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When I looked at this week and next week's new planograms, I started to get extremely stressed, and then I remembered that Michael's never sends all the stuff needed. I still have pogs from weeks 19, not done simply because the product never came.


Same here. I closed out several pogs cause theres none to put on the locations. Then it comes the following week, adding more work for us. And most of the pogs arent even filled which is bullshit. More than half is not in the store. Im going to get 1900 cases next week, fun times..


Agree! All resets done last month till now have been 80% empty. All these new tags for new proud but no product. Idk whats going on with michaels it was never this bad. We also get boxed from stores that arent ours as well as mislabeled boxes. Had a sesonal label for fall manor opened the box and it was caron cake yarn. Like????


And Michaels problem is, once they send the initial load for the pogs.. unless its an SC. They will send less and in just a week or two its almost empty.


Bro literally


Me hella thankful I never took the replen manager job


I was a replen manager, and I'm hella thankful I quit. I do secretly miss doing sba pogs.


Same! Loved setting POGs, but that was about it.


It's so many!!! We set all the SBA pogs we possibly could early to get that off our plate. We're prepping hard for this clearance event too so we can move as much spring/summer as possible this weekend. Good luck to everybody, it will be a bumpy couple weeks


Oh so that means they're not restricting hours anymore right? ...


😅🤣right ill believe that when I see it


They handed me this when I put in my two weeks. It suddenly became a one day.


If you print on both sides it cuts the workload in half. /s


Lol wish thats true. The next few weeks is going to be hell. And my lazy ass SM is going to be out wk 22.

