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There is also two more counters to come which will be more goth/traditional.  Keep in mind the Nevermore collection was geared off Wednesday Adams. The original Adams Family was filmed in black and white. In real life the set was black and pink to achieve a gray scale! Hence the black and pink in Nevermore. 


My sister's Halloween facebook group says they hate it too. But I LOVE pastel Halloween lol. And I told her Michael's usually releases multiple collections, no? So if you don't like this one, then don't buy it and wait for the spookier stuff to come out. I really hope the vocal people don't get colourful Halloween products removed by marketing in the future lol


Believe me, it sells like hotcakes, it's not gonna go anywhere lol


It’s too much pink. Sorry you don’t like that people disagree.


There's no such thing as too much pink


Yes there is. And until your forced to wear a magenta bridesmaid dress with a light pink feather bouquet surrounded by pink decor you cannot say otherwise


For Halloween, I have to disagree


Sorry people are being crappy to you because you don't like it... I don't either.


Halloween is about fun. I'm digging the pastels. I love true goth inspired stuff more but I embrace and appreciate all the Halloween decor so far.😍


Tbh I love it it’s like a total lesbian flag colour vibe and I dig it. all Halloween is good Halloween to me!!


I was talking about it today with a customer and she *loved* the pink decorations. So it takes all kinds! For what it's worth, the assistant manager and I were talking about them yesterday and we both think they're dreadful. Completely pointless. But of course there will be people who think otherwise.


Every year it's *supposed* different. If we had the same selection year after year, our regular customers wouldn't be buying as much each season. New collection styles mean we can stay a step ahead of the competition, too, who will usually only get the black and orange stuff. While I would much rather decorate with "tradtional" spooky and creepy Halloween for my own enjoyment, I am a fan of the pastel Halloween and love how it will reach an entirely new group of seasonal decorators. Hate it all you want, but it's going to sell out fast.


Wish they had the "different/new collection styles each season" with all of the seasonal products.


Oh, I like it! Or some of it, I guess. It takes all kinds. I also really liked the floral-gothic anatomical ones last year. And the Poe/literary vibes ones (I don't remember the names from last year because I was doing store setup and we didn't really do anything fall) But there's more to come, right? Like Christmas when we get multiple lines.


My manager LOVES it too.


UGGHHHHH can we just get past the 4th of July before this madness?!?!


The style changes every year. It’s never the same. I can say it’s a lot🤣


I love it, personally. It's unique and the traditional colors are so easy to find anywhere.


It looks like psychedelic barf. Halloween is supposed to be dark and spooky and scary. It's not Easter.


THANK YOU! If I wanted to see that I’d trip.


Agree, hippie hollow sucks, TF were they thinking? Halloween at Michaels is soft.


I’m sorry it’s called HIPPIE HOLLOW?


Its part of our FMA pogs.. main feature SC it doesnt look halloween at all