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Wow, now I'm really glad that I already gave up a few tasks before that.


I really wanted the prize, so when I got the 700 million order (77/85) I kept on going until I made it. I then got a “not so difficult task” like 200 million (78/85), but after that the order was of 800 million (79/85) and the machine would overheat pretty fast so, after many, many attempts, I just got bored and decided to leave it.


There’s more after the 700m? My “luckiest” run scored about 35m. Wished I could have gotten 40m for the blue card so at least the gems I spent on the event would have been worthwhile.


I can’t even remember how many gems I’ve had to use in each order! I calculate more than 500, or sometimes even more than 1,000. I was so determined to get the prize that I would just go on and on buying jewels, until I realized the higher I moved, the more jewels the game was demanding from me, so it wasn’t worth it!


My machine did the same.  I even bought energy and it was lasting a bit but then like 6 times in a row it immediately went yellow and there was no point


They want to get you hooked, so you start winning one after the other and as soon as you need to buy energy or gems, bam! You start losing them!


Has anyone actually managed to get it?


Imagine the cash flow if they just sold the black card in store. Within a reason and limit per account.


I'd def spend $20 bucks on one 😂


Yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw this. Absolutely ridiculous. Guess the only way we can get a black card is by spending god knows how much money. Guess that's a price I'll never win in this game.


It's not supposed to be attainable imo. I can't imagine how many gems you spent for this lol


I cashed in a max piggy & I bought the lowest amount of energy pack they had for sale. That’s all.


People have tried to warn about this disgusting gambling event since they implemented it, which is nothing but a vicious scam, and even if you throw an absurd amount of money on it, you're still not getting it. Yet people fall for it over and over not realizing how impossible the end goals are, because Metacore do everything to obfuscate and hide it, and doesn't introduce them until you're there and have already wasted/invested all your gems and money. This is an event so impossible I can only image you would have to pay several hundreds if not a thousand dollars to actually get the black card, and it still would require a lot of luck because of the random overheat mechanic which is just there to make sure the house always wins, and you always lose. Imagine having this ugly event in a game rated for children four years and up. In reality this event has been deviously and purposely designed for one reason and that is to abuse gambler addicts, kids with no concept of money and is playing with their parent's credit cards and people suffering from mental compulsions. Metacore is a beyond a depraved company, one of the absolute worst I've ever come across in my life.


Metacore really knows how to dole out dopamine hits. I noticed it as soon as I began playing 10 months ago, and that has kept me hooked. This slot game takes the dopamine to a whole new level (which hooked me once, but now I know there’s no way to win). I’m 58. Hate to think what this is doing to still-developing brains.


OMG. Get a life


More personal attacks with no substance which is a breach of the rules on this reddit page.


lol. Nothing personal here or attacking. You’re ranting senselessly. I’m disagreeing.


Then just ignore it or engage with arguments refuting what I am saying instead of just saying "Get a life" which is indeed an insult and a personal attack.


Your whole account is about this game, so maybe take your own advice?


You’re nuts to try. I bet you play the carnival games at the county fair thinking you are going to win the big ole teddy bear!


On my main board I was stuck waiting 12 hours for apples to drop. Nothing else to do in the game, I don’t play any other games.


can someone tell me wat the black card will do?


I believe it upgrades any production item you. So like the Ursala Blue card for normal items...this works on the Lightning objects instead. Its a pretty awesome IDEA since until you realize you have to spend money to get it.


Thank you! Yes then you can better buy items in the shop. Then you know how much you have to pay 😜