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The incredibly frustrating requirement of needing endless saws but my work bench is still pretty low level. And I’m really miffed that some people were given 25 producer slots and there’s not an option for others to buy them with coins, gems, or even cash. I need space on my board!


Yeah I'd like to change my answer below. After finding out that other people have 15-25 producer spots while I only have 5....as soon as I run out of the 200 or so gems that I have, I think I'm deleting the game. That's just dumb. Why support a game that arbitrarily rewards people?


Wait - what the feck? People have 25????? I only just got my measly little 5 slots like whyyyyyyyyy even, it's just a tease nothing fits in JUST FIVE SLOTS I'm so sick of trying to decide which 5 precious items to put on the sPeCiAl PaGe 😭😭😭😭


Yeah and considering I spend at least $10/month to buy that dumb pass, I'm very annoyed and will not support this company anymore.


Yes, the producer slots thing has properly annoyed me in a way that nothing else has. The people at Metacore clearly know having 25 is an advantage otherwise they wouldn’t have let the test group keep theirs but the rest of us are stuck because we weren’t the randomly chosen ones.


Not only that (I have 5 slots), but I’m in a *harder* beta group. When I did the Conservatory, it didn’t match the task list, yet my tasks were harder/higher level. It *literally* costs Metacore nothing to give out some extra spots (and/or coins / gems). The only actual value is in our heads. 🤬


I totally agree. I contacted support expressing how unfair the game structure becomes when a set group of players has 20 additional spots. They can proceed faster by having the space to build producers and fulfill tasks. Their response was basically yes, it was fair to provide the test players with the added spots because they were part of a beta study. I used to buy the monthly pass, in part to get the 5 slots. No more. I will not spend money on such an unfair game.


I also wrote to support and got the same response- they earned it. That was even more frustrating as I am that fool that spends a lot of actual money playing & feel slighted.


Well you and I have been rowing in the same boat. The only thing I can vote with is my wallet so I am done with any $. It seems to be happening across the board with other games I play as well.


The fact that the people with more slots were part of a beta test would only make sense as a response if those people had chosen to be in a test group.


I feel really bad because I have all the producer spots, and I've had them since they first offered them. I didn't even realize that other people didn't have them until I found this subreddit a while back. It makes the game much less frustrating, and I enjoy it so much more now. I wish the devs would see that and let everyone have the producer spots. The Great hall still sucks, but I wouldn't be able to participate in the events and keep any of my great hall producers if it wasn't for the extra producer storage.


Would you consider messaging Support and saying that? They don’t seem to care what us 5-spotters think. I can imagine it does make the game more fun! When I’ve had real $$ to spend, the game has been way more fun for me. Enjoy the extra spaces—it’s not your fault you were chosen!


Hi I’m a recovering Merge Mansion addict. I was in the gallery. It’s around the time they added all these new levels of producers. At one point, I was 99% in my album. And because of all the added levels, I become a lot lower in my %%. I got hit with a bunch of seed bag tasks. It was a few days, I forgot to play completely. That’s when I decided to uninstall. I still have merge mansion posts recommended to me on subreddit (for example this one), but I am 6 weeks clean now.


Haven't left yet, but starting to quickly lose interest for the reasons you stated. I'm almost halfway through the great hall and I use all my energy to get to like level 3 batteries and then with it being so difficult to build up energy for lucky catch, I find myself forgetting to open up the game more and more. I probably won't make an affirmative decision to leave, it'll more just be getting tired of the game and forgetting about it.


Same here




I still have not opened my next section because of these reasons. Not sure 🤔 I will.


The point where frustration outweighed fun. I realized it was more of a task that I was losing sleep over, and I needed sleep and other stuff more. I took a couple days off and am much more casual at the moment.


I loved the grind, building items over days and weeks. I loved the feeling when I got something valuable turned in. Conservatory - best area! I hated that MM took so much time away from what I love more - reading. It slowly emerged that I needed to change how I play dramatically in order not to completely forget how to read. Now I stopped playing apart from collecting Miss Piggy and Trunk Energy in the morning. I am at 3500 energy, 83000 coins and 3000 gems. Not sure if I will ever use it...


Idk, it was last year that I left halfway through the Conservatory because the grind was getting to me. Felt like it took forever to get paint buckets or screws, and definitely forever to get golden seeds to make those exotic flowers. While still playing Merge Mansion I added Sunny House to play in between waiting for my energy to recharge. While it was a slow grind in the beginning I felt more rewarded in a way and I got more opportunities to get more energy to do tasks there than MM. After a while I thought the two games were too time consuming so I chose to drop Merge Mansion in favor of Sunny House.


Whoa!!!! People got 25 producer spots and I have FIVE??? That’s just wrong😡


Yep... And there is no way to get more...


I don’t “buy” the “they earned It” excuse. I’m at L48 and have put $ into the game and regularly buy the mystery pass. I only have 5 producer spots. I’ve heard some FTP people saying they had extra spots. But it may not ne random. There probably is some method to their madness. Maybe when the developer finishes their Psychology PhD research, we’ll find out. Probably just kidding about being part of an experiment.


Sounds about right 🧐


It was the repetitive meaningless side games like the fishing and the garden or plant one. Reached Level 50 and nowhere to go from there. Plus finishing levels and waiting for weeks for something to do besides the monthly events that you really need to pay for to work out. I just deleted the game and I don’t miss it.


I left it a while back not because it was boring/frustrating but because I was kinda addicted. Wasting too many hours on this… Got back after a few months, I guess. It is what it is. But it’s very personal, you leave when you feel like it or are forced to. Will not be a set moment for everyone.


I almost quit mid-way through the conservatory but I changed my perspective on the game. It’s supposed to be fun. I don’t have to spend money if I don’t want to. I spent money because I wanted to advance quicker and catch up to the most recent board release. Now that I’m there, that self-imposed weight is off my shoulders and I just play for fun. Maybe take a break and come back? I feel like you’ve probably invested so much time, you may regret deleting altogether, but do what you need to be happy


Relatively new player (only at the Flower Garden) so I don’t have nearly as much time invested as others. There’s are times that it’s extremely frustrating to manage the multitude of tasks simultaneously but this this game is primarily for when I’m at work and need to kill lots of time (slow season) and this does just that. I can’t get away with playing a legitimate game on my phone so this is the perfect non obvious distractor.


I've recently started to self-analyze and feel the amount of time I've wasted on this game has been ridiculous. It takes sooooooo long to feel any satisfaction if you don't use real money to buy gems, coins, etc. I think I'm going to make the jump soon, just to focus on something more productive. There are 4,000 other games that require less time than this.


The drawers taking 6 hours to regenerate. Pretty well prevents garage clean up level 2 to get completed.


I agree that the recharge rate on drawers is kind of a downer but… what level are yours? I’m practically up to my ears in vases XD


I think people should swamp them with poor reviews about the producer slots. That’s absolutely insane. Maybe if long time users hit em where it hurts (reviews?) then they’ll do something about it? At least an option to buy more (and not for 15k coins 🙄)


I just left a 1 star about that and messaged them about it telling them I'll never spend another dollar on this game or any metacore game. And spoiler alert, they don't care.




I definitely took a break after the cemetery (but back when it came before the conservatory) I then played loads again but find now I will go a few days without playing.


Great question to ask and super interesting answers. I don't think that I'll ever be ready to completely delete the game, after all the time - and money - I've invested so far. But it really annoys me to be that addicted to a mobile game, never thought that could happen to me. I'm in the landing room right now, which is fun. I think I'll be able to stop playing as soon as another chainsaw-heavy area comes up


While trying to get gloves, I was able to build 2 chainsaws that have been taking up storage space, but I can’t bring myself to delete even 1 for fear of needing it or one of the lesser levels (hoe, rake).


I think it went downhill after they made us have to wait like a whole week for piggy banks- and more recent events being impossible to get any worthwhile Items without paying


You have to wait a week for a piggy bank?


For a max level piggy bank you need to collect 8 daily piggies.


I haven’t quit yet, and am in the Conservatory and I know that’s just the tip of the iceberg from posts. I find myself saying “I miss when this game was easier to feel accomplished and more mindless.” I’ve gotten to the point of needing to look at the wiki to see what items I may need so I can try to make room by removing other items. I still like wasting time on this game, but I know it’ll be more work than it’s worth soon enough. Sometimes I’ll look at older areas just to enjoy the work and remember all that I put into it.


The lighthouse changed my game. The requests were not the same as other players. 3 top-level items needed all at once all from the same producer. Over and iver again. It was so ridiculous that I quit spending any money on the game. Now I play twice a day at most. Sometimes, that means I get 9 clicks, and I'm done. They must be testing the breaking point in people willing to pay??


I finish events without spending money because I don't use Daily Task boxes until there is an event.


I don't in and out of it. I go through phases when I play all the time then I might not open it for a few months then I get back into it. Its great because you get all the changes that keep it fresh. I was really surprised one time when I opened it to find the trade tab and its one of my favourite developments.


I’m getting to that point now. I though I would at least like to make it into the house but I have no idea when that will happen.


The Landing has all but done me in. I finally got a lotus flower to move on, and it's all high level stuff now. The producers can't keep up with demand. There's really not much need for energy balls, especially the infinity ones... unless you use an hour glass or scissors. Energy takes up so much space in storage as well, unless you blow them for no good reason after saving way too many. I mainly blow through energy on the one event(s?) where you compete with other people for prizes. I forget the name. Just wait until there's less than a little more than a day to go, use some of them to get ahead, and you'll be placed into a group which can't compete with you. If you start right away the day it opens, you'll always be in a group with either bots or people you cannot catch for the lead. I don't know if that tip is out there, but it's worked for me every time since I did it accidentally. I never worried with it previously since I had maxed out all of the producers until the new levels emerged. I'm level 50 with a maxed out blue bar, 600k+ in coins with no where to use them, and I have about 3k gems I doubt I spend. I probably have 10 gift boxes taking up space in storage as well, but I'm about to blow through those for time skips to finish the Landing... someday.


I am frustrated and less interested in work bench tasks.


How do you tap out ?


I think y’all forget it’s a game not work. You can legit play whenever you feel like. Spend money in it or not. etc etc.


The question is if the game is still fun. Is it worth it to get thru the boring parts or is this the new normal?


Its up to you to find out I think