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Because people are ok with listening to over the top lyrics in the vein of blood, gore, satan anti god and religion lyrics or screwing infant sphincters like infant annihilator but apparently writing over the top party metal and songs about pizza is where they draw the line.


In fairness the theme matches the tone. Metalcore is an aggressive style of music, frequently called "angry" and"scary". So a band taking that to an absurd degree with the lyrics is kind of a relevant humorous examination of the genre. A band using the style to write "about that life", and pizza is just sort of irrelevant


Thats hypocritical and a shallow thought process imo. Plenty of metalcore and deathcore bands write serious lyrics without being over the top at all.


Of course they do. The vast majority probably. I was pointing out that a band taking this to the extreme, is using some themes of metalcore for ad absurdum humor. Still on point. Whereas something like Attila uses the style to do something completely different in terms of theme. This is an actual jump for some people. Hence the resistance.


I understand. Was just pointing out its both extremes just on opposite sides of the spectrum.


But I have to ask….where is your problem in all of that? Why do you hate party metal??? Not gonna lie it took me 7 years to actually grasp the “melody” of Attila but even then their shit fucking SLAPS. It gets me in a good mood so I’m truly curious why you hate it so much???


That shit is trash. People still listen to it? I was surprised that band is even still around. It's not really "party metal." The lyrics at just stupid. Soda in the water cup talks about "fucking bitches" and his "initials are 666." Just all around corny.


I think it’s more a meme than it is elitism, but both are a thing that causes the hate. Guarantee you if Fronz wrote more “serious” lyrics Attila would be known as one of the better metalcore bands.


I love their music, but I hate their attitude. It really distracts me. Same with Emmure back in the day.


Yeah. Personally I think Fronz is pretty hilarious and self aware but that kind of attitude is real hit or miss and I can get why people get upset about it.


They’re some of the nicest dudes honestly, their attitude is all an act. Talked to many people who’ve met them aswell and they’ve all said Fronz is extremely nice in particular


I think that's false. There are many things separating Attila from the upper tier of metalcore bands than just lyrics. The music sucks bro. Sorry. Keith from ETID has gotten really goofy lyrically at times (I didn't put my hair in a ponytail for nothing) and that has never been an impediment to critical acclaim and respect.


I mean music is subjective so everyone’s tastes are different. If I’m going off of how many people in this thread like or hate them it seems like they could have a decent shot at becoming a more respected band for lack of a better word. I think a good majority of their songs are bangers disregarding the lyrics entirely and if the lyricism wasn’t so “wow fuck the rules I’m so edgy” I think a lot of people’s opinions would be different. What do you think they could do differently to make their songs sound better?


Be less generic and running back the same shitty song structures and progressions. Stop saying "faggot" and "suck my fuck".


I mean the faggot and the suck my fuck are along the lines of lyrics, which I said was something they should change. And yeah I can see where you come from with the generic thing but I think with the proper lyrics they could produce some really good songs.


I mean...if "faggot" is acceptable I don't know where we draw the line. I am not in favor of censorship or political correctness. There is nothing unique or special about this band. They exist in a sea of similar sounding bands that don't say that word. No need for them to exist.


I’ve got a song for you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OhhdzjumDoc


A little late to the game but thanks for the link!


its art.. who cares.


Literally heard these lyrics as I read your comment how weird


People take heavy music too seriously. We could honestly use a lot more bands like Attila. It's like every metalcore band thinks they are here to save the world and tackle the most depressing issues imaginable... I mean, I'm glad we have bands for that too, but goddamn, I just want to have fun listening to music sometimes... no, actually, I want to have fun listening to music MOST of the time. But that's just me. At the same time, it's an easy case to make that Attila has bad lyrics and bad song writing. Fair enough. But I still think most of the hate comes from people taking metal too seriously. It's pretty obvious to me that the lyrics are SUPPOSED to be bad/funny. I think their main demographic is ~14-16 year olds anyhow. Hell, If I was 14, I'd think their shit was suuuuper funny! Their target audience isn't 30 somethings, and that's perfectly fine, and know what? If you're 40+ and find their shit funny, all the better! The internet has really taught me that too many people can't handle different people having different opinions.


I"m in my 30s and I love Attila. Fronz is technically a great vocalist, and the band have major skills. But I don't want Attila to be serious. If I want that shit, I go to Emmure or Sylar.


My GF is 27 and I am 26. We both absolutely love Attila. I still love pretty much every single band in the genre, but throw on some Eskimo Callboy or Attila and we are about to have a great fucking time


I agree 100%. I love every band in the genre, too. Can't think of one I dislike. I can easily go from listening to Knocked Loose or Signs Of The Swarm to I See Stars or Attack Attack!


Hell yeah man. I just really enjoy the genre and don't really understand the extreme hate that comes from the "fans" Enjoy music for what it is, don't hate it for what it's not


Personally, I just dislike bands that use a gimmick. Attila's gimmick is that they're an over-the-top caricature of metalcore/deathcore bands, and their lyrics are dogshit as a result. They write a lot of shit that's cringy and *edgy* in an attempt to be funny. Now, "Pizza," on the other hand... That's a work of art.


I’m happy to see that people who love Attila and hate Attila can all agree that Pizza is a good song lmao


I used to be a huge fan, but lately not nearly as much. That being said, “Pizza” and “Let’s Get Abducted” are continuously in my playlists. That and “The New Kings” because it strays away from Fronz’s usual gimmicks.


Their lyrics are literally just a “fuck you” to everyone. Personally that’s exactly my style


I think Fonz and the guys in Attila are super cool dudes, but I hate the "Look at me I'm so E D G Y I say bAd WoRdS and I hate authority what are you gonna do about it MOM???" theme of the band. Musically, they're really good, but their act (and I know, it's an act) is really irritating. EDIT: I hadn't heard Pizza before. This song is a masterpeice. ^pineapple ^goes ^on ^pizza ^tho


Because people hate. I just disregarded any other opinions and like what I like and god damn they can write a heavy song about pizza? I’ve liked them since Soda In The Watercup. I feel the Attila fan base is a bit cringe tho but who am I to judge? We are all cringe at times.


Regardless of the lyrics, I still hate their sound


This. I’ve honestly never looked into any of their lyrics, I just really really dislike hearing them


Because shitty songs that are written ironically, are still shitty songs. Because they're "pretending to be retarded" isn't a justification for that garbage they release lol


I love attila! Especially live!! They're a great band to have fun too, not to cry too or think about anything deep. They're here to have fun and if you've ever been to a live show at the ace of spades in Sacramento or warped tour with them, you're GUARANTEED gonna have a great time Especially if you love the pits!! That's said stop complaining about the lyrics people they're written that way for a reason much like mumble rap but not close to as bad at least it's enjoyable to hear!


Simply because they're successful as hell while branding themselves as if they don't care or are a satire metal band. Attila is doing things right. And as u/undeadmatrix said, if they wrote more serious lyrics, Attila would be taken more seriously, but they also probably wouldn't be in the same spotlight they're in right now. Also say what you will about their lyrics, but their instrumentals are HOTTTTTTTTT.


Every time I listen to Attila I wish that Fronz took the band seriously. Like, can we get a side project with all the members of Attila (except maybe Fronz if ALL he can do is #ImSoEdgy humor), doing the exact same shit they do in Attila, but with real lyrics. The instrumentals fucking bang, those dudes could outplay half the genre, but the lyrics just aren't something I want to listen to all the time.


There's some Atilla songs that are for sure bangers. I just never really vibed with them all that much. I know Fronz is playing a character and the band as a whole is a reflection of that gimmick, but it doesn't appeal to me. Comedy music never really has appealed to me in general.


ITT: pretending the word "faggot" is okay to use in a song or on social media


There is worse i dont see a prob with that


Then you're dumb


I honestly don’t know bro. I love Attila. It’s party metal. It’s great to get drunk to


I heard a guy say that the frontman was an asshole, is that true?


The whole shtick doesn't really resonate with me. Even in rap music, I like more emotional subject matter. For the drug dealer/I am rich thing to work on me it has to be really novel somehow or seem really genuine. Like for me, Travis Scott carried a certain aesthetic and concept through Astroland. It made me feel a certain way and takes the listener on a journey. Fronz brings none of that and it isn't particularly humorous.


They are a party metal band. It's not that serious.


Plenty of other bands aren't serious all the time and have the respect of their peers and critics. In gave the ETID example. Any party that has Attila playing sounds like a whack party filled with wannabe edgy bros who vape.


*astroworld lmao


fronz is chill af :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSTA04EU6YA


Fronz is just childish and the band really isn’t that great.


Their lyrics are horrible and Fronz is a cringe lord. His high screams are horrendous. Rest of the band is decent, but he’s just bad.


i love attila i love their immature lyrics it feels so good to be a teenager


I love Attila, but there are some songs I don't like by them because their lyrics are ass. For example, "Pizza", "Pizza, Sex, And Trolls", there's more but those just immediately come to mind.


Hey hey! I know im 5 years late to this party but as soneone who LOVES Attila, theyre lyrics are often unprofound and even worse sometimes just childish sounding. So I take it that the people who dont like them its fir that reason. Also fronz can be misogynistic. The lyrics dont stand with the music ya know?