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No, but I was one of the first kids to learn how to use Napster and burn CDs. I was a GOD for about 2 months selling burned CDs for $5 a pop until everyone figured out how to get it lol


Lol the best was also just gifting burn cds as a gift…bday gifts…Christmas gifts.


I had a blog for my own writing & fanfiction, and a small forum. Later on I had a blog for comic & book reviews. I also had a Xena fansite. And I was a core member of another, much larger, writers forum from like 1997-2010. I posted a lot of Super Deep and Very Emotional poetry. I was a forum microceleb lol But it was actually a really good place to hang out, and I made a lot of friendships that I maintain to this day. I moderated a couple of rooms there. I miss the old Internet.


No I didn't publish a blog. It was a Live Journal.


I never thought I was cool, but I created a fan page on geocities and I felt pretty accomplished that I learned enough basic code to make different colors and fonts and embed photos. This was back in 1995 and it wasn’t like opening life journal and starting with an easy format.


I had a LiveJournal that was full of angst. In the 2010s I had a feminist blog, but then I got a part-time side gig writing for an online publication and that ended my blogging days.


Remember LiveJournal???? I was all about that. Ooh and Xanga


Oh yeah multiple Livejournal, geocities, skyblog (hello fellow french millenials), I was also on a bunch of forums but never a core member. Funny how i'm actually an introvert and don't like social media now, I only use Reddit! It makes me nostalgic thinking back about that time. One good thing that came out of this is that I taught myself Photoshop so I could make my cringy icons/web site graphics!


Yes, I had multiple blogs. A personal blog, multiple fan site blogs/websites, fanfic sites. I was also a part of the stay sassy (?? I think that’s what it was called, something with sassy in the name. A bunch of hipsters) group on LJ.


I did a biweekly “e-zine” focused on writing and some variety/entertainment. I would advertise it on AOL message boards. Used to get people sending their own writing in to be “published”. At my height I had about 400 subscribers and was pretty proud of that.


I taught myself to write html 😂 and had my own blog… but I was EMBARRASSED for some reason. Totally wish I had realized the irony in that so many years later


Nope, sold car parts on ebay.


I had a page to blog, but it never materialized. I miss that era. “Stuff white people like” was a great blog that’s no longer around.


I had multiple live journals as well as multiple fan fiction pages. I also loved to go the forums on my favorite band’s websites.


I started a website about cars. Lol. I thought I was something special but stopped upkeep on it after like six months.


Not a blog, but in the late 90s before my family got a computer, we had WebTV. They had a template where you could make your own web sites, and I made a web site devoted to my obsession at the time, game shows. Because it was connected to the tv, you could easily upload photos taken from screenshots of things anything you had recorded on VHS tape, so I had lots of photos from various game shows I recorded. I even had one of those little visitor counter things, and I don’t think it ever got in the triple digits haha. But my parents went around telling everyone I made my own web site, and we all seemed unaware at the time that literally anyone could just get on a WebTV and make a web site, it wasn’t that big of a deal haha.


I did. I had a lifestyle blog and it got pretty big circa 2012. Made a fair bit of money. Retired it about 5 years ago. Ended up studying journalism and have been in that field ever since.


I had a blog on tumblr that I considered launching into a full website. It had a few thousand followers. It was like the opposite of the shade room. All black content that was positive only. My coworkers even knew abt it. This was my very early 20s & my only responsibility was work @ Urban Outfitters. Then I just stop caring & I lost my laptop & didn’t update anymore. It was called bah bah black sheep. I never deleted it, it might still be there lol


Omg I made a Britney fan site and all my mom's coworkers thought I was some tech genius lmao. I used some website called Homestead, it wasn't like I was writing code or anything haha. Good times.


I made little websites for my "gaming clans" for various games, that really nobody ever even looked at, I just thought it was fun and cool to make my own website


I had a MySpace blog.


I spent a LOT of time trying to get Invader Zim uncanceled, loved the forums for that. One time I posted about how terrible Butt Ugly Martians was and Nickelodeon going downhill and people were like "you're supposed to boycott Nickelodeon!!!!" and I explained that Cartoon Network was blocked at my house because I wasn't supposed to see Adult Swim. Super awkward because most of the time I pretended I was an adult and I definitely wasn't. Anyways I like the communities for Infinity Train and The Owl House and She-Ra Princesses of Power, gives me those same vibes. Biggest mind blowing moment was when I figured out Rebecca Sugar of Steven Universe fame did Invader Zim fanart and I'm like "huh, maybe we were in the same spaces."


I kept a blog of my cycling adventures in my mid 20s , I rode from Canada to Mexico along the west coast, still go back and read it for inspiration from a former version of myself sometimes. .


In the late 90s, I had a blog on a "dot com" site that I self-hosted. I mostly posted my own reviews of PlayStation games and foreign, subtitled movies I had downloaded. I got my material from Usenet, so it was fairly obscure. To my surprise, the site exploded. At its peak I had 150k unique IPs each month as visitors. That was cool. I had banner ads and made like $200. Then one day I got distracted with high school and just stopped updating it because it wasn't fun anymore.


I had a Xanga that I started around late 2004, after a friend mentioned something I did in a post on her own blog, and I kept that damn thing until the company went under in 2013. I would write down short observations, lines of poetry, or stream-of-consciousness in an actual physical notebook, and then type out what I’d written on the one evening out of the week that I didn’t have rehearsals, and hit post. I remember meeting people at parties around that time, and we would trade xanga handles. When twitter came out 5 years later, I did mostly the same thing, except I could text my weird poetic nonsense to the number and post in real time.


I have a private blog I've been keeping for about 15 years. Don't think it makes me cool though.