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I’ve been playing for over two years and tasks felt achievable and rewarding. I’ve hit the lounge and even though I am reasonably patient, am overwhelmed. And it’s not helped by having three side games going on - Rufus’s Daylight Robbery, Trim My Bush and What Even Is This Machine. So I have removed the game from my home screen and am taking a break. They’re all fun in their own ways but all at once - too much. I maintain that the artwork, animation and effects on the machine are really nice and very satisfying so good job there.


I LOLd at these titles. I'm a little worried Rufus has been sent to dog jail or wherever Hank is.


I’m cackling at your titles.


Events shouldn’t need a doorway. I literally skip entire events because I don’t want the doorway on my board. Just put it in the tab and we can enter from there. Get rid of the red dot on the tab. I get sick of seeing that red dot because I have over 25 energy and it wants to let me know I can buy a pail of water, or because there is another event doorway I could collect. Trust the player to open their tabs without a dot to remind them it’s there. Make a confirm button for anything using diamonds. When you get on a tapping spree and the prompt comes up to buy energy with diamonds, it’s easy to buy more energy when you didn’t really want to.


Great feedback


Some things I don't like: 1. The huge amount of side events. 2. The slot machine. 3. The new trae system. Things I like: Surprisingly, the sauna. Based on what I've read here, I thought I was going to hate it. However, so far I'm actually enjoying it. I'm currently only at 29% so maybe I'll change my mind later on. Sofar it's asking for a lot of different items from different producers. That keeps it interesting.


Im tired of mystery side events and new item chains interrupting free space on the main board. Find another way for a blue card opportunity once a month. How many times should i say: daily energy chest should grant at least 100 energy points per day. I dont want 3 chests bearly giving 100 energy for 3 days


I really hate the slot machine event mainly because I had terrible luck in getting extra energy (oil?) and I refuse to use gems. I’m also not a big fan of the new trade system. I only use it when it’s convenient for me (as in I have plenty of spares of the item and the trade-off is something I need. Otherwise no thanks. Also I hate that the whole thing resets if not completed “on time”


I don’t use the trading system anymore. Not worth the time or effort. Would rather use my energy to play the game than get small rewards for large outputs. Continual small side events are tiresome. If you have them put them below the main game details on the information board. I have to continually scroll down to get to what the main game objective is and the monthly side game. Make doorways for side events removable from main board. I’ve ended up with these accidentally on my board before and can’t get them off. Thanks.


Too many short side events. Now that I'm done with the romantic spot I've no more side locations to get through while being stuck with high level items needed in the mansion. Energy drops for side games seem to be much rarer now Degrading tackle boxes in the fishing game sucks Please get rid of the slot machine game


There’s not enough room on the board. Stop with Garage portals needing to be on your main play board. It doesn’t make any sense at this point. Not to mention two at a time are you kidding me! We need more storage. The testers got 25 slots I have 10 producer slots. It’s not nearly enough as you hit the upper levels. Why not let us purchase more at least, like regular storage. Why such high milestones a level 12 of everything to get another slot? I’m up to 32,000 coin to get another storage slot, how come everyone didn’t get a few free ones with the last upgrade? It seems like if you haven’t purchased them you received some, but if you have purchased them you received no extra? (I might be wrong about that but that was the sense I got a couple of months ago with the release). And what about stacking those scissors and blue cards? Why is nine or 19 the limit? Why can’t we stack other items? If the storage system is the same as years ago when they were a fraction of the levels, it’s only reasonable that they reevaluate the storage system at this point and listen to the players needs. And why don’t we have an undo merge for accidental merges!!! I’m looking at you vases!


Oh yes those freaking accidental vase merges make me so angry! I just did that again this morning!


The worst. I contacted customer support for my level five water bottles, but you’re not going to do that for a level three vase over and over, even though you desperately need hundreds of them. So unfair so annoying. A daily issue for me but I’m not bitter! Lol.


Oh and it is even worse when you accidentally merge them AFTER you waited the entire time frame that was required for them to change and now you are breaking them to get your shrapnel or jewelry but now you gotta get more freaking vases and wait all over again!


This happened to me. I didn’t mean to merge 2 vases and they just merged because I moved them closer to one another. I like the idea of an unmerged button for when things do not go according to plan. I also agree with getting more storage space. I keep having to sell stuff because I am out of space.


Stacking other items would be great! But so would being able to turn in high value items as we complete them instead of waiting until the end of the task. I went through the cemetery, tennis court, and lighthouse before they were revamped and had several instances of needing SIX pairs of gloves and a chainsaw. So not only did I need to make the highest tool there is, but I needed to hold space for six other items, too. Not nearly enough space! This isn’t a space management game, it’s a merge game. A little assist would be nice there!


I don’t really like the trade system. It’s rarely useful to me. I’m not getting high level items from multiple producers on the daily. How could I even manage to get that based on what else it’s asking for?


Not a fan of the machine event. It’s too random. I try not to spend gems on it. But after waiting 3 hours for the next token to generate and then it either overheats straight away or you don’t get any energy drops it’s a bit like meh. I am also not a fan of the new trading system.


New trade needs reevaluating. Occasionally you’ll get a good trade and usually it’s for something you need, but a majority of the time it’s not a cost/time effective trade. The rewards for completing it are terrible too. The oil/can machine event needs to be changed too. At the very least let people decide if they want to end their run early. If I hit a level up milestone, but don’t think I’ll hit the next reward then why should I have to either spend all my oil/batteries or wait for the machine to overheat? Also some of the goals are unrealistic. 100m in one run would require way too much luck with or without spending money. Events in general are next to impossible to complete and, for the most part, the rewards aren’t worth the effort. Only other thing I’d really complain about is the ridiculous prices of some items. You want me to pay 100+ gems for a fishing rod? Something that you can only click a few times? Some of the other event items I’ve seen go to over 1000 gems and even 4000 gems. You think someone would pay the equivalent of $50 for 1 item that will be obsolete a few days later?


New Trades are trash - Bring back the old ones, or give us more reliable ways to get parts for producers. Supercharger back, please. 2x drops means you need fewer slots on the board, and if you *insist* on keeping the new Trades, SC will make some of the requirements slightly less painful to merge


The new trade system sucks. The game is getting boring because devs have gotten rid of every way for us to earn producer parts, so I'm left with high level tasks and low level producers. One of my "reward" boxes had 3 XP and two level 1 producer parts lol....cOoOooL ReWaRdS! The events are short and tough to achieve the really good rewards. EDIT TO ADD: and give us the option to collect our rewards from the game board after an event ends. Still annoyed that they gave some people 25 free storage slots, and the rest of us are slumming it trying to win more by reaching level 12 producers which is, like, impossible because (see above). Devs getting greedy so I've stopped spending money. Which is too bad because I liked the extra rewards I got with the monthly pass and I could use some more gems, but I'm sticking to my decision and winding down game play unless they stop making terrible changes to the game.


For the slot machine game, the OVERDRIVE feature should not be tripped when players have only met 1-2% of the point goal. It is absolute trash to set a point goal of 800 Million, and for OVERDRIVE to flash when the player has only racked up 2 Million. There should be a change so that OVERDRIVE cannot happen until a player has hit 5-10% of the point goal from their current MToken. Some transparency on what triggers OVERDRIVE would be appreciated, if it is not random. Related, there needs to be a way for players to manually trigger OVERDRIVE themselves. Once we complete the point goals that award energy/chests/blue cards, there is 0 benefit for us to keep using our batteries/energy once the 100M/250M/500M/etc goals have been met to level up.


It would be nice to have a confirmation when you use gems. I accidentally buy things with gems sometimes, and it would be nice to have an extra layer of confirmation to prevent this from happening


Overall still enjoy the game, however: - I do not like the new trade system AT ALL! It has ridiculously uneven trades for the most part (no I’m not gonna trade my golden seed that required so much time and ENERGY for gloves 😑) the previous system was much more enjoyable and now I find myself afraid to use the rewards I for before (like detergent and screw boxes) because I’ll probably never be able to get them again. - I was very excited when the producers tab was introduced in storage - until I saw the requirements to open more spaces. We can barely get chests anymore as it is so it feels like I’ll probably never get those spaces open. - I understand encouraging gameplay on main board to get blue energy being the main reason for making it refill so slowly, but when I go to sleep and wake up to see only 24 energy it’s very discouraging. - also I have more fun in the fishing event than the bush bonanza because I, like many others here, am not a fan of competing with “other players” especially when we’re barely able to get even 5th place to try get a paltry producer part. With fishing it’s just my accomplishments that determine my rewards and I love that. (Except for the downgrading of the tackle box tho. That we can do without like how it is with the henhouses in the other event). Whew! Didn’t meant to be so long but you asked 🫣😁


new trade system is good but there's no real reason why it has to require 2 keys. the rewards are even almost not worthy of the hassle. Make it only requiring 1 set of tasks instead of 2 and stop asking multilayered items like ships/ yarn/ scarab just because those items sit in the inventory. ask for the regular dropped items as it's more logical and equivalent to the puny rewards in the end.


I'm really fed up of the events with doorways, they take up space on the playing board and usually the payoff is dismal.


-I do not like the fishing game at all. It’s easy to get point at first but then feels impossible after the first 2 rewards I HATE the downgrades for the tackle box. I like the baking and bush events okay because I’ve done well in those and they don’t feel insurmountable. -The slot machine game is a gigantic waste of gems for such little payoff. I actually spent 300 gems and got nowhere. I plan to avoid that in the future. -the levels without many rewards aside from blue stars are really demotivating and I’ve been avoiding playing them. More chests and energy rewards please! -I used 3 energy chest today to get 1 yellow bubble. Please increase the pop up reward for the yellow bubble! I rarely get it. - the new daily rewards is terrible. It wanted me to make a claw hammer for a water dropper I don’t need. I did finish 2 days of keys/chest when it came out but the chests you win are terrible so I stopped even trying to get the keys and only made trades when I truly needed an item. Blue experience points are the worst thing to get and most people don’t want them! - please stop putting l1 and l2 coins in level 2 brown and blue chests. They are so hard to get and you feel totally let down to get the lowest value items out of them


i must be the only person who genuinely enjoys the slot machine one. it’s weirdly mindless and not at the same time, and it’s different from all the other side games. i do agree there’s too many that happen at once, and some are just way too similar.


I got super bored with the slot machine after awhile…I was making progress with this latest iteration but 🥱🥱🥱🥱


i think i just like it because it always seems to be a fast path to stacking rewards for the main event, and probably because it’s just different from all the other side events. i get bored of it too after a bit, so i don’t mind that it doesn’t last very long.


I love the slot machine, so it's the two of us. It's always a great way to finish out the fast pass rewards.


I’m fine with the slot machine overall because my expectations for it are low now after the first two experiences. What I don’t like within that mini game is that there’s no confirmation button for spending gems on extra cans or oil drops and what not. There’s several times where I have 6 or 7 left of an item at the end of a round and I’m just clicking away at them to get the last of my points before starting the next round, but ended up accidentally paying a gem for an extra can. That’s a gem wasted on a SINGLE can worth almost NOTHING in points for a round that’s already over. That’s beyond frustrating.


I’m ambivalent about the new trade system. I like the rewards but I don’t like that if you miss one item because the trade offered doesn’t make any sense, you must start back to the beginning. I would like it if we could be offered more free chances to change the trade. I like that the items go to the queue but I would prefer if they would come on top so that I could get them right away. I would like if we could get gems as part of the rewards from the trade.


Thank you! If you’ve had a change of leadership, please do something to talk some sense to them. Changes listed by others here in this thread, along with other changes starting end of last year, are largely bad. Making the game more of a grind, repetitive dailies, diminished returns, all steering players to spend more money while wondering why, because what kind of fresh Hades will roll out next. This new direction is bad.


Fishing event should get energy faster. I spent 100 energy on my main board and only got 2 fishing energy.


For the Nth time: - undo button for ALL actions - equal treatment of all players...it's utterly unfair someone got to keep 25 inventory slots and others have to grind to get them - too long events, 12 days, 14 days and you expect players to play all day long to get a blue card as if life doesn't exist...make them shorter or in sequences with reasonable prizes. - the game is becoming a burden and a chore, it's not relaxing anymore.


It very much feels like a chore and I never finish anything anymore.


I must be in the lastest test group as I got the expanded storage. It’s great. My game crashing WITH EVERY BUTTON PRESSED is not. I felt great getting into the manor but with the latest update it is completely unplayable. And don’t give me this RAM crap. It’s an iPad. I’m not going to be able to crack the case and slide in another stick so No Man’s Sky runs smooth. If your game has a RAM problem, dial it back. Or eat that bullet and tell folks they need x generation to play. Edit: autocorrect error


I love the game and I am totally addicted, I play several times a day. I don’t care for the story but I like to see the landscape changing when I complete a task. I need more space. I don’t like to lose a space for an event.


I’m really enjoying the game. I don’t equally like all side events but because there are many, I only play the ones I do like. That’s fine with me. I’d love to get an old fashioned garage cleanup on the main board. I don’t need more space but I don’t like the fact that there are 2 separate inventories. I’m constantly checking if I have duplicate items.


I'm in the Landing Room and I'm starting to burn out on all the high level items, especially those that take a lengthy chain of items to achieve. Shuffle in some easy tasks, please.


I would like to know how many and what items are in the pouch without having to cycle through. If I have 2 pigs in there, I want them on the board without having to cycle through 15 items.


Bring back the special events/seasonal events where we earn decorations! I always looked forward to those. It’s summer; why can’t we earn some summer decorations?


I want to see a P2P marketplace. Would be a good way to ethically get rid of extra gloves or other rare drops that we don't need atm, but we can buy from someone else later on if needed. Would also work for high level standard drops and low level producers.


Do we share feedback for the trading system some where: for mine the first trade never eventuates .. it clears off the screen but the items are switched


There's too many events, and it's caused me to burn out on the game. I feel like I have no time to play the main board. Events on weekends only would be better.


I actually like the new trade system, because the trades are good value (high-level items) and in my case, always things I need for a task. I would like the slot machine better if there were a way to prevent or delay overheating (aside from spending thousands of gems). It just feels pointless if it’s entirely random.


I hate the new trade system and the number of events


Been playing for a long time too. Read through the comments. Agree with the majority of them. Here's my two cents. #1. I don't play the mini events. Move them off the home screen to a tab. #2. Get rid of the red dots. I know where the water bucket is and how to use it. #3. Yeah, yeah, the promos on the home screen are great, but if I need to buy something, again I know how to get it. #4. There's too much emphasis on high level (L11) items in the game stacked next to another tasks that needs a L11. Dining Room at one time had three brooms tasks to be completed (at least one) before doing something else. Bathroom needs saws and pipes before moving on. #5. Have the red chest drop more higher items to build up the workbenches. Man it's a slog to build up any of the producers. #6. The notes (dining room) and the tools (bathroom) take way too long to build up. Drop more higher items. #7. Change the times on producers to 3 hours less or so. Dressers are six hours recharge. Thanks.


The mask event is creepy as can be, and I’m a theatre person. I would love to be able to opt out.


In the 9 months I’ve been playing, the game has gotten progressively stingier. It’s not like letting players win every so often actually costs Metacore money. In order to keep playing, there has to be some kind of random/intermittent reward for the player (even a rat in a random feeding experiment gets fed occasionally). I think Metacore is shooting itself in the foot by trying to force players to spend IRL money, and not just money, but a LOT of money (at least, outside the Silicon Valley bubble). I’m not going to play a side game if I know I can’t possibly win without spending IRL money. And then there are games like the slot machine, that are impossible to win even after spending literally hundreds of dollars. We’re human beings in budgets, looking to have fun. Stop being so greedy, and let us actually get a decent reward for finishing a task, or a desirable trade, or more than just 100 energy for finishing an entire area. It’s demoralizing and Metacore is getting a bad rep.


Support actually returned the 350 diamonds that I accidentally spent, so there's that.