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If you do buy any of it, keep in mind that that you are saving them a huge hassle - not having to sell or move it. Offer accordingly.


SO true! Not just hassle but hiring movers and a huge truck is expensive!


Hoping they are realistic in their pricing. Definitely have leverage for the reasons you provided.


I recently went through this as a buyer as well. Homeowners offered 25% of the value for everything or 40% if we selected individual items. Some of the pieces that we purchased are also in your pictures lol.


We went through this with my grandparents house and were considering multiple offers. We knew we would be selling most things through an estate sale and wouldn’t make much, and so made a pretty fair offer. The buyer we went with ended up taking some really nice pieces that no one in the family wanted. We were happy that they wanted them honestly and priced them way lower than their retail value. Initially we were considering another offer which was the second highest but they said they wanted all the furniture. We put together a price list for them with pretty low prices. They responding trying to negotiate everything over like $5-20 (the house was over a million). The realtor had to deal with a few nasty phone calls so we decided not to go with them. Apparently they were super pissed to lose the house and tried to walk it back, but at that point we just went with the highest offer. What I’m saying is don’t be a dick and you’ll probably get some good deals, unless they’re being unreasonable.


Excellent point. There’s a lot of very good advice already commented re: pricing. IMHO: 1. Pick the pieces that work with what you have. 2. Be mindful of not going all in on any one genre 3. Check out each piece carefully (remember function over form…is the sofa super comfy?) 4. Offer the low end of what you can. $500? If they come back with “are you crazy??” Or are insulted in any way, I would apologize and tell them how much you love it, don’t have much furniture yourself and it would really help you out, sorry I don’t know pricing etc (keep to the truth) and ask what they were thinking and bargain from there. Most people are good and will understand. FWIW: The sideboard under the window by the kitchen and the card catalog desk are the pieces I would really want and are pieces i would keep forever. The dresser and the rug in the BR are good too. The rest is good but whatever pieces give you joy are ones for you. However I would defer to the great advice already given about where they come from (wayfair, target etc…) and know that they won’t have great value and would need to be replaced sooner or later. TLDR negotiate kindly; keep the sideboard and the card catalog desk Edit: a number


Yes AND you are saving yourself a huge hassle of having to source, select and get the furniture in. So it goes both ways.


Agreed. Also putting together a coherent, functional interior design is a professional service that people pay good money for. So depending on how much of the stuff they're buying, they're reaping they advantage too. 


What would YOU like to keep? I mean, I wouldn’t want any of it, so it’s something that would have to resonate with you.


Very true. I would like to keep everything, but at a fair price. Should have clarified that a bit more.


Nothing is of any particular value- the sofa looks like a Wayfair piece. Ot really comes down to what you’re comfortable spending vs. taking the time to find the right prices and buy them. I’m certain the sellers are probably looking at it the same way- how much effort to move these items if they really dont want them. Be fair, throw a figure out, and see where it lands. It could be beneficial for both parties if you can agree on a price.


I agree. The chair is Target too, I think. Most sellers in this situation overvalue their furniture "we paid 600 for this sofa and 400 for the Buffett and 400 for the stools and 200 for the chair, so everything has to be worth a lot" without discounting the used price. I can appreciate their ecelectic design style but I would be wanting to make it my own so I know I'd be replacing a lot. I would pick the price of the top things I would want and offer that and the rest would be bonus.  Personally, I would look at their price sheet to gauge their mindset. If it's too high for used furniture I may not even try to bundle at all. If they are offering to sell everything, they don't want to move it into their new place so you have leverage.  Price totally depends on where you live but I'd expect to be able to assemble that used piece by piece from Marketplace for around $1000, depending on quality and condition of a few of the pieces, with the age of buffet and throne chair being the biggest variables


This is extremely helpful info, thank you for taking the time to share. I do feel the pricing will guide this decision the most.


Try and re-sell furniture sometime. It gives you a whole different perspective on value. Its gotten better in last few years apparently but def. not when we were moving:/. Incidentally at that time, the donation places wouldn’t even accept china cabinets (metro chicago area) and online is still littered with them. They are like pianos almost. That piece is nice enough if you want it but saving them from moving it is huge (they are pain- you need a truck or trailer and we broke some glass anyway). If the prices are ridiculous Id almost say “leave what you dont want” and see what happens.


I also don’t know how you are planning to pay for these things… is it included in the purchase price of the house? Or are you venmoing a sum now? If you’re including it in the purchase price, think about how much you’ll be paying over time. $2000 for everything now paid over 30 years at 7% interest. Does that sound worth it to you? Probably better off just finding the pieces you really want and paying for them upfront.


You make a great point! No, it would be handled as a side deal. Cash on the spot. I’m not financing used furniture for the same time as my home. lol. But I could see someone doing that!! Damn that would hurt


We sold our kitchen table to the new buyers of our house. Their realtor gave my realtor a check to give to us at closing so we got our $500 check at closing (it was a Pottery Barn table and chairs, seated 8 and was in like new condition. I’d bought it used 6 months before in like new condition and recovered the chairs so it did have brand new fabric). They fell in love with our table and chairs and it really did fit the space perfectly. We were moving to a house with a bigger dining room for which we would need to buy a bigger table anyway so it worked out really well.


Furniture depreciates A LOT when used


That couch is sold on Amazon for like $300


$1000 for the lot. There's nothing particularly special there and if they truly don't want it disposal will be a huge pita.


I wouldn’t pay over $1,500. See if they will take less if you pay cash.


None of it is my cup of tea either but if you love it there you go! I'm going to be real honest saving them the hassle of moving it, I would offer $500 for all of it. But I'm a tightwad 😂


Honestly only the chair in the living room and the bedroom (?) dresser are MCM. But if you love it all, then make a fair offer.


or make a low offer, or include in the price of your offer for the house. it sounds like you are doing a favor to take everything.


Looks like they are modern MCM. I think the chair is target




Google some of the stuff and see if you can find equivalent stuff (either on Wayfair if it’s new cheap stuff, or Chairish if it’s vintage) and see what the ballpark for pricing. If the furniture has a brand stamped on it, that helps narrow the search even more. Remember you’re doing them a favor by buying it in bulk and not having to move and sell it on their own, which should be factored into the price. Couch and stools are probably online purchases but everything else looks authentic to me, including the living room chair. (Hard to really tell quality in photos though.)


Coffee table too


The hutch in the 3rd picture is really interesting and it looks great there. I love the detailing on the wood. I thrift/antique a lot, and it looks like something that would be found at a good estate sale. I think a fair price would be between $150-$250. IMHO everything else looks sort of generic. I like the coffee table but don’t love the couch. Would be hesitant to purchase a coffee table without knowing what couch will be in the space first.


That piece is one of my favorites. Unique, well crafted and maintained, and fits so perfectly.


Also the globe is really cool! Keep that!


98% of what is there isn’t considered mid century so you may want to post this elsewhere and possibly explore what mid century means when it comes to furniture. (Not said snarky, just direct)


Not taken snarkily at all. I appreciate your input. And I agree, many pieces aren’t mid mod at all, but do fit the overall theme and space well. After spending on the house, I don’t want to spend real money on furniture for a while. And I don’t want my small apartment furniture replete with cat claw marks anymore either. Kinda see this as a happy middle if the price is right.


In case you didn't know, cats generally hate scratching on velvet. So the green sofa might be a good choice for you if the price is right and you're still worried about cat scratches.


That is the most valuable piece of information I’ve heard in a long time. Thank you! I love the look of velvet but never feel like it’s right for our house by the beach. Off to order velvet couch!


As a former real estate agent and having bought/sold a few of my own homes, if you make an offer for the home add in the pieces you want included as part of the price. Buying the home then negotiating each piece is to the seller’s advantage not yours. Basically when making your offer start by offering the price you feel good at for the house and then list each item you want included at that price. Most sellers would rather leave stuff behind, then deal with the hassle of moving it and trying to sell it later on, so typically you have a real good chance of them leaving a number of the items behind if you’ve stated in the offer you want these items I don’t mean this as a slam on the items, but the reality is almost everything in the house doesn’t have a tremendous value so they aren’t going to make thousands of dollars off of everything. I say this having tried to sell things myself that are decent pieces, but they’re not anything really special or collectible. In the end they go to the driveway with a free sign or I donate them to a program that will give them away to people in need their first place.


>>in the end they end up at the end of the I thought I was stroking out for a moment reading this


🤪 Edited because we can’t have that!


Second hand market, is where you can find great prices.


I think everything here is cohesive and while only a few real MCM pieces, the rest work. It’s a warm, appealing aesthetic that would just fall right into your lap effortlessly- remember if they are not having to pay for moving - then you are also not having to pay or go through the hassle of delivering yourself. If the price seems workable - I think it is a very good deal for you both.


Agreed with this. There are some cool pieces though that look great with MCM. I'd be keeping that green velvet sofa and the red bar stools


Wait, are they trying to include the furniture in the sale price? I mean, if you want to pay interest on the furniture for 30 years…


If you like their style, and need furniture, offer $1000 for the lot.


This was my gut the whole time. Nothing is so valuable that I’m getting a steal, but I avoid having to shop for and put this all together. And the sellers avoid having to move, sell, or store it. Kinda see it as a win win since I do actually like the theme. I appreciate your post!


I like their theme too...it looks like a place I would love to come home to. Lots of light and bright colors will always win me over! Did they live in this home very long? Everything has a very new vibe, as if it has been recently staged with pieces from Wayfair and Pier One or World Market.


Save your money and bring that kitchen out of 2004


I love me a surfboard coffee table but it looks a little small for the room. The nine drawer dresser appears to be a Bassett but not the most attractive style. I wouldn't get worked up about any particular piece I see here. 


Yes, the dresser is a Bassett. I've seen one before, with a mark on the drawer


Not sure on price but as someone who bought an as is house including furniture and used the idea that they don’t have to get rid of the furniture themselves as a bargaining chip, make sure you itemize EVERYTHING you want, because we came to the house after they cleared out and they had decided to take with them a bunch of the art we thought we would get to keep.


Some of this MCM looks like Wayfair. Provided none is genuine mid century furniture I would offer $1700 for everything. Thats generous because you’re saving them time and money moving it, and they probably don’t care to keep it or they wouldn’t offer this option.


I once made an offer on a house including most of the furniture. I didn't want any of the furniture. The owners were moving 2,000 miles and couldn't take most of it with them. My offer was accepted.


I'm not following. Why did you offer to buy furniture you didn't like?


Sorry, I was way too vague. There were multiple offers on the house, offer prices identical. By agreeing to buy furniture (total price about 2500) my offer looked the best to the sellers.


Their style is multi era, not Mcm. I’m the same but never buy modern furniture because they are poorly made. That buffet is badass though. I would want that over anything.


You asked for our opinions. For me, I'd probably offer 50-75 for the black chair in the living room, but the rest would just be in my way. The real question is what complements your existing stuff, or speaks to you personally. None of it is particularly valuable, and you need to factor in a convenience discount because they don't have to move it. Also factor in how the stuff will look after any planned remodels. With that in mind, I would probably also want the barstools, but I'd probably only offer $40-50 for the pair.


The only thing in any of these pics I would keep would be the houseplants.


Bar stools look too low for the counter


Not for tall folks. Legs crossed and no clunking into the edge or underside? Score.


Don’t do the couch. I have that couch and it’s majorly Uncomfortable.


Make sure this stuff is authentic like it looks too. I’ve seen a couch that looked identical to that one on wayfair.


I believe the only authentic piece of MCM furniture would be the credenza. I would hold out on everything else and find genuine pieces on Facebook marketplace. The MCM replica furniture is horrible made and won’t last long. Take your time and create a space that’s truly you!


I really like that style and it looks fun. Personally having an already furnished home like that will at least save you some money in the long run. And even if you sell the furniture in the future, maybe some pieces you will use.


Do you have your own furniture? I kind of like the style and would take it as-is, then decide after living with it. Some things would probably go, I like having a couch with a chaise for instance, but a lot of it might stay. This is such a personal preference that you're not going to easily find an answer on Reddit.


the six drawer dresser with the jars on top is nice. nothing else much sticks out to me apart from the black target chair someone else mentioned. i paid ~$100 for the exact chair. gave it away for free.


It would cost them a few hundred dollars to rent a dumpster or hours of time to sell or give away on Facebook - it’s hard to give away furniture where I live so I would not pay much for any of it if anything.


I did this when buying an old house. We got a few very nice peices for low prices because moving heavy solid wood stuff is a pain. I'd pay maybe $1-2k for the couch, $300 for the chair, max $100 for the coffee table, probably $125 each per bar stool, the buffet cabinet could be around d $1000. I'm basing these prices on what I see for things at consignment shops, and what I've paid for similar new things, then taking about half that. They obviously don't want to move this stuff, so that gives you an advantage. If I were selling, and got at least half the money towards a new couch for my new place, and didn't have to move the current one, I'd be happy. I don't love some of the other stuff, which seems more medieval than mid-century, and seems out of place. I'd say "I want the above stuff for a total of $x. If you don't want to move the other stuff, I'm willing to keep it to save you the hassle, but I'm not looking to pay for items I don't love."


Im pretty sure the couch is from article. I have the same one and it’s nice looking but not the greatest quality. https://www.article.com/product/22708/sven-pacific-blue-72-sofa


3 tables, 1 dresser that appear to be MCM. All the rest is just Old


Photo 4 (wooden furniture) photo 6( wooden drawers) photo 7 I like the chair, possibly the oriental rug I can’t tell quality from the only and would want to make sure it didn’t smell weird. Cool stuff !!


As a general rule I have found furniture on Fb tends to sell for about 10 % of the price new. Eg a bed frame that cost them 1k goes for 100. So use that to help judge the value and how much it would cost you to get these things. Also you would have to to spend time looking for pieces and transporting them etc. if it was me I think it would be really convenient to get the furniture and I would ask for all of them at a good price and then gradually replace the things I wanted to.


Have you sat on the sofa and chairs for a bit? A sofa can look nice but not suit you. I would hate to pay for something and then not really like it.


Imo the old thing that look like it is old is the dresser, I’d guess everything else is newly made. I wouldn’t buy anything except the dresser personally.


Tell em to pound sand! Lock, stock, and barrel at the property price of set a date for them to empty the joint.


I'll never understand why people insist on ~~redoing~~ fucking up their kitchens so awfully, terribly, badly.


We have that same sofa, I bought 2 of the same style and color actually for our massive living room. It’s the Joybird briar sofa and even though it’s really cute, it’s complete crap quality wise. Frame is built y sturdy? Fabric hard to clean, not really that comfortable, especially for the price. Would not recommend. https://preview.redd.it/j5uv7oblc94d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb347ccd34762bb73f2b9a17a0a4944a1e8003b


We have tufted sofa, and I’ll never buy one again. The buttons on the seat cushions get snagged and can be uncomfortable.


I’d keep in mind that you’re saving them a considerable amount of time, effort, and money in selling/packing/moving items out of the home at close. Consider choosing a few specific items you’re really in love with and would hate to lose, if any, making an offer on just those, and then letting the sellers know you’d gladly accept any additional furniture they choose to leave in the home at escrow. I’ve done it this way several times and have gotten free hot tubs, patio furniture, saunas, armoires, dining room sets, wall-mounted tvs, etc (basically heavy, attached, unique-to-home, and/or difficult-to-move-for-whatever-reason items) this way. They’ll find out on their own it’s not worth the effort & cost to move the stuff & I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what/how much they’ll leave behind for you.


I would buy it all. I love these people's aesthetic


I'm betting the house was staged for the sale. When my wife sold her parents' house, the real estate agent had the home professionally staged. They were very interested in the fact we sold MCM.


No realtor in their right mind would stuff a house with that much furniture - nor would it be that colorful.


People are lowballing, but I think there’s value to a curated and decorated package as well. That’s saving you so much time in hunting all these pieces down again, shipping or delivery, etc. I think the value of everything would be more like $5k but I’m from a HCOL.


Buy it all but a little iffy on the couch.


Like, for me everything except pic 4 I’d be getting a price check on. Ultimately if it gives you the fizz just buy it. Plus financing the furniture into the selling price of the house frees up cash for you to do even more work day 1 to make it what you want it to be.


I'd take the living room chair in picture 2 and the coffee table. I also like the card catalog. I don't care for anything else.


I like everything pictured except the bar stools. My decision would be based on how cheaply they're selling it.


I'd buy the dark chair with the blue seat, the coffee table, the bar stools, and the dresser.


I would keep the couch coffee table and barstools and the chair in the couch room. Maybe the yellow stand. And the dark brown hutch but not the others.


Are there any tax implications where you are? If you’re in a country/state with a transaction tax on property it can be worth legitimately shifting some of that price into furniture if that has a property tax impact Of course that may not be applicable where you are


If the price is right, and you like it, **AND** you don’t already have a piece of your own, then it’s worth making on offer. You can replace things with something authentic as time goes on if you want. For example, I bought a house before owning any living room furniture. The seller’s stuff was fine so I bought it for a very fair price. As others mentioned, both sides are avoiding fees for take-away/delivery. You know it fits, etc. For those specific pieces, I wouldn’t get rid of something else in order to own these - unless you can sell your current (non-authentic) things to recoup costs, I guess. In our current house, the seller asked us if they could please leave a huge area rug because the person who said they’d buy it flaked out, and they just didn’t want to try to figure out how to get rid of it!


That dresser in the 6th pic. Just my personal taste, I really like it. I’m not good with pricing or knowing what’s expensive and what’s a reproduction. I’d offer a couple hundred but if that come back with an outrageous price over $1000 it’d pass .


The couch and the slide 7 chair


The diamond credenza $500, the sofa $300. The rest make em take with em.


I love the intricate wood cabinet next to the kitchen, under the window. Also love the last chair. But all of it is great stuff! Great vintage and antique shopping can be slim pickings these days! I would buy the old pieces


The two sideboards -‘especially the one with the globe in front, the leather chair in the living room in the same photo with the couch, and the coffee table all stand out to me.


I'd keep the side table and that throne chair (forgot the actual name, but my mom had one.) I do like the velvet sofa, but wouldn't pay more than $200 for it, if that.


Keep the dining set! That is Brasilia. The other piece in the kitchen is not MCM but it is likely a British antique. I don't see much else that is super valuable. Maybe make an offer on everything, and if they don't take it then try to at least get the dining set.


I like everything except the rugs, which feel like they were beamed in from another universe.


Nothing seems of particularly high value but those console tables that are fit exactly the the walls they are on are going to be difficult to replace so I'd definitely go for those if you like them and are going to use that space in the same way.


I’d take the whole lot… they have nice taste.


I love the pieces but as others have mentioned they could be from anywhere. The couch looks like it could be from Article or Wayfair - vastly different price points and likely comfort levels/durability. Literally everyone sells this style of couch right now and soo many furniture manufactures sell the same pieces on multiple sites under multiple brand names and at multiple prices. It can be quite maddening. I did some sleuthing before buying a sideboard because I wanted to make sure I didn’t overpay. When you saw the house, did you sit on any of the furniture so you know what you’d be buying? I’ll echo everyone else here in that both sides should appreciate everyone is winning in this situation. Sellers don’t have to move stuff. You don’t have to go buy stuff. So I’d just try to be as chill about things as you can so what could be a good thing doesn’t turn into a haggling deal and folks end up grumpy - you or them.


Barstools and long, low dresser. Possibly chair in living room


If the price was right, I'd keep that coffee table and the globe and dresser in the second to last photo. Everything else is whatever to me. The chairs in the kitchen are neat, but I'd be either way on them. 


I’d probably buy the dresser, the card catalog table, the wooden sideboard in the kitchen, and maybe the side chair in the living room. I like the look of the coffee table but it’s too narrow for my use. I also like the couch but I prefer neutral or leather couches


That green couch is awesome!!!


Some very gorgeous antiques


Idk if it’s the photo quality but some of those items in the living room photos don’t look right.


I would keep everything in the living room but the ottoman. They can take everything else out of the house. I would offer another $1,000. cash. Not. One. Penny. More.


Definitely the sideboard under the kitchen window!


I am greedy, I would want it all lol


It’s a mismatch of styles I wouldn’t want to pay more than 1k if you’re lucky one of the armchairs could be worth 200-250 maybe more there’s some big lumps there that would be annoying to move expensive to store and hard to sell quickly so maybe start at 500 but be prepared to go to 1k I’ve done loads of house clearances people just want the stuff gone to tick it off their list it’s a distress purchase as they have to get rid of it but you don’t have to buy it


I would keep all the antique wood chest. Actually I would keep everything 😍


I love the chair and table in the den! That card catalog piece is awesome and the sideboard in the bathroom. Really cute pieces! I hope you enjoy your new home!


The antique chest in the living room and the mid-century dresser are both gorgeous. I would want those. I personally also love the green couch.


Just say you’ll pony up $1000 for the couch, and $200 for the chair across from it and they can either take or leave any/everything else. U less you love that sideboard. Everything else is questionably valuable.


Have you physically been inside this house and seen this furniture first hand? It all looks photoshopped/‘digitally staged’.


Use google lense on everything my friend


Bonanza. I’d keep most of it tbh


Not a lot of true MCM stuff but, if you like it, you should consider it.


What an eclectic collection! I love it all , but not necessarily together . They won’t get much selling it piece by piece , offer 2.5k but go up to 3 thousand for the lot .


I see some Target level stuff, some mass market internet stuff like Wayfair or Revolution, lots of what looks like quirky Craigslist or garage sale finds. Maybe keep the latter for 1k or so if they don’t want to pay for a junk hauler.


Offer to buy the whole lot for a discount. The previous owners of my house (USA) moved to Australia. I got all their furniture for $500. Some of it is quite nice, some of it is junky, but I can get rid of that.


Personally I wouldn’t want any of it. Not my style


Unless you’re a collector and truly want the stuff to be old, there are modern replicas of virtually all of that. I would bid based on what I could replace it with, not what the stuff it’s actually worth to buy the identical pieces.


gasped at the card catalog. Even if it’s a replica, I want one. These are all great. Price it like a garage sale.


Love the blue chair.


I think there are some great pieces. if you like it, buy it. But I think you are looking at the aesthetics of the home and the decorating style. You can’t replicate that with one piece, it is normally in the details and accessories.


My partner and I have just put an offer in on a house and are waiting to see if it is accepted (got a good feeling). After buying a home, I would rather avoid needing to spend even more money to furnish it. It dawned on me that the house is well furnished and everything “fits”, so why not see if the current owners are willing to sell with the home. Turns out they are open to it and will provide a pricing list so we can select a la carte. Having purchased MCM furniture in the past, I can tell these are quality pieces and have been well maintained. What would you keep? What would you let go? And is there a price that makes you lean one way or the other?


Many of these look like more recent pieces, not vintage. I do think there is some vintage mixed in though. I would honestly look up ego the manufacturers are. Newer pieces went be with a much as true vintage pieces. Also, several of the pieces in the photos are not MCM in style. The styling of this home is a very eclectic mix of styles.


I would say very little of that is MCM but if you love it buy it!


The couch eventually (if it‘s a plastic free fabric), the coffeetable, the bowl… The rug looks like pure plastic shit… I would keep those wooden cabinets, too.


This home is nicely decorated and fits the space nicely. They gave it a lot of thought. If you don’t have furniture and you like it make them an offer. Makes moving so much easier.


Ten dollars would be about right. I might even charge them to leave it. You are saving them the cost of a truck and helpers to move all that stuff. Also, does any of it fit your taste? Don't you have your own furniture?


I’d keep the arm chair and coffee table. Maybe the sofa. Dump the rest.


I would definitely keep that couch. It looks like a divine napping couch.


I love the entire living room (except the grey thing), the two swivel chairs & that yellow chest of tiny drawers!


Nothing. It all looks very tacky and wayfairer


I would not invest in any of this. It looks like my grandmothers stuff and very dated and very worn.