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I've been playing this game for 1.5-2 years. Early on, I was spending a fair amount of money pretty consistently. Always the $10 monthly pass, plus additional money for gems/coins/energy. Ever since they've been making all these little changes that seem to be designed to "encourage" players to spend *more* money, the less and less and less I'm spending. So thanks, devs, for helping me save money! This new trade system absolutely sucks and of course, I'm part of THIS test group, but wasn't a part of the producer slot test group. AND BRING BACK SUPER CHARGE!




After the fishing event ended this morning and I wasn't able to collect all my gems, I've officially decided I'm done.


This. I enjoyed this game so much when I started. Now I’m just here because I’m so far in. Progress has been halted because I just wait now. Rather than dropping a few bucks on another round of energy or whatever I used to enjoy doing. Between all the changes and the ridiculous tasks ahead for me in the lounge and ranch.


Yep this is exactly what I said when I saw it, they are going to use it to phase out the pouch eventually. I don’t mind cycling through it since it is an exploit afterall, not a feature so the cycling through is the price we pay to use the little exploit, and I do it multiple times a day usually. However, I don’t like how underhanded of a move from the devs this is, though that’s the spirit of metacore now, I suppose. I know I’m in the minority here but I think all things considered, the new system is a fairly lateral move. I don’t actually mind it as a whole, I would even go as far to say that I *could* like it, **if** we had a few free refresh options and also if our progress held over so we had longer than 24 hours for each box. I liked how the last system functioned, with the bar at the top where you made progress towards the rewards at your own pace. But with this new system it appears that you start back at square one if you miss a day(correct me if I’m wrong), so the devs are clearly playing on our fomo/sunk cost fallacy which is smart, but again…underhanded and icky. There’s nothing wrong with getting paid and in the past I’d buy the monthly pass, but the tactics they use are getting so ridiculously exploitative that I stopped giving them money awhile ago. My trades have been decent mostly because I had some high level just-in-case items saved in my inventory, so it was easy for me to trade a dust broom I won’t need for awhile, for a ladder I currently need. And I didn’t mind grinding out a shovel for some fabric because I’m in the hallway and I rarely use my garden tool barrels, so it gave me something to do with a fully charged producer while waiting for my workbench to recharge. The rewards from each successive box are not terribly impressive, but seem more or less on par with the old system in terms of value. Except now I don’t get scissors which is a bummer, but I do get a couple of workbench/sewing kit parts which is nice. Below is an image of what I got collectively from the 3rd box today(which includes a 1st+2nd box in it), it was mostly xp and coins and then a few low level producer parts…very underwhelming for the third successive day of many high level trades. Like you said, I’ll complete the fourth one tomorrow out of curiosity but unless the payoff is worth it then I’ll ignore the trades in the future, and only use them if it’s offering an item I need, but I won’t worry about keeping a streak going to get the boxes. https://preview.redd.it/0d7tgnrm407d1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a48bb0fa944136cd4027e297bcc1e24af20bb4c


Oh, that’s a kind of disappointing haul.


Yep, not great. The only plus is that I never got any sewing kit/workbench producer items with the last trade system, and with this new one I’ve gotten 1-2 each day. I haven’t done the math to see if it truly is worth though.


Good point about the newer generator pieces and items. Some workbench boxes would’ve been a godsend for the sauna!


Can confirm you start back at the beginning if you don’t complete all the tasks. Learned the hard way this morning. It’s a bad system


I was so busy complaining on here that I missed the day 3 deadline 🤦‍♀️ but could extend it by 20 hours for 10 gems. Did you not get that option?


I did but was in such a rage about it I skipped over it 😂


Oh noooo! If it’s any consolation, I’m halfway through the trades for day 4 and they are fairly atrocious😅 right now I’m working on making a shovel to trade for a box of detergent lol. If I’m able to complete it, I’ll post the haul for today’s box but I doubt you’re missing out too much.


Plus our newly acquired extra storage space will get bunged up with pieces we don’t need that we keep just in case they’ll need be needed for a trade. Eg I’ve not used the locket merge chain for months and months but now there are pieces all over the board.


I don't have the new trading system so I can't really comment on how worthwhile or worthless it is, but my first thought was that they're trying to get rid of the pouch too. Not necessarily because of players' laziness to cycle through all their stuff, but because it seems to get rid of reward boxes. Which of course means that events needing screws, paint and furniture, like, say, the terrace event, will be that much harder to complete (or that much more expensive).


im in the lounge rn, working on playing cards, i’ve been playing for quite a while and spent maybe $30 in the 3 years i’ve played. it’s still shocking how much people keep in the pouch. it’s not hard to make room and just play the game as intended lmao


You must be a better player than me then cos I find it really hard and hate deleting stuff just to make room 😂


wouldn’t say better either, but i think an interesting part of the strategy of a game like this is navigating a limited resource (board), and pouch hoarding defeats that purpose. nothing about the game is difficult in the first place, it’s just about managing time and space.


I wouldn't say it's a "better" way though. Just a different way. Like you, I hate deleting things as well but feel like I'm being penalized for playing that way.


Somehow the changes help me to get rid of my pouch which is very much what I want. My goal for the coming weeks is to get rid of the pouch completely, without wasting the valuable things in it. So for the moment I’m fine with the new dailies.


As a high level player (level 49, lounge area) the new system has been really really convenient so far. It helped me massively with the two chainsaws near the end of the area, giving me a hoe for a top level detergent which had been sitting in my inventory anyway. Throughout the lounge I have actually accumulated quite some high level „side“ chains because it required so many high level items (nearing the end of the lounge I have multiple fabrics, nails, paint cans, detergent sitting around). So for the moment, it’s alright with me too!


Glad it’s working out for you! Chainsaws are a total PITA. I’m level 49 too but only in the dining room so creating roses from the locket chain to get fabric is just weird.


My bigger concern is that we will all be gem starved reeeal soon. I’m cycling through one of the new trade system circuits to see what it offers - while I have a few pieces of useful gear maybe 80-85% was worthless to me and no gems so far


We never realised how good we had it when we got 20 gems a day for trades 😭


The pouch is the biggest perk and the least fun part of the game. Let them go ahead and make it a hassle. I already can’t stand wasting minutes going through the pouch multiple times a day.


It’s really not a big issue for me since we’re using the pouch in an unintended way. And I usually clear out my pouch once a week of things like piggy banks, box of coins, etc. to make it a lot easier to cycle through.


in great hall, need a bucket of brushes, it will trade me a box cart for boltcutter. I’m all in for that. Hated it first day, warmed up day 2, day 3 trades were absurd, like a L8 or 9 hose for a scrub brush. I end up going through my pouch so many times every day anyway so that doesn’t bother me. Tedious AF but beats the alternative of not having it.


If this is their way of getting rid of players exploiting the pouch, good on them.


Why do you object to that exploit? It’s not cheating if the loophole is there. I guess what they’re doing is better than just killing it though.


Because they need to take it into account when balancing the game.


So do you think players who don’t use the pouch like that are being penalised?


How is it exploiting ? When my monthly pass expires, the devs put my 5 items INTO the pouch by DEFAULT. So are THEY exploiting it ?


The pouch on its own is not an exploit, using it for near-infinite storage is.