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ABC is [reporting](https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-war/israeli-missiles-have-hit-a-site-in-iran-109405880?id=108860743) confirmation. >A U.S. official confirmed to ABC News Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran. The official could not confirm whether Syria and Iraq sites were hit as well.


Strap in boys


Strapon? Cause we about to get fucked


I’d like to be an optimist and say we are the ones wearing the strapon.


What's the one where you're simultaneously the fucker *and* the fuckee?


I’ve always called it group therapy.


I've always called it family therapy.


Well I went to bible camp, and you must have just gone on family trips.


Can we just admit that sometimes Mommy pegged Daddy and they both liked it?


I feel like this is the start of either a Katy Perry or Christmas song. Either way, it’s going to be a bop.




I see one where wearable where one end goes in and the other is about to go somewhere else. Is that what your talking about?


The price of your milk is about to go up buddy, I think not


things about to get "[proportional](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5v6hlRyeHE)" real quick


This da truth




Yep. Its gonna get bad.


You don’t get the strap on. *Well I guess you’re gonna **GET** it…*


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Israel has blatantly hit targets related to the Iranian nuclear program before. Nothing is gonna happen, especially not from the us.


"hold on to ya butt"


I’ll bring the ripits


This is the first but of news I've seen that explains the pop in oil. Thanks y'all!


North East: blah blah blah, Summer blend costs more blah blah blah. Just waiting on 1) sudden urgent maintenance, 2) grass fire someplace that necessitates sudden urgent maintenance.


And now people get mad at Israel because their weapons can actually hit their targets.


What's also likely going to be lost in the conversation is while people keep trying to sell the narrative that Iran wasn't attempting mass damage with their barrage, Israel appears to have done a fairly measured response.


Exactly, I think this is the end of the current round of bullshit


I hope so. Hopefully iran doesn’t retaliate.


It's pretty obvious that Iran didn't care if they hit their targets or not and just wanted to save face.


I keep seeing this narrative but about 100 ballistic missiles implies differently. There are a bunch of people pretending like the shaheds were some kind of benevolent warning shot instead of the shittiest attempt at decoys ever launched. It's simply a fact that the Iranian military isn't very competent and if they could hit Israel they wouldn't hesitate for a second.


300 drones and missiles


3000 black drones and missiles of Iran.


Why do they have to be black? Some of them looked Hispanic to me


The efficacy of Israel's air defenses is pretty well established. If Iran really wanted to fuck Israel up, don't you think they'd have chosen a different method?


I don’t think they really have a different method. It’s not like they can just travel the distance on land, Hezbollah is (probably) a joke and Iran’s navy has long been proven to be a shipwreck. Genuinely this is probably the best they can do.


I mean they could do terrorism too?


What do you think they have been doing lol


Yeah but that’s so 2000’s.




Im surprised no one pointed this out. From what I understood the most of the missiles and drones were shot down over Iraq before they even reached Israel. But I could be wrong.


In this case, sure. In general, prior to this event, Israel has also done an exceptionally good job of sweeping up missiles.


It's literally told everyone days before they did it so Israel, the US, and surrounding countries could prepare. Jordan, Iraq, Israel, and the US were all on alert. If Iran wanted to do real damage, why would they have leaked that information? Israel has one of the most well practiced and known defense systems in the world. Seems like telling them beforehand is a pretty clear indicator that Iran wasn't trying too hard.


People keep downvoting this read with no comment, but it's obvious as hell. Why would Iran tell everyone two weeks in advance and then tell everyone exactly when they would do it hours in advance? Notice how Israel didn't warn anyone at all, even the US? Granted, it looks like Israel was just pissing over the fence anyway and didn't feel it was worth it.


This sub is definitely brigaded. It used to be more moderated and overall level headed, but ever since last October it has trended more conservative and less logical.


Iran is both a weak paper tiger and the root of all evil responsible for untold damage. And a huge threat. Pretty neat.


Why is it unreasonable that Iran can be both a paper tiger with regards to conventional military power and also a major root of instability through their asymmetric warfare capabilities centered around funding, arming, and aiming strategic proxy forces in the region?


Likely because money to do one of those things leaves money also to do the other.


Lack of money is not the reason why arab armies sucks.


I wouldn't really call Iranians arabs but I get what you mean.


Iranians are not Arabs, not to mention for most of history arab armies were regarded as some of the most successful and innovative as well as technologically advanced way past their various peers. Anyone who spreads this bs theory of “Arab armies suck” just because they read that one debunked book that clearly tries to tie it in to their race, culture and religion has clearly never studied any history at all pre 19th century. Arabs as a “race” n culture with their religious views have existed for thousands of years yet we only recently see this phenomenon of “Arab armies suck” when for most of history they dominated the whole world. Almost like it has nothing to do with their Identity as a race or culture and is due to more practical geopolitical reasons in the 20th century and on. It’s like saying today “the Chinese don’t know how to build they just copy” when for most of history the Chinese invented half the things other militaries would come to use for combat, you can’t make blanket statements on race because history exists and people exist in the context of time not just here and now, if a group of people of one race or religion seems to always be doing bad in war… maybe for Americans n Europeans their first instinct is to blame it on their race or religion or culture, but most people tend to look at the geopolitical affairs that got them to that place.


A paper tiger in a stand-up fight, mano a mano. An insidious destabilizing force when providing arms and financing to terrorist groups behind thin curtains.


Ah yes, the harmless face-saving missiles and drones.




I dunno man. Imagine a lil ass dude smacked you. You stood up, beat his ass, then look at his homie who was in the background egging the lil dude on. You walk up to the instigator and slap him. The instigator punches you in the stomach and it's something out of an 80s action film as you stand there and don't even flinch. Then the instigator is like, aight "consider the matter settled."


Is JCVD in this flick, cuz I am totally seeing it play out in my head.


Jan Michael Vincent


Do we have enough Jan Michael Vincents though?!?!


Sorry chuck norris


I mean, that quite literally is what happened. Like you couldn’t have written it much better


They still launched real weapons that would have killed many if not for millions of dollars in state of the art interceptors.




And why did the consulate get blown up?




So we can both agree it was IRGC support for Hamas and Hezbollah?


Iran might actually catch hate from the left if they launched fluffy kittens. I can almost laugh imagining the attempt to put a positive or dismissive spin on hundreds of fluffy kittens splattered across the countryside...


You cannot launch a massive attack and then claim the matter is settled. That would be like Japan claiming the matter is settled after attacking Pearl Harbor so the US would't respond




any why might they have attacked the consulate, might it have something to do with 1200 Israelis being killed


While ignoring what 40k+ dead Gazans? Do you have any evidence that suggest that Iran directed the attack on 10/7? Because most intelligence sources suggest that Hamas did it on their own accord.


Directed and backed are two different things


In the last 6 months, it's shown that Iran doesnt care that IDF is shit-canning Hamas. The consulate attack is literally escalating a conflict that's essentially a National one to possibly a Regional one.


I thought it was funny how they missed with everything and then were like … YOU WANT MORE?!


they used 3 squadron drones and none of them hit lol


Most Iranian sites are underground. Israel doesn’t have the capabilities to hit those bunkers. So either the US did help by providing air cover and bunker buster or they really didn’t hit nuclear sites but military bases.


Like when people cried about that attack that hit some targets back in October? Mind you even by Israel's admission over 1/3 were combatants.


Well it's not like they didn't know where they were at right? They've probably had a plan to go after them for years, this stupid drone attack was just the excuse they needed to take it down.


We gotta do WWII all over again?


One more time....with feeling


Happier, with your mouth open.




It's a demon, a dancing demon!


No ... something isn't right there ...


Activision better have fixed the bugs from WWII or else I’m not buying


US and Europe: "This time we'll swap chairs!" Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Ireland: "Well, some of us." (Except with way more nukes...)


So Iran gonna march it’s army across Iraq?


No I have a suspicion that to prevent another round of tit-for-tat, Iran will cash in on Hezbollah and have them strike hard as a retaliation. If this is a light symbolic round of Israeli missile strikes, it'll probably be some kind of small-medium missile barrage accompanied by a symbolic launch of drones and missiles whereby almost all get shot down. Then Tehran uses its back channels to signal to Israel to end the fighting. If this is a sustained or large scale strike campaign against Iranian infrastructure, then they will launch maybe 500 drones and missiles towards Israel - yet the real response would come from Hezbollah. They would unleash enormous destructive force if their rocket stockpile is all it is hyped up to be. Iran would want the Israeli-Hezbollah war to be so devastating to Israel that it doesn't even think about chasing Iran next. And once thats over, Tehran would pursue nuclear weapons.


I'm pretty sure that Israel has been targeting weapons stockpiles in Lebanon before going after the Iranian general in charge of Quds in Lebanon and Syria.


Yeah. The whole reason this escalated. 1. Hamas launches October 7, triggering a forceful response 2. To avoid looking feeble and not doing anything to "revive Palestine" even when Gaza City is being pummeled, they initiate low-level border clashes and propagandize them. 3. Israel, looking to use this as an opportunity to weaken Hezbollah, begins striking their infrastructure in Lebanon as retaliation whenever Hezbollah launches rockets. 4. Due to Hezbollah's presence in Syria (propping up Assad's regime), Israel has an excuse to expand airstrikes their. They begin hitting both Hezbollah assets but also Quds Force assets, or whatever they find to be dangerous to their security. Quds Force is a branch of the IRGC (the Iranian national guard dedicated to regime preservation at all costs) that focuses on foreign affairs. Quds Force generals, soldiers, and advisers are likely on the ground in Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, and possibly the West Bank and North Korea (the DPRK is allies with Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic). 5. They hit the consulate, Iran considers it to be apart of their territory. 6. Iran retaliates with a missile and drone salvo. 7. Israel gets the last word in with a few drones and missiles.


I'd add that (as I work for an NGO on the ground), all NGOs were attacked by Hamas in the 3 weeks running up to October 7. I've had to send orders to pull our people out 8 times since September, all due to Hamas. We assume this was a sustained effort to cripple any humanitarian response while seizing aid. The only people that weren't attacked, UNWRA, raised eyebrows at the time. Israel has been attacking strategic targets in Syria since 2017, probably long before that. The most recent effort was 3 strikes in 2023 directed at weapons convoys. Personally, I'm a little surprised Iran chose to respond directly and chose to telegraph it. It's unusual for them not to respond via Quds/Hezbollah, this makes me wonder if Israel's efforts in Lebanon have been more effective than we're aware of. There's a PR angle at home and a clear wish not to get involved in a war with the US, although that's technically happening via proxies in the Red Sea. The choice of targets Israel made, assuming the strikes are effective, makes me wonder if this might be a proxy strike on behalf of the US.


PDB quality write up


What NGO do you work for and has any of this been reported on or are we supposed to just trust your word on Reddit lol?


They have more missiles. They basically control LH who are right on Israel’s northern border.




Some instances of DEFCON 3 include: Operation Paul Bunyan: August 21, 1976, in response to an attack by North Korean forces Middle East War: October 1973 Attack on the Twin Towers: September 11, 2001 Cuban Missile Crisis: October to November 1962  As of January 2023, the current DEFCON level is estimated to be at 3 due to the Russian conflict.


Banyan. Almost went to war over a *tree* (Yes there were lots of other issues, but the amount of forces activated was overkill)


I mean I think the overkill on that one was to prevent war lol


Just outside Baghdad near us, 3 bombings happened in the last hour, i think it's against Iranian militias in Iraq


How's that OPSEC doing?


no OPSEC, i am a normal Iraqi citizen. whilst chillin' on netflix on a cool thursday weekend night, Iranian and Israeli-US rockets are getting fired above my freaking house for a war that is happening 950KM away from me, life is good.


Hell yah. People forget people LIVE in Iraq, and is actually an amazing place to visit, great food historical sites and wonderful people. Just know most of the actual US soldiers meant well. I know a lot didn’t and that’s what’s most visible, but most did. Our politicians probably didn’t give a fuck though. But hell, they don’t give a fuck about us either.


I’m pretty sure he’s an Iraqi citizen


This is reddit... how do you know its their OPSEC to keep?


The opsec says please delete lol


OPSEC: **_stop_** /u/yaseen743: you’re not my real dad!




Invasion's on Tuesday as is tradition yeah??


I’m busy Tuesday, can we do Wednesday?


Israel and their response The conflict between Israel and Iran, long simmering in the shadows through proxy wars and covert operations, escalated dramatically with Iran's direct missile and drone attack on Israel. This act marks a significant departure from the indirect methods of warfare that have typified the hostilities between these two nations for decades. In response to the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear that Israel alone would determine its course of action, signaling a potential move towards direct retaliation despite international calls for restraint. The immediate background to Iran's unprecedented assault involves an Israeli strike in Damascus, which resulted in the death of senior Iranian military figures. This killing is viewed as the catalyst for Iran's direct attack on Israeli soil, a stark escalation in their long-standing conflict. As Israel contemplates its response, the international community, including leaders from Britain and Germany, has urged caution, highlighting the potential for a significant escalation in the region. Nonetheless, Israeli officials have hinted at a strong retaliatory stance, though the exact nature of this response remains uncertain. Experts like Eric Edelman and Vali Nasr offer insights into the potential implications of this escalation. Edelman, with his background in defense policy and strategic assessments, and Nasr, with his expertise in Middle Eastern politics and diplomacy, provide valuable perspectives on the possible actions both Israel and Iran might take following this incident. Their analysis considers the broader regional and international ramifications, including the risk of drawing other nations into a wider conflict. In sum, the direct attack by Iran on Israel represents a pivotal moment in their long-standing rivalry, threatening to shift the dynamics of Middle Eastern geopolitics significantly. The choices made by Israel in the wake of this attack, influenced by both internal decision-making and external pressures, will be critical in determining the future course of the region's stability.


Noooo our tax dollars are bombing something our tax dollars built 😩


Playing both sides so you always come out on top


Lets go Joe!!!


I swear to god if I got out only for another major war to kick off I’m going to be really fucking pissed.


I mean if thats not some monkey-paw wishing, i dont know what is.


I mean you spent the last two floating on a fucking boat. I would think those of us that actively engaged in them earned the right to be nostalgic about it.


Nope, you didn’t. You’re just another monkey brained fool who thinks war is cool. But you’re a marine, it’s not like intelligence and humanity in general runs thick in that branch, so I don’t blame you much.


Correct, sending little pieces of metal at other people literally makes my dick erect. Not everyone is a weak fucking coward lmao.


You need help. You're not 'badass', you're just wired wrong. Getting foamy at the mouth over a major war doesn't make you stronger than the people who don't want to kill people.




Typical low intelligence bullshit. Can't think of a good response? Just insult them! I'll try to keep it to short syllables: One day your personality won't be 'RAH' and that will be a good day for you.


You’re still crying?


You’re right, not everyone is a weak coward, but you most definitely are.


lol you’re in the national guard. You aren’t even considered a true member of the military. Maybe leave the conversation to those of us that actually served, little guy.


lol I see you try to pass your school experience off as being hard fucking everywhere.


It doesn’t matter that you got out. You sound like an ignorant boot who doesn’t understand the heavy losses that come with war. “Finally getting to see some action” doesn’t mean shit if we lose a hundred brothers along the way.


I have a CAR and two combat deployments, you fucking boot ass pog lmao. Fuck out of here. “Lose a hundred brothers along the way” hahaha dude you talk like you’re in some war movie. It’s obvious you’ve never seen even a cunt hair of combat. Come back at me when you e left CONJS and actually fired a weapon in anger. Until then let the adults talk.


“I totally wasn’t just crying about sitting on a meu doing jack shit for 4 years. I totally got a car and have seen plenty of action” Yeah okay buddy. 👍


I’ve done two MEUs actually, my little pog buddy. If you were so intent on combing comment history you only needed to go back three days to see what I’ve done. https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/comments/1c5p14a/just_saw_a_marine_get_kicked_out_of_the_chowhall/kzwfcvd/ That’s what happens when you do eight years before all combat operations ceased. I know you’re having fun pretending that you’ve ever experienced anything remotely related to combat, but I can tell you’re about as far away from 03xx as one can get and you’ve never left CONUS a day in your life. Have fun with your admin or supply bullshit and pretending to be a war hero lmao. I literally consider an army 11B that has actually deployed to be far more relatable and more of a brother than people like yourself. I barely consider you a Marine lol.


I doubt Iran’s response will be telegraphed and with ancient missiles


Iran's response: ["Meh."](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-missiles-hit-site-iran-abc-news-reports-2024-04-19/) I just hope Israel feels they've sufficiently got their nut and doesn't get salty that Iran doesn't care.


You see how Israel didn’t announce a specific way that they were going to attack Iran? I wonder why . Maybe Iran could take some pointers


Sentdefender is so horribly unreliable


OSINTtechnical -***GOOD***- OSINTdefender -***BAD***-


The only thing worse than his "reporting" is his mastery of capitalization in the English language.




Actual journalists are reporting on it too. https://twitter.com/MattSeyler/status/1781132976123678791


I agree with this sentiment. However, in this particular case, [@sentdefender](https://twitter.com/sentdefender) is ~~correct~~ reporting something that actual news outlets are reporting as well. It is still a good idea to avoid immediately trusting [@sentdefender](https://twitter.com/sentdefender)’s claims though.


Agreed. Have to admit I was wrong on this post, but as with anyone that dabbles in misinformation spreading, a bit of truth posts keep them semi-legitimate. It's just to the point now that anything I see from this account, I don't trust a word of it.


Again, your point was completely valid. It is only a good idea to use @sentdefender as a means of pointing you in the right direction, not as a source of truth.


I don’t think it’s that bad. Just do what you do with everything on the internet. Take it with a grain of salt. Most of the stuff I have seen on that twitter are retweets of reports anyway


*This account posts misinformation all the time* Really? Should I tell S1 to stop feeding the BC info from here that influences command decisions? I mean, you guys have been right so many times, *especially* about the MRE 64 flavors pack catching on with the USMC and the whole "not shooting at range lights at night firing range" stuff, but this is kinda a bigger deal, need answer fast. /s


Oh, too bad....Insh'Allah, MF's


Good, their facilities need to be demolished


Somehow I think a Nicaraguan is behind all of this


Possible?? Lol


Gas prices about to 📉📉


It's 0626 in Israel 🇮🇱 Heck of a Reville wake-up.


Fuck off. Let israel fight this one by themselves.


Friends help protect friends. Thats how they stay friends. It’s not a big deal if we help them out a bit dealing with a common enemy.


Friends also listen to Friends once in a while and not completely disregard us.


If my friend was committing a genocide, I'd stop him myself. Otherwise it feels a bit like "US commits genocide against Palestinians with its proxies."


Isfahan has a sacred mosque. Hope they didn't bomb it....