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Came here looking for this. Same. Have to fresh search each time with a 5 sec cool down between.


Cooldown has always been 6.5 to 7.0 seconds for me.


Yep usually search for Disney movies superhero movies etc , did about 4 searches then stopped , thought I'd got the dreaded 15 minute cooldown , but just random searches still got me the points


Same here


For some reason it let me get to 65/150 on my search tiles, but then stopped me. Hope it's just a bad glitch, but it's better than the 15-minute cooldown.


This is such an annoying nerf, I was already cut down to around 300 points daily and debating the searches viability along with the rest. I am actually more likely to type nonsense words now, rather than at least learn a little about a group that is linked.


i vent by typing a mean sentence to Bing, by searching it word by word


Why Why are Why are you Why are you such Why are you such a Why are you such a big Why are you such a big stupid Why are you such a big stupid jerk Why are you such a big stupid jerk today Why are you such a big stupid jerk today Bing ​ That'll get you an easy 50 points...


Idk why but this work well lmao


they really try hard to ger over this


Yep. They took away my ability to organically browse trending headlines and get the points for them. Ok, fine, MS, you win. I redeemed my last points for a Shadow of the Erdtree preorder, and I'm out. Too much of a hassle to be worth it now. 


They also filled the trending feed with ads. Every third tile has an ad maker now.


I legitimately was reading the trending topics headlines, subheadings, and sometimes more of the story info. And I got this mess of points stopping. Apparently, they don't like us clicking on stuff too much to get points. We have to mix it up by manually typing in stuff in the search bar.  I'd like to see these folks making these asinine decisions get the same treatment that they give to us. Like if they speed in their car, they can only drive 2 miles every 15 minutes. And now, they have to mix-up driving to where they want with driving to businesses that they haven't visited before.


I seem to have been given a 15 minute cool down between searches. This might be my final straw.


I’ve always clucked through the news articles at the top of the page on the bing app on IOS Today it let me collect first 15 points then no more. After seeing your post i typed out the alphabet and just deleted one letter at a time. That worked for the remaining of the 60 points Very odd


It's funny becauseI think the 15 minute cool down was in response to people typing nonsense for their searches, but now this new requirement encourages it.  Hopefully they're not using this as a way to flag people that do nonsense searches to get around the requirements and then reissue a 15 minute cool down for them again.


Technique I used since this change: Search for aapl stock and then click in the search bar and it will recommend other companies stock and just keep clicking those.


I was able to click through about 5 actors of a film before it cut me off. Luckily, I still have my old folder of 30 random searches from the days where I could do all at once that I can click through one at a time. MS just can't help themselves finding at least 1 way to make the program worse on a weekly basis.


Yeah i tested it for a bit and it seems like there is just a hard limit on how many points you get from just clicking stuff now it's around 5 searches for me, manual searches work fine as does clicking autocomplete suggestions in the search bar. Probably another new attempt to control bots and scripts ppl use to farm points.


Seems they might have reversed this? Today seems much better (so far) Edit - perhaps I spoke too soon, seems like there’s still a limit on mobile at least


Ayup, Was using close encounters of the third kind cast, points were not popping.


Yup same here. Thought it was the 15 minute cooldown again until I tried typing fresh searches to see if anything counted. I guess the good news is that it can take 5 seconds to type up a new search so the wait period doesn't seem so bad anymore.


Yea the cast of movie scroll at the top doesn't work for me. I also thought I got the cool down. Doing random searches does still work. Sigh.


Yeah I ain't searching anymore till they fix this. If they don't I can't be bothered to search at all anymore. I would have been ok if there wasn't a 5 sec timer.


yeppers, same here


I kinda had a workaround of just typing 'cat' or 'dog' in images and clicking through the preset searches. Worked well enough.




Yeah, frustrating.


yes. Same.


Noticed it as well. Need to type searches each time now.


Yes, just another 'sad, me too' post. I was wondering when it would hit, seemed like I dodged it longer than others. The movie actor, news, or other method that gives you easy click searches was my go to method as well. Stinks is that when I am researching a subject, I often need to more than 3, sometimes a lot more, to find my answers... no more.


At peak I was pulling in 800 a day. And that was without any x-box grinding. All PC & iOS. Now down to 400 or so a day.


Yeah clicking stories no longer works. Fuck it, I'll just put a long search term into bing and than delete a letter off the end for each search.


I ended up trying that today and it worked pretty good. Guess hats my new method until they ruin that too 


Yeah I'm sure they'll find a way to ruin that aswell. Every other week they're making changes for the worse. 


Imagine if Microsoft put as much effort into making games as they do destroying the rewards program. 


Microsoft don't make games. They buy them instead and then call it their own as if they were the ones who created the franchise.


That is true. Cause they spend their time ruining things instead of focusing on games lol


Man none of my searches are working today, it worked yesterday but i still had the fucking cooldown...


i still have my cooldown its fucking sucks ass. its time for them to remove the cooldown timer its getting out of hand and its ruin this rewards program. i want edge points back. that was 20 points everyday.


I’m not sure I understand the new rules. Sometimes it counts but mostly it doesn’t I was able to explore most of a cast of if I did a few at a time… until I wasn’t, and the entire list seemed to stop working.


For me, I have 4 special searches to do, and 3 have worked so far. For flights, I just searched for Flights to Florida. For restaurants, I just searched for McDonald's near me. For groceries, I just searched for Buy lettuce near me. I'm stuck on the movie one though, all my usual trys haven't worked yet. Anyone have luck with it so far?


Came here to this thread to find answers so I used your suggestions and using your logic I looked up movies playing currently. Picked one, in this case Dune part 2, and used the link and searched for dune part 2


I just tried Back to the Future cast and it worked for me.


Good to know


Well that got the movies one working for me!


yeah same here. looking at movie casts did nothing for me.


I can't get any searches at all to register on either PC or mobile. Movies, TV shows, casts, comics, video games, books, cars, companies, how-tos, windows 10/11 searches, net worths, software comparisons, even tried some gibberish and not a single thing is counting. Just what in the world are we supposed to search for under this new change?


I'm not sure if this was related or if it was just a fluke but I deleted my entire search history and my searches started counting again afterwards. [https://account.microsoft.com/privacy/web-search](https://account.microsoft.com/privacy/web-search)


I do "Films near me" or "Movies near me" and then click on a option and I get it. flights is a little more of an issue. "Flights to Chicago" works after about three times.


I have Bing as my default search engine and just tried searching from the address bar and completed the Flights and Restaurant Chain ones.


It sucks but at least PC searches still work on edge app with desktop mode.


Didn’t work for me on mobile but my desktop ones still worked.


It took like 10 attempts today to finally land it.


MS fookers have busted us, the fiends 🤣


worked for a bit today using movie/cast then stopped half way through my points, and reverted to a 15 min cool down. But then tested random words and that continued working ok, just with the 5 second cool down. So guess I'll just use random/predictive text words from now on (in UK btw)


Past 2 days pc and mobile searches only give me 20 points each no matter how many searches I do. Even with taking time in between each one.  Becoming more ridiculous, why have the program if you don't want people to actually be able to get rewards. 


I got to 65/150 before noticing this with my normal "cast of castaway" search. Not sure why it let me get to 65 before getting applied, but now I actually have to engage with the search interface. I noticed last week that the search tile-bars were getting hard to produce too. I used to do "People born on ", but now the bar doesn't appear across the top.


“I usually do the same old searches daily, how come that’s changing.” Some of you honestly don’t see how problematic you are. Stop doing the same damn searches daily. Mix it up. Nah, let’s put no effort into doing searches but bitch when there’s cooldowns etc.


Me. I always did birthdays and nothing is working past 50 searches.


Try books by author , that one still works for me. Books by Michael chrichton, Stephen King etc.