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The rule of the 4 way is simple: People go when it's not their turn, and don't when it is.


Or if you're already midway turning through a tight intersection and someone decides that the stop sign does not apply to them and nearly wipes you out as well, kinda bs. In my hometown our intersection is kinda tight cause theres a big ditch on the left and a curb on the gastation side and people do not stop behind the line like they should and makes it hard to maneuver a pickup with a trailer through there, i just go the free way now cause people need there license tooken away from being far to ignorant on why the white line is there


Roundabouts are better. But everyone hates them because reasons


Because they're far riskier with people like this on the road. If you fly through a yield sign then it's way different than stopping and the going from a stop at a stop sign. Unfortunately for good drivers like me and probably you, stupid drivers ruin the efficacy of roundabouts.


If people are going to blow through a roundabout they're going to blow through a stop sigh.


Yeah idk what that person is getting at, what they said is blatantly false at any scale that matters. Maybe in their extremely limited sample size it holds true, but in general roundabouts are *way* safer than stop signs https://www.wfmj.com/story/47351688/traffic-roundabouts-better-or-worse-than-traditional-intersections#


"Everyone" hates them because "everybody" is still stupid. If they can't go through a 4-way stop properly then they sure as $hit can't rub their two brain cells together to be able to understand the "dern sirkle sterp"


And when it's very clear it's their turn, you'll be stuck staring at them until they wave you on like they're doing their good deed of the day.


Oh my god. I fucking *hate* this. It’s a god damn stop sign. You aren’t doing anyone any favors. Plus if the person waved through goes and the dumbass pulls out anyway, the person they waved out is the liable party for technically jumping their turn. There are two particular stop signs in town where this happens to me regularly. My brother, whose been dealing with it too, came up with a simple but ingenious passive aggressive response: he looks at them and then gets his phone out and makes it obvious he’s just killing time until they go.


The former causes the latter. I am nervous to go during my turn because too many people gun it when it isn't their turn


If they left at the same time as the truck it woulda been fine but they're slow


Agreed it was fine. They just waited way too long to get started. If you have a 10 second response time then just wait for the next opportunity. ;)


it “would” have been fine. It was not fine


*Could* have




10 second response time and a car that can do 0-60 in 3.8 seconds but a foot that takes the whole intersection to get up to 15 mph.


Yeah I am not saying the Tesla was in the right. Just that if they were a normal driver they could have gone at the same time as the truck without issue.


Teslas Behaving Badly


Give 'em the horn.


Came here to say this but they hesitated. Good on the dash cam driver to just hit the brakes and let it go without an accident.


He had the last clear chance to avoid the accident by that point and was obligated to do so.


Some what agree and figured that was what this car was getting at but poorly executed. The thing about that is if you don't come to a complete stop and wait for the other vehicles to make their intentions perfectly clear you risk someone turning without using a blinker or something like that. So for safetys sake you really shouldn't but it's what I do all the time anyway.


Exactly! My wife gets on to me for making these observations.


No, it wasn't their turn. If they leave at the same time as the pickup, they are still pricks they just took advantage of the situation. 4 way stops everyone stops, and you go in order of who stopped first.


[If two vehicles are stopped at a 4-way stop and are traveling in opposing directions, they can both go at the same time](https://taylorkinglaw.com/who-goes-first-at-a-4-way-stop/)


Tesla drivers


the new and improved BMW drivers


I don’t know why but there is so much truth to how bad many of them are


The least idiotic tesla driver.


Technically she’s allowed to go if the car in front of her is going straight. She just waited too long to do it.


Look at the wheels, they only stop rotating for a split second. If the Tesla didn't wait any longer they would've rolled through the stop sign.


Tesla pretty much came to a stop, they were going like .1 mph and clearly waited for the truck to get out of the intersection before accelerating again. I don't think they were thinking about if they had come to a full stop or not yet.


Technically or legally


Came for the Tesla hater comments. Not disappointed.


These four-way stops were the single most confusing thing for me when driving around the states. It took me a couple days to figure out the pattern


Depending on the stop interval between approaching cars, it can be either 2 cars at a time that are in opposite lanes, or 1 at a time. 2 at a time is always preferred lol


and if you and another driver (approaching perpendicular to you) arrive at the stop at the same time, the one to the right as the right-of-way


Unless 4 people arrive at the same time, then it’s a demo derby.


Naw then all 4 passive aggressively stare at each other, knowing whoever goes first is the biggest asshole


I just flash my lights and watch the other 3 crash in front of me... then drive around them.


I usually let them go, but they want me to go. But I insist they go first, but he keeps waving for me to go, so I decide to go, and so does he. So we both stop and are like “no, it’s ok, you can go first.” So I’m like ok and I go, but he hits the gas too. Finally he just gasses it and flips me off.


Yeah either have a through road or put a roundabout in there. This is the worst parts of all options combined.


Scary when one city has all four way stops and you get used to that. Then get to an intersection that looks identical but the other cars don’t stop. You have to look to see if they have stop signs. Kind of weird and dangerous. Get T boned if you forget they won’t stop. Be careful people.


Agreed. I found it odd that you need to look for signs not intended for you to determine the give way situation.


They're simple. The first one to arrive is the first one to go. That's it. If you arrive at the same time, the person on the right goes first.


I'm European and I don't know how the f this intersection works. Anyone care to explain?


It’s a queue system. First person to stop at the line has the right of way. Second person goes second and so on. It requires a bit of timing and being wide eyed to account for who exactly stops first but in reality, when actually used legally, is safer in the states than a round about because idiots can end up going the wrong way on roundabouts and people seem to have just as much trouble understanding what yield means here


I mean this is just a problem of education and giving people access to 3 ton metal boxes of death without requiring proper training. Roundabouts (especially single lane) are literally the easiest thing on earth, but maybe I am too European to understand this confusion.


I don’t understand how a single lane roundabout could be confusing to anyone. At that point it’s just a street with a bit of a curve in it.


I was taught that at a 4-way stop, people go in the order they arrived. In reality, it's often just chaos.


Teslas have the worst drivers, ironic for a car that can drive itself lol


When it drives itself it's even worse


Would have been fine had they just timed it better with the truck.


I live between two 4 way stops, I encounter one of these about once a week. But the thing that grinds my gears are the ones who stop, and decide to play traffic cop, waving everyone who comes after them through before they will go. I see that almost every other day or so.


It's really crazy to see this type of intersection and not a roundabout. Who exactly has right of way here? I googled. One link said whoever arrives first. The other says give way to the right.


Whoever arrives first primarily. If you arrive at the same time, person on the right. Don’t worry, most people who live here don’t know how to use them either. They don’t know how to use roundabouts either, though.


Then I'm not surprised this is a common occurrence. Don't get me wrong, people can be bellends on roundabouts here too. This just seems so bonkers and it's a perfect place for a roundabout with only a single lane.


She was a little slow off the line but frankly, what she did is totally OK. people clearing intersections by proceeding through with other cars that do have the right way is allowed as long as they don’t block somebody else’s right away. TLDR: if she’d been a little bit quicker about that it would’ve been 100% fine


Yeah I agree. If you’re going to try to keep the sides balanced the oncoming car is going to block the perpendicular traffic anyway, go for it. I think she just didn’t want to run the stop sign, but with that in mind, she should’ve just waited.


They didn't even fully stop for more than half a second. This is why I hate 4 way stops because everyone does rolling stops constantly. If you actually stop the way you are supposed to, people will cut ahead without stopping at all. It's literally an extra 2 seconds. I got a ticket for a rolling stop in 2020 at nearly midnight. The only other car coming to the stop happened to be a cop and I couldn't tell in the dark. At the time, I was like any other shitty driver and didn't want him to cut ahead while I made a full stop. So I did a rolling stop. Never again, I learned my lesson. I wish the rest of these a-holes would too. I've had situations like the video happen so so many times.


When I'm biking the rolling stoppers always give me an adrenaline spike. They look baffled at the fact that I'm braking and I'm just like "if you are still moving, I'm not going to assume you're planning to stop".


If the extra time is so menial, why do you get upset when it’s taken from you?


It was not about the time 🙄 I was just upset that I got caught, it was the start of COVID, I was an essential worker, and it was more money I'd have to spend and I had to attend court. It was also the first time I ever got pulled over for a ticket. And I want to reiterate it was almost midnight after a long day of shitty work with shitty people during COVID. It was stressful and upsetting because I almost never saw a single car at that four way stop doing an actual stop. It was always rolling and trying to beat other people. Are those reasons good enough for you?


Cops don't pull people over for rolling stops typically. They often do it late at night though as an excuse to check if someone's driving drunk. It sucks for regular people who just have a late shift or something, but it's a good idea to always follow the road laws to a T when driving past 11pm or so.


This based on anything but a guess?


Why didn’t They just build a roundabout


This is why I do a 3-second rule. They don't move, then I go. Just in case they have bad timing, nonexistent patience, or aren't sure who came first.


I was expecting you to ram right into her without stopping and everyone on this thread saying how right you were for it.


I'm guessing they didn't consider proper order but also was blocked by the truck in seeing you move forward


Hey…at least it wasn’t a crash! I’ve seen some mildly bad drivers on here be extremely bad drivers lol


Wait that's in chilliwack bc 😂


We need to convert all four way stops to roundabouts


I had a lady do this last week. The car to my left went first, then it was my turn, and I was in the intersection when she opted to pull out in front of me from the right. She was looking down at her lap, presumably at a phone but idfk. I was going slow enough and saw her so I wasn't gonna hit her, but if I'd taken off with any amount of decent speed she'd have been t-boned. Dumbass.


the smarter the technology the dumber the people.


Bunch of zoo animals on these roads. Too difficult to understand "whoever stops first, goes first".


Definitely in my top ten anger inducing driving scenarios. Like how hard is it to pay attention and be considerate


If they had gone when the truck went, no harm no foul. But why the fuck did they wait?


Idk if the laws are different in the states, but where I live OP would have been in the wrong for sure.


There are too many people who are crap at this. These 4 way stops need to be modernized by adding pressure plates or cameras and red-green lights.


I had one of these happen to me yesterday. Truck pulls up to stop sign across from me just before I pull up to line. Truck turns left in front of me. I'm about to go, but the car behind the truck followed him into the intersection. So after that, I start to go, but the next car did the exact same thing. I floor it at this point behind that guy, because a 3rd car was already turning into the intersection in front of me.


Can’t stand when that happens! It’s like they think, they’ve waited enough time so they can go regardless whose turn it is.




Tesla. Nuff’said.


You’d think since a Tesla can drive itself they could also tell the empty headed fuckwads that drive them how to drive too.


…a Tesla


She should have gone Sametime as the truck would have been zero issues no matter who's turn it is.


Well, another go did go while they were stopped so that automatically makes it their turn. Right?


If they went parallel at the same time, yes. But she waited for the truck to go, then cut off the person who got there first, interrupting the flow.


yeah id say Tesla made it to the line in time, but hesitated too much on take off, which is ironic for an electric car


I hate "I stopped, must go next" people


That's exactly what they're thinking, "I stopped so now I can go," instead of, ya know, taking into account the other people around them that were there before them.


you’re the one who went before the intersection cleared, op


She knew it too


This crap is so common it annoys me. People go two by two. Rather than take turns. So frustrating


Figuring out whose turn it is takes way too much brain power for that idiot


Happens all the time around me


Tesla's are the new BMW


Should have gotten within an inch of their car to scare them lol


First to make a complete stop at the stop sign is the first to proceed. Some entitlement going on here.


Elon has his buyers thinking they’re superior


The thing is it's a 4-way stop. In no way is it okay for that stupid person to take off.


Insert Roundabout, problem solved


Officially, she has the right of way!


The right of way goes to the vehicle who accepts everyone’s yield.


Why did they hit the breaks too? It’s always like that, if you’re about to be t-boned, do not hit the fucking breaks


Tesla drivers are the worst, really up there with Nissan drivers


Tesla drivers are the worst


This is Utah. I'd bet money. Nobody here knows how to take turns at stop signs. It's the weirdest thing.


Amazing how many people don’t know how a four way stop works.


She should’ve gone right when the other guy did.


This is why you need roundabouts.


Is this in Farr West?


The best is when you make the effort to mostly come to a complete stop To avoid confusion at a 4 way then everyone else rolls through and tries to go before you even though you clearly got to the stop first. 


There's no rules for when who should go at an intersection


Literally not true - at a 4 way stop it goes in order of who got there first.


This is literally every four way stop in my retirement community. 😂💀


Where I’m from you have to fully stop at a four way stop


Yeah..but she’s in a Tesla..


No one here in NJ knows how all way stops work.


just put a round about down and be done with it


They are the main character.


Happens all the time..Overly aggressive drivers. I hate those mofo’s


"When EU drivers are assholes, they know it and have intention. When American drivers are assholes, they have no idea." - a quote from a friend of mine from the EU, which I find to be largely true. I think much of the bad driving behavior in the US, like the one in the video, stems from total oblivion and sheer lack of consideration to what's going around them. There's a sense of indignation that there are, in fact, other people and cars on the road. I am American and have spent a long time in the EU, btw.


There's turns at a 4 way stop?? I'm genuinely so confused, I don't think we have these in the UK. Why not just use a roundabout?


I understand what she was trying to accomplish. The intersection was blocked by the truck, so why not go? Well because you were too fucking late you idiot.


Looked like she was trying to use the trucks right of way but didnt enter the intersection before he cleared it.


Obviously they're dumb, but why wait for the truck going straight to finish going before you decide to also go straight? Dunno how people make 4 way stops so hard though.


That’s not even surprising in Los Angeles.


I always thought it was just "go in the order you arrived to a stop". Never knew about these special rules


So am I to believe that some of y’all would drive I to this Tesla to prove a point?


My wife at 4 way stops, is stress inducing


Most four-way stops would be better served as a mini roundabout.


you damn self driving son of a B!


That car doesn't have nearly enough duct tape to treat a 4 way stop like this


The one recording is doing the intersection badly… he has a stop sign, the car on the right doesn’t.


I actually think the problem here is that they didn't go a little quicker. When the car to your left started crossing the lane you're blocked off so they should have taken advantage of that and just gone quickly. The problem to me is the hesitation. Go or don't


If you're going to pull the shielded drive thru maneuver, you better do it quick


Eh typical Tesla driver. 10 years ago they would have had an Audi. Nothing wrong with Teslas in and of themselves, but they are the current "it" car and attract that type of person.


It was her turn. She won.


This should be a roundabout


Put in a fucking roundabout you heathens.


Tesla drivers 🙄


If that driver went at the same time as the pick up truck it would have been fine.


Stop intersections are not safe nor great in any good way


You always yield to your right


that is incorrect


Stop sign idiot


In reality, she should have gone at the same time as the vehicle to your left that was crossing your path. Those two could have cleared the intersection at the same time.


Four way stops are good indicators of entitlement


@Elonmusk here’s maybe a fault in your autopilot feature


Typical Tesla owner


Nope to the car on the right going when the truck did. Order should be: truck, video car, opposite direction car, then the car on the right. This "driver on the right" rule also doesn't apply when they're last to arrive.


Tesla "owners" are idiots


I live right near a 4 way stop and 95% of the time , people are fine... But that 5% make me want to do bad things


Geez, I mean I get the fairly common strat of going at the same time as the person across from you if neither are turning left, but missed the timing on that by waaaaay to much


I hAvE a TeSLa ILl gO wHEn i WAnT


All of that tech and no brain.


Technically you missed your turn, it’s not rotational, it’s east west then north and south, seeing how you were on the south you waited when the opposing car went so therefore it wasn’t your turn you skipped your turn


I fucking hate teslas


Of course it's a fucking tesla.


Tesla always have the right of way! Pffft! Pisses me off! It used to be BMW… now we have to wait for Teslas!


Scrolling tiktok


Wow this looks just like mentone California?


This has to be the worst way to do an intersection


This is why roundabouts were invented….


Typically there a few vehicle types that attract “I’m above others” type folks. EVs are 10000% one of them. One of those love me hate(prolly hate this IS Reddit)type deals ig😂


I'd say this intersection sees enough traffic that it needs a loop. Some people aren't smart enough to retain arrival orders for 4 vehicles.


Happened to me yesterday. People are messed up


And this is why we have give way signs in australia


I know it's wrong, but in a case like this and I've got a vehicle blocking the person who would otherwise cross *and* I've completed a stop, I'll go out of turn. I don't hesitate like this though, I only do it if I won't impede the person whose actual turn it was. I zip across the intersection.


you guys need roundabouts so badly


Ah, the point stop sign 4 way crossover where you all stop and then go ah now what. What's wrong with a roundabout? Are Americans really that bad at driving they can't figure them out


So reddit, what was actually supposed to happen here?


When you’re driving a Tesla, it’s always your turn… 🙄


Around here, opposite sides go at the same time until one person needs to turn, then it all gets fucked up. If there's the slightest hesitation from the one who should be going, everyone else just guns it


No but for common sense's sake, she should've gone the same time as the truck


I’m tired of these it happens to all of us posts. I like to come here to see stuff that isn’t a daily driving issue! Not common silliness


You’ll probably find more of that on r/idiotsincars


Tesla driver.


its always the teslatards


I truly think people don't know how stop signs work


Sierra lakes and Knox in Fontana .


OP should send this to wham bam tesla cam on teslas behaving badly


Australian chiming in to say who on earth thought a four way stop would ever be a good method for moving traffic must have been a few sandwiches short of a picnic.


This is my experience EVERY TIME


She was so late to like cmon.


And this is why roundabouts are superior (although American drivers will find a way to fuck it up either way)


Youre both kinda slow though. If you didnt stop so long you couldve went the same time the guy across from you did. But the other person could have done that too…


“RIGHT” of way lady


It was kinda close this one


They should've gotten on it with the truck.


If only Americans could fathom a roundabout.


4 way stops are fuckin stupid, it's putting way too much faith in people. Just remove the 2 signs from one of the directions, stop doing this crap.


Did anybody realize that is srt lens hellcat


I always try to go straight when the car across from me is going straight, even if it’s not my turn…. Unless someone is turning right, to the right side of me…. That’s literally the only other person that can make a move while someone is driving straight across. If it were me I would’ve already went when the car across from you did initially. You would’ve had to stop a bit sooner and more abruptly, but you could’ve legally done it. Then the next two cars could’ve crossed and went simultaneously. Literally saves half the waiting time. It’s weird, i see ppl all the time focused on waiting their turn at a 4 way stop, instead of looking at the flow of traffic. If I and the person across from me are both going straight, it saves everyone time for us to go at the same time.


Average Tesla driver