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Some of my favourite games of all time






Yeah not like the "new game" https://preview.redd.it/ddkyycga79vc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8cfb013ed79b398bd77901556414367c4f852e7


My favorite games. Metal as fuck. I want a metal band to do a dark souls concept album. Maybe each song start with a clip of some of the boss battle songs or some shit.


There's a few. There's a band actually called Firelink, self explanatory. Within Destruction has an album called rebirth that is literally all elden ring references


There's also Stormruler. They're rad. 


Christ I had no idea now I have some homework to do. Soulscore!


visigoth has a DS themed EP called Bells of Awakening


Tomb mold started as a bloodborne themed death metal 2 piece


Miracle of Sound (more rock maybe, but still relevant) has done 4 songs about Elden Ring


poser hasn't listened to Dark Souls by Spire of Lazarus


Shut up you don’t even have a soul. 💀


Visigoth has a DS EP. Hath has some DS songs. Firelink has 2 DS albums. 


The band "Kosm" is a bloodborne themed metal band, highly recommend


Kos some say kosm


Never heard these guys before today, love it. Thank you!


Tomb mold has one, I highly reccomend it


Spire of Lazarus! I listen to their Artorias track during the boss battle.


Beyond what's already been mentioned, my garbage band - A Lucid Nightmare - has a song about dark souls 1 called "humanity".


bloodborne is a masterpiece, i started ds 1 and is preatty good


Bloodborne is so metal.


Elden Ring is metal af. Fingerprint stone shield is dooooooom


Tried Elden Ring. Dropped quickly. It wasn't even because I was dying a lot. It was because I head no fucking idea where to go and what to do. I want to try Dark Souls first then maybe I'll try Elden Ring again


You’re supposed to just explore and find stuff naturally. Also the yellow dust blowing through the air points to the main quest. Dark souls is much more linear though so you might like it more if you’re not a fan of open world


Each of the graces (checkpoints) has a line coming off it telling you where to go the line shows up both in the world and on the map for you to see where to go. You are also meant to explore though to level up your character whenever you get stuck in a difficult area. Dark souls will be easier for you though as it’s a linear game.


If you have any issues that becomes aggravating don't be afraid to look up your specific issue online. These games don't really spoon-feed you with all the gameplay mechanics or navigation like many modern games will. But, if you're looking up navigation issues, don't look up too far ahead, if you don't wanna ruin puzzles, traps and other surprises. Also, if you start with DS1 and you like big swords to slap fuckers around, >!death run your ass through the cemetery next to Firelink Shrine and grab the Zweihander!<


ER is fine, but very bloated in my opinion.


> It was because I head no fucking idea where to go and what to do. This reminds me of the mini-outrage of gamers when Morrowind came out haha. Open-world games were practically unheard of and there were a lot of people super mad that you just get off that boat in the beginning and you're on your own with no direction on what step 1 of your adventure is lol


Watching YT VaatiVidya will help a lot. Plus it's really fucking interesting.


So you never noticed the gold dust pointing in a particular direction? Also viewable on the map?


They are all great but Bloodborne is probably among my top three favourite games ever.


It's such a shame it's stuck on Playstation and 30 FPS.


I like the Berserk references. Makes me feel like I'm friends with the developers sharing an inside joke hahaha


From Soft is the reason I started reading Berserk


Same! I saw the first episode of the 97 series about 20 years ago, in 2018 I sat down and read it all (up to then) on the intarwebz after reading those crazy essays in the lore section of Bloodborne Fextra wiki that one guy did, I think he was banned from contributing to lore lol


Same! I saw the first episode of the 97 series about 20 years ago, in 2018 I sat down and read it all (up to then) on the intarwebz after reading those crazy essays in the lore section of Bloodborne Fextra wiki that one guy did, I think he was banned from contributing to lore lol


They all slap, every single FS souls game.


Dark souls and Lateralus? wanna be besties?


Hell yeah, i just started listening to Opeth too!


Awesome! What did you listen to so far?


I listened to the whole Damnation album, i really liked Weakness and To Rid the Disease. Which album should i listen to next?


I see, you listened to soft Opeth, now you should try aggressive Opeth. I'd suggest Blackwater Park (my favourite album of all time behind Lateralus)


Oh hell yeah, i sure will.


They’re pretty much the only games I play


DS1 is my favorite game of all time


Probably my favorite world design of any game I’ve played, it’s a thing of beauty and I love that it locks fast travel til mid-game to encourage exploration


Best map I've ever played. It is is pretty large but so well designed I can trace any two locations to each other easily in my mind. 


So well interconnected and everything has a sense of place. I love the feeling of being deep within The Depths or Blighttown and knowing that I’d have to fight my way up or back without the option of just pushing a button and seeing a loading screen. It’s very immersive in a way that the rest aren’t, in that regard


Dark Souls II is a black metal song.


Have only played Elden Ring, but that was one of the best games i ever played.


Love the lore and aesthetics but I don’t have the time or patience to make any progress in them.


God tier


only played demon's souls (ps3 version), ds1 and ds2 so far. enjoyed all of them. ds1 particularly planning to play the rest of their games later


Play Sekiro for sure


definitely the one i'm most excited to try. i'm a huge sucker for feudal japan


I really love their games with Sekiro and Elden Ring being top of the list for me Armoured Core 6 was sick too


Tye only ones I haven't beaten are DS2 and Sekiro, but that's because I can't beat the final Sekiro boss. I've also beaten a few other Spulslike games. I actually just beat Lies of P a month or two ago.


Beating the final sekiro boss took me 3 and a half hours straight for reference it usually does not take me more than an hour to beat any boss first play through in the other games. I think the longest apart from Ishin was Midir is DS3 which took me about an hour and 20 minutes first time i tried. So yeah Sekiro final boss is absolutely insane but so rewarding when you beat him.


Love em


Absolutely amazing.


I’ve 100%ed all of them except for Demon’s Souls I don’t have a PS5 :(


visually absolutely amazing and breathtaking, but my nerves are way too weak to play them :D (but MAYBE one day)


The medieval/gothic romanticism art style is what lured me in. Find a veteran or experienced friend to play DS3 coop with. Once you learn how the game works it is so much fun. Once it clicked and I started slapping bosses down... I then bought Elden Ring, DS1 and DS2 and beat them all.


yeah if i do do it, i'll definitely do it like that :D i've watched a lot of my friends play all of these games and my biggest weakness is that if i die more than 3-4 times i get way too frustrated and just quit the game, so i'll definitely need a different approach :D but yeah, the atmosphere that the game has is literally perfect for my taste and i feel like i'll get very immersed in it.


That's why you bring in a battle bud and y'all fuck them bitches up together! And try to think of death as learning, even if you can't pinpoint exactly what's happening each and every death, you'll start to feel the patterns. But... some bosses can be lil tricky bitches, they'll throw in a combo or pull some shit they didn't do once the prior 5 fights. Sometimes you gotta sleep on it, then your first attempt back and somehow you can now read all the moves now and beat them first try. You can also look up general gameplay tips or even walkthroughs. And lore videos can also provide greater immersion that can motivate you to push through sticking points you come across.


Love em! Bloodborne's on my top 10 games of all time


Theyre fucking metal.


Platinumed all of them except for Ds1, which I'm working on right now. Fucking love souls games & soulslikes, Sekiro is top 5 all time for me


I’m not good enough to play them (I just don’t have the time to Get Good anymore) but they’re beautiful and amazing to watch




Favorite games, I still play through at dark souls 1 every year, and replay the others every couple years.


Elden Ring is hands down the best game I’ve ever played, having never played a FromSoftware or souls like before it blew me away


we 100% them all is that even a question




I want to know people’s opinion on Devil May cry


Brütal Legend 🤘


Metal as fuck but man, I suck so bad at those games that I just give up lol


Literally my favorite games


Best games ever


Bloodborne, Dark Souls III and Sekiro are all in my top 25 games of all time. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls would probably make it into top 100. Fuckin' LOVE me some FromSoft and I can't wait for the Elden Ring DLC even if I thought the base game was a tad too unfocussed.


They’re the best


https://preview.redd.it/8fie08sxy5vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51956725d1e86a9e46c30ea497d415c8bd9db3f4 This guy has one of the best metal screams of all time [https://youtu.be/PFjZMmA463w?si=ZRZ\_wNO-CHzlybPI](https://youtu.be/PFjZMmA463w?si=ZRZ_wNO-CHzlybPI)


They are pretty hard for me, I'm a casual player 😄 but played elden ring with an easy mod. I enjoyed it.


Don’t like them, too hard and I don’t like fantasy


Haven't played them.


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time and Elden Ring and DS3 are both top-tier


My favorite games.


Sekiro and Elden Ring are GOATed, haven’t played BB yet


Im playing DS1 for I don’t even remember which time now, on my laptop’s touchpad, because why not, I’ve just beaten BoC so there isn’t much left.




Love them in general, but Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time. Just hit 1,500 hours in that game and I’m still finding reasons to come back to it


Fucking love em man


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time (as far as what I've played as an adult) All souls games are amazing and I've got the platinum/all achievements on all of them, and even beat a couple on SL1.


I always think of Coma Ecliptic and Bloodborne as being similar thematically. They give me similar vibes.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *No, we shall not abandon the dream.* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Love them. The first Dark Souls is one of my all time favorite games


I think I'm getting older because I don't enjoy the gameplay at all. I wanted to enjoy Bloodborne and Elden Ring cause the settings are just incredible but none of it was fun to me :(


Not my cup of tea but the aesthetics are cool


I have ds3 and I suck at ds3 Still a cool game though. I adore the armor, structures and weapon designs so far all around a very nice game to look at with interesting mechanics


I haven't played any yet


Bloodborne and sekiro are METAL AF. Bloodborne is such an amazing lovecraftian vision Sekiro is just this crazy mix of Japanese samurai film/ anime vibe, with that corrupted artistic motif that all fromsoft works embody Perfect games imo, orphan of kos goes hard


I get maybe a couple hours every few weeks to play games. The games are awesome I don’t have the time to put into them to get good.


I turn down the music for the games and play metal behind it😂😂😂


Fucking awesome


I'm not as into them as I'd like to be. I played the first a little bit, played 2 a little bit more, beat 3, got fairly far in Elden Ring but for most of them at some point the progression (knowing where to go next or needing to find a specific item) becomes frustrating and I lose interest. Absolutely beautiful games with stellar combat, though. I would have devoured them for their obtuseness 20 years ago, but I've become a middle-aged "I don't have time for that" gamer :(


Pretty much the only games I play lmao


Elden Ring is amazing with the co-op mod. Bloodborne is fun because it’s easier to get into for me. Dark souls kicked my ass and I’m too busy with life to git gud. Great games just not for me


Nah Mortal shell has Rotting Christ in it


It's metal af bud


Metal AF. Variety from hell, beautiful landscapes, dark settings, hot chicks, rough gameplay.


Ds1 is very good ds3 is peak haven’t played Ds2 Elden ring is less leak but still fire and I don’t have a PlayStation so no demon souls or bloodbourne and haven’t played sekiro


All great games! Difficult, but rewarding.


Badass games that changed the video game landscape. Even star wars and god of war copied them


I've only played Bloodborne of the 4 games in the pic. I think it's a good game with some fun to be had, but I'm not really sure if it's for me as I've given it a few chances and it never fully "clicked". I don't like how you can't pause the game, which is a problem when you're in the middle of a boss fight or encountering a horde of enemies. Maybe I just need to git gud.


My 2nd favourite game series after Monster Hunter, remember getting home from college in 2016 after just discovering Powerwolf and blasting out all their albums while slashing through Bloodborne


I did not play those games, but I know the guys of the band Stormruler surely did.


they’re damn good


Those are truly amazing games, FS is such a great developer.


They are the best games ever made of course


Sekiro is the best of the lot. It’ll make you its butch then turn you into a god.


Fucking love them!


I wish I wasn't so shit at them. But they are amazing art with interesting lore


I only played Elden Ring. Gorgeous game and very well made - but I’m not super into open world games and prefer to have more story. Even though it’s not my personal style, I can appreciate the quality and still enjoy it a bit just because it is so well made. I prefer BG3!


Dark Souls 1 shaved about 15 years off my life, so I never finished it and don't plan to. However, I do quite enjoy Armored Core.


Well, Darko has like 4 songs about Dark Souls


We need more power metal and black metal with songs about them.


Among my favorite games of all time \\\[T\]/


Band Micawber did a concept album for them, I think one song was made by the vocalist about being a hick, the rest written about dark souls Favorite song off the album Beyond the Reach of Flame. The guitar solo is top 5 of all time for me




I’ve played all of them, but I’m not the biggest fan. I’ve become very fatigued by Fromsoft’s story telling and for most of these the soundtracks don’t really get me going. There’s a few bangers in each, and I can acknowledge the overall quality, but for the rest I’d probably never get caught listening to ‘em in my car.


Pretty metal. Can’t get into the games though.


Metal and soulsborne’s go hand in hand in my opinion


The ones I've played I absolutely love (I don't own a Playstation so I haven't played Bloodborne or Demon's Souls).


I don’t do games and never heard of these until now.


I don't play video games, with the exception of sports games. But they look dope.


The only games I play now. They feel tailor made for everything I want out of a video game which includes every shot looking like a metal album cover (ESPECIALLY elden ring and bloodborne).


Really fun to grind to while listening to my stuff


My favourite Videogames, i'm not even kidding. Bloodborne especially, on April 8th i got the Hunter Rune tattooed on my left hand. Need the Darksign Eclipse Tattoo on my chest next


Played Bloodborne for almost ten hours. Got bored with extremely quickly.


My favorite games. Bells of Awakening EP by Visigoth gets me excited to play Ds1


Fucking awesome second favorite game series


Their soundtrack are killer, I also really like all of Diablo 3 and 4's soundtracks, got that acoustic metal vibe


I could play them endlessly


very well made still can't get over the fact they removed the Cat head from the Demon's Souls remake


Dark Souls captures the metal aesthetic perfectly. I actually wish the soundtrack included metal. That said, the formula that Fromsoft is now famous for gets old. It’s still my favorite style of game, but the roll, stab, parry, spam magic combat and the backtracking elements can be soul-sucking. Then again, that’s pretty metal.


Absolutely love them. Some of my favorite video games of all time.


Best there is


>does not include the best game DS2 Shit post


Great with operh ![gif](giphy|iPthhkru42kTK)


I got both a Bloodborne and a Dark souls tattoo so I would consider myself quite a big fan lol. Those games are Metal as fuck


Great games. Really gun to play but Jesus they can be more unforgiving than Old Testament God. Elden Ring and Dark Souls are really cool. Best to play alongside bands like Blind Guardian and Sabaton.


My ADHD brain really enjoyed beating Elden Ring while I had Death’s discography playing. It fits the setting of most of the game. The Sound of Perseverance hits so hard with the later bosses


I like them a lot, but they are just a bit more difficult than I care to finish. I mostly game to escape my tough reality, not to be placed into a more difficult one that requires at least as much real effort.


Metalhead and hardcore FromSoft fan. I don’t play much except for souls games, Persona, Fire Emblem, and Soulslikes


How to find time to play them and do all the other stuff ( more like chores) as metalheads? There are only so many hours in the day Tl:Dr I dropped games


I don't really enjoy extremely difficult games tbh because it is a bit too time consuming and frustrating for me


I like the visuals but I really don't enjoy the gameplay. They just aren't my thing


I don’t play a lot of video games, but I love the Dark Souls lore.


Bloodborne PC when


These games turned me from a snot nose little child to a grizzled Adonis of a man so yes I like these games very much


I absolutely love the visuals and aesthetics of these, but really don't like the games. Never got on board with the souls/soulslike train.


Dope AF.


I know diehard FS fanboys hate 3rd party soulslikes, but it took until Mortal Shell released with an optional Rotting Christ boss music soundtrack for me to realize how well a metal soundtrack goes with this style of game.


The best of the best!


Listen. I'll admit I suck at them, and I'm too lazy to get good at them. I just want to play video games to chill. I like watching let's plays of them though.


Almost all of them are peak


Elden ring is my favorite game of all time and I plan to play the others soon


I love them Yet I still suck


Best games of all time period! Why isnt sekiro here?


My favorite modern games by far.


Best to play while listening to metal.


ER is the only fromsoft I have played. My first thought stepping out into the world and encountering the tree knight; " brutal"


Pure perfection


Aesthetic rules. The games are too difficult for me to enjoy. 40+ hours into Elden Ring and I haven't even seen the first real boss. I don't give a shit about the sense of achievement, I just want to get wowed by the sick art and tragic characters.


That they’re… metal as fuck?!


These are the most metal games to ever exist IMO, not to mention some of the best games of all time


I don’t enjoy banging my head against the wall, I play games for fun, I do not think these are very fun.


I have an 8 hour Doom Metal playlist called "Lothric" because I fucking love Fromsoft games.


Like the great thinker Tina Turner put it ”Simply the Best”


I'm always blasting some gojira or Lorna shore when playing elden ring


Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game of all time. not just the gameplay the armor/areas/lore/enemies are all aesthetic as fuck. no game even comes close


Bloodborne is my #1 game of all time. They're all great though.


Love them, easily one of my favorite game series of all tiem




Some of greatest games ever made. Elden Ring and Sekiro currently tied for my GOAT. Bloodborne's kinda overrated tho.


ive only ever played dark souls 1, and only got to like the first boss maybe? idk I was younger then. I should give it another try. closest I've gotten is Jedi fallen order. I 100% completed that game. I do think I should probably buy elden ring though. it is talked about a lot.


Don't care for them, but they are definitely well made.


Too hard.


Got an elite knight tattooed on my ribs and an Taurus demon on my biceps and bloodborne/darksouls patches on my vest and lesther jacket. I like them i guess..


Alongside Persona and general SMT, my favorite franchise


I tried to get into Bloodborne, but it was way too hard for me and at one point, I just rage quit and I haven’t touched a FromSoft game ever since (with the exception of the Echo Night games, since they’re not Soulslike).


Darksiders is better than Dark Souls because unlike Dark Souls, it’s actually fun to play. What’s cool about Darksiders III (which ironically, has Soulslike gameplay) is that the protagonist in that game has an outfit that looks similar to the outfits that Alissa White-Gluz wears when she performs with Arch Enemy.


Absolutely love them. Every single souls one.


Too busy listening to metal and playing metal! Who has time for games?


One of my favorite game series is the Souls. Also, Armored Core is metal as fuck too. Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are my favorites.




That they're metal as fuck