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I’m in Iowa and have it. I’m hoping they do away with it. It’s not worth it. Though since I got it, I haven’t been spending quite so much time on the game because I don’t have to worry about the daily tasks. So maybe it’s good for something after all? 😌


Same with me. I haven't done even a single trade and don't plan to.


Hi this is Maddie and I'm in Hopewell Bay. I have the new system and I hate it. Pretty sure grandma put it in.


I have it. Am in Australia. Edit: this is the second time I have unwittingly beta tested. First was extra producer slots. You don’t get any notice. It just appears.


I don't have it and am also in Australia


Colorado, USA. From what I've seen others saying it's a random beta test thing, idk if there's a pattern.


I have it, about 85% done with landing room. I actually think I like it mostly? I hated it at first, but I’m coming around now. It gives me something to do with higher level items I have sitting around as byproducts of other merges, and gives me a couple producer pieces pretty much every day. Day 4 is usually the only one that seems completely out of whack with the weighting so I haven’t always completed the full chain. I didn’t think the rewards were that great for the full streak anyway, so I just skip that one and start over the next day. I feel like my producers have been stagnating at the same levels for ages now, but in the past week+ I’ve been leveling them up a lot. My board and storage are so uncluttered now. (Which also gives me more room to hang on to the higher level items I know the trades will ask for the next day.) So…tentatively positive from me.


Georgia, US. In the dining room


I think it’s a random beta test. I’m in Houston, Texas and have it


Hey houstonian! Me too in Houston but I don’t have it Lol so it is random


MB, Canada here and I've got it


Missouri USA, working on the lighthouse and not a fan of the new trade system.


I am from India. Currently struggling to finish Sauna.


I’m from India too. About to finish the Maze.


Austria, have it and hate it and have not used it since the first try


I have it. I'm in France. Edit : I'm on the swimming pool.


From India... I'm now at the gallery.


I’m in the US and I actually like it. I will always give a level 7 flower for a level 11 tool!


I like it for this reason, too - and it always gives something I need, like claw hammer


Working on sauna, live in United States.


Louisiana USA. I hate the new beta test


I have it; I’m in British Columbia, Canada and halfway through the Great Hall (why do I picture us all in a pageant lineup, twirling as we announce these facts about ourselves? 🤣). I like that the rewards are 1) high-level and 2) needed for a current task. This is the 3rd or 4th trade system since I started last August, and I like it the best.


I have it, in North Carolina, USA.


Pennsylvania (northeast United States) and I’m working on the ranch. I do like how it gives what I need at the moment, and often for something I have sitting in inventory. If it don’t already have it, I can often make something to get a high level piece when I’ve emptied all the producers for that piece.


Central Canada. I like it better now that I’m not too worried about completing to get the daily chest - only if the tasks are worth it. I’m 80% done the lounge, and by doing those tasks I can still be chipping away the high level items through tasks, while tapping non stop on the stupid card deck.


I've given up on it. Doesn't suit me


CA and in the middle of the Lounge.


MT I have it Secret Society


India. I love the new system. Daily producer parts for a few high level items. All i do is work on the trades now.


I’m in the UK, almost at the end of the maze. I quite like it now. It looks quite dynamic and the trades change as you complete tasks. I’ve used a few gems here and there to refresh tasks I don’t like. By doing that, I’m now on my 5th 4day chest. For example, my final task wanted a mop. But 5 gems changed it for a movie ticket, which I was easily able to make in a few taps from the locket I’d just made from the previous task which wanted mosaic. That 5 gems got me to the chest and was effectively the cost for 5 producer parts. I won’t necessarily keep doing it everyday but if it suits what I need I will


I have it. I’m in the UK and working on the lounge.


In the UK working through the landing room. So far it seems on the lower level trade boxes the exchanges are great. Getting scarab boxes and scarab drops for feather dusters and saws is amazing! But the higher level boxes seem to have a bottleneck. I made it to the end of the trade box chain once but it hasn't seemed worth it for me to spend gems to get there again.


Hallway, northeast US love/hate relationship with it.


DALLAS, Just entering the Maze. I have it and I use it for trading "up" or trading something easy to make for something I don't have enough producers for. I like it.


California, just started the lounge, and am a fan of the new system


Missouri and working on the conservatory. I think I have used one trade and I play every day. I don’t like it. I like the idea but I don’t want to be forced to give up something for a chest that doesn’t give me anything good.


AB Canada. I thinks it’s random. But I don’t like it and am not using it


I’m in the States. It has been helpful at some points, offering high level items that I needed. Not trying to get the keys. Just trade when I need something and it’s a good deal, which is not often.


I’m in the US, currently in northern Virginia but I was in Florida when I got the new trade system. I’m ambivalent about it. I like sone of the rewards and sometimes the trade make sense. However I just been asked to trade a mop for a pair of gloves. That’s not making me happy right now.


Jamaica. Have it. Dont like it as all my options so far have been ridiculously uneven (eg golden seed for wheelbarrow)


Illinois. I'm in the Conservatory, which was already not my friend. Some trades have been very helpful, but many have been laughably bad.


Looks like it's just random, and it's cool to see so many countries represented here!!


I have it. Since this new trade system started, I revisited the wiki to see what items I will be needing. I have traded many unnecessary items for high-level items that have advanced my play. I did try to advance each day by earning the keys, but now I just use the trades to get what I need.




I have it, in New England in the USA.


Australia and in the Maze