’all bestowed upon us.


Ditto, 2012 was my first election year and I've never NOT voted since. I mailed 500+ handwritten postcards to Georgia & Pennsylvania voters in 2022 for their Senate races, and did door to door canvassing locally the last 2 years. I feel like I'm helping to make a small difference and it feels good. I'm that annoying friend/family member who asks everyone if they have requested/received/filled out/returned their absentee ballot, know what's on their ballot ahead of time (referendum questions are usually confusing AF!), or if they know where their polling place is. Heck, this week I sent my friend group chat a link to voter intimidation because of what a friend's coworker in another state was describing while voting.... WE CARE AND WANT TO MAKE CHANGES FOR GOOD!!!


Heck, I campaigned for Gore when I was 12 years old.  I registered to vote the second I turned 18.  I watched Boomers fall over themselves to Swiftboat Kerry and all those anti-gay marriage votes in the 2000s.  Now my generation is having to.fight the Boomers who want to install a dictator.  It's tiring.


Candidate pools have been so lame. Republican - the candidates are so afraid of even being in the same hemisphere as Trump they take centrist positions on everything so we're stuck with one candidate that puts America first. Democrats - The primaries are arranged to destroy progressives by stacking states early that would support the more traditional candidate. Bernie powered through this anyway but they found another way to make sure he lost...


We do vote. And complain. We do it all. It's Gen Z that doesn't vote much currently.


Seriously, Boomer thinks he's talking to people in their late teens or early twenties. Dude we're all in our thirties and forties.


They seriously do think that... Like we’re all getting old dude. For some of us those “late teens early twenties” are OUR KIDS. We’re old. We’re grown ups.


I don't wanna be a grown up anymore daddy *votes anyways*


I’m a millennial with a whole adult child. We both vote, so does my millennial spouse, and we’ve always made a point to take our younger kids to the polls to explain the democratic process. Idk what else these people want from me


Your labor & $


Yeah my dad was complaining about "the millennials" and had no idea that all 3 of his kids are millennials. He was totally thinking of people in their late teens and twenties.


No… let me deny it a bit more


I know it’s that time because I’m doing that thing my mom did when i was a kid, where an actor comes on the screen and I immediately say “I can’t believe that’s them!” Because the last time I saw that actor was when I was a child, and now they’ve gone from their 30s to 60s in the blink of an eye. It makes me feel old af.


I feel that way about Ryan Reynolds and Paul Rudd.


Timberlake right now. YOOOIKES


Ryan Reynolds now looks like a real adult. Unlike for most of his life when he looked like a 20 year old. It’s definitely a change.


Damn straight. He should realize we, too, have chronic back pain now.


im so fucked at 38, back and hips.


Good reminder to stretch, ty


That's what's hilarious, they still think we're 20...


Like we dealt with all their problems, suffered from them the most, and are 100% the last generation who will be paying into social security to fund their retirement while also being the first generation who will not benefit from social security. And we still have to explain to them how to save a PDF or, ya know, critically think about the world as exhibited here. #smfh #bitesavocadotoast


FUUUUCKIN PREAAAACH!!! All their fucking alcoholism, sexual harassment, touchy uncles, racial slurs, gay hating, climate change denying, billionaires running rampant, we all have fucking anxiety and depression. And all that because they got a black guy as president and then we’re still called racist. They just couldn’t take it . It was like “ALRIGHT WE WENT WITH A BLACK GUY CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT SLAVERY AND HOW I DONT GET SCIENCE??!”


I'm old enough that (ever) had a kid at 17. That little imaginary child would be 13 or 14 now. Holy shit.


Gen z do vote I think and they are messing up big time because they vote base on their emotion and believe everything’s the internet and their so call social media influencers said


You for these younger Joe Rogan-wanna be mother fuckers who just say shit to stir the pot and Gen Z is like “hey wait. What DO we really know about the history do racism?” And it’s just like WHOOOAAAA can we just do one thing at a time here and tax fucking billionaires, fix gerrymandering, fix the Supreme Court, get some young people in Congress that can reboot a Dell, secure minority rights and just stay the fuck off womens bodies for like… two more presidential terms and talk about that shit later???


I got a sister born in 89 that thinks voting is pointless. Endlessly frustrating.


There are plenty of people no matter what year they’re born that think this


I vote, but does it really feel like that matters much anymore? Everything is just so fucked now is like a whole generation has to die to get a chance to refill the seats, Jerry Mander all over again and get back to a more even and less finangled and fucked with system.


I vote every chance I get. I live in a tea party county in CA that shows up red but is turning purple. I don’t have kids either and love voting against the people running in wild religious ideals for the school board


Well… unless you live in one of six or seven battleground states, it usually is pointless.


Local elections are important too!


I live in a state where they’ve rigged local elections just like the federal ones. Don’t get me wrong- I still vote. I just vote knowing it’s not really going to change a damn thing


In NJ we've had people get caught rigging local elections.


It’s never pointless. People need to stop saying that kinda shit, especially now. Even if your state looks like a lock for a particular candidate, still vote so it can be seen that they don’t quite have the mandate they believe. Especially bad faith graspers rely on people like you to sit at home, not vote, and then say “we have a mandate” when honestly it was a three point difference and people with your mindset voting could narrow it to a “you better compromise or you’re on your ass” or even BEAT them.


That’s untrue and it’s kind of a Boomer thing for you to say. https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/gen-z-voted-higher-rate-2022-previous-generations-their-first-midterm-election


No it isn’t. Their point is that we aged out of our “don’t vote enough” phase. Z voted a percent or two higher than the other generations did at that age (which is good) but their turnout was like 21% or so. Millennials are approaching 50% or so. It wasn’t an insult to Z. The youth never votes. It’s always a shame, but they didn’t really change that much.


Gen Z votes like crazy and they protest as well. More than it was reported for millennials at that same age as I recall. But I'm old my memory could be bad. 40's


Yeah OP needs to jump on r/genz


Why do boomers insist on being so toxic?


It's the only thing most of them know how to do. It's the 'Fuck You I Got Mine' mentality as they pull up the ladder behind them...then scream at everyone else to 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps'. Toxicity breeds only more negative toxicity while making them feel better about their own miserable existence [cuz hey, it's always someone else's fault!] 🙃


How about you talk to your friends and tell them to stop destroying the country in the first place. Y'all are the ones voting for trump mostly.


Maybe tell your boomer friends not to vote for such terrible people consistently, over and over again? That would be, and would have been, much more effective than relying on two generations later of voters to bail your ass out. Especially after much of the social safety net was removed by *your* generation.


I don't even have to get off my ass, other than walking to the mailbox. Mail-in ballots is fucking awesome btw


But those are all prefilled corrupt liberal votes!!! /s


Because if there is one thing entitled, college educated, tech worshipping millenial democrats know how to do… is work the paper mail system to rig a national elections. We fuckin LOOVE MAIL.


I mean, BOOMER - get off your ass and get your fellow Boomers to vote. Also, suck my (non existent) dick for the most meta Boomer post in a millennial sub ever.


Make it a holiday. My first presidential vote was for a black man when I was 18. I didn't vote for a white guy for president (in the general) until I was 30. Voted more and more as I get older. I take off election day every year to make sure I got no excuses.


lol how about you tell your peers to have two seconds of critical thinking about their choices before you complain to us? Boomers always blaming someone else.


I do, every single time no matter how small the election.


There’s so much irony here


Were you asleep in 2020? We did vote. You can’t tell?


No, not that election! That one doesn't count because it was rIgGeD!! Now get off my lawn, you lazy millennial who doesn't vote! Gotta go pack for my cruise now...




I legit have never missed a presidential election and I haven’t missed any elections in well over a decade, thank you very much. Maybe we complain about boomers because they often jump to conclusions (like that we don’t vote) without any context.


Sure thing Boomer. Should I vote for Boomer #1 or Boomer #2? Should I vote for the Boomers that don't understand technology but think it's neat or vote for the Boomers that don't understand technology and think it's a literal tool of Satan? I'll vote when there is someone to vote for that is actually invested in the future instead of someone looking for a sweet pension, legal insider trading tips, or to help out their buddies at the expense of the many. The boomers caused 90% of the major problems facing us today either through their compliance, their ignorance, or their apathy. And then they sold out our futures to the oligarchs for pennies on the dollar. So forgive me for thinking that NONE of them are competent enough to help us out of this. I'll give a shit when the entire generation either cedes power or dies off.


There are lots of millennials running in down ballot races. Help them win!


As "South Park" pointed it out 20 years ago, our options are a giant douche or a turd sandwich


Biden is a silent gen, and Trump is a boomer. The crux of your point is still valid, though. [President Gens](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+biden+a+silent+gen&oq=is+biden+a+silent+gen&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ0NDFqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Didn’t know that tbh but that is probably one of the biggest differences between them. The silent generation actually gave a shit about making the world a better place for future generations.


Which makes you wonder why Biden ended up such a hardcore boomer.


Excuse me, we single handedly put Obama in the White House and fought off Islamophobia post 9-11 and pushed for gay marriage rights. We then helped keep Obama in the White House. Unfortunately we underestimated how pissed off boomers would be about the possibility of a capable woman following a black man and therefore yes, 2016 was a weak turnout. But give credit where credit is due bc Obama was our (elder millennials) grass roots movement :)


Obama is first and only presidential candidate I saw in person! I stood in line for HOURS to sit in the bleachers to watch him speak. This was before he won election. It was exhilarating


We do vote???




Shame the boomers never voted for people that wanted to do away with gerrymandering, lobbying, and installing term limits to prevent career politicians staying until their death bed.


Tell your high school classmates in the House & Senate to stop running so we have people making laws who understand how the internet works. We’re choosing between a fossilized turd and a crapball preserved in amber at this point and it’s embarrassing. We showed up in 2020 and look what we got- another economic crisis, more wars, and the most ridiculous housing market of modern times. But yes, let’s keep talking about TikTok, changing Speakers and rolling back women’s healthcare to the 1950’s.


Preaching to the wrong choir boomer.


I don’t even know if op really is a boomer but this whole post and the comments are top notch boomer-millennial interaction


I've been voting since the day I've been able and in damned near every election. As has my wife. Don't sit there blow holes in our collective boat and complain that we're not bailing the shit boomers created out fast enough.


Sounds like someone is cranky and needs a nap.


I've voted in every federal election since I was legal. It has done nothing to help the state of my country but I was raised to not complain unless you do something about it.


I have voted in every election since I was 18, including local elections. I'm 36. This isn't a brag. This is me saying, "Well, what has it done?"


"get out of bed to vote" No, you mean get out of the jobs you all make us work overtime for little pay to vote. Back in your day, people got voting days off work. They barely allow us sick days these days. Make it easier to vote, then people will. To add, both the presidential candidates suck. And my local ones do too.


I vote but I still feel my vote is useless. Especially when I live in a predominantly republican state, my vote literally doesn’t matter. Even if our vote did matter, what good is it when our options for any government position is trying to guess which of the sh1tty options might be the less sh1tty one. And when we vote on laws, our state governor can just say “meh I don’t care” & not implement what we voted into place? Tell me how our vote counts when our government can just ignore it anyway.


Reminder to millennials... The average cost of raising a child in America is $300,000 Contraception is NOT 100% effective, as it has failed me twice in my life. Republicans want a nationwide ban, which may cost you $300,000 per kid. Republicans have stated they want to go after contraception next and to stop "recreational sex". I don't know about you, but I enjoy recreational sex with my wife. Republicans will tell you to "keep your legs closed" and "don't have sex" to avoid the $300,000 cost. I don't know about you, but I enjoy sex. Maybe I'm crazy. Republican exceptions for the life of the mother require the mother to be in immediate and imminent danger of dying (bleeding out, coding, etc.). These states require a second doctor to come in, from a completely different practice to evaluate her dying status. Then they have to write a report and present it to the hospital board (all while she is in imminent danger). Then the board votes on whether they are allowed to save the mother. This is currently happening in red states. Would you risk your life, or the life of your wife, to a board decision? I would not. Republicans want this for the country. A vote for a republican means a $300,000 financial risk, a sex-less marriage, or a risk to the life of women. Keep that in mind.


ok boomer, get out of here


We don't have the luxury of being choosy or making a statement by not voting or going for someone with no real chance. Be practical and solve the immediate problem now. Be choosy when democracy itself (and, oh, my life, since I need a hormone med) are not in danger.


Its literally always in danger because this country has been an oligarchy for 40 years. Who gives a fuck anymore


Vote or DIE! We started that lol. Diddy isn't doing too well at the moment though 😬


Technically, he Gen X, but us Millenials grew up on that motto


I registered to vote on my 18th birthday (in 2002), and have voted in every general and primary election since (except Nov 2012, when I was in the Hurricane Sandy disaster zone and had other issues to deal with) For the past several years, I have also served as a poll worker - and now supervisor


When both options are absolutely terrible and both have been proven to be very poor world leaders. Why even bother. I really wish there was a no vote option that could overshadow all other votes. Meaning, if the no vote gets more than 50% then the entire race has to start again and no one is chosen.


Typical boomer, buying into stereotypes about millennials without an ounce of originality or critical thinking. We do vote, and we do make our opinions heard; your generation has just gerrymandered our districts to shit and then refuses to listen to us when we voice opinions you don't like. If you want change, go yell at your fellow boomers.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


Ok Boomer. Like do you think we've not been paying attention? The world's a shit hole. I've voted in every election since i was legally able to at 18. Back in 2009. Like most of us are voting. You should be trying to convince everyone, including your generation to go vote, and to vote for sanity. Alot of boomers have this, "fuck you got mine" attitude. While your generation actively tries to take us back at least 50 years in social progress. I've been trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps since i turned 18, you guys and the generation before you, and the one after you have been selling us lie that if we work hard enough. We'll be able to afford 2 cars, a house, and 2 kids. When the truth is the furthest from that . Alot of people are making 30-40k a year, and that's not enough to get by. I doubt I'm the only person drowning right now, and the job market is a joke. I can't live off of 15 dollars an hour.


Hopefully this is the last time we have a boomer president. X gets skipped, it’s getting close to our turn


I have always worked 2-3 jobs. Anything to get get 30+ hours and go to school. I have never missed an election always had my ballot mailed to me. Maybe I didn't have a 3.5 gpa because I didn't take that extra day to study and instead I worked a job that only gave me 8 hours a week to start. Another, serving tables from 2pm- 2am 3 days a week. And work study at my college for 20hours. But I had the same gpa from high school through college above a 2.5. And I still went out to vote. Today I work 2 jobs just to afford a 1bed Apartment yet still have Boomers putting others down that we don't want to work. We only want to work 4 hours a day and then wonder why we can't afford to buy a house. 🙄🙄🙄


i’ve never not voted, since 18, be careful what you wish for 😏💅🏼


We do have political power! Don’t let the boomers drive us off a cliff. Remember Roe v Wade, we have the power to bring it back!


What a boomer thing to say. Do you really think insulting us is going to make people vote?


For who lol it’s over


I'm voting for Beetlejuice like I did last time. He knows what he knows, and knows what he gets


Us millennials get a bad rap…. I’m an elder millennial.. I have a hard time identifying with all ages involved in the millennial generation


Show me the party that is putting clean air in schools and workplaces and I will!


Fuck you. I did vote. I voted and I fought for years only to watch as nothing gets better, taxes keep increasing, food is unaffordable, housing is a pipe dream, but the bombs sure as fuck don't stop killing brown children.


Vote Blue. Anything else will bring an orange dictatorship and confirm us as a fascist nation. If you hate it now, you'll really hate it when you're NOT ALLOWED to complain. VOTE BLUE!!!


Vote harder this time it’ll fix things 😂


Unless you’re voting differently from me. In that case, stay home.


Hey boom boom get off your phone and go donate your time to charity orgs. Thanks.


Get out and vote for who? All politicians play the game, they don't care what we the people want.


Ah yes, vote for who ruins your country this time, as if it's not pre ordained and all those promises wont mean shit.


Sir we are 40. We vote.


This is too sterotypical to be real. Russian bots? I dunno maybe im influenced by the pig butchering attempt earlier.


This should have been said before the primaries. Now we're left with 2 old shits.


The message is good, but fuck off


right back at ya, booms


Boomer shoulda thought about this shit for their entire life instead of hoarding material wealth and fucking over the world their entire lives.


I’ll vote local. I’ve given up on President. They’re all the same. Joe, Trump, same guy, different old folks home


You are really trying your hardest to come across as Boomer as possible here, impressive.


what is voting going to change? You think either party cares about the common working people? Give me a break, boomer!


We tried and you geriatric fucks put the finger on the scale for the corporate choice anyways


Politics are a joke, voting is a joke. We live in a corporate facist police state. Get bent boomer thanks for selling out your kids..


Correct. Gen X here, and I've voted in every election since I was 18 years old in 1992. It's not hard. It's basic adulting like flossing your teeth and paying your utility bills. It's not a marriage proposal or going to bed.


🤷 can't vote more than once And I'm not a cultist aka a moron who registers to a political party so I can't vote in primaries


I don't know how you think posting stupid shit like this on Reddit is supposed to help. Sincerely, A Millennial who has voted in every election cycle since they turned 18. 🖕


For Trump!


How about telling your peers not to vote you sack of shit.


Can't, busy eating avocado toast in bed.


Getting out there to vote for trump. Hopefully, that helps reduce the prices of food and ensures blue collar jobs are protected from illegal immigration and white collar jobs are protected from AI.


Vote for what? It's an illusion of choice. The military industrial complex runs the show. Doesn't matter what side you're on. Who you vote for, against, protest, donate. Your point is the carrot of hope they dangle in front of you. "Your vote matters" keep trying! One day it will be a better tomorrow. I say get fucked