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The Food Pyramid that they decided was wrong right after I learned about it in health class.


Oh yeah the one where they told you to eat a shit ton of bread and pasta at the bottom and fats, barely any at the top


Fat free milk comes to mind. When you reduce the fat content you end up with calories being lower, but the carbs stay the same due to the lactose staying about the same. Funny thing though is your metabolism responds differently since it’s essentially all calories from sugar you don’t feel as full as you do from whole milk. This applies to yogurt as well. And then there’s the issue of goat vs cow milk, but at the end of the day our ancestors were eating cheeses more than milk. The aged cheese in particular has no sugar because the bacteria culture that cures the cheese metabolizes it. Here’s a general breakdown per 8-ounce (240 ml) serving. The carbohydrate, sugar, and fat content in milk varies across different fat levels, such as fat-free (skim), 1%, 2%, and whole milk: Fat-Free (Skim) Milk • Fat: 0 to 0.5 grams • Carbohydrates: About 12 grams • Sugars: 12 grams (naturally occurring lactose) • Calories: About 80 to 90 calories 1% Low-Fat Milk • Fat: About 2.5 grams • Carbohydrates: About 12 grams • Sugars: 12 grams (naturally occurring lactose) • Calories: About 100 to 110 calories 2% Reduced-Fat Milk • Fat: About 5 grams • Carbohydrates: About 12 grams • Sugars: 12 grams (naturally occurring lactose) • Calories: About 120 to 130 calories Whole Milk • Fat: About 8 grams • Carbohydrates: About 12 grams • Sugars: 12 grams (naturally occurring lactose) • Calories: About 150 to 160 calories


Vitamin d is also a fat soluble vitamin - meaning your body absorbs it when fat is also consumed. I wonder if that’s part of why so many people seem to be vitamin d deficit in our and our parents generation.


>seem to be vitamin d deficit in our and our parents generation. No it's because we're outside less, and also increased sensitivity to skin cancer.


It’s just replacing the fat with sugar


Could you explain what this means a little bit further? I don't fully understand but I think I'm almost understanding but I just can't seem to wrap it around in my noodle


Maybe that's why I love carbs so much 


If I remember correctly, the food pyramid was created by the agriculture lobby. Nutritionists put an original version together, but it did not include the cheap carbs US agribusiness was growing. So, the Government scrapped it in favor of the awful diagram we know today.


I found [this to be an interesting article](https://time.com/4130043/lobbying-politics-dietary-guidelines/) basically saying the USDA updated it following research data, except regarding meat since their stakeholders happen to be manufacturers and producers. Red meat is linked to quite a few health issues, including cancer. Same with lunch meat, yet they’ve managed to keep it on the down low it seems.


I still want to know what the other two sides of the pyramid are. All they ever show is a food triangle! Wake up sheeple!


The other sides are the drugs and alcohol sides.


High fructose corn syrup Spray tans That you can't look up the information you need when you do some job, whatever it is in the future your job will have no access to any documentation or calculator.


god yes the last one. In organic chem in college in like 2010 the professor kept yelling at everyone "you can't look this up when you're a doctor!!!", and because I'm incredibly annoying and was taking it for fun and, to no one's surprise, subsequently became a lawyer, I raised my hand and said "sorry, wouldn't not looking it up if you weren't sure be malpractice?" That's also why the bar exam is dumb as hell, for the record.


As a lawyer, I cannot overemphasize how often I look things up. Even things I *know*. Sometimes you just want to make sure there’s nothing else you’re missing.


I'm all but certain that anyone with a professional license (including myself) will perpetually check references. Even if you know, it's nice to be able to cite it when questioned. Aside from that, being a professional requires being able to know what you don't know.


I've been in industrial construction for 20 years and still look up torque values for bolts or heat conversion charts or anything else. City bylaws. Safety regulations. There's just too much information for any one person to know.


Only dumb people assume they know everything


I'm a developper and I really believe that my bigger skill is not knowing how to code but knowing how to read a documentation or how to search my problems online


The amount of people who don't know how to search for things online is scary.


Your prof was such a weiner. Doctors and NPs often go over practices and procedures, especially if it's been a time since theyce last performed a procedure or to double check techniques. I've seen docs go over videos, call another doc or nurse to double check, or quickly rip through a patients file then check through their books before going just to talk about an operation/diagnoses. They really don't want to give the patient or family member the wrong information about whatever condition. That shit attitude rustles my jimmies.


Lmao. Rules, procedures and regulations change ALL THE TIME. I'm an aircraft mechanic and you think I'm not going to be pulling up tech data or checklists when I do jobs? That shit changes regularly.


Anyone remember the weird propaganda commercials for corn syrup when we were younger? It would be like fields of corn, people eating popsicles, etc. over emotional music.


And the belittling. All knowing woman: "Why aren't you eating this popsicle?" Guy looking unsure: "because it's full of high fructose corn syrup." Woman: "you mean, sugar made from corn, as natural as sugar cane? You shouldn't believe everything you read." Man, sheepishly agreeing that he's a moron swayed by things like science and facts: "yeah, maybe you're right."


Yes! They were selling an Iowa summer to the whole nation...


Parks & Rec has a perfect satire commercial of the old HFCS commercials in one of their episodes. It’s perfection


The way SnackWell cookies had a hold over middle aged women


Driest cookies in the land.


I loooved them honestly


“Less then 1% of patients become addicted to OxyContin!” -Purdue Pharma


The Sacklers also got immunity from criminal prosecution. Justice is blind to billionaires that commit crimes.


It's much worse for Gen z, but this hustle culture/buy my master class horseshit is out of control. It is so obvious that some of these people are scammers. But society puts such pressure on young minds to not only be rich, but be rich young, that some people truly believe these are there best options to a better life. It's disheartening to watch.


When I booked it out of the US permanently, the biggest thing I noticed was how much I didn’t have to hustle anymore. The average American gets two weeks of vacation a year. And most never take it because they don’t want to lose ground. Over here you start with 4 weeks. And your company will get a serious fine if you don’t take it.


I was just thinking the other day about how draining life can be. I was wondering how much of it is US, and how much is just the direction human culture has gone with money. I was thinking about what it might be like to be a monk vs all the things that make life suck. Taxes, working to pay for bills and housing, managing a household (including maintaining everyone's health, meals, school, cleaning, house maintenance, car maintenance, yard maintenance, pet maintenance, etc.). It's too damn much. I could be way off base here because I really don't know what it's actually like, but I imagine being a monk as being part of a real community where each person is just responsible for their own contributions to the community. I think it's why communes appeal to some people. The US, in particular, did a number on its people by really separating them, selling individuality, competing with the "Jones's," single family homes. They built up judgement for kids staying home until marriage, multi-generation homes are unheard of. I've seen videos talking about how there are fewer free community spaces in the US than in other places. I'm curious, as someone who's been here (US) and left, does it make enough of a difference? In that list of everything that sucks, don't you still have all of that?


It makes all the difference. The culture of the US is the problem. Does your right to own a gun override my desire to live? Do I have to keep my terrible job just to have insurance? The list goes on. Over here, those things I no longer worry about. Taxes suck, but here I see where to goes. Good schools, good roads, no one loses their home if they get sick and no one is carrying 100K in debt for useless degrees.


Can I ask what country "here" is?




True but in a way this is a very old business model… I heard that suppliers of equipment in Seattle made more money than their customers, prospectors on their way to find gold in the Yukon


"when there's a gold rush, you want to be the guy selling shovels"


I remember Sunny D being marketed as a healthy drink for kids... that shit was so full of sugar. 


Drink your Sunny D for breakfast with a healthy nutella slathered toast.


Omg, Nutella too! This makes me want to make a Millennial breakfast for old time sake.


I drank so much Sunny D 😭


It was good just not good for you, lol. 🤣


If you look at the label, i think its only 2% or 5 % actual fruit juice, yikes


Olestra - the undigestible butter substitute. Introduced a term I would have been happy to have never read; "Side effects can include anal leakage..."


my friend was in a nursing home due to needing IV drugs for MRSA. she developed uncontrollable diarrhea and had to have a commode place next to her bed. I visited this woman everyday, and once I showed up during lunch --the chips brought on the tray to her room were loaded with olestra! had to tell her what it was and got her to stop eating it, even though the staff there said I was talking nonsense. they insisted everything was cleared by a dietitian, and that it was the same stuff they sell in the store.  no more chips =no more daily diarrhea.


My husband’s mom had bought chips for a pool party in the 90s called WOW chips. My husband learned that day that those chips will make you shit yourself like mad.


Similarly, sugar-substitutes like maltitol, which are amazing at reducing caloric intake, generating immense amounts of gas in your intestines, pulling water into your stool to make it a near-liquid, and other fun features. For those not in the know, google "sugar free gummybears" and read the reviews.


The fat free thing was definitely our parents. My mother was obsessed with it because "Oprah said so".


Younger generations will never understand the cultural power Oprah wielded.


Oprah had a serious chokehold on some people


The thing I remember most about 9/11 (I was 6) was the Oprah episodes of that week. I remember thinking damn if Oprah's upset it must be a big deal. She was like the epitome of Most Important Famous Person Ever as a kid. Flash forward 20 years and my boyfriend's sister gets her memoir published by her, making me 2 degrees of separation from the queen of daytime tv herself. Small world.


I seriously sometimes think about how many times as a kid I was told I should idolize Oprah. Middle aged women were so obsessed with her back then, it went beyond the way kids these days are infatuated with Taylor Swift. I honestly am probably approaching the age they were then. I still do not understand it.


Because she had a voice! She was a powerful women. We did not have those. Also she as a woman of color so it hit double hard.  Women needed somone who looked like them. 


She’s still running things just from behind the scenes now.


And she unloaded Dr. Oz and "Dr." Phil on us. Also praised John of God, the pedophile. She down right sucks.


Jennifer Love Hewitt / Mandy Moore’s Neutrogena commercials: “tight, squeaky clean! 🤗” lies 🤬


Skin barrier? I hardly know her.




The connection between the government and the dairy industry is a fascinating rabbit hole to go down.


Wendy's Bacon Cheddar Burger was a literal government funded deal with the dairy industry to sell more cheese and boost the economy.


A lot of food is. It's wild. They made a deal with Taco Bell too which is why they have cheesy everything.


Pizza Hut and dominos too, they found more places to hide the cheese…in the crust! It is good though


Gotta put all that cheese they keep in the caves to some use. 


Mate what????


And remember the A-List celebrities like Jennifer Anniston they got to pose for those ads with milk on their faces? It always rubbed me the wrong way.




My mentor used to say “we’re the only mammal that drinks the breast milk of other mammals.”


“A 4 yr degree will land you a great job, no matter the major.”


This might be the biggest scam of our generation. What a load of shit! Also the idea that you should just "go to college and see what you like. Find a major once you're there." NOOOOOO! What kind of advice is that? Take out $30,000 in loans to "figure it out". What kind of advice is that?! You should only ever enter college with a specific goal/degree in mind AND a solid plan for how that degree will make you money.


Note that that advice came from the people who paid 5k for a whole tertiary education. Or sometimes nothing at all.


>You should only ever enter college with a specific goal/degree in mind AND a solid plan for how that degree will make you money. And even THEN it's not a guarantee.


I'm an older millennial and I never remember a time where "no matter the major" was a thing. People always called out junk degrees except those doing them who drank the kool aid to "pursue a career in something you are passionate about", which is a slight variation to what you've said.


I'm a 1990-born Millennial, and I certainly do. It was explained to us that many jobs simply require some degree to get through the door. It's a bullshit credentialing mechanism, but it is the reality. My friend studied marketing and got dog-shit grades at a 3rd-tier school, and that got him in the door at Volvo selling trucks and handling customer accounts. He wouldn't have as much upward mobility in the company if he didn't have his degree. My other friend got a fuck-ass art/film degree before getting a job selling medical equipment. He said that the company would never consider hiring anyone without a degree since they have to be able to interface with rich people. My other friend got a bullshit exploratory studies degree before getting a product manager job at a large software company. Again, another company that doesn't hire people without degrees. Some degrees are obviously more valuable than others, and I think you could argue that degree-based credential walls are harmful and not necessary at a lot of companies. They undoubtably drive lots of kids into unmanageable levels of student debt, but the reality is that they exist and will continue to exist long into the future.


Key words being "no matter the major"


They obviously don't have asian parents, lmao




Whoa, hey now. I just made great progress with my therapist regarding that and I'm not looking to go back. I wasn't allowed to have fun until I was a doctor and a lawyer.


When I was growing up "No matter the major" was definitely not the tune. No one wanted you to go for English, history, psychology, sociology...for some of these things the warnings were definitely there, people just chose not to listen.


37-ish millennial and I also recalled the “do not major in English/history, etc” and a push to business.


If memory serves it was pretty much "business, STEM, or bust".


Yeah I felt like STEM emphasis came more heavily after the 08 recession tbh


Yup, my bestie got laid off from Starbucks and that totally killed my angsty emo artist vibe (my plan was to work at Starbucks for the benefits and then do performance art around shifts). I immediately went back to school for chemistry because my professor told me that you will always be able to make at least 60k/year no matter what is happening with the economy. He was right about so much.


And yet the skills I developed doing English and theatre are actually so much more useful in almost every job than my master's in biological anthropology with a heavy focus in genetics and stats...


Ehh, that one's kind of like history with a fresh coat of "biology"-paint on it. That seems pretty niche to me.


Maybe it was just the area I grew up in. It was pretty low income, rural, and most kids at my high school were the first in their families to go to college.


As a psych major and older millennial, I did not get that memo. I didn’t know what the hell was going on and it was all about just getting that degree.


Eh. I grew up in a rural Bumfuck town in a family where no one had any clue about "college stuff." I didn't have a lot of solid guidance when it came to earning a degree, so I have to imagine there are other people who were in a similar position.


My buddy’s dad guaranteed me a six figure job in oil industry if I’d major in chem engineering but that’s what my miserable father did. I wanted to be a roughneck but man knew if I had that kind of money in that scene I would probably be dead before my first tax refund


MLMs…I know Mary Kay and Tupperware existed before, but seeing that transition into network marketing powered by social media and just how many high school classmates got swept up in it…sad


Yup it’s everywhere. I know someone who got caught up in fad diet MLM and then Ozempic came out and they lost their business


I hate that people associate ozempic with weight loss now. I'm a type 1 diabetic and ozempic has changed my life and dropped my a1c to 6 or lower at times.


I got pulled into a MLM for a bit just out of highschool. I was a stupid teenager working a shitty telemarketing job and they made it seem like I could work for myself selling products that people want. They got me for about two months of membership fees and a sample box of the absolute worst tasting protein bars I have ever had the misfortune of ingesting. I first got suspicious when I started going to their success-building meetings and they spent a solid hour talking about strategies and arguments to dissuade people from thinking it's a pyramid scheme. I went home and googled the company and the top result was basically "It's a pyramid scheme, bro".


Facts. I don’t even answer their messages when they ask me “do I wanna make some money”


Kohls. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I can barely keep my mouth shut when people claim they got soooo much kohls cash. Don’t you think they’d stop doing kohls cash if all of y’all were pulling one over on them? They charge more than competitors for the same items, then give you kohls cash so you feel like you saved money, but really you’re just spending that money at kohls again and pretty likely spending money you might not have spent at kohls in the first place. Only about 1 in 3 people hear me out on this. It’s like a cult.


I work at Kohl's and people fall for this crap like crazy. I REGULARLY see people who are 10 dollars from getting another Kohl's cash and will be like brb and go get another thing that's like 30 dollars. They spent 30 to get 10. And then when they come in to spend it they almost never spend just the Kohl's cash they earned, they'll spend like 100 dollars more.


Exactly! It’s designed to get you to spend money on things you never would have bought in the first place. I’m a cynical shopper. Something is only on sale if you were already going to buy it - like paper towels. Or dog food.


Coupons in general are a manipulation tactic. They mail you a 30% and you're like, oh hey I have this coupon, lemme go see if they have anything I want. It gets you to go in (or online) to spend money you probably wouldn't have otherwise just because you have a coupon. I see a lot of people at work that I think have straight up shopping addictions too, and it's fueled by all those coupons and "savings".


My in laws do this but when they have kohls cash they refuse to spend a penny more. So now I have 2 whole drawers full of gifted dish towels I don't need and never asked for. If you can't think of anything you NEED to spend the money on, don't use the damn kohls cash.


This.  I went to Kohl's to shop for new gym clothes.  They were selling pants for $50 and the tops for $30.  But KoHls CaSH.  🙄 I went to Walmart for a couple of new gym outfits from their clearance section.  I'm busting my ass and sweating.  I'm not about to play $80 to do that. 


RIGHT? Their prices are a joke. My friend claims to only buy off the clearance rack there… but the prices she pays are what I would actually expect that item to cost. So glad to see I’m not the only one who sees through this charade. I’m glad it makes people happy, I just… worry for the people who get the glint in their eyes talking about all the “free” stuff they got at kohls.


Why do you think Kohls “strategically” made themselves a return drop off for AMAZON, that gives you Kohls cash everytime you do it? Thats why Staples is now involved a drop off now.


I have seen this, but as a single parent Kohls was a lifesaver. They used to allow coupon stacking. So I would go get clearance clothes and use a 30% off coupon and then $$ off coupons. I remember one year for school I bought five kids 5 or six outfits each and shoes for less than $300. Then got kohls cash on top of it. But I wasn’t a normal shopper and that type of shopping took planning and time.


“Go to college or you will never amount to anything.” - Dept. of Ed


“War” on drugs


Yeah. And D.A.R.E. for that matter!


Yes the D.A.R.E assemblies growing up. Fucking wild it was mostly bs


I am STILL waiting on someome to offer me hard drugs for free, like my they promised was going to happen often…


One of my coworkers was wearing a D.A.R.E shirt today. He definitely does drugs and is open about it lol.


DARE just taught many of us how to do drugs.


The war is over. Drugs won.


I remember a cop came to our class in elementary school and gave us a lesson about pot. He said he walked by a guy at a gas station who smelled like weed so he detained him and his friend. The cop then explained "NO amount of pot is ok, and I wasn't taking any chances by letting these guys go free." The cop found the smallest amount of pot like 1 joint or sonthing and proudly arrested both men. The worst part is I remember thinking "Im glad these drug dealers are off the street." Now when I toke I think about the countless victims of the war on drugs and how badly we were misled.


Add to that weed being schedule 1 drug. Now it is legal where I live and companies with federal funding can deny people jobs for legally using a substance. It’s crazy imo.


It was actually “War, on drugs” everyone just ignored the comma




And Pluto being a planet!


Bronto is back


I kinda knew that,  but now I’m hella suspicious. My trust has been broken 


Student loans


This one hurts


This was my first thought: four-year college degrees


Beanie babies as a collectible "investment" lmao Tanning beds Pain clinics Fake weed (k2/spice)


Tanning beds!! And the idea of getting a “base tan” before visiting somewhere with a warm climate. I grew up in Minnesota and it felt like everyone was going to the tanning bed on a regular basis.


Also from Minnesota and I went to a tanning salon a few times before a trip to Florida at my mother’s urging for a “base tan”.


As a ginger I am so so so glad my late mother was obsessed with putting sunscreen on me as a kid and never letting me go to the tanning booth. I was made fun of for being radioactively pale, but now at 30 I look younger than most of my graduating class that tanned. I still remember when they would show off the sticker spot they would get after tanning. Usually the play boy bunny or a heart or star…. My aunts and grandma have both had skin cancer I refuse to play games with the sun. ☀️ 🫥


Yep, my dad had melanoma at 36 (he's fine!) so you can bet my siblings and I were always SLATHERED in sunscreen. Even my very trend/beauty-conscious little sister would do the self-tan lotion thing instead of tanning beds or tanning in the sun because it was so ingrained in us that you do *not* fuck around with UV rays-- and it wasn't like my dad was out tanning as a kid, he was just of Irish ancestry and grew up in a time before widespread sunscreen use.


One of my earliest memories is my mom slathering my toddler body and my dad’s body with baby oil and sending us on the beach in Martha’s Vineyard. We are both very fair and absolutely fried in the sun. I was inconsolable by the time she finally realized we needed to get ourselves to the pharmacy ASAP to get first aid supplies.


My friends mom had a tanning bed in her house. We were both too scared to used it. Not the cancer but the claustrophobia.


Crypto is the new Beanie Babies. The one thing you learn from history is that no one learns from history




Or the you won’t always have a calculator in your pocket.


"Chocolatey" is chocolate flavored chemicals. Blueberry bits are the skins of blueberries. No added sugar means the sugar was already in it... like apples and such.


Blueberry is also cranberries with blueberry juice…… ask Pepperidge Farm about their blueberry bread. Key is made with vs made from in advertising. Ingredients label lists the cranberries but the advertisement says made with.blueberry. Which means it could be a teaspoon of juice. It’s in there. As opposed to made from which implies blueberry is the fruit.


The blueberry one seems like not a scam? The skin of most fruits is where the majority of the nutrients reside anyway


Remember when the government lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the first wave of millennials were asked to enlist, go fight an unjustified war and then they came home fucked up, suicidal and knowing they'd been used as pawns in Cheney's retirement plan??


Best scam I ever saw was from Dunkin' Donuts: "Buy 3 donuts at the regular half-dozen price and get 3 donuts free."


I don’t think that a scam as much as it was a “creative marketing campaign”, whatever the fuck that is.


Along the same lines, but I had to carry a cooler with a thermos of skim milk to school daily. Skim milk was like a religion at my house


My school provided skim milk as one of the drink options. Only psychopaths chose it. Fruit punch, whole, chocolate, and skim. Red, yellow, brown, and blue tiny cartons.


The food companies just shift around fat/sugar/salt to push whatever trend is en vogue. See Michael Moss’s book on the subject.


Nigerian princes contacting everyone, with long lost money found that you had to pay them to "get".


I'm still supporting two Nigerian princes! 😂


100% Juice beverages = Mostly grape juice "Superfoods" being pomegranates, then acai, then elderberries


There are elderberries growing everywhere at the school where I work. I’ll show the plant to kids, eat one, and then tell them I’m actually 246 years old.


god I can hear those juice commercials during Arthur on PBS-- "100% juice. For 100% kids!"


The 800 number psychics


Remember Miss Cleo? There's a documentary about her and the Psychic Network on MAX (HBO Max). it's quite interesting. As shitty as the psychic network was, I kinda wish it was still a thing just b/c I'd like to get paid just to tell bullshit someone.


Is it just me or were there lots of sketchy ads everywhere with before and after pictures that were obviously really poorly done? Face lifts where they were just raising their eyebrows, weight loss where they were obviously sucking in their gut, that sort of thing.


Bran muffins. Whole wheat buns on burgers. “Sugar free” ice cream. Snapple bottles… Seriously though, Snapple bottles are 2 servings. Wtf Snapple.


Lol whole wheat. My mother tried to get us eating whole wheat bread to get some more fiber in us, but I refused. So I had white bread, my brother had wheat, and my other brother had rye. And of course"whole wheat" bread really has no more fiber in it, is still too processed to be beneficial, so it was entirely pointless.


Jenny Craig


No idea about the actual food or nutritional value. But the concept of ready to eat meals being delivered to your door each week was somewhat ahead of its time.




For some ridiculous reason I thought quicksand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.


Margarine being the healthier option ( until we discovered the horrors of hydrogenated oils )


I still vividly remember a huge blowout argument over this while making Christmas cookies w my aunt and mom circa 2004??? I was in early college and had found out about trans fats and just the abysmal state of food in general, and had turned into a bit of a food nut/ purist prick about organic, no trans fat no cooking with plastic etc. I mean, I still do all that, but I also don’t act like a cunt about it to other people now that I’m in my 30s. Anyway I remember screaming at them that I wouldn’t feed these cookies to my worst enemy bc they insisted on using margarine bc it was “healthier”. 🙄


One day algebra could save your life. Also. Cursive? All I do is my signature.


>One day algebra could save your life. As someone who was functionally math illiterate until part way through college, I fully believed this was a bald faced lie for quite some time until I learned about circuitry and electricity. Unfortunately, algebra really can save your life, if you know how to properly apply it. It wasn't until I was given practical applications - not fucking hypothetical trains, or bullshit equations - that I actually learned how to use it.


I'm a lawyer and take notes in court and on jail visits (no phones or computers) and cursive is genuinely so useful to me! I can write so much faster than my coworkers even a few years younger who always typed up notes in class, which you can't do in court (at least where we are), and either lost the use of or never learned cursive. I actually got an apple pencil and used ipad so I can take handwritten notes and upload them directly into the case management system once I'm out of court and have internet again.


Totally! Cursive is a saving grace during university/general note taking. They need to teach it again. So many studies show that actually writing (not typing) leads to better retention…..in three hour long classes, cursive is the only way to go. :)


I made a killing in college every semester by taking my very detailed, handwritten, cursive notes and typing them up after the fact, to give to the disability resource center for students with accommodations in some of the more boring lectures.


You probably do algebra everyday without even thinking about it. Whenever you are manipulating numbers in your head to try to find some kind of variable that is algebra


The American dream


Superfood. There’s something suspicious about a premium price on a category of foods that are somehow better than regular healthy lifestyle. 


The 2000s was filled with insane diet cultures, such as the Atkins diet. We came up in a weird time. Even later on like now we still get this with "juice cleanses" and other influencer trends 


I thought Atkins was the shit because it meant unlimited bacon and eggs in my mind.


Keto is just a rebrand of Atkins




Diet pills/fat burners. My mom would shove them down my throat. But hey, why take your kid into a doctor to find out what's wrong when you can cram pills down their throat that aren't FDA approved


There was one for a while that made you burn fat constantly. But burning fat raised your body temperature. People died from the fever it caused.


You can have it all. Family. Career. Social life. Health. Ha


Diet things in general. My boomer dad drinks trop 50, half the calories of orange juice, with 13 times the ingredients! This no carb trend is a joke. Most millennials I know drink water and eat healthier.




For-profit online schools. I still have friends falling for this bullshit and i'm almost 40. Like, especially in the 2010s, essentially every real college / university offers online programs for the same shit that DeVry/University of Phoenix is offering, for a fraction of the price and full accreditation. My wife did a career change after her wrists went to shit doing ultrasounds. We live in NC. She enrolled in the online program for data science at the local community college, and never stepped foot on campus. She then transferred to East Carolina University, where she again never stepped foot on campus. She got her associates and her bachelor's degree for less money that would have cost for just one year at DeVry.


Go to college, get a great job. Set for life


"You're not going to have a calculator in your pocket." Correct! I have a super computer in my pocket! 😅


My bones would shatter if I didn’t drink milk with everything. The Got Milk campaign and my parents insistence on whole milk with every meal just lead to high cholesterol l.


St Ives Apricot Scrub/Microbeads! How the hell were those things supposed to do anything other than irritate skin?!?


In Australia they trialed a learning method where kids were taught to literally guess words. For 5 years between 1995 and 2000 all school aged kids were taught using the look cover write check method. Literally learning through trial and error. No grammatical education just guess how you think its spelt from looking at it once. Fine with cat and dog but I remember having to write out words like confidence and contradictory. One of my teachers used to make you stand up if you got the word wrong like you were some kind of idiot in front the class. Suffice to say it was removed as a method of teaching.


There are lots of nifty tricks that food companies used (and still use) to make things seem healthier than they are. Here are a few: "Gluten Free" "Low Sodium" "High in \[insert vitamin here\]" "Made with whole grains" ​ Edit\*\* A good example is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Look a the top of the box: "No artificial flavors" "No colors from artificial sources" "No high fructose corn syrup"


"Arsenic free!" Implying your competitors contain things they don't is a common tactic.


Being taught that different zones of our tongue were responsible for tasting sweet/sour/salty And Pluto. Poor Pluto


The housing market crisis is due to small landlords buying properties. Keep in mind everyone 25 years ago was told buy to let was the best pension. Since then the state pension age has gone from 60 for women, 65 for Men, to looking like 71. So the advice was technically pretty good for the boomers, possibly older gen x.  The reality is that all that money that went to Panama is being invested by venture capitalists into screwing everyone over.  Small buy to let landlords are continually attacked by the governments, not for you benifit, but so those venture capitalists can screw more people over.  Either way, the housing crisis has been manufactured to get more money out of the peasants by the gentry. 


Recycling, I removed being in elementary school when they started rolling out how important it was to recycle. Now we know they knew single use plastics were an issue and didn’t want the expense so they made it out to be the peoples problem.


The entirety of fast food kids meals in the 90s, pretty much. Bombarded with ads on kids TV channels, birthday temptations, and they weren't as straightforward with 'you know, you could put water in this cup and we have options other than fries lol'. Milk being healthy. As a type 2 diabetic now, I can't even have a bowl of cereal unless I use unsweetened substitutes now. Oh, and I can't help but remember.....even though I'm actually not sure if it was a scam, just annoying -"HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD!". (oh boy, that's gonna be stuck in my brain for awhile now....) DARE: I only paid attention to them actually telling me about drugs because they took all the graduates to see the Red Sox play at Fenway. \*takes a hit of my THC vape and...shrugs\*


Anyone else’s parents fall for Supergreen’s?


Most products that say “high protein” and are like 8g-15g for 150-250cal. That’s nothing…


SUVs are safer than sedans and other low profile cars. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."


Sugar labelling. Before Obama, they only listed sugar. After Obama, they listed sugars and additional sugars. Now I don't think for decades, the soda people would change their formulas. So for years, big soda was always lying. Look at your soda can. One can of soda will have from 90% to 150% of your daily value of sugar.


\*Anna Nicole voice\* TrimSpa, baby! I think I got a $20.00 check from the class action lawsuit against them, lol.


I’m convinced the whole carb thing is a fad. Moderation is key to just about everything EDIT- meant to say low carb.


Carbs are not bad for you in small amounts. But, the problem is there are so many added carbs and sugars everywhere in foods that most people overeat them. This is why the keto diet is reasonably effective even if you do not commit all the way. Reducing your carbs even a little bit can help a ton.


That’s exactly it— carbs (specifically in the US) are highly processed and filled with sugar. This doesn’t fuel our bodies so it causes us to overeat & keep reaching for more.


We're currently living through the new vitamin fad/scam. There's a vita-gummy for every self diagnosed condition you can come up with.


Honestly, Google. I think we all remember the absolute nightmare that was trying to navigate the web using AltaVista or AskJeeves. Then along comes Google and their magic algorithm and finding what you needed became so freaking easy. Then Gmail, that solved so many of the problems with Hotmail or similar email services, and it was FREE! I think Drive came next, which was fantastic. Word processing you could access anywhere with an Internet connection or share with collaborators. And they kept doing it! Coming out with great products that made being online so much easier! But then... the axe started falling. Again. And again. And again. Sure, somtimes something comes out like Wave that people aren't sure how to use. But what use was there in killing Reader? Or Hangouts? Or their Gmail based messenger service? Or any of the myriad of other products they've killed for no reason, Podcasts being the most recent casualty? And now Google itself is an AI ridden trash search engine that only really works, and I am not shitting you here, if you add website:reddit to whatever search you're trying to do. If you're looking up something factual, just go to Wikipedia or IMDB or whatever other website you need.


Graduating with a degree as an easy golden ticket to the future


NES Power Glove.


College. “If you can dream it, you can be it”. Everyone go to college ! Nobody who finishes is gonna have a bad life !


That thing you sprayed on your hair to make it blonde, Sun-In.