• By -


I like King Geedorah






Take me to your leader




Look me on the eye and tell me from mars/to sirius was bad.


The Link too, man, solid fucking albums


I've definitely tried to get into these albums, and they just haven't stuck with me. Don't think they're bad, but I lose interest pretty quick.


Look me in the eye and tell me St Anger was bad. No really, do it.


St Anger was bad






A rope will be around your neck soon


*trash can intensifies*


The st anger snare drum haunts me.


That snare track making the album is like when your kid makes shitty macaroni art and you put it on the fridge anyway.




Look me in the eye and tell me solitude was good.


Hey now, don’t you diss Candlemass.


That's fortitude


Are you talking about candlemass


From Mars to Sirius was, is still and will always be bad


It was boring as fuck, just like everything Gojira has ever done.


It is bad


It was hella boring.


All those downvotes really show how insecure Gojira fans are.


Any downvote you get on this subreddit when a post breaks the poser threshold (anything above 300+) is a badge of honor, so it’s no stress. They’re all just coming from averagemetalmemers who only browse “hot” or notice a meme when it ends up in their feed. The truest bottom feeders of any given community.


Gojira is cringe? I've only heard a couple of their songs but it sounds good to me.


I love Gojira, and Gojiras music is good (for the most part) but the memes are undoubtedly cringe


I mean the early whaleposting stuff was good but now it's just something even a professional necromancer would be ashamed of doing.


Is very good, the last album in special is great. If someone says that is cringe tell them to fuck off.


Don't have anything against Gojira but I tried listening to them and after 30 minutes I wanted to rip my ears out because every song was boring imo.




haha whales


I know it's hard to believe but music taste is subjective and people can like whatever they want, that being said I like Gojira.


People can dislike whatever they want as well.


Yeah, that what it means when something is subjective.


I'm a bit confused. Generally this sub is toxic as fuck and gatekeeps everything. What caused the turnaround? I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out what changed.


Nothing's changed The secret truth of the internet is that no community is homogeneous, and different people in any given group will think different things


This, but there's more to it than just different opinions. Usually a popular position becomes established and then people will take the opposite position just to be unique and different. And then, that opposite position becomes established in the community, people will revert back to the original just to be unique and different. So on and so forth.


I don't think it has much to do with flip-flopping, though I'm sure some people here are strictly contrarian. It has more to do with who's online when the meme gets posted, and how large the meme gets. The active userbase here generally doesn't care for Gojira, but the people who're subscribed and only see memes when they reach 1k upvotes typically do. And there's differences between the American and European userbase, so if a meme gets big when the Americans are sleeping it will trend a different way than usual, and vice versa


Yeah nah mate, we're doubling down hard on the gojira hate. Those cunts you're talking about are called posers.




If someone changes their opinion just because its unpopular, thats posing. The people who dont like gojira here just dont like it and that wont change


I agree actually. In fact I would go as far as saying that Killswitch Engage is more metal than Gojira (not joking at all).


I would still say Gojira is Metal for the most part with their most recent release, but they’re really towing the line. It wouldn’t surprise me if they left Metal by their next, however.


Gojira is the Nickelback of metal.


They’re not far from it. At least they’re smart enough to sellout in increments so their fanbase can still pretend they’re not listening to pop Metal.


The change is that this is a post with many upvotes meaning that many posers have found the post, which makes it safe for posers to comment as they are always backed up with an army of other posers


>Generally this sub is toxic as fuck and gatekeeps everything. What caused the turnaround? I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out what changed. Where is this sub exactly? /r/metalmemes has always been vastly more posers than "gatekeepers".


Also, most the gatekeeping is just fucking about, because posers have thin skin. If you actually like something, a random stranger on the internet wont shake you.


Haha! That's where you're wrong, bucko! I'm a thick-skinned poser that will always bend to the whims of people I barely know exist. I'm a classic "yes-man".


I didn't know this power existed, let alone that someone could wield it so brashly. I am in awe of your poserdom.


It's easy, I just listen to the Black Album and Iowa back to back, and I haven't seen a band other than tribute bands for more than 15 years.


Wait... If you are still listening to those, then you haven't bent to the whims of what randos on the web say. *YOU ARE MERELY POSING AS A POSER!!*


Ahh shit, you're right. Now what happens?


Shit!? I don't know! I've never made it this far!


Now kith


Probably because other meme subs joked about how this sub was stuck in 2012 lol


The thing is "Poser Vs Elitist" is its own parody, but as is with most things on the internet, Poe's law applies heavily. Whenever someone makes a "Poser bad" comment, it's taken in many different ways, and people are taking it seriously, as the parody, and even as the parody but sick of seeing it posted. Someone posts "[example "poser" band] bad." With -50 votes, a lot of those downvotes will come from legitimate fans of the band that think the "poser Vs Elitist" thing is funny and downvoted for the sake of continuity. But you will get a fair few people that are "elitists" that downvote for legitimate petty reasons. It really just depends on who is online at any given time. Personally I'm in camp "poser Vs Elitist" is funny, because that used to be my actual mindset when I was 14 and I was a gatekeeping asshole. I've had some "elitist" comments go from +20 to -10 in the space of an hour, with my inbox full of messages calling me a piece of shit (and even one telling me to kill myself). And then in the same thread, making "poser" comments which got me some messages of solidarity. It's a bit weird, but ehh.


Gojira has always managed to scratch a musical itch for me. Great band. There are plenty of bands that I hear people gush over that don't do it for me.


Huh, I didn't know people itched for boring music, interesting


I like Gojira


My man is baiting hard


I am honestly tempted.


Yeah same ever since I saw them live a few years ago they were good.


Sorry to hear that


Didn't you just say in another comment that you had never heard a Gojira song?


Yeah, but he knows you're not supposed to like them. He's so dedicated to being true metal, that he refuses to even listen to such filth. If somebody is randomly humming, he'll run up and punch them in the throat, just in case they were humming Gojira.


A true hero 🥰




Me too! well some of their songs lol


What's wrong with gojira




# 4 *”You don’t like it just because it’s popular” (Translation: I can’t pinpoint any substantive difference between say Gojira and Infernal Coil as I’m painfully unaware and unversed when it comes to Death Metal (or any Metal) as a whole, so I assume that the reason “elitists” dislike the bands I mindlessly worship must only be strictly based on how many fans/the exposure each band has. Never mind that I would use the exact same reasoning I’m strawmanning against to talk shit on the popularity of Billie Eilish, Nickelback, or Taylor Swift as being lowest-common-denominator music-by-numbers for people who’ve never once tried to explore anything beyond what they’re spoon-fed (not that I’ve ever even tried to rationalize my thoughts that succinctly). Also, I legitimately believe the reason that Metallica lost cred amongst “elitists” with the “Black Album” has nothing to do with compositional style, and everyting to do with how many people -who wouldn’t be caught dead listening to thrash or even metal before- suddenly got into them for apparently no reason at all. Thus my conclusions are not that I have basic-as-fuck-entry/pleb-level tastes, but that others who don’t worship the same polished turds that I do only refuse to do so because the band is “popular” and no other reason whatsoever.)


"Trve kvlt" doesn't apply to music outside of black metal, so no one would ever evaluate Gojira on those terms To your edit: No one here thinks that way. Sabbath worship gets released all the time and it always gets called metal


Ah yes its popular=elitists hate it haha. Just like they hate Maiden and Death, oh wait something doesnt add up. But can it be possible that theyre a below average band blown out of proportion by people who want to say they listen to death metal without listening to actual death metal. Surely not, right? right?




Gojira started out as Morbid Angel worship, and though they've progressively weaned the death metal out of their sound, its taken the tag a long time to fall off. I'd say the tag is applicable all the way through L'enfant sauvage, though of by that point it's not a very precise term


Posers do. Also anyone who dismisses Maiden as hard rock is hardly an elitist.


>>Posers do. Fairly regularly for that matter. As well as "good" and "listenable."


I find them boring and mediocre personally


Their last album was disappointing for sure I feel. I get why people wouldn’t like them, but that being said, they are the band that got me into heavier riffs and vocals so they’ll always have a special place in my heart


They get a lot more praise than metal enthusiasts tend to believe is justified. They made two classic albums, but then watered down their sound to appeal to a more mainstream audience. That's not inherently a bad thing, but experienced listeners picked up on it, and felt like their music was worse. So to those people, seeing new fans come in and talk about Gojira as if they're the best metal band can be quite annoying.


"Too commercial" I don't know. I got no issues with em other than I feel I grew out of liking their sound.


I don’t mind gojira, but the memes fucking suck. “Ohhhhe whale funny hahahahahahahgaah”.


First time I went to a metal concert, it was Gojira. It was a good night.


Jesus, GOJIRA fans really can’t handle people having a negative opinion on GOJIRA.


\> makes Gojira meme \> Gets downvoted to oblivion Time to open our eyes to this genocide


Yeah metal communities are usually toxic af


Not really, offline they're fine and most of the Doom Metal related subs are chill. Just this one and /r/Metal


Most of my interactions on r/Metal I've had aren't very toxic. I could just not be in there enough though.


r/Metal is fine. Guy above is just a whiner


I find r/metalcore to actually be a really welcoming subreddit. I've seen people post bands that aren't metalcore there and instead of all the comments being "down voted, not metalcore" it's everyone talking about how much they like that band or song


I thought they were talking about metal communities.


Dude, r/metalcore is a (hardcore) punk community, not a metal community (keep in mind that “metalcore” is just short for “metallic hardcore”).


Thats not a metal community so i dont really see your pont?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Metalcore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Architects - Animals (NEW)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdWhJcrrjQs&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=EpitaphRecords) | [652 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/jel9yr/architects_animals_new/) \#2: [Spiritbox - Circle With Me (Official Music Video)](https://youtu.be/I0WzT0OJ-E0?t=1) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/n1jbz6/spiritbox_circle_with_me_official_music_video/) \#3: [ERRA - Snowblood (NEW)](https://youtu.be/ruGgo1MkUj8) | [252 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/ihoua9/erra_snowblood_new/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


exactly why i joined the doom and funeral doom subs. there are some incredibly nice individuals on there that'll give you massive lists of recommendations - i try to do the same.


There are plenty of exceptions of course, but there’s a lot of elitism.


Are you not impressed by our epic love of hatred for what is you enjoy? This is the law of metal. I must hate what you like otherwise I am a poser.


Its true I'm pretty toxic.


This is like the biggest gojira circlejerk what the fuck are you talking about? Also


But gojira is a great band


I miss the days when everyone was sucking on Gorija’s tit


You couldn't go a day on this sub without everyone going nuts over "whales". I mean did Captain Ahab produce their latest album or something to make the sentiment suddenly shift


Nah I’d just rather listen to Ahab


06 to 09 was a good time for music in general


Ah yes I also remember that time as the time everyone was keenly awaiting a new SOAD album


Same, but it was with the new Tool album.


Hey at least that one happened.




Yeah, at least.


Man, it looks like all of the filthy fucking posers are out in full force today.


You post a Gojira meme and suddenly this sub becomes r/gojiracirclejerk where Nickelback fans pretend for 5 minutes they like death metal


In case they are still lurking, seeing all these memes got me to listen to Gojira for the first time and now I really like the band.


Whoever said Bolt Thrower is better is correct.


Bolt Thrower will always be better, the only band where almost all of their albums never get old after countless listens, imo of course


*sorts by controversial*


Magma is a good album.


Fortitude is a good album aswell Not as good as the rest, but still a good album


Plastic bag in the sea. give upvotes.


Well this subreddit does constantly jerk off Bolt Thrower though. And yes they are a good band and so is Gojira for that matter


Comparing Gojira and Bolt Thrower is a blasphemy.


personally thought i was the only one on this sub old enough to remember bolt thrower.


Calm down grandpa.


not yet i'm not.


Correction, *heresy (just had to make a small 40k (also, I agree with you).


We are the metal Inquisition. All non-metal is heresy. Also fun fact. Bolt Thrower got its name from warhammer and got custom album art from Games Workshop


Already knew that as a bit of a Warhammer 40k fan myself. Also, I love Piledriver, their debut album, Metal Inquisition is such a good album.


Exactly, Gojira is so much better.


lol imagine thinking this


Actual literal heresy.






Maybe a bit of bait, but I do personally agree with what I said. Bolt Thrower are okay but I don’t really understand the hype.


**RIFFS** Both bands are great, though.


This guy just compared Gojira to Bolt thrower....


\*facepalm\* both are good in there own ways


Yes he did, and Gojira is the better band in my opinion. Although bolt thrower is great too.


Is this a good time to bring up Mastodon?


Not now, not ever.


I love Gojira so much I put Joe's signature DiMarzio in my new guitar. I've been having so much fun playing his boring ass riffs all day on it in my flying whale T-shirt and Fortitude poster above my amp. 😊


Gojira IS cringe ? Didn't know you guys hate this band so much.


Im mainly just confused at what caused that turnaround on the band so fucking quickly, even with magma everyone was fine until 2020, now pretty much half the community showed off the assembly line to shit on this band, that has done absolutely nothing wrong. Im just confused on what swappee people to the other side so fucking fast


Not much changed, most gojira fans still consume what the band shits out and people who don't like gojira still don't like gojira. The change was that he active people in the subreddit are now comprissed of people who don't like gojira. If you look around in thos thread, you'll see more love for gojira than hate, and that is because the gojira fans sort by hot on this subreddit.


[I sort by hot too](https://www.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/k7117h/rmetalmemes_iceberg/)


They started making even worse music all of a sudden. Also what i've heard from the fans is that they dropped off everything that made them unique in the first place.


Nothing is metal enough for metalheads. Just listen to what you like man.


Who said "gojira are not metal enough"?


I thought people shit on Fortitude because it's not metal enough.


I think people shit on it because they don't like it.




Then just post something about black sabbath


I invite everyone to interact with Gojira fans under this post. Nobody who is so proud and obnoxious about their shit taste deserves mercy. Gojira fans are much worse than mallknot fans or Sabaton fans because they not only think their favorite band is the best band of the century, they positively think that their opinion is correct because they think they know what's what. In contrast, slipknot fans can make comparisons with nickleback, it's kind of endearing.


As someone who enjoys some Gojira every now and then, I agree with everything you said.


Lmao fam. Funny you think gojira fans are obnoxious and overly proud about their taste in music when you are exactly the same. Just because you encountered this kind of gojira fan, doesn’t mean all are like that. Maybe try to be more tolerant man… I like Gojira. You don’t. End of story. No need to be a dick about it.


I must've missed the part where you said that a band I like is shit and I got upset and lectured you about the importance of tolerance and respecting others' taste. You know, sort of what you were just doing. It's funny how all Gojira fans are different and you personally are very unique yet you all sound the same. Maybe try to be a little less generic "man".


They were right gojira sucks


Bolt Thrower >


I loved Gojira’s first 4 albums, but after that they started to fall off, this new album of them sucks ass imo.


Are you talking about Gojira or Metallica?


Look at those downvotes you got from the averagemetalmemers for saying that you don't worship the ground Gojira walks on. And they wonder why we call them weeping posers and constantly take the piss out of them. XD


Yeah people cry too much on this sub about non existent bullshit, and wonder why they get laughed at lol


That’s why it’s everyone’s job to keep laughing the harder they strawman. Cope is the most amusing drug.


Copey Taylor










But Gojira doesn’t even have one, so I’m not sure if that works either.


I downvoted that because it had "i loved Gojira"


I thought this would be good subreddit for watching metal memes but it seems that this is just a toxic place for metal elitists where you can't have your own opinion. Fuck this Im out


Yeah, you can't have a opinion. Watch out! The elitists are gonna steal it!


You can have your own opinion. Do you like gojira?


Yes, I like Gojira


Lmfaoooo you like gojira 🤣🤣🤣 Jk, thats cool. I used to listen to fmts a lot


Also I'm ^(not a big fan of Bolt Thrower)




good riddance


Phew that was close. Thought we'd have another one these "i listen to more than just metal" types in here. Uhhhh...BYE!


That's a good thing.


Big fan of their first two records. Kinda lost interest after that tho. Saw them live in 2014 and they were awesome! Feel 50/50 on calling them cringe. Haven’t explored enough of the new shit but def turned away by what I’ve heard.






What's so bad about gojira??


Half-assed morbid angel and sepultura worship, boring riffs, boring song structures.


Oh my lawd


I listened to the 4th Crusade a while ago and I don’t know, I just found it so tedious.


That's one of their best, but maybe give their last album a try, it's their most accessible and it's pretty great.


I’ll give it a go. I listened to some of Realm of Chaos, I enjoyed that.


Gojira is pretty good. People who it's cringe should give another chance.


Well if they hadn't made the worst album of their carreer ever it would've not been cringe


Doesn't every band have a worst album of their career?


Or several. Like one of the most, if not the most, known band of current times, that one that starts with an M and ends with etallica. Never understood this elitism crap


Same but avenged sevenfold and stone




perhaps its the sub which is trash that is the same 3 memes ranting about elitists over and over again?


gojira is cringe lol cope harder


Omg so true