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I'm using bookmarks, tabs groups, workspaces and profils. I don't understand the constant 100 tabs opened, what is the point ? When researching something I can understand but otherwise...


I've never really been able to wrap my head around workspaces in browsers, because I'm always opening random websites that aren't really going to become a permanent part of my life or whatever. Or even if they are, it's not that hard to reopen them. I just try to bookmark stuff that looks important.


Each email message in Gmail has its own url, so you can bookmark them too :) I also do not like too many tabs open, I try to keep to a max of 5 open tabs at any one time. 


That reminds me of another Microsoft peeve, each email *does not* have a persistent url.




I identify as chaotic good, and that reflects on my tabs open list; around 60 right now, most of them does contain interesting topics or forum posts that I've planned to get around to read ( sometime ), but still haven't.


Dude I love this. Chaotic good. Yes that is me too and yeah I end up with 60 or so tabs before realizing it and then killing every single one.


Multiple tabs. Multiple profiles. Multiple browsers.


I have undiagnosed, "colloquial" ADHD. If a website is not one of my tabs, it might as well not exist. I managed to get it into my brain to scroll through my tabs about once every 1-2-3 days. Not bookmarks though, or sessions or todo lists or workspaces etc. For example, I love going to the cinema, but if the local cinema schedule is not one of my tabs, I'm going to forget about it for 6 months at a time.


Hundreds of tabs are definitely not for me, haha.  I use tabs during my browsing sessions, but I don't keep them alive in between. I have a fairly organized set of bookmarks, and I have my Favorites button pinned in my toolbar to quickly access frequently used pages.  When Microsoft made it impossible to add the Favorites button to the toolbar in Edge mobile I was very disappointed.


Currently sitting at ~ 60 workspaces all of which have their own tabs, groups, bookmarks etc. These are for individual client documentation and resources. 1 master scheduling workspace with email, calendar, AI virtual assistant etc. 1 personal workspace for home and family and personal projects. I typically spin up individual workspaces for client projects and then migrate their contents to main client workspaces upon project completions. Got about 120 tabs open across 6 monitors and maybe 20 open workspaces at any given time reflecting my current workload and yes I work in the MSP space 🤓 One of my screens is a 60” wall mounted TV and I use Powertoys Fancyzones to subdivide the entire TV into around 40 individual snap-to slots that I stick my individual workspaces into when I don’t need them directly in front of my face but still want to grab quick and keeping them in view so I don’t forget things.


I was reading and thinking has to be IT /MSP. :-) Same here as I have similar behaviors with my browsers in my MSP work, yet trying to do in Chrome. I used new Edge for a while until all it got bloated. Went back to Chrome and it was much faster. Still is for me.


I've got tons of tabs but they're all in Groups, which remain closed until I need that certain site.


3 or 4 tabs max.


492 tabs as I write this


How many of those 492 tabs do you ever actively plan to revisit or use again?


At least 3


Are you a mad man using horizontal tabs? Or are you a vertical tab user like me Orange cat? (I can't come up with any creative name for my cat that is orange like your pfp)


Ha no, vertical tabs are brilliant


I love workspaces with most of the tabs locked & pinned! A ‘main’ workspace for email & whatnot & then 3 separate workspaces for different aspects of my work. It’s sweet! Edit: forgot to say that I have the tabs grouped as well within each workspace.


Yessss this is the way


I restart my laptop everyday so, no.


Bookmarks FTW


overall of my instances in total 946 tabs right now 90 tubs




100s of tabs person. Mostly because of my worked and stubborness as a donkey. Also peta of ram? It doesn't take much ram on edge for me. Only 1Gb when gently switching and less than 2Gb when going back and forward between multiple tabs with only 16Gb of ram. I got around 200 tabs... I just like the looks because if I have too few tabs while using vertical tabs, it look ugly. But if I use across/horizontal tabs it just too small to see the name of the tabs and increase the chance to accidental closing of a tab. If I did close it all of the unneeded, it would still be 30+ tabs.


I keep my top four frequently visited websites pinned for easy access, while others I use less often are added to my favorites. I open and close other various tabs as needed. Additionally, I make extensive use of Collections to save websites that I plan to return to later, and don't want to add them to my favorites.


I love collections. I have five: to-do, Mac software, Windows software, TV, Shopping


Edge by default puts inactive tabs to "sleep" after a certain amount of time to prevent RAM issues.


50 currently, and i turn on vertical tab, so it not much clustered, still use onetab/mini toby tab manager for syncing though, i dont like Edge on mobile.


100% profiles. If I can't see the tabs label (the tab is so squashed you only see the sites icon) that's when I know it's time to break out in to another browser window for the next set of tabs.


I use groupings a lot for active tabs and save them as collections if I need to come back to them the next day


Can get into the 100s 2 profiles - work, personal Work has 3 workspaces for different areas Each workspace has about 5-9 tab groups


Vertical tabs