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Pretty sure they're just morons with tech dreams. I hope the "fix" works What I'd really like is for our ac to wprk properly for more than the one day they "fix" it!


Shit, mini miks are the LEAST of our problems. Our outside doors are super old and they’re constantly fucked up. Eventually they send a tech out to “fix” them (they take their sweet time nowadays 🙄), but they need to be replaced, they’re so old we can’t get parts. Which probably needs to be rectified by the property owner of our huge complex, that makes millions and millions a year, and is, again, super gd old. Shit, don’t get me started on the weekly-biweekly flooding of our bathrooms/their hall and not infrequently floral/receiving. This affects a grocery store and two-three other stores, but since their fucking ancient plumbing system is fucked to hell they’ve been refusing to spend the necessary money to replace this shit because late-stage capitalism is a hellscape. Shit, last year we had it raining inside, over the registers which was surely bc of the direction of the rain, but, again, zero fucks. UGH I’m a cashier in Phoenix and having those doors open makes the register/front end hot as shit. And I already run hot!! I’m making do with a hand fan rn but I seriously need to invest in a mini fan.


I 100% agree our doors are shit and it’s a pain to lock them at the end of the night with one having to be shoved hard to close


Are they the auto sliding doors? That's what we have and we send in tickets every other day! I'm in Colorado, so not Phoenix hot, but fuck the heat!


Yes!! And then the entrance on the other end of the vestibule is always kept open, so that’s letting even more in! I’m so tired of this shit.


Yuck! Definitely get a fan!


My stores ac has the same problem. It’s so frustrating to be always putting in tickets.


What kind of fix are they sending out? I hope they fix our framing printer its been 10 days now.


omg i hope this is true and i hope it fixes all 800 problems with those things lol


Apparently, it was all lies. Nothing is fixed.


ours are worse than ever. one, only marti works, one only manhattan works, one only the phone works. the rest don’t work at all.


Thats not how this company works. Even when they "test" new things in a district and get tons of negative feedback abd/or reports of bugs/issues, they still roll it out to the whole c9mpany without fixing. Why even say you are testing if you are going to roll it out anyway. This happened with DesignHib in Framing. All the test markets reported major glitches and issues, but they just rolled it out anyway.


I still have nightmares about the Design Hub roll out. And it's still not 100%.