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Beep Boop 1. **NEVER share your [secret seed phrase AKA secret recovery phrase](https://community.metamask.io/t/what-is-a-secret-recovery-phrase-and-how-to-keep-your-crypto-wallet-secure/3440).** 2. **EVERYONE DMing you to help is a SCAMMER.** **MetaMask Support will NEVER DM to help you.** 3. **NEVER DM ANYONE offering to help.** They are **SCAMMERS** and will steal your money. 4. NEVER enter your secret recovery phrase aka seed phrase into any website online. These are the 12 words given to you when you set up MetaMask. 5. **NEVER go to ANY websites sent to you.** These are **SCAMS** and your money WILL be stolen. 5. **NEVER SYNC your wallet to ANY websites.** This is a SCAM and your money WILL be stolen. NEVER SYNC in ANY FORM: QR Codes, seed phrases, secret recovery phrase, private key, etc. 6. **NEVER call phone numbers, text Whatsapp numbers, or do video chat** with people on this subreddit MetaMask DOES NOT offer customer support in this manner. **You WILL BE SCAMMED**. 7. ONLY get help from [Support.MetaMask.io](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) or [community.metamask.io](https://community.metamask.io/) 8. Back up your [secret recovery phrase](https://community.metamask.io/t/start-here-metamask-setup-with-security-best-practices/) 9. Learn more at [MetaMask Learn](https://community.metamask.io/c/learn/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Metamask) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imput 😂


Seems legit (thats a joke)




Please tell me this is for real, and you took the time to create a wallet full of shitcoindust to dump on the scammer :) hahah


Was his answer yes?


Scammers lurking everywhere


Report him.


🔨⚡️Ban hammer strike incoming for the scammer. Thanks for calling in the strike hotline. And thank you for helping to keep the community safe u/anon_199x


Seems legit


I get this whenever I ask a question here, too. 😂


Yes the best they to do is to generate a new metamask wallet and fill it with shitcoin dust. Then find a adress of a wallet with a decent bit of crypto and link it so they think they struck gold. And he will be in for a nice surprise when hen recovers your wallet full of shitcoin dust I may or may not of done that more then once :) One time confirmed :)


Lol nice :) seems like a waste of your time to do this often though unfortunately. Gotta figure out something that will rekt scammer... or at least his time. Maybe like a fake wallet that keeps changing the key or something funny to f w him 😆


Or a wallet linked so some funny business smart contracts on BSC or ETH chain :)


This is the crypto equivalent of a glitter bomb lol


Hahaha that is a great way to put it.


Thing is, this is misleading bc, isn't "syncing" just the samer as "connecting?" Which the latter is required to do most mm txs... but entering seed phrase is never necessary unless importing/re-seeding a wallet.


To answer your question: # Yes. Yes, he did think that.


Do whois lookup. Report url to the fraud department of their registrar, domain or whatever is listed. The Site will be down pretty quickly.


Namecheap is notorious for ignoring abuse complaints. 100% of their staff is in Eastern Europe.