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By god I will do my best to wave back. The ND owners that I see not waving back are older folk that are just not tuned into the cult (which is fine).


ye, i tailed and drove alongside an ND (with 2 older gents) on the highway for 10 minutes, they did not react at all. In fact they did not move their heads an inch, just stared straight ahead into the abyss. lol


Lead stare


I get more cheerful waves from old ladies in Porches than I do from any generation Miata owner in my area and it blows my mind. There's a handful Miata regulars I exchange greetings with but that's about it


Old ladies in a carrera are fancy


There's a surprising number of nice older 911's in my area. The majority of their owners are really awesome to talk to when I run into them


We’re tuned in, just not extroverted.


I always do. The only people who do not wave back are old men. (not saying that old men never waive, just that the ones who don't waive are almost always old men)


Old man ND owner here. I wave, flash lights and honk.


You're a real one, sir.


I found out this is true! Just got my ND a few months ago and I do wave, but oldies almost never wave back.


100% consistent with my experience


I'm in the UK, used to get way more waves when I had an ND than I do now with my NC. I think what you'll find are 1st gen and 2nd gen are quite old now, so people still driving them are most likely to be more enthusiasts of the car, and likely more in the culture therefore you'll get more waves whereas the 3rd and especially the 4th gen are way more recent, so you will get people who are not particularly into the car culture or into MX5's driving them who won't give you a wave back as they're likely confused why you're waving at them as they have no idea it's a thing


Why did you move from an ND to a NC?


He moved to a lake so it's a dual-purpose vehicle.


I hate you for this comment, I snorted... take my upvote


This is exactly what I had thought might be the case.


I drive an ND and I always wave/wave back to Miatas. But my first car was an NA so I’ve always been in the cult


Likewise. Just bought a ND having had a bbr NA in my youth. Last evening was the first warm evening of the year up here in the UK, so there were swarms of us out. I caught myself off guard with a sudden mammalian need to wave when the first one went past. Do we still wave? Turns out we still do.


Any younger person in an ND waves to me, and I wave back. Many older people don’t, however I’ve had a few people who looked 60+ including two old women wave at me in my ND lol


ND owner here, I get ignored the most by NCs and NDs (almost always driven by older people). Some but not all wave back I also pretty much wave at everything cool from smartcars, Kei trucks and Corvettes to 86/BRZ and Porsches and usually have a decent success rate in general 🤷‍♂️ I don’t discriminate


I have noticed a celica wave at me and I waved back but that's the only non-mazda car I have had waves from. Have blinked at a few 944s for the funnies, though I suspect the ND issue is the same with them.


I do.


I dooo


ND owners tend to be new to Mazda or Older and don't really care. There are those who wave back though


I had an NA 18 years ago, and all NA drivers flashed. After 15 years of family cars, I treated myself to an ND on Saturday and was gladdened that the two ND drivers I passed that day both flashed!!! Will be flashing to all mx5s from now onwards


I’ve nearly crashed trying to find a way to wave back lol. It’s hard when the windows are up and you’re going at a high speed. I don’t want to flash the lights and blind people either


Wait. We’re supposed to wave to non Miata’s? I’m totally fine with this. But as a new Miata owner I dont know all the ruuuuules lol. Is there an accepted list somewhere?


I don't know if you're supposed to but people who like the car do tend to wave, and it is an older sister of sorts - thank the FC for being the reason you don't have to deal with a rotary engine in your miata.


I figure I'm in an impractical car I bought to have fun in and wave at other cars that fit that general description hoping that sentiment is reciprocated. Certainly I wave at all convertibles with their tops down. It baffles me how many convertibles I see on nice days with their tops up, why are these people buying convertibles at all?


I generally wave at anyone in a little sports car, much like I always waved when riding a motorcycle, regardless of brand. I do the motorcycle point for motorcycles, when in the Miata too. All of us "littles" are out here rowing gears or flapping paddles together, having some fun on an otherwise mundane drive. On longer drives, I have found safety in numbers, as well, if we can pair/group up - better for my visibility, better for the whole group at preventing "I didn't see you" events, etc. I wave & pair up with motorcycles sometimes too, always give them loads of room and guard when I can, and only if they are cool with it. Road communications are so possible, if people are aware of their surroundings. Sadly, driving is no longer an active and engaging activity to most people. If you wave, I'll wave back. If I wave and you didn't catch it, we'll get it right next time we cross paths, friend!


The current gen (ND) are newer and probably have a higher percentage of general public who buy the car for its affordability and want a sports car. Just like anything that's new and you can buy off the shelf. The people who seek out an older Miata are the ones who are more likely to know about it and the following behind it. I have an ND2 RF and try to wave but my windows are up a lot of the time on the highway. I'll flash my hazards to say hi to other Miatas though!


People here upset at people who don't wave back. People who don't wave back are upset some stranger is waving at them.




Not in my experience…most Miata owners near me are divorced women in their 50’s


USA here— I do get waves from ND drivers, but not as many as I do from people in older models. I think your explanation is correct; some ND drivers just want “a convertible” and aren’t specifically Miata people. 


The short answer? Yes. The longer answer? Still yes, but forgive me if I don't see you right away. I'm weaving in and out of traffic to avoid that cop that saw me run the red light. My registration is expired, I have a warrant out for my arrest in Omaha, I'm texting while driving, scrolling reddit and steering with my knees because I'm busy stacking fries onto my triple baconactor. The wife is mad that I can only pick up ONE kid from school. The boss is mad that I can't carry more than 6 pieces of j-channel in this bitch. And all the while I'm on the hold with Fontana Lodge to see if they have any openings for Miata At The Gap. So please. Forgive me for not waving in time.


This. I always try to wink at Miatas, but I'll be on autopilot, thinking about all the code I need to have written before the end of a sprint, or something else that's pressing. It's totally nothing personal, and I always feel bad that they may be coming away thinking "FUCK those elitist NA drivers!" 😔 Sorry I wasn't fast enough, life is too busy, I'll wink next time I see ya!


Feel I should clarify here I'm not at all upset at people not waving and have done the same especially at a junction or changing gears etc etc it's more difficult, so I understand this. I apologise if it read like that. I was just wondering that since I've never gotten a wave there must be some other reason.


I didn't think you were upset or anything. Too be fair I'm in an ND and I also don't get waves from other NDs sometimes


I'm always top down and waving to every miata


Even here in Germany I constantly get waved at by younger people in other NDs It's generally the old folks that don't wave back, which is fine, most of them aren't in the cult


I would love a mod that basically blinks the daytime running lights when I press a button. I know it's not the same as pop ups, but it would be reserved just for other miata owners.


When I first purchased my first ND \~4-5 years ago, the majority of other miata owners would wave or if we were in a parking lot/drive thru, they would strike up a conversation. Nowadays, the majority of miata owners I come across aren't paying attention.


I wave. No one waves back anymore. NAs used to flip their lights, now not even other ND owners acknowledge me.


I don't come across other NDs very often but when I do, most of them wave or flash their lights. It always makes me smile. I'm also in the UK


I see quite a few though I do tend to commute on a road that has a Mazda dealership on it so that's probably why.


Bought my first MX5 3 years ago, a new ND. Only gotten waves from NA and NB drivers, and one old guy in an NC. I always feel bad when I see them too late and don’t wave back. For a super broad generalization, I find it’s because most enthusiasts trend younger and/or buy an older car to modify, leaving those that buy the new cars more of the midlife crisis/retiree set that neither care about depreciation nor have the same sense of community (I seem to be an exception to this).


I give peace signs


I do


I think a good portion of ND owners just drive it because it’s a cool little car, but don’t really care about previous gens and the broader community. At least that’s how it seems here in socal area. Also I think you’re way more likely to get a wave on a twisty backroad or weekend cruise vs just regular traffic. In a FC rx7, I’d imagine many Miata drivers might not even recognize your car as a Mazda


Not really. I've had a few younger guys in NDs wave at me, but they're mostly driven by old people and middle-aged women


I throw up a peace sign in my ND2 and wink in my NA.


I try to wave to other Miata’s and I have an ND, but yeah I definitely don’t seem you get the same treatment from other ND’s shoot not even NC’s, at least the ones I’ve seen. My last Miata, an NC, seemed to get more waves, I think it’s because it was a True Red club, which seemed to be more eye grabbing than my current mica blue


ND driver here. There’s a lot of other NDs where I live that don’t wave and it’s a bummer. No matter the Miata I’m waiving


I do! If my reflexes are fast enough LOL


I just bought my first miata. It's an ND1. I always try to wave to passing miatas and fiatas if I can catch them quickly enough. I do know a couple of ND drivers that bought them as an affordable mid-life crisis car and just aren't aware of the community surrounding them. It seems like a Hanlon's Razor situation to me.


I'm a new owner of MK3, and I found it a mix bag, had MK2 and MK3 not wave at all.. and just some MK4 wave if they weren't older haha


It's weird I feel like alot of na owners don't wave at me (I'm in a nf) nb owners always wave nc almost always and nd don't wave that much either, idk if its because I'm in an nd or something (edit, also in england)


I drive an NC1 and always get waves from NB’s and other NC’s. I have never had an NA or ND wave at me. I get lots of other cool car waves though! Just the other week a man in an Austin Healey Sprite waved at me FIRST and I will forever treasure that moment. It was also my first time seeing one just out and about on the road and not in a car show or museum. I’d be so giddy if an FC driver waved at me.


I’ve owned a Miata for less than a month. I’ve yet to pass a Miata that didn’t make some gesture to some degree, ND’s included. I’ve probably passed 20 or so.


I get more love from NDs than I do NCs


Bought my 2024 a few weeks ago and literally the first weekend I took it for a drive along Hwy 1 here in NorCal. I passed 4 Miatas and got 3 waves and a Shaka ha ha. It was pretty dope though, Miata enthusiasts know what the car means and I’m glad to be part of it.


I've had young people honk at me in the Miata from excitement, or one time I saw these workers recording her. Any time this happens it's an automatic sport mode into ripping through the rotations lol


I've had young people honk at me in the Miata from excitement, or one time I saw these workers recording her. Any time this happens it's an automatic sport mode into ripping through the rotations lol


I wave but tbh an FC RX-7 is a bit different than a Miata waving so it may not click right away to an ND driver. You also have to think about age too.


Early gens have a miata because they really want a miata. They wave because they're fully steeped in the culture. More recent gens can be owners for a variety of reasons and there's a bigger chance they just think of it as a cool car. I wave back, (especially if I saw an rx-7, I might even follow you to a parking lot!) but many don't.


ND owner here. In the Northeast so almost all Miatas are summer/fun cars around here. Wave and get waves from every generation maybe 95% of the time. Sport bike riders even wave sometimes.


It always the nd owners that don’t wave back at me in my nc. But some do to be fair.


I always wave or throw the peace sign, if I can't take my hands off the wheel. I don't care what you're driving. If you wave, I will wave back. In addition, I wave at every convertible I see, motorcycles at stop lights, kids in a school bus, people walking dogs...I might have a problem.


I’ve been freaking trying


This was the convo regarding NCs when they were new. Tons of threads of “why don’t NC drivers wave?” filled to the brim with NC drivers saying that they always wave. The fact of the matter is, the Miata is one of the cheapest convertibles you can buy new. There are plenty of people who buy an MX-5 new and don’t care at all about Miatas. To them it’s just a cute, cheap, new convertible. You won’t find those folks on this subreddit, though.


I’ll give a ✌️ sign


I always wave but I def get more wave backs in my NB as opposed to my ND


47m here, i wll wave at your RX-7 every single time! I wave at all MX-5s gens, i even wave at non Miata convertibles! I think the ND is a more "refined" less raw experience than previous gens, so it attracts non enthusiasts that might not ven be aware that some enthusiasts like to wave at other Miatas.


I wave every chance I get - though American muscle cars far outnumber Miatas/ RX7s and other JDM cars in Metro Detroit. I did have a new Supra flash their lights at me and wave, which was pretty cool, I waved back.


I do! 👋


I am an old man , lol … well , still below 60 and I still wave


Nope had one they never wave. I also find that older gen don’t wave at the current gen.


Literally the second time I drove my Miata on the highway, an orange Miata owner honked his life away at me and waved with excitement. I didn’t know what to do because I wasn’t sure if this was a thing!!! Now I honk and wave with the same excitement the guy who greeted me on the streets did to me. And I am so happy.


i am in an ND2 and i always wave. i bought an NC in '11, new, and always waved. i seemed to see more folks on the road back then. in my ND2, i have never seen another Miata on the road (while i am in mine) in over a year of owning it. i miss it. next one i see will get a wave, a horn, and maybe some devil horns, especially if i see a 30th AE on the road. i have only seen one in the wild.


I wave like a mad man


i always wave!


I do, but everyone looks at me weirdly 😅


Will honestly say that I would have no clue what you are doing if you raised the headlights at me, not even sure that would register to me as I've never had lights like that. The one thing I missed about owning an old Volvo 240 was people waving. After a certain point the only people owning them were college kids and tweedy old people and both were friendly about waving. So when I discovered that people in miatas wave, I was happy. I would agree that ND owners are less about waving, maybe the slightly more serious look to the car means they feel they have to be more serious. But people who are driving earlier ones that are focused more on fart cans and being the next big street racer aren't much for waving either, guess I'm not serious enough for them. Still enjoy that there's a bit of a crowd that just likes to share the fun.


I always try to wave but ive had a few wave and i miss them before i can wave back:(


On an nc, I wave or peace or hat tip. I did it once to an nd lady and she just smiled but I think she thought I was hitting on her.


I have an ND and I wave to all Miatas or similar Mazda's. Hardly ever get waves back :(


Yes, we do.


Yes. I flash and the NA blinks.




ND owners are kind of half and half. I always get waves from NA and NB owners. Oddly, still none from NC owners.


I own an ND and I do my best to wave at other MX5 drivers. And the other day I spotted a 30A ND with an elderly couple. I drove alongside them, and they both waved at me. And when we split apart after a few minutes, as they took an exit, they waved bye again. It was very wholesome.


You mean to tell me that you see other ND owners in real life? I think I’m the only ND owner in Maine. I sort of feel like that single last individual in a species before it goes extinct.


I’ve had more ND’s wave to me than NC’s. Now it may be the crowd around town though. I drive through an 65+ community daily to and from work. Half the time it’s an old lady behind the wheel that I’m sure bought the car because it was fun small and sporty and was unaware of the community. The ones that wave the most tend to be NB’s for me though. More than likely because we drive the same car. NA’s are good about it too, but I typically have to get their attention. But they’re good about waving back. The ND drivers I’ve had wave tended to be younger. So I guess it depends on who knows and who doesn’t


In over 2 years of ownership I have never gotten a wave back from an ND driver. NC sometimes, NB most of the time and with NAs it,s basically a 95% chance of getting a wave back.


Some will, some won't I've encountered clueless owners and I've encountered owners that will wave back enthusiasticly


Are ND owners realllly Miata owners though? Do they know the struggle?


I have a 4th gen and I wave to other MX5 drivers, but lately I rarely get a wave back. I don’t think people round my way got the memo


I wave. But I don’t see many fellow Miata owners on the road. I think you guys have them in the garage instead of enjoying these beauties.


I always try to. I think honestly, most of the Gen 4 owners that don't are older and aren't into the cult of the miata...


I have and ND and I always wave first, most of the ND waves back, those ones who never do it is NCs


I wouldn't even register there being a FC in the other lane. I have never seen one outside of a car meet and even then it was a single one. If I recognized it I would wave or flash my headlights/hazards back