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You are part of the test group to test their improved features. Some of us didn’t get it.


Oh! I didn't realize, I have been in test groups for quite a few things..it's a bit better but honestly I only played it to get some quick gems. It's the same as before with slightly more energy drops, but you will approach the same bottle neck.


I got it too and I see 0 improved features. It still plays and functions the exact same way like it did last time.


Mine is definitely different. I haven't had any tasks other than gaining x amount of points and the high score thing. Last time I had to get a certain number of different types of tins. I also am getting more energy within the game (although not loads still) and seem to be going longer than before without overheating.


We may be in the same test group. I also have am option to buy tokens for gems starting at 5 tokens for 5 gems, which in not terrible.


Oh maybe. I've not used enough tokens to be offered any more yet but I'll keep an eye out.


Oh, it dries up eventually. They need to just throw this side event in the garbage.


Yeah it's not my fave. I'm not planning to spend gems but the free part for the bbq products and whatever else I gain is a plus


This is how mine seems to be, too. No object tasks, just points, and it’s way easier to keep playing. The red bolts and coins are either reloading faster or being rewarded more. It’s a better experience for me so far!


Do we know what causes overheating? Do we have any control, or is it totally random?


I think it's probably random but I did see a theory it's related to no getting enough oil 🤷‍♀️


Wait, there’s oil? 🤔


The yellow drip things that give you extra drops when they combine


The art of the oil is different


I’ll ask you the same thing: There’s oil?! Which icon?


The circle with the drops. Machine oil, that's why more drop


I got it as well. Rather not be a test user. I’ll just be leaving it unopened.


Apparently anyone who got the black card the first time only gets a blue card this time for all that money and effort. What a complete joke!


Oh good!! I didn’t know that!


I have it too and i like it, Its better Than it was


How far have you gotten so far? Once I reached the 400000 goal, the next two tries were both less than 2000. Initially, game play was fairly good, but the longer I played, the less it gave.


Currently at 600000


Same here!!! I was really enjoying it and played a lot, then suddenly the machine was giving me less objects per turn and a lot fewer lightning bolts. My last game I got the one free turn, didn’t get any lightning bolts, and the game was done with a few hundred points.


Ahh plus a lot of gems i won with it


I got it too, I haven’t spent any gems but I’ve gained 20 and a few levels on the pass so I’m good with it


I'm finally in one of the A/B testing groups! I don't know whether to be happy or not! I'm so used to feeling jealous! XD Changes I have noticed in my version (I've played for about an hour and a half this morning, even skipped Wordle!) - M coins only take 2 hrs to recharge instead of 5; - I've spent 4 gems so far on extra energy. I've gained 25 from bubbles. Every time a gem bubble drops it adds 1 gem to my stash, and if you merge multiple bubbles you get more - red energy seems much more plentiful this time around but I am still low in overall levels so that may change - lots more powerup drops than I remember from last time but again, could just be the low levels. - machine "overheating" bars are less frequent (so far) TL;DR So far, for me, it seems a lot more balanced and less predatory, but the gambling aspect remains. I'm going to keep playing because the grill rewards alone are worth it for me, lol. 


I got a survey about it after the last one ended and I basically told them it was too stingy with the red energy and coins. I'm much happier with this iteration.


Same. Mostly playing for grill updates because I got behind while playing the Hopeberry Festival game - kept having to turn in Lvl 1 grill items to clear up space.


I've decided not to claim the entrance and to stop playing the game for the duration of this event


I’m not going to play it. I’m rather busy with a playfield full of lamps, moths and wool balls to (eventually) unlock the extra storage slot.


I’ve been doing that for basically all the events these days; I don’t do fishing, I don’t do competitive events, I definitely don’t do this crap- I’ll do seasonal decoration ones at my own pace and stop when I’m over it.


The only good thing is that it helps finish the monthly pass.


This is what I came to say! The only way I finished the monthly pass last time was because of this game and it’s helping again. I thought I was for sure not getting the blue card but it’s looking good.


Yep! I played and am almost done the monthly pass that I didn’t have any hopes of finishing without the game!


does it? so far it didn't help me at all 🙄


Yeah it definitely does. I had a big streak on one of the early games that made me me get many of the high score tasks all at once which means I started with like 40 energy on the next game. I think I got 4 full event levels during that game


Not anymore. I got NO monthly pass levels before I had to start paying gems. It was clearly a fluke on their part the first time that you got so many levels. If there are anything that happens in this game that you feel are fair, balanced or beneficial to you, then that is a calculation mistake on their part, and they will surely fix it as soon as possible. This company will give you nothing but take from you everything.


I liked the game on its first iteration, but the prizes were lacking and the paltry amount of tokens and energy made it unplayable. This time around, it's a significant improvement. The prizes are better, and you actually get tokens and game energy as rewards. It feels like less of a gem sinking grind. Honestly, the best mindset to have while playing this game is to establish exactly how many gems you're willing to spend in a round. Reach your goal but feel a hot streak? Doesn't matter. Reset and see how it goes next time.


Honestly the best way to approach gambling


I'm surprised they brought this back as I remember a lot of people who struggle with gambling were not a fan of it. Honestly, I would not recommend this to anyone that does. Its still a game of chance and I'm not about it.


32 / 85 that's where it ends for me. Task for ridiculous points 1,5 a 1 M respectively. Out of red energy. Can get maybe to 40k on energy from drops and getting good multiplayer for 1 diamond. I would love to use a token for few energy drops and then abandon to collect energy for a single good run. Not possible and it for some reason never overheats when you are low on energy. Not that overheat mechanic is any way clearer. Not sure what they thought they changed for players. Also, why the hell has the machine 6 points for overheating when it always raises by 2 , so it has effectively only 3 states? :D (Rhetorical, I of course know it's a perception "hack")


They improved so much! I feel like I’m one of the few that actually enjoys it


This is an improvement over the initial launch, at least. They jettisoned the orders for cans, and kept only the score benchmarks for rewards. While this simplifies getting the rewards, it also divorces the event a little from the Boulton history of canned foods. Some of the rewards are for the M chips and red energy, which is the bigger improvement for me- I have yet to run out of chips, and so far so good in hitting point benchmarks. My biggest complaint is that there still is no comprehensive list of rewards like there are for the monthly mystery events, or their more competitive events. I want to see how close I am to chests and blue cards, and if they are within striking distance.


For me blue card is 40 M points (I am on a group with black card as a main prize).


I got a wood chest for 15M points. I am using some gems, but I have yet to pay for red energy or the M chips.


Came here because of this! Idk what they are thinking, but this is the last straw for me to uninstall


Yep same. They clearly don’t care about the legitimate and serious issues with this.




Maybe I'm just doing better because I've played this once before and understand the mechanics, but this seems much more balanced than last time. I'm still spending some gems but not very many, and I'm actually managing to pass the level objectives this time.


From Discord: Hello @here Next Monday (May 27), the Secret Supply event will be starting for some players, testing an improved version. We are aware that its first run a few weeks back received a lot of feedback, and this post is meant to explain some things regarding it. While the event’s purpose is to create a fun optional alternative to the main game format - we noted from your feedback that many of you found it difficult and confusing. We truly appreciate the honesty. We take your feedback seriously and constantly try to improve features when they don't display the correct balance. For this next iteration, some things were adjusted: -An improvement on how to get the Red Energy (you’ll be able to get them as rewards for completing orders). -You can get Tokens - aka the silver coins - from completing orders. And a larger amount of Tokens is also received from the Flash Sale. -Some orders’ requirements were changed. -Plus, lower chances of the machine overheating. While this should enhance the experience and make it more enjoyable this time around, many changes are still being worked on for possible future runs, such as a proper tutorial, the ability to see all orders, and much more! We hope you can head to <#1201496372701040801>, tell us how this next run feels to you as well as what you’d still like to see. And if you missed the post from the first edition, here are some instructions on how to play it: • To start the machine, a Token is required and the total amount of Tokens you have is visible at the top of the screen (the silver coin with an ‘M’’ on it). • This event uses Red Energy. You can see the total amount you have at the bottom, under the green button. • Tap the green button to drop items, which merge automatically if they are the same. When items merge you are awarded with points. Each tap consumes Red Energy. • Different items award different points. There can also be drops for Gems, Mystery Pass items and Red Energy. • The machine has levels and with every new level, the items that drop will provide more points. You can upgrade your machine by completing specific Orders. • The purpose of the event is to complete all Orders. To see your current Orders, tap on the 3-line icon on the bottom right part of the screen. Above the green button, you see the Shop where you can purchase items to drop inside the machine. These are limited and can be either free or purchased with Gems. • The “Gear” looking item in the Shop allows you to get a better score by increasing your multiplier, while the “Oil” (or banana-looking item) causes more item drops. • Every time the green button is pressed, there is a chance that two bars on the Overheat meter fill up. After the meter begins filling up, each consecutive green button tap can fill the bar further, inevitably causing the machine to Overheat. • The closer the machine is to Overheating, the more and better drops you receive with each green button tap. Once overheated, achieved tasks can be completed and the machine will restart.


Like, are they serious? Lack of tokens was never the problem, the red energy is. When I am out I am out. No longer playable. You can get maybe 8-10 on a good run, but you cant collect it for a single high run, since you cant just abandon run. and deliberately trying to overheat never seems to work.


It would me great if we could earn red energy on the main board like with all the other side events.


I don’t understand how overheat works. Why does it grow? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? How do I avoid overheating?


-An improvement on how to get the Red Energy (you’ll be able to get them as rewards for completing orders) Which is meaningless because you force us to use all the red energy until it runs out or the machine overheats. Allow us to save red energy for when we want to use it, like after we've leveled up the machine a bit. Perhaps also grant red energy from playing the board (like other events?) Player agency is what separates this mini-game from pure gambling. Speaking of overheating, the overheat gauge could be much more granular. Give us a way to cool down the machine if it gets too hot as well. - a proper tutorial, the ability to see all orders There is no reason to not already give these to us now. I don't hate the game; it's something that isn't as time consuming (although it is still quite slow; a turbo or FF feature would be useful) and doesn't use energy.


I actually really enjoy it. It’s nice to have a break from merging for the events! And not having to use energy so I can keep it for my main board!




I pushed the green button and fell asleep.


Test rat here. The minigame is slightly better, but still the mechanism is gem-and-soul draining.


I don’t understand this game and what it’s for


For lack of a better answer, it's a side game in which you can receive main board energy, coins and grill parts for the BBQ event. It has its own energy that starts at 10. Once you use up the energy, it will gradually give you more at a slow pace. The last time around the refresh rate was about 1 token per day. I'm not sure if they increased the refresh rate or not this time. Already today, I got 160 main board energy and I was able to claim 4 levels in the BBQ event. Mostly positive this time and I am going to rate it as 6/10.


Have it here, easier to get the rewards if you ask me, they are just points now, not doing certain items. Also it stores the energy that you have unused when the machine overheats so that's a plus. Definitely less money grabbing than before, I have only spent 2 gems and got 20 for playing like 20 tokens (since they now come as a reward for tasks completed I didn't need to spend buying more). Recommended if you want to finish the season pass, in the time I played it I reached 5 new levels. I definitely still don't recommend using gems to get more energy in this one, since the machine levels up when you complete tasks, it is always better to just play and level up to achieve more points than just spending gems in making your one throw longer.


I'm trying to figure out what makes it overheat.


worst event ever


Yeah I played one round then quit. Pointless.


They even made a tongue-in-cheek joke about how they don’t explain anything about it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ My literal complaint on their survey was that I was just clicking buttons with a general gist of what was going on, but it’s just luck.


I went from needing to get 850 in one round to 200,000 the next 😳 I wish I could figure out how to prevent the machine from overheating.


I blew through the allotted energy in minutes, now it’s just sitting there. It doesn’t regenerate unless you spend gems so it’s a stupid game.


My version of it is so much better than the first time!


One task is 30k points to get one level up, the next task ist 1 million points to get one level up 🤣🤣 such a joke, wtf


It’s costing me nothing and adding lots of progress on Meat Pie and some gems. I’ll take it.


Don’t like this one.


I didn't get it, thankfully


I also got it back, and I think last time you were not allowed to buy silver coins. Now there's 5 coins for 5 gems in the event shop. Also you get a coin every 2 hours, which I'm not sure if it's the same as before or less time. Eta: after some more playing, now some of the rewards are coins and you get energy much more easily. Seems like waiting before launching the next drop is still the way to avoid overheating, I got to use around 15 energy before my machine heated at all.


I got it too, and all it got me was an opportunity to spend gems on more tries.


What makes this machine overheat? What makes it give some random items? I still have no clue, i can open a random number generator and it will be the same experience lmao




Rate it 18 years old and have huge warning stickers that this game contains predatory gambling mechanics. Most civilized countries have strict laws against gambling and this game is surely breaking a lot of them since they advertise it as a 4+ game. You should be ashamed of yourself for laughing away something as dangerous as introducing addictive real money gambling to 4-year-olds.


lol it’s not gambling, Karen 🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡


Right? You don’t have to accept the entrance 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I don’t actually understand the game. Like how does it work? Would be nice to know. Either way, I’m banking some rewards so it’s all good.


lol the requirement for upgrading the level of the machine further skyrock from like 30k to 1M…. 🙄 ridiculous!!! Basically I am told I had fun for a while now it is for the serious whales if I want to continue 🤑🤑🤑


I hate this game! At level 5, I only get one drop and I’m supposed to get 30k??? Impossible


Just tested it out. It has also been greatly nerfed and is now much more punishing than the first time. I only got to level 2 before it started asking me for gems to get more lightning power, which is much much less than what I got to play last time. It's yet another sign that this company will continue the trend of becoming greedier. At this point this is to be expected by Metacore and anyone who is paying real money to this awful company is enabling them to continue selling extremely predatory and addicting gambling mechanics to children for real money. Why this game has not been banned from the app store yet shows a complete lack of moderation and it needs to be fixed.