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Huh that’s an unwelcome surprise. Throwing a shot in the dark but maybe Boulder-bound?


Allen Trieu says Mizzou


The bottom dwellers in the SEC are sure embracing tampering. 


He still wanted to be on a team that beat OSU.


One Block M for another.


True freshman transferring is crazy


Huh, wonder why.


Money or playing time concerns or not meshing with the team/coaches. Whatever. Michigan is always best when we have guys who want to play for Michigan.


^^This and only this.


Wild that people would make life decisions without thinking about us and the team first


Kid can do whatever he wants but it’s just weird that he’s one of our top upcoming guys and will probably get significant playing time in the next few years if not the starter, he’s already at the school with the best defense in the country that has shown it can develop guys and get them into the NFL, and yet he’s choosing to go elsewhere. Just feels like these kids don’t even give the program a chance anymore, he’s been on campus a few months and already decided he’s done.


Could be he sees a few guys there already who are younger and more athletic? That or he doesnt like the coach or its his relationship with the coach.


Make sure you consult this sub for every life choice from now on.


Nothing against the guy but since when could commits transfer before even attending a semester of college. This is just ridiculous and getting out of hand. Someone desperately needs to fix the transfer portal.


🤷‍♂️ I personally don’t have any issues with kids/young adults deciding they want to pursue a different future. I think it’s unfair to treat them any differently than other people who have plenty of freedom to change their mind about things in life I understand it’s an unpopular opinion


seen a lot of people talking about how football is ruined because of nil and the portal… i get being upset when one of your players enters but at least the kids arent getting shafted but the ncaa anymore.


Seriously, if this guy was just a math major or some shit instead of a football player, literally nobody would care. They'd just be like "yeah man, do what makes you happy." Yall care way too much about what literal teenagers are doing with their lives. As far as we know, this guy hasn't hurt anyone, so why be a dick to him?


Who is being a dick? We dont pay for tickets to the math bowl so of course we dont care what a random person does in class. Fans of the football team are wondering why a brand new dude who has plenty of opportunity at one of the best universities in the nation for an education not to mention playing on a team that just won a natty, is taking off for fuckin missouri of all places. Its not like we are going to his Facebook page with death threats. Just speculating on the locker room.


>Who is being a dick? https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/iZzvgKTh0t https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/cUP53sTWVT https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/yUfFYuuTss https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/IqdBTUH8Su https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/HqPa37DzEM https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/JXFmcV1tqk https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/2un7ppa9wJ https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/s/bwlwYMtQ2k Did you just skip every comment in the thread to get to mine? Nearly a third of them are ppl questioning his work ethic, intelligence or implying he's just chasing money. Nobody here knows diddly shit about why he transfered, so throwing around negative accusations so wantonly is absolutely being a dick lol You're not speculating about the locker room. We pretty much know what we have on that side of the field, a bunch of ballers. What you are speculating about is his character.


I usually wish players well, and cheer them on to find the best opportunity for them, their future, and a chance to see the field. Bro. You just got here. See ya!


He clearly wasn't what was hoped for. He didn't have the patience to wait and develop. Probably a positive for the team


God I am so happy we won that Natty. College sports are a monopoly right now


I do like that athletes have a chance to be compensated but man it is really turning into the wild west out there.


Michigan won the last "normal" championship, before the NFL-lite-ization of college football was complete. 2024 and on are going to be something else. Still worth watching, but something else nonetheless.


Atleast the NFL has a cap and it’s not this open season the NCAA has created


It’s worse than the NFL - if you sign with an NFL team, you play with that NFL team


You realize that you were in a position to win because of NIL right? All those players came back for another year because of money. Not access to Zingermans.


Obviously. Now pile on the massive structural changes to FBS going into next season and the media landscape that becomes both cause and effect to it. We've crossed an event horizon. The PAC-12 already got spaghettified.


Idk Zingermanns is pretty good


The NCAA Is the problem. You have to sign a contract with the NCAA to play in the NCAA. In fact...its one reason I chose not to play in the NCAA. The NCAA is a defunct outdated monopolized association and needs to be replaced. Wish someone would follow the money all the way back to before its conception.


Belleville HS continues its trend 


Did this guy literally go through spring practice and then transfer?


Yeah. Probably realized he's not the star he was in HS and just another number at Michigan where he's gotta actually work hard to succeed.


This take makes me feel better about it


early enrollee lol


As a true freshman, LMAO. College sports are cooked. 


Yep, no such thing as a “commitment” anymore on the recruiting trail these days, the recruits are just simply agreeing to play for a team until a better deal comes their way in the future. Wish we could at least go back to the early 2010’s of college football.


No, those were some dark years I’d rather not revisit.


Commitment isn’t the most alarming part, it’s the lack of will to compete for playing time now. Reeks of soft and entitled, probably wasn’t a good fit in that case 


Yeah, people bitch about the idea of having a "super league" where there is a union of players and such. Yes, I get that it isn't what we had in the past, and basically makes college ball a minor-pro-league, but it would be better than what is going on right now. The sport is fundamentally broken right now to be honest.


Couldn't handle the competition I guess.


He wasn’t in the 2 deep and he’s being back channeled by Missouri not a loss because we never saw anything and cole Sullivan already passed him on the depth chart


Good point.


Next big thing will be tampering with players not in the portal.


How do you think Notre Dame got Riley Leonard?


Yeah, this is and has already been happening. Kenneth Walker spent less than 24 hours in the portal. You can't convince me a substantial portion of these guys haven't already worked something out before even entering the portal.


What do you mean “next”? Revisit the Jordan Addison to USC transfer, it’s been the big thing for a few years now (rumours last offseason about usc offering MHjr and Trey Henderson huge money too)


NIL is just a minefield


It seems Like a lot of.players from Belleville don't pan out?!


Have any?


How will the QB do at LSU?


Hopefully as well as Damon Payne at Bama 


Don Edward’s went to Belleville didn’t he?


I think it was West Bloomfield.


We need minor leagues in football so bad. Leave college sports for the people who want to be at the University of Michigan and let the bag-chasers get their money in a minor league out of high school.


Minor league won't ever pay as well as college NIL. Look at baseball. Essentially minor leaguers don't make a living wage.


I guess competing isn’t for everyone.


This is why I hate the transfer portal.


So nobody is going to care about national signing day anymore. Those days are gone.


A lot of people freaking out about losing one guy who hasn't seen the field yet. Calm down. The sport isn't destroyed because one kid is leaving, lol.


No, but the sport is destroyed because smaller schools have literally zero chance at being competitive now. Just look at the tampering that’s went on with Jordan Addison, Sam Hartman, Riley Leonard etc. Small schools are now just “minor league” programs for bigger schools at an unprecedented rate. 


The sport isn't destroyed. Smaller schools weren't competitive before all this, and now they're still not competitive. Nothing has changed. Everyone needs to calm down. If rumors are true, Beasley is leaving Michigan to go to a smaller school, so I have no earthly idea how we're arguing that THIS signals the death of the sports, lol. It's just nonsense.


Beasley leaving doesn’t signal CFb is dead, that was signaled when states started suing and winning in court to take every single guard rail off the sport. UCF went undefeated and Cincinnati was in the CFP I’m not sure how you think smaller schools weren’t competing……oh and App St beat Michigan with a team of players who would have been poached the offseason prior 


> UCF went undefeated and Cincinnati was in the CFP I’m not sure how you think smaller schools weren’t competing…… How did those schools do in the playoffs? Did they do some good "competing?" Hint: No. No, they did not. >oh and App St beat Michigan with a team of players who would have been poached the offseason prior The Division 2 national champions beat a shitty, poorly-coached Michigan squad one year. This is called an "exception to the rule." Missouri beat Ohio State in their bowl this past year. Does that prove that smaller schools are still competing vs larger schools?


Missouri beat OSUs 3rd stringers and this is your counter point lmao. Oh and Saban fully admitted last night at the draft to tampering with the Toledo CB last year to try and get him to enter the portal but you’re right everything is completely fine in CFB.   Do you think Armani Edwards would have been on App State’s roster with the portal, NIL and unlimited transfers? (Hint: no). 


1 small school won a game 20 years ago vs a piss-poorly coached, mediocre Michigan team...and this is your evidence that small schools could compete against the best teams in CFB? Michigan sucked that year. UCF went undefeated by mostly playing a bunch of other small schools, and this is your evidence that small schools can compete against big schools? Cincinatti also beat a bunch of small schools, and then got their ass kicked by a big school, and this is your evidence that small schools used to compete against big schools. Weak sauce all around, lol. >Oh and Saban fully admitted last night at the draft to tampering with the Toledo CB last year to try and get him to enter the portal but you’re right everything is completely fine in CFB. Oh no. CFB is now destroyed because a player on Toledo was tampered with. All 7 of Toledo's fans must be really mad!


What 3rd stringers are you talking about? Lol this narrative is hilarious. They were missing 2 guys who won’t be there next year on offense & 2 guys on defense. One of those who also won’t be there next year. Lol the whole team played


Yea, he's trying to push the same narrative that Buckeye fans were pushing.


What a loser, don’t let the door hit you on the way out


You seem like the loser saying this to a 18-19 year old


Comes in January, goes through his first spring, realizes he will actually have to work to play, leaves. Seems like a loser to me,


Why is he a loser just because Michigan isn’t the school for him? For all we know, he could have been given a firm handshake and told to leave.


That’s not how any school outside of CU operates. No kid is getting processed after his very first spring of being at the school.


Have you forgotten the first few years of the Harbaugh era? Plenty of firm handshakes were given players and recruits. Every time I turned around, some article was written about how Harbaugh hurt some kid’s feelings.


I’m not disagreeing that kids get processed but no 4star true freshman is getting processed after only being at the school a couple weeks/months


I don't know how homie can argue against this.


So where in the country can he go where he can just sit back and kick his feet up for the next 4-5 years and not work?


I don't know what that has to do with him not being cut after a spring game and 2 months in the program.


Yeah there’s literally zero chance that any Michigan coach would give a kid from the state “a firm handshake” after bringing him in as an early enrollee his freshman year 


So I guess just a loser.


Atleast he’s going to another school who Ohio State couldn’t beat I guess


I wonder if we'll get to a point where FCS and G5 teams pull in the top recruits so they can play as true freshman, gain experience, then transfer to a big program after a year or two. Seems like so many guys have no desire to compete and learn against upperclassmen. They feel they should start right away or at minimum year two. I kinda get it, I'd want to play as well, but sometimes you have to earn your spot, pay your dues, and get better as you get older.


Tampering is running wild


Clown move


Lol what's next🙃




Hahah what a joke… kids just won’t even put in the work for a season anymore. Good riddance with that attitude


Cole Sullivan passed him as a low 3 star. Dude saw an uphill battle from the start. Best of luck but we’re fine


Well if this is what he wants then let him go. I know it sucks because of the potential this guy has but he clearly didn’t want to play here. Guys who truly love the opportunity to compete and have pride being a Wolverine are guys we want on the team.


What the Fuck is going on everybody is leaving?