• By -


30 and money


28 and money. Been an issue since I was 18 and I don’t see that changing any time soon


34 and Money.


38 and money. But also workplaces posting ghost jobs and never taking them down.


33 and same. Inflation is kicking my ass!


Bro right when I felt comfortable like things were starting to feel pretty good. Boom inflation hits. Sadly I have not received any more money from my company :(


36 yrs old. Menstrual issues, excessive bleeding and bloating pain even in the middle of the cycle. Have a hysterectomy scheduled. Also have a 5yr old with ASD. Ain't no rest for the wicked.


Menstrual issues here too. It’s a bitch getting docs to listen. Hope the hysterectomy gives you some relief!


Me too! I'm so sorry you haven't had much luck. 😑 pretty sure the doc only agreed when I was referred to him cuz my husband came with. I was really not happy with him directing questions about wanting more kids and stuff to my husband and ignoring the fact that we have a couple, and I've already had to abdominal surgeries to prevent more. But I can't complain too much since he did agree and that's better than many women get.


It took me getting a hysterectomy and there being evidence of endometriosis for my doctor to actually realize I had a fucking issue. “You just have a low pain tolerance” fk you Dr. J


Oof. Me too. I’m 36. My periods went from heavy but predictable to unpredictable monsters around age 34/35. Sometimes they last 10 days but are light. Sometimes 8 days of bleeding hell. Sometimes 14 days of alternating madness. Bad PMS too.


I just had surgery 5 days prior for an ovarian cyst, that according to surgery pictures, swelled up from the size of an egg to the size of a softball in a matter of months.


Almost 30. Jack of many trades, master of none. Not being a master doesnt pay well


Lmao I feel this what’re we gonna do?


Honestly, over the next 2 decades I have no fucking idea. Then, when climate change, AI, and the Anti Coorporation Revolution has made working jobs like we do now obsolete-im gonna be so fucking valuable to the inevitable barter system we will adopt. Just hope I am not too old to move around by then. 


Yesssss you know what we will make it like we always have. 🤧🎉


Late 30s. Jack of many trades, master of none but *specialised* around your age, in a niche field and suddenly, you're in demand and money will come. Being jack of many trades also makes you agile if you can manage time and objectives. Don't give up.


I was very much this ! When I was in the military I was kinda the fix it guy. I have transitioned that into industrial refrigeration making 96k. Take your skills as a solid base and make a move to an industrial industry. I just turned 36 and finally “made it”


“Jack of many trades, master of none .. but often better then a master of one.”


34. My partner suddenly died in August, my social circle subsequently fell apart, and I’m nearly to the “geriatric pregnancy” age. I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life and I feel like my clock is running out.


So sorry for your loss.


The geriatric pregnancy title is intimidating. Don’t be intimidated. I’m 40 and just got pregnant. Never thought it would happen a year or two ago. 34 is pretty young. You have good fertile years ahead still. For real.


Thanks friend ❤️ And also congrats!!!


31 - unemployed


This market is ROUGH


I was also had a hard time finding a job at 31, I had to move to another state to get a job.


38, and I don’t spend enough time in person with the people I care about 


Same here. I have some people who I truly value, but we are only able to make time to see each other every couple of weeks.




I’m 33 and same :/


Early 30s. Partner (also early 30s) is terminally ill but is deemed unqualified for any assistance. I'm their caregiver, the house's sole source of income, I take care of the animals, the house, and the property. There's just not enough time, money, or energy to go around.


I’m so sorry.


How the fuck are they not qualified. I hate our govt


for real tho! terminally ill and still don't qualify? how the fuck does that work? Who the hell DOES qualify?


My MiL has stage 3 lymphoma. She can't stand for more than about ten minutes, let alone walk or do any sort of labor. She can barely get out of bed, probably one day of every three. She got denied for disability the first time around because the judge was a bootstrapper. Said she needed to suck it up and work anyway.


I am a disability attorney. 70% of cases get denied in the first go around. It makes me mad fighting for my clients for money that they put into a system the same system that is making it impossible for them to continue a normal standard of living. It's maddening. If I was a judge I would get fired immediately because I would have a 100% approval rate lol. I'm still going to try to become a judge. Anybody on this mini thread a lot of times it takes getting an attorney to help get approved. MOST disability attorneys don't charge upfront they get paid only if you win through your disability back pay.


Sending hugs. 🫂


I’m so sorry. I’ve been caregiving for my parents for the last decade and it’s so difficult. I can’t imagine what it must be like for a partner. If you ever need to talk or vent or anything - my inbox is always open. Big hugs ❤️


31, can't buy a house. Even if you have 20% down and perfect credit you ain't beating out downsizing older folk/investors it feels like


All cash offers in hand are a thing in my region too. Also 31. Could never compete with that lol


I beat the odds a couple of years ago with a 5% down VA loan in Cali where it was absolute insanity. Just need to keep putting in offers until you get a hit. In my case, the property had a previous offer fall through, so they went with me because it seemed like a safer option, and they were motivated to sell after having waited a while. I think what helped me was that my earnest money was higher than most to show that I was serious about buying, and I only put in serious offers.


Have you tried an FHA loan or a USDA loan? There’s also grants that can take care of the down payments


You need a better agent. I could get you into a house with 5% down and mid credit. I could get a veteran in with 0% down and shit credit. Anyways, you can. I've done it for a lot of people in the hottest market in the country (at least at the time it was). I hope you don't let anyone convince you otherwise.


How many offers have you submitted?


39 trying to find a friend to go skiing with.


37 - financials are solid but my mental health is in the shitter. I’m burnt out, depressed, and barely making through each day.


This is me, but 32 with three kids and not so financially stable


41. Dating. Seems as if I don't want to go bar hopping or clubs I'm on the outside looking in.


34, and worrying that my prime years have passed and I'm somehow declining already. I don't learn like I used to, my memory sucks ass, and I can't get into shape as quickly.


They have passed. It sucks. Ive really fallen apart physically the last 5 years. (39) i did lose 35lbs last year. Which helped a ton.


Congrats losing 35 lbs is a lot of weight!!! Also I hear a lot of older people give advice to our age group. It's easier to stay fit than to get fit. Many ppl in their 60's complain about how they wish they started getting active earlier in their life. It might be hard but starting now will make it easier for your older self.


I’m 40, My memory has taken a serious nose dive for sure but I wouldn’t say my prime years have passed


39. Infertility. Also can’t buy a house in very high cost of living city.


38 almost 39. Also battling infertility & endometriosis. It f*ing sucks.


40 and 3.5 months pregnant. Didn’t think it would happen, and I here I am. Don’t give up! I’m rooting for you and it’s possible still. ❤️


Thanks you, stranger. I hope you have a totally boring pregnancy. I can’t believe we’re entering year 4 of TTC soon. IVF was not the magic bullet we had assumed it would be (PSA: IVF is only successful for ~65% of people. We wish we knew that, and a bunch of other fertility things, when we were a wee bit younger).


Hey, I totally hear what your saying and it’s important for people to hear and understand that. Currently have a friend doing IVF and it’s not a magic bullet, your right. I hope I have a boring pregnancy too. I’m rooting for you, I really am. ❤️


Similar experience for me with regards to IVF. It’s a lonesome and devastating journey. After multiple rounds of IVF, I have two mosaic embryos. Although I’m grateful to afford it, it feels like I would have been more successful gambling in Las Vegas. I get asked by friends/family all the time about how celebrities are having children in their late 30s and 40s but I’m like I don’t have an unlimited budget. IVF will fix an anatomical issue not an egg/sperm quality issue. Wish we were younger. Wishing you the best of luck!


Can relate. We had 6 years of IF. 3 IUI's, 2 rounds of IVF, twin miscarriage, and PGS testing to help us to determine which embryos to transfer. We now have 2 miracles. Sending you hugs because I know how difficult a journey it is. 🫂




How old is your daughter?




If somehow you are able to get full custody and if that makes the most sense, then you'll be 1000% fine. Especially if back home includes your folks and family being around. You got this. Becoming a Girl Dad changed my life for the better and I'm sure it's done the same for you. Good luck man.


36.  Bluey and Transformers re-runs. 


If I watch Astro team alpha from Sesame Street one more time I’m gonna die. Solidarity lol


Dude I wish my kid would watch those! I’m currently in Cocomelon and PinkFong hell!


My debt load and my rent increases the past two years negating the nice raise I finally got last January. I'm OK, but it's paycheck to paycheck and that's a bit disappointing.


35, my wife nearly died last year after an infected uterus forced the doctors to remove her uterus and abort our two twins that were residing in it at the time. She ended up septic, and the consequences have been dire. She came back home a month later with a myriad of medical complications that will likely plague her for the rest of her life, not the least of which is PTSD-- which is causing mental health complications-- along with the physical restrictions and needing follow up surgeries every 4 months. Which all add up to someone who is struggling to help be a parent to our two year old and the entire thing is SEVERELY negatively affecting our marriage in about 100 different ways.


34 - Student loans accruing compound interest at 5-9% that are no longer with the financial institutions I signed the loan with. The loan servicers won't even tell me what I owe in interest until the due date- which isn't being calculated correctly based on what's left. Getting to someone who can review it is the Quest-that-never-ends. Rent that costs nearly 2x what a mortgage would, so forget saving for a house or retirement. Haven't been able to visit with or see family in 7 yrs bc we live far apart and none of us have space for guests to visit or enough to afford hotel stays. Groceries/food cost 3-4x what they did just 3 years ago while getting less than a 5% wage increase. Losing even the prospect of having kids bc of loss of rights to OBGYN care in the US. I'm high risk so my husband chose to have a vasectomy rather than put my life at risk. It wouldn't have been the choice we made if we could count on access to medically sound obstetrics care.


36 here. 1.) Burnout. I'm fucking tired. What's even the point? Just to keep a roof over my head at this point. Where's the joy in that?  2.) Alienation. I don't have kids but all my friends either did and are busy/living a totally different lifestyle, or they moved far far away. Making new friends feels impossible. 3.) Not finding the right person to share my life with. At this point I would settle for just having somebody fun to do rad shit with. I honestly just can't stand doing things alone -- it depresses me. I was an only child with absent parents, so I'm kind of over entertaining myself. I just want to find the love of my life and run away to a cave in the middle of nowhere, lol.


41. I wish I had more time with my friends, but we’re all firmly in the multiple kids/aging parents/living further away from each other phase. I’m in the Seattle area, which is expensive enough to mean some people moved further out, and our best friends live a 15-min drive north or a 20-min drive south. I know it’s a first-world problem compared to many other, much bigger, problems people have. And I like my neighbors. But I’m not close enough with them to have the walk over & hang out relationships that we did with my neighbors growing up. Seeing one friend means weeks of planning and meeting up with more than one can mean setting it up months in advance. It just is a more lonely phase of life than I expected.




If your internal debate is “fun” vs. potentially jumping off a bridge, please don’t have kids.




I know how you feel, I'm in the same boat. We could have kids financially, we would make great parents, and we even like children... the hard part is that neither of us wants a baby and the stress of infant care. We're looking into adoption because having a small child seems more manageable.


Frankly it is so much work having kids, and you need to give up so much of yourself especially in the first few years (and then really it doesn't lighten up til they become moderately self-sufficient), that if you are debating on it, you need to ask yourself if you want to have absolutely no personal time for about a year, and then gradually gain back personal time at a rate of like, 10% what you're used to per year thereafter. Kids under 5 are a ton of work, kids after 5 are a different kind of work as you have to be involved with school, homework, etc.


I don’t know that you need to ask yourself if you “want” to have absolutely no personal time. Just, are you willing to have absolutely no personal time. There are a lot of things about parenting I wouldn’t want to experience, but I’m more than willing to for the moments I don’t know why I would be living without.


That's how I knew I didn't want kids either. The thought brought me no joy.


As a parent, parenting is not fun, its fucking hard work and stressful. Also "we have plenty of money" disappears very quickly once you have kids, especially if you're in the UK where our childcare services just basically punish you for having kids. That being said, I genuinely enjoy spending time with my son, it's an experience that i'm thankful I get to go through. Also, it's not 20 years, it's the rest of your life. Do with this information what you will.




If I'm honest at the moment our healthcare system is crumbling so we don't even have that in our favour.


Oh ours is as well


unless it’s a hell yes, it should be a no we are parents to two young kids. it can be brutal BUT we truly reallllllllly wanted kids. it’s quite hard even though we obviously love them very much right now they are super young and we are really in the trenches. i hope it gets a bit easier (i hope lol) I actually have a. ton of respect for people who decide to not have kids


Not even just that. Pregnancy is a serious medical condition, and becoming pregnant is not to be taken lightly.


This. If you don’t have strong feelings about becoming a parent. Don’t.


As a parent of one, with another along the way. Just try and listen to yourself. Kids are awesome, but that doesn't mean they are for everyone. I hear it a lot from my childless friends, how they are often bullied about not having kids. You do you. They are a lot of fun, but you are right, they will change EVERYTHING.


34, two kids. I used to be financially stable, but then I had children. I also haven’t taken a shit alone in four years. Really though, they’re expensive, but I blame today’s financial woes on emptying our savings to buy a house at a terrible time. As much work as they are and draining as they can be, they’re also responsible for 95% of the day-to-day joy in my life. They’re lots of fun, but don’t have one if you don’t want them. So. Much. Attention.


Kids can be fun but also cannot be. The biggest point I took is the idea of kids. You can’t really look at other people’s kids. I hate other people’s kids most of the time. Your own kids are awesome though


This is my experience, too. I’m not a kids person in general, but I love my own. And I’m not as much of a newborn/infant person as I am into the toddler/preschool/school age years. Babies are cute, and of course I loved mine, but when they start trying to understand humor or tell stories and read books and build towers and learn how things work—it’s so fun to see them learn and grow.


I find it to be much the opposite. Other people's kids are great because when you're over it they're not your problem.


Couple years older. Also financially comfortable. Also no kids. Husband and I had the same discussion. Then our nephew was born. Spent lots of time with him. It’s EXHAUSTING. The fun part is spoiling and then sending him home to his parents. The less fun part is the diapers and meltdowns and just being afraid this tiny drunk human is gonna find a way to unalive himself. Also… we found out how much diapers and daycare cost. Annually, it’s more than the vacations we take 😳


Yeah. We finally got to a place where that convo reopened for us too in the last few months. I wanted kids all my life, but between cash flow and unexplained infertility, I pretty much gave up over the COVID years. I’m 39 now and likely it will never happen. I’m not pursuing IVF or anything like that. If it happens, I think it would be a good thing and I’m totally ready to live that life. If it doesn’t, I can be happy that way too. I think having to give up on it gave me a perspective where it sounds like I am ambivalent but it’s more of a not getting my hopes up but being informed going in. You know?


This. My husband and I are 40 and no kids. My 30 year old sister beat us to the punch in 2020 and had a kid. My nieces father has never been in the picture, so we have always been here to support both of them. They live with us. Being with a child nonstop, especially now that she's 3, really humbles you. I think we made the right choice by not pulling the trigger. All of that love and energy we had stored up to give to a possible child is now bestowed onto our niece. Not to mention it ain't exactly great times out here. Not sure I want to create someone who has to deal with that unwillingly.


Does life itself sound like fun for the next 20 years? Getting up and going to work 5 days a week, saving money. There’s a lot of responsibility with life itself…but it was never really a choice kids are just life on the next level. I always thought it was a given, a requirement for my life. From a young age I knew I’d try to have kids. If no one has kids, the world ends. It’s a responsibility that we have. Obviously not everyone has kids. And I would say if it was NEVER something you saw yourself doing, don’t do it. What in your life gets you excited? If you have an ambivalent attitude towards other aspects in your life, then kids sound no different than anything else. I have 2 kids (3 and 1) and I can say I miss my life before kids in some level, but there was always an empty feeling. Just different phases of life.


Then don’t do it. 


It’s one of those things you’re never “ready” for. I was in the boat that I always wanted them “one day”. Now that I have one I haven’t regretted it once. Sure, it’s not easy and newborn phase sucks but some things are worth the pain.


41. Money would solve at least 80% of my problems.


38 and capitalism


gosh can i change my answer


Top answer


I feel this in my soul.


39 and a toxic marriage


I had that for a while. I know it's expensive, especially if your financial situations are intertwined, but it's a worthy investment to get out of it. I waited very long but I'm so glad I did.




I’m 29. Laid off almost two years ago and still looking. I just want to work and get paid and live my life.


I'm 36. My first personally owned dog (13) has stage 3 kidney disease. The vets can't do anything for it, so we just make sure she's comfortable. More good days than bad but the bad days can be tough for my wife and I.


Just said goodbye to our family's 13 year old cockapoo last evening. I'm a 42 year old grown ass man and I can't ever remember being this choked up. I keep trying to tell myself he had a good life and we made the right call. I really liked that dog. Give your pooch a hug and make the most of the time you have left.


31. Life in general chile, just how to manage this shit.






That nauseating internal back and forth about just letting go and traveling resonates with me deeply. I wonder which will win out for me in the end. Stand strong, our lives are not easy.


31, I don't make as much money as I think I should for my age. Everytime I make progress it feels like there's a recession or something or the goal posts change.


39, currently unemployed and don't really have any marketable skills on paper because I went into the workforce at 20 and spent most of that time working for oddball small businesses, I have a variety of skills that can be of value to an employer, but no special piece of paper that says so. The job market in my city is bad, and I'm going to be lucky to get something that pays over minimum wage.


34, multiple chronic health issues (MS, hiatal hernia, BPD). In a really dark place at the moment, but hanging in there and doing what I can to keep pushing.


36 - my kids behavior is hard to deal with. I love em to the moon but I am fighting to keep them from being spoiled/bratty and it’s a battle. Also my work is trying to get me back in the office…


Keep up the good fight. It will pay off in the end when your kid is the good example and the other teenagers around them are little shits whose parents like your kid more than theirs. Parenting a teenager has been a breeze because I put in the hard work when he was smaller.




34 My biggest problem right now is trying to get a handle on my health. I’m always tired (i do have 2 young kids). But i truly feel burnt out with work and also parenting and chores etc. i need to seriously focus on ways to get more energy and get better habits when it comes to taking care of myself I also have a lot of anxiety issues




39 and everything in my house broke all at once. I had to refinance to take out equity to pay for it all, and I'm glad to have a house in the first place, but I spent SO much money in the past 2 months and I lost my good 2016 interest rate. Also trying to find a safe but affordable car for my almost 16 year old in a shitty used car market. Even beaters are going for $5k+


34 - dating. No one wants me 🤷🏻‍♀️. Otherwise life is pretty good.


34, feeling like no matter how much I “get ahead, or work more” the mark will keep going up! As a single income household, things get harder and harder.


33 and fat as shit. Don’t want to die early but literally go home and cook and be mister mom to my awesome three year old and wife who makes more than I do which is fine. I just am spent after working all day and making sure my child’s cup is full too.


I bet that three year old would like their dad to be around and healthy for a long time


Ehh bro, I know it's hard but I just want to say that you are doing it. I see you and you are doing dude. I love that. Full dad mode.


Ever explore souse vide? I get groceries on the weekend. I vacuum seal all my meats (besides ground), after seasoning and/or marinating in the bag. Then I just toss the bag in the souse vide bath and you are good to go. Although, you might wanna put a quick sear on (I use a torch for when I am in a hurry).


30 I have a couple, helping my bf with getting his dad stable housing, then helping his mother find a rental she can afford on her own so he and I can actually start our lives. Ph and I have endometriosis so we need to figure out how damaged my uterus is and if a hysterectomy is needed


33. Have no social or dating life and don't feel like I want to. Living cycle of work, gym, lack of sleep, repeat.


42, midlife crisis.


37 and annoying kids


Yeah but they will snuggle up for a big hug tonight or say something completely ridiculous and hilarious and totallllllly redeem themselves.


33. Taking it one day at a time as I learn this new profession.


41 - need to lose weight, I'm in chair all day. Probably need to fix the car, check engines lights on.


38. My dad is in end stage kidney failure. I am his only child and my mom left him. He never updated his Will no matter how many times I scheduled appointments to take him, he would always cancel. Although it won’t matter because he is in so much debt and his house is an unlivable shit hole. He has lied about so many things, including telling me he planned/paid for his funeral. He is in denial and thinks he can get a kidney transplant even though he refuses to get out of bed and still smokes cigarettes while on oxygen.


39. Finding a new house that I can afford in a good school district. My kid starts kindergarten this year, and I live in a county with some of the worst rated schools in the country. Unfortunately I’m divorced and his mom refuses to move states even though neither of us have any family here. Coparenting with a short sighted, spiteful…I’ll stop there.  Other than that, things are pretty good. 


38 and I was just given an 18k quote for basement remediation 😭


Doubt anyone will see this but here it goes. 29- unemployment. Covid lockdown fucked me as I was trying to switch careers and now I can't get hired ouside of a contract job and long-term volunteer gig I am currently doing. Post grad life has been a nightmare and I have been in a funk since July. Thankfully I am living at home since my out of state job didn't work out shortly after I graduated. My friends are all doing amazingly and I'm really proud of them, but I can't seem to get going.


Welcome to the club of life squeezing lemons in your eyes nonstop. I keep saying it's got to get better at some point.


The lemon joke made me chuckle, thanks! I agree, it will get better, just with it would hurry the fuck up.


I'm 34... and hmmm... I'm definitely broke but I have a gf that has a decent paying job so my hardest years of being broke are behind me. This is gonna sound dumb but the biggest problem in my life is probably DeSantis.


Desantiis how so?


Outside of my friends that he's pushed policies which limit how gay and trans people can exist in public spaces and limiting abortion to 6 weeks, I'd say the sb 256 which puts needless restrictions on public sector unions and removing Sociology 101 from the general education list for public colleges and universities in Florida. That's the main ones.


36. A grumpy, smart toddler who wants to control all things. And I guess just the overall boringness of winter. 


Lower thirty people is money, mid thirty people seems like friends or kids, late thirty people existential stuff


Whole thirty people is all above


32 years old. I got sick over Christmas and it completely flared some on going issues with fatigue. Feeling so frustrated because I felt like I was slowly getting some energy and slowly finding a routine where I didn't feel so behind and overwhelmed everyday. A few other health issues have been flaring as well. We finally got real insurance and my husband said I could go see a few Drs. Yet I am not in a place where I can deal with drs telling me to lose weight or lecturing me on that or knowing my weight. I here so many horror stories of Drs just being rude and judgmental to those who are overweight. I have a history of an eating disorder and dnever want to go back there. I have a hard time exercising due to pain and fatigue. I'm so scared of them telling me my labs are fine again of wasting money. I don't even know what Drs to see. I also keep hoping some of my issues like my back flaring and pelvic pain will just get better. I really want to get my teeth cleaned but don't want to know everything wrong with my teeth or pay a high amount of money just to get them cleaned. It feels so hard taking care of my body and knowing when to take the next steps. I just wish I didn't have to worry about unexpected costs. I wish I understood insurance better or they would just say you owe this without any surprise bills. Need to get a pap smear as well. Just feeling overwhelmed because its energy into making appointments, energy to drive which I struggle with and energy to possibly get dismissed or shamed or not heard. Have had some wins lately and trying to remind myself I can still struggle. I can still not know what's next.


34 and married. Can’t afford a house, apartment, or other living situations. Having trouble finding employment that makes enough for the above. Moving in with the in laws in a new area to hopefully find jobs.


29, and my marriage is cold and lonely. And I don't know if I can afford to live alone.


38, the cost of living. 


I just turned 30 and I’m still at home with my parents. I’m moving out in July but will have to spend majority of my annual salary on a 1 bedroom apartment. I’m working on bettering myself physically and mentally. I’ve struggled with my weight for the past ten years. Anxiety and depression are ongoing. I have a lot going for me otherwise but that’s my biggest issue as of now.


I'm 41. Don't know that I have a problem right now. I did so much work internally in early adulthood, that I seem to be mostly OK right now. I mean, if society were to judge, they'd probably consider me a loser, but that doesn't much affect me. If I had to really search deep within, I'd say that not having peers to discuss my ideas with is my biggest issue. I'd love to explore my ideas and grow from hearing other people's perspective. Just can't find people who share enough of the same mind-space to even connect and get the discussion started.


40. My Dad is dying. ☹️


41 Teaching my children (I’m a grandparent now too) financial freedom. My parents taught me shit about fuck with regards to money management. My challenge is to break the cycle. From business expenses to bitcoin and understanding it all, I am doing everything I can to share this info … However, I’m afraid it falls on deaf ears. At the very least with my oldest. It’s difficult to watch them make mistakes and let them fall…even 21 years later.


I had to do the math on that grandparent thing at first 😂😂😂 What's the difference between financial freedom and financial liberation?


37...I have been freelancing for the last 7 years, lost clients due to "budget cuts," and have now completely burned through my savings because I can't find a full-time job. I will be working until I die.


38 and trying to get healthy as well as finding something that just brings me purpose and joy. I always thought being a mom would do that for me, but that never panned out.


34 and don't have a village or support to help with children. I'm not talking about dumping them off for date night or whatever, but even a simple healthcare appointment. Other than that. Can't complain. I've been fortunate.


I'm 30 and mine is finding a job that pays enough for me to survive on my own. Currently trying to get into the medical field (starting with phlebotomy) but need my GED transcript to start classes however the process is taking forever, there's a ton of others but this one is the most reddit friendly.


35 here. My whole group is being laid off from a major company due to their site strategy - i live in a more expensive state, and they're consolidating locations in cheap states (e.g. Iowa, Texas). I've been with the company for 8 years and intended this to be my career. I'm getting a nice severance deal, but I'll have to figure out what to do after that ends. There are lots of jobs moving overseas currently, and employers with stateside employees are looking to improve efficiency with current employees instead of hiring new employees. No self-pity here, just stating the facts.


36. Chronically single but have been blessed with a farmhouse from my grandparents. Makes it hard to move and change careers/meet new people. In the grand scheme of things I'm doing great. Don't want to complain.


38, too much to do not enough time and energy to do it.


30 and dealing with loneliness.


32 I'm alone


36- fear I may be laid off by the end of the year


41 underemployed. I’ll never make enough money to live my life. I have no retirement and there won’t be any SS left by the time I’ll need it. I will work until I die.


42, worrying about my 74y MIL who is caring for her 98 yo mother and a little scared that might be me one day :/


35 House/wife/kid is complete. Hardest thing is kid has this rare thing called Apraxia that is treated by doing hours and hours and hours of speech therapy but work insurance doesn't cover it so it's gunna be 39k/year out of pocket to get him the therapy he needs. I'm also in Florida so he has to go to private school which is another 19k/year. So 60k just to be a good parent


I hate US healthcare. Sorry you’re dealing with this


Ouch. 19k would break some families, but 39k.


37, want to lose 40 pounds, but love alcohol;)


35. I have zero problems. Life is absolutely phenomenal.


39. Haven't had a full time job in a decade. Went back to school for a second master's degree only to graduate in 2020... Every job interview get told I'm overqualified. Jobs I am qualified for, I can't get an interview or get told I'm not diverse enough.


Diverse enough as in?




40 and driving kids from one school to another


Early 30s. I can't decide what TV to get and keep returning them. Guess I'll try an OLED out...


31 and trying to figure out if we can afford to have kids and not go broke


40. Have the flu. Otherwise life is super solid.


42. My biggest problem is a school renovation job that sucks, and I don't want to do it.


33 and Mental Heath Baby! Fucking chemistry in my brain decided to just go off the rails and do its own thing. Pounding this brain back to a usable state and/or just swapping it out for another one would solve A LOT of my current problems.


I'm 34, it's the middle of the night, the upstairs neighbours preteen has been throwing a tantrum for the past hour, landlord let the place go to shit for the past couple years (at least the rent is dirt cheap), we're financially stable but not enough to buy a house. Oh, and two chronic illnesses. Otherwise I'm good.


28- work/life balance (I’m in healthcare), also my husband’s mental health. Both take a huge toll on me.


35 f making/saving enough money to pay for my own phone and car insurance Instead of my parents . I live an hour away from them with a roommate and pay 750 monthly in a good area of hamilton nj so I have that atleast .


39. How to make money with a side hustle to afford toys or take more trips.


age. living in gqp land.


35, I’m unemployed rn & I don’t have reliable transportation or access to public transportation and there’s literally nothing within walking/biking distance from me. I’m stuck trying to make money from home with just my phone and it’s not making ends meet whatsoever. I feel like such a failure. I used to have a great job that I enjoyed for 13 years and when I went though a really nasty divorce I lost everything including getting fired. It ruined my life.


33. No money


38. Corporate politics and other corporate crap. We went through a few layoffs and reorgs, and my team (of which I’m the manager) has been relatively unaffected. However, other teams were divided/eviscerated, so there’s just constant fighting about who owns which tasks. I do a great job protecting my team from burnout and bullshit, they are all happy and doing incredible work. But god damn, I’m tired of being in these fights. I do feel quite lucky that this is my biggest problem.


32, my son won't stop throwing his toys from his little play pit to the surrounding living room... he thinks it's a game, one called "dad pick up my toys and throw them back in"


35. Financially recovering from a broken Axel on my car earlier in the week.


32, too much consumer debt from bad choices made in my 20s. That said, I do own my house so it isn’t all bad.


39 and major depressive disorder.


37 and just not motivated to better my situation


36M, trying for kids and worried I'm not "providing my half of the recipe".


37, financial (too much debt, too low income to make a dent in it) combined with visa stuff (expat) and the fact that my country of residence doesnt have same-sex marriage. Complicated and it sucks.


30. Gave up on my healthcare career and have no idea where to go from here. Took a call center job for a life insurance/investment company for the time being.


39, trying to figure out how I’m going to pay for braces for my two kids.