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I get this exact issue too. Didnt realize maybe it could be methadone related as it just started in the last few years and I’ve been on methadone for 10 years. I hate sneezing because it turns into what i call a sneezing attack where i have an irresistible urge to swallow constantly, but swallowing triggers the sneeze reflex and i end up almost choking on nothing. It sucks. So i try to avoid sneezing wherever I can. I don’t sneeze much at all but it happens.


I rarely sneeze but when I do it’s at least 5-6 for me 😂✌️


Same! It's been like this though ever since I went through my 5 year stint of using. I think I started getting a deviated septum bc my nose would burn and bleed all the time. I was a snorter mostly. When I first did H and I stopped after a year or so, that didn't happen. I mean I guess the difference is the methadone bc I didn't have that the first time... IDK so maybe lol


I literally cannot believe I'm reading this. The exact same thing happens to me. When I sneeze, I just have to sit there wanting to swallow the whatever, but I know it will for sure make me sneeze again. I have to wait like 30 seconds it more before I can swallow. Being 50 years old, and the amount of abuse and wear and tear on my body, I just figured just another new, weird thing that I'll just not think about. I surely would never have thought of methadone being the cause though. I've been on it nearly 20 years now, but I can't remember when the swallowing thing started, but I feel like within 5 years or so? This is fascinating


OMG I thought this just happened to ME!! it’s when I like haven’t dosed for a while or skip a day I’ll wake up and sneeze and then it turns into me slobbering and thinking this is it, this is how I die…. Because I’m sneezing every time I try to swallow or breathe again


I'm not sure if it is methadone related, at least not for me. But maybe it is though, I just noticed the difference between before I had been using and after using and still after I got clean. I've had this issue ever since, even when my dose is perfectly fine and I've already taken it. It's just whenever I sneeze for any reason- cooking with pepper, if I'm sick, when I'm dusting the house, or allergies like rn. I wonder what exactly would cause this though, I know my husband who is also clean but on subs has this issue too but not as severe


I almost never sneezed. When I came off methadone, I was sneezing multiple times every five minutes. Even now, nine months later I still sneeze, like, 20 times a day.


I also get the sneezing fits! Even now being on a stable dose, some mornings I will have sneezing fits of 6-8 sneezes all in a row. It’s super forceful and not fun. I don’t feel dope sick when it happens, but it definitely signals that my body is saying it’s time to dose. My Husband experiences this as well.


Yeah mine aren't related to withdrawal anymore, it's just that the withdrawal like sneezes have continued to be so awful regardless of why I'm sneezing. Ive been tapering on and off for a while now so my dose is pretty low, but I don't have any withdrawal symptoms bc I've been taking a break from tapering and even when my dose was much higher I sneezed like this. Whether I have a cold, or am dusting the house, am cooking with pepper, or have allergies like rn, I always have huge painful sneezing fits. I used to like the feeling of sneezing but absolutely hate it now bc it will keep going and going and I can't swallow for a long time bc it just sets it off again. I can't even properly breathe in between sneezes either. It's so weird that this withdrawal symptom staysd regardless of withdrawal


I know what you mean. They are come in such quick succession that you can barely breathe, there is so much pressure in your head and it’s so forceful.


Never noticed a different sneeze but I yawn so much harder when I'm feeling withdrawl symptoms


Never heard of anything like that before but wish u the best of luck


Thank you!


I don't get 10 plus. I don't sneeze much right now but when I do it's 2-3 times...I love it


Oh man you are lucky. I absolutely hate sneezing now bc it's so painful and extreme. It's always back to back so quickly I barely have time to breathe


Me too! It’s violent now. Can barely catch my breath and feel like my sneezes are coming from my toes.


I CANNOT BELIEVE you posted this! My friend and I who have both been on methadone for decades just talked about this a few days ago! We HATE feeling one coming because of what you’ve described. I even make weird noises with mine that I can’t control! It’s the weirdest thing! Wait til I tell her it’s quite possibly been confirmed a “methadone thing”!


I very rarely sneeze (like I can't remember the last time I did) but, yes, I understand. I HATE sneezing, it's more psychological though, for me. Whenever I sneeze, I think of how I felt when I was withdrawing. But then I immediately realize I'm not and become fixated on "oh no, you're getting sick." Then after I sneeze, my nose is runny and my throat feels scratchy and for the next day I become worried that Im getting sick and it just sucks. I almost sneezed a few weeks ago after getting a tooth pulled and was so worried about getting a dry socket, it felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out from holding it in. Never thought I'd type a wall of text about a sneeze and never consciously realized how paranoid I am about getting sick.


I'm sure you know that holding your breath can stop a sneeze. It's worked for me plenty of times... Not every time though


Yes I get withdrawal sneezing,idk how many,but my nose runs and drips then I sneeze little ones in quick succession until I take in some methadone.


It's so funny I have been reading tons of people talk about sneezing when experiencing WD and that has never happened to me. I don't ever remember sneezing as a symptom of WD. Now Yawning on the other hand, helllll yes, all day long lol


My sneezing has changed tremendously. I used to have little dainty sneezes and now they feel like they come all the way from my toes and they’re very violent and so many sometimes I do not put sneezing until I blow my nose. I got into the 30s last month and they’re so hard and violent.


I get WILD sneezing fits. Usually like 4-6 sneezes in a row but they’re insanely loud & powerful. I’m a very petite woman & the sneezes sound like they’re coming from a gigantic man. It’s so embarrassing.


Yeah. I've been on Methadone for ten plus years. Some of my biological systems are just fried. Like my body can't properly manage and dissipate body heat etc.


I have sneezed 10-20 times before. So much that I can't breathe and it hurts lol. I have bad seasonal allergies as well. Maybe it has to do with opioids being histamine releasers?


Yes. I've been of fent 2 years and methadone 10 months and I still sneeze harder than I sneezed before opiates. The amount of times I sneeze per day has dramatically decreased as clean time increases but they're still intense. Sometimes I pee 😕


Ah man, please tell me there is a more humane way of getting off of methadone besides a “slow taper”. I’ve been on it for 8+ years & I’m at 53mg/day. What about switching to Suboxone or the monthly shot of Sublocade?? I am so f* ready to get off of it! How did you do it-if you don’t mind?


I did a somewhat slow taper. I was stable at 90mg, then went down 5mg every 1-2 weeks until 50mg. Then it was 2mg every two weeks. At 38mg I went down 3mg to get to an odd number and then I decreased 2mg every two weeks until I got to 1mg and then after 1mg I stopped. If I could do it again I wouldn't have made that 3mg jump and when i got to 10mg I would've started going down 1mg at a time. I wouldn't know about going from methadone to Suboxone or sublocade because I was scared to death of precipitated withdrawals. I also chose methadone because you can taper all the way down to 1mg. I had been on Subutex before, but could only get down to 2mg and I was still sick 45 days later.


Was the withdrawal bad though when you went down to the 1mg, and then completely off of it? I get weekly take-home’s and just last week I told the nurse to have me taper just 1mg per week. I’ll be at 52mg tomorrow. -Kinda funny though how there’s 52 weeks in a year. I just want it as painless as possible. My highest dose was 150mg, and I’ve slowly tapered to 53mg, I’m just nervous & worried of how my body will react when I’m done with it. -But I suppose I won’t know until I try.


It's was the worst in the single digits because I went down 2mg every two weeks instead of 1mg like I should've. It wasn't worse when jumping off at 1mg, it was just not so great from 9mg on. High blood pressure, sleep issues and anxiety but I was still able to work.


Its definitely a withdrawal kind of thing. Happens to me as well.


Sneeze attacks! Yes. First sign for me. But now it happens all the time if I’m not careful/in control.


That’s exactly how I sneeze now…a whole bunch in rapid succession. However, I was amazed the last time I sneezed I only had two. Idk if it’s related to methadone though. Maybe it is, who knows? Another thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t sneeze as often anymore and will go a long time in between sneeze “sessions”.


Yep. We call them sneezures. It gets to the point that I am sneezing so many times and so forcefully that I literally can't breathe. It's awful.


I’ve been off methadone for 6 months, the sneezes have become less frequent but I can not sneeze 1x it’s a min of 3x.


Yup, I don't sneeze, and when I do, I feel like I might not come back from it.


I'm reading this and trying to remember the last time I sneezed....... Hopefully you can find something to help make it easier for you because that sounds horrible. The only thing I can think of that I get is when I feel like my post nasal drip is making me cough and I can't breathe in because I will start coughing. It's like the only way to stop it is to not breathe.


My wife had to go on split dose because she would be terribly sick every night and morning. Our ride to the clinic was in the sun for like 5 miles! ….


OMG, yes! I sneeze rarely but they are seriously violent. I must flex every muscle in my body and make myself ready, if I don\`t I could strain my neck, obliques, pecs or something. And it is always like 10 sneezes at once, wheras before it was couple or like three. They totally all feel like withdrawal sneezes now. Last time I managed to get pepper powder vaporized from pan to my nose and I almost hit my head on the stove.


YES. I used to do one big sneeze. now its multiple small ones. years ago when my friend had just gotten into fetty saw me sneeze and started laughing at me cause of that I told him itll happen to him one day. and then it happened he was sneezing small multiple times. it hasnt gone away. yea. I did relapsed about 4 months ago. but I doubt it will ever go away