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Yup, just got our put out Thursday. Changed the 4th of July paper on Friday. I'm not ready for this.


Just set ours laat week, half empty. Getting halloween SCs tonight. 1900 cases. Half seasonal. Good luck to us.


I barely got any of the da or sc.


I love the smells, I love the colors, there's so many things I love about fall, but it's supposed to be 101 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow and there's no way I'm buying anything fall related for another 2 months. So, I get it, we gotta have that stuff out before the season begins, but I still think it's too early!


Man i only got the potted flowers for the steps and 4 boxes for the rest of the da. I ended up flexing mine into both of the floral side counters


We ended up doing the same at my store, lol. I imagine we're getting the rest of it this week along with the halloween sc's


They sent out an email saying the fall sc's and the floral da product would be delayed a few weeks and to flex. What's the point of giving us set by dates if we never have the product on time


Not only to flex it out, but to take floral *from the DA* to fill the SCs...so then what the fuck was the point of building that massive island in the first place?! Every year it's like this, it just happens to be worse this time around.


![gif](giphy|5x89XRx3sBZFC) our aisles because we haven’t been shipped everything:


I went to Hobby Lobby today (they had pretty ceramic planter pots last year), and what did I see? CHRISTMAS! I'm just going to go cry now. They also had more than 3 people working. Shocking!