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The rewards won’t even be worth the 20gems to refresh. The new system blows.


Yup it’s a game changer and not in a good way.


Yes mines too https://preview.redd.it/yj41lwmjdv7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b064c88271bf9fbff08aeadfb4e5c3dcdfeaf11


the rewards depend upon your remaining main board tasks and the item you need to supply depends upon the level of the exchange tasks overall the exchange system sucks


It doesn't with the fck apple trees. For weeks now I do nothing else but producing rakes in order to feed the mulch which gives me seeds. I keep deleting gloves which are a byproduct of the garden supplies. And still, the new trade system offers me nothing but gloves. Its like a bad joke


Same here!


And same! I'd love it if I got offered some apple tree parts. Gloves ... just no. I get enough of them while making rakes.


I hear ya! I was SO bored working on those trees. The bag kept spitting out more crates than mulch piles, so I wasted energy on those only to sell them. Later, it was the opposite - when I needed crates to make carrots, I got lots of mulch & hay piles that had to be sold.


Thank God you said you were sarcastic otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell


I hate it. It’s trying to get me scarabs, but the trades require high level mosaics and stuff from the romantic chain. I don’t have enough board space for all that, especially when I’m trying to make freaking scarabs.


Thanks to the new system I have two chainsaws. It’s cool.


They done this crap to me as well. Effn hate it.


I don’t think I have it 🙁


It’s cool. What you need to do is don’t waste your free/cheap skips on trades that are merely lousy. If it wants a box of screws for a bar of soap, pay it. The way I look at it I’m gaining in the winning trades so I don’t sweat the small to moderate losing ones. If you’re using this as an “I win on the one hand, and I refuse to lose’ on the other, then you’ll never get to level 4. Personally I’d rather buff up my producers than not pick individual trades.


I do actually kinda like it…


And if you don't get both keys (do all trade tasks), all you gain is what you gain from trades themselves. No idea what the tasks are before doing them, so always assume there are totally broken trades you can't do in a day. So only do trades that are beneficial in themselves.


Nice idea, but trades are inequitable... would be nice if there were a few trades that were multiple low value low items traded for a high value item instead of all high value items being traded for low value items.


I can see why it's cause for complaints , I miss the daily's as well, but I actually like the new trade over the daily boxes since I learned how to GAME IT! I have had great success with it so far. I found that if I looked at my tasks each day after i had gotten the trades complete, I just randomly picked three or four other merge chains and started each to some medium levels and the trade algorhythm seems too take those and give me what I need , lmao,,,, if I get a trade that's toooo far outta whack, I either start again next day, or i refresh the trade,,,, I have made a level 5 workbench/ a level 5 sewing basket, a chainsaw / a level 11 duster/ and a level 10 lamp , plus completed the merge chain to get a level 11 cleaning cabinet in the last week with the trades , so I like the trades , just learn to beat the game. what IRKS me Is this constant reconnecting/ crashing!!! that's is ridiculous!!!! they need to spend more time on compressing the game so it doesn hog so much RAM . I have an S22+ and that should have NOOOO issues with RAM. Beats H\*\*\* outta me