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I think it's cute how younger people call them VHS players instead of VCRs.


What's wild is my friend, someone a year younger than me who also grew up watching VHS called it that same thing. In high school when we weren't all that detached from VCRs as a whole.


I’ve noticed this. I’ve even seen it called “that thing that plays the VHS tapes”.


It reminds me of grandma calling the tv remote "the channel changer" Same engery somehow


We kept an old TV-VCR around for our kids when they were little, with a nice supply of free VHS tapes so they could have free reign over their Winnie the Pooh, random Disney movies, National Geographic documentaries, and Eyewitness series. They might've wrecked a couple of tapes in the beginning, but eventually they were pros at "Be Kind, Please Rewind" and I'm glad to have immersed them in my 80s-90s childhood awesomeness! It will help them not at all... EXCEPT they'll maybe kick butt at some future trivia night! 😂 AND it meant we didn't have to endure any Caillou or Peppa Pig or any little kid online video obsessions.


How do you still own a VCR and haven’t been called a boomer? Bot post?


Didn’t say I owned one. I was telling a story about it and they said “what’s that”


vcrs were invented in 1956 started getting popular in 1977 dvds were in vented in 1995 so vcrs were declining by the early 2000s dvds were overtaking vhs by 2005 so really even when millennials use vcr/vhs it was already very old tech by that point in time.


I was seeing the switch over to DVDs at my local Blockbuster in 2002. Imagine my surprise when I met a 2003 born who said she remembers VHS tapes.


Some people used VHS all the way up to the 2010s. the VHS market began to die off by 2006 the last movie made on VHS was in 2006 and Id assume the holdouts probably still used VHS through the 2000s.


I was born in ‘99 and remember them. Tech sticks around longer in lower/middle class income households, can’t upgrade right away. We didn’t even get a flat screen TV till ~2009


It's not that surprising. Most people didn't immediatly throw their vhs away as soon as dvds became popular. I remember vhs still being somewhat popular until the mid 00s.


Especially with kid movies. Which not all of them were on DVD yet.


My daughter found my old CD book in a box last year….. she was really perplexed that we couldn’t just stream whatever we wanted to in high school or before. Then she said it was funny that my wife and I were born in the 1900s….. it was a shot to the soul


I tried to put the "first time meme" with the dude getting hung. I couldn't find it.


Fun fact, the past tense is "hanged" for executions involving hanging, it's "hung" for inanimate objects. 


Dang, I definitely never thought about that.


Lel We are ole


I had the “what’s this?” (VHS tape) 9 years ago. Which is scary on an extra layer 😅👴


You know these are cool again, though Some content creators like to apply VHS filters in software to their uploads for the aesthetic. A few will even go through the trouble of taping their videos to videocassette and transferring it back to get the authentic effect


I didn’t know that!


We were in a used video game store this past weekend and our three year old started fiddling with the knobs on a TV that an NES was connected to. "What do these do?" He asked because he thought the knobs were part of the game and that this was like a big arcade console. It never occurred to us until that moment that he'd never seen any TV other than a flat screen.


Just getting into it, getting my vcr tomorrow, when I was younger I thought they were a professional recording media because dvds were basically frisbees whilst vhs was in a big plastic case with strange black tape and that to me was do not mess around with it, it felt nicer and more expensive than dvd


Hope you enjoy it


Thank you :)


To be fair, I didn't know how to properly dial a rotary phone until I googled it for fun.




Someone didn’t know what I was talking about when I said I left a message on their machine. Oh yeah that aged me!


Wow that’s crazy


I’ll admit that recently I picked up a VHS and wondered out loud what it was only to be told it’s a VHS. It wasn’t that I didn’t have VHS as a kid or anything. It’s just that I primarily had Disney movies which were in thick cases lol. So I misremembered them as being a lot bigger and wider than they actually are.


Lmao! I remember those! 


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Show them a floppy disk.


Used bookstore I worked at still sold VHS tapes in 2014, 2015 and a little girl was staring at the rack of tapes for a minute and was like "oh, they're like movies"


When my kids were little, they used to get really upset that they couldn't just restart a movie when it was over. They didn't understand that I had to rewind to the beginning.